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Fantasy Forgotten Folk


Cuddly enby auntcle
After the bulldozing of their old settlement, the people of the Arcai are given the choice to go back to their homelands or move onto a "reservation". Those who go to a reservation mostly do not have the resources or mana to go back to their homeland and a creation of a reservation is a linient move despite the locals having a strong dislike of the Arcai due to the things the Arcai had done centuries ago. The reservation is located just outside of the capital where some Arcai go to work to earn a living. But it is hard and Arcai are given work that too few of the normals can do such as making medicine or charging crystals.

The locals called Federians (called normals by the Arcai) have long forgotten how to use their bodily mana to use magic and rely mostly on mana crystals to power their home appliances and vehicles. The Federians hate the Arcai because the Arcai had wiped a nation off the maps just three centuries ago and because they think that the Arcai affinity towards magic cannot be trusted. On one side the fear of the Arcai is good for the Arcai themselves as the incidence of assaults in low, however the Arcai are treated even less than second class citizens. The Federians critique that the Arcai are backwards folk that still rely on a medieval way of life and that the Arcai may be inherently evil.

But due the Arcai don't know how long they can be pushed around like this. On one side they fear they might cause another atrocity, but on the other side they aren't willing to take this treatment for another century and might defend themselves against this or even more (such as usurping the Federian government to create a dictatorship where Federians must get along with the Arcai). A revolt is brewing. The Federian government is trying to keep the Arcai satisfied but the Federian people aren't contributing.

Federian society: Federa is a large island nation. It is modern and the old ways of magic have been forgotten. It seems almost like a present day Earth first world country just with technology powered by mana crystals. The Federian capital has a population of about two million. Federians dress modern and often work in office jobs. They get along with almost everybody except for the Arcai.

The vegetation on Federa is lush and there are mountains further inland.

Arcai society: Arcai society is based around magic. The Arcai creation myth says the normals of Arca sought knowledge and magical power and the gods mixed them with the demons to create the Arcai. The Arcai are known to use magic for nearly everything, be it construction or warfare. The Arcai usually wear long heavy clothes and are adorned with tattoos. First indicators of an Arcai settlement are tall buildings and floating crystals. Most of the current world hates the Arcai because they had enslaved half of humanity nearly 2000 years ago (slavery was abolished by the Arcai 1000 years there after), had conquered a big chunk of the known world and annihilated a nation 300 years ago. Now Arca is just a small nation that hasn't gone to war for 299 years and is mostly isolated as only one nation still does business with them due to a 1000 year old agreement that would keep the Arcai from invading and would allow trade to florish. Despite the worldwide hate towards Arcai, many nations still have some Arcai guest workers to produce mana crystals more efficiently.

The fewest Arcai are modern according to the rest of the world and only are distinguishable from normals because of their tattoos. Most Arcai still go the old ways but have grown wise and peaceful.

The nation of Arca is slightly larger than Federa and lies on a continent to the south. It's most distinct features are pine forests, rocky barrens and dormant volcanoes.

Goal of the roleplay:

You can be an Arcai or a Federian. There are fears of an Arcai uprising to come among the Federian government and smaller parts of it's populace. You can choose a path of destruction or avert Federa being once again ruled by the Arcai by forging a better relationship between the two. (The Arcai are strong but they until now have chosen not to make a move out of fear of being called evil.)

If you have any questions please ask in OOC.


At least 100 words per post.

No godmoding.

Please use the character sheet when making a character.
Ashina is in her fur covered bed in the adequate stone hut she calls her home, wearing her white night dress and a black undersuit to keep her comfortable and warm. A deep whistling sound suddenly sounded and a crystal next to her bed started to glow. Ashina held her hand in front of it and it dimmed down again and the whistle went away. The first thing she did as she got up was to take a look out the window. There was snow outside on the window sill and it was rather snowy and the weather hadn't died down.

Ashina underdressed revealing the tattoo of a dragon skeleton on her back as well as tribal tattoos on her shoulders and legs. She went into her shower. The water pump, the water heater, everything was powered by magic, even Ashina's hair dryer. Ashina grabbed a black band and wrapped it around her neck, using magic to seal it so that no knot, stitch or chain would be needed or seen. She then put on her dark blue turtleneck underdress, followed by a black turtleneck overdress, a white collared overdress, warm stockings and her boots. She then put on her black bridal gauntlets and her black cloak.

"I guess I will have to go to work like this because of the weather." She said. Ashina then grabbed a grey cane tapped on the wall with it, opening a door. As she was out of the hut, she tapped on the ground re-erecting that part of the wall. She decided to go down the road of Burlog's Inn for breakfast. It was a place to dine for Arcai only, but it wasn't like any Federians would come to the reservation anyways. Upon entering the establishment, she was greeted by the owner Burlog: "Good morning, Ashina! Judging by your attire it must be pretty cold outside." "Well I estimated the correct amount of clothing. It is enough to keep me warm outside and to not turn indoors into a sweat room. But I might have to look for a scarf or a sheet since my face and ears are still exposed to the cold." Ashina said as she entered.

"What may it be?" Burlog asked. Ashina then answered: "How about a heartland special? You know, a wyvern omelet with ox blood and bacon." "We don't have ox blood. How about salamander?" Burlog offered. Ashina then said: "That's fine. Probably 300 years ago I could have ordered the same just with norm blood. But even some Arcai say that we are omnivores and not pure carnivores. From my viewpoint greens are just an option and not a necessity for us. Sure some greens are good as a side but I can't imagine constantly eat them. Can you also make me a cocobean drink with a shot of Gensu triple malt?" Burlog then nodded and went to making her the warm drink while the wyvern omelet was frying.
Ezra was sitting in a tree watching the snowflakes fall ever so gracefully from the sky, wearing his usual elvish clothing with a dark fur-lined jacket. He shivered as the wind blew harder through the trees when he saw Ashina walking towards the Inn, he shook his head "Same thing almost every morning" he muttered before flicking his fingers to make the branches become steps down from the tree. He hopped down the branches and when he touched the ground the disappeared, He began making his way towards the Inn when he stepped on a patch of ice "W-Whoa!" he exclaimed before falling flat on his face "I hate winter." he grumbled before getting back up and walking into the Inn while wiping snow off his face.
Lan strolled through the streets, enduring the frigid morning air. He was a peculiar sight in the reservation, dressed in a grey buttoned up lab coat, a pair of black pants, and dark shades. The few Arcai he passed this morning gave him a few questioning glances, yet held their toungue. He already knew why. He could almost pass for a normal if it weren't for the tribal tattoos that adorned his arms and neck.

He turned down the next street, the chilled breeze whipping the ends of his lab coat behind him. He groaned his displeasure, and decided to head for the Inn down this road. His gaze drifted to an Arcai wearing a fur-lined who also happened to be walking toward the Inn. From his position, Lan could already make out the ice patch in the other Arcai's path, and could already predict an accident waiting to happen. He predicted correctly, witnessing the Arcai falling face first. The edges of his mouth turned upward into a slight smirk as the other Arcai went into the Inn. He liked to think that his predictions were always correct. He dusted some of the snow off his coat before stepping into the Inn himself.
Ezra paused and glanced behind him hearing someone come in He probably saw that he thought as he wiped the snow off his shoes, He proceeded to take a seat on a bar stool and ordered toast with a side of fruit and coffee to drink. While he waited for his food he glanced around the Inn and his gaze caught Ashina again before quickly looking away, he pulled his hood down revealing his bright silver hair that probably had a few dead leaves in it from the tree, he never did remember to brush them off.

He simply nodded to Burlog as his food was set in front of him and dug the money out of his pocket, handing him the amount and then some "Keep the change" he said in almost a whisper before picking up his toast and began nibbling the corners of it.
Burlog then said: "Did you hear about the incident? Some kid got beat up by normals and now the local council have set a curfew for minors. If you ask me, instead of punishing our young ones for what normals did, why don't the normals punish their children for causing such an incident?" Ashina then replied: "In comparison to the rest of my family, I am not going to stand up and call for those children to be incinerated. I think the Federian government is too biased towards the rights and freedoms of the Federian people while putting us at a disadvantage. They don't even try to get people to forgive each other. And if you ask me, I do not think normals are fit to govern themselves. Look at their problems! A big wage gap, soaring unemployment and an astounding crime rate. Here you can walk through the streets without worrying that you would be attacked. In Federian cities however if something happens people just stare and security officers are nowhere in sight! I am not sure how much longer I can tolerate an inferior species messing up the world and their own kind."

Burlog stood there and shook his head. "I don't want to talk about this anymore. You may not be as bad as your family, but that inferiority/superiority talk just gets on my nerves."

Just as Ashina was about to go, she noticed Ezra and went over to him. "Hello Ezra. Your face looks a bit red. Did you fall or hit your face against something?" Just then she notice Lan step in too and gave him a glance acknowledging his presence.
Ezra was listening to their conversation and scrunched his nose a bit at the incineration part, He didn't really care about the Federians in any particular way, unlike most of the Arcai who seemed to hate them. He blinked as Ashina approached him "N-No...A squirrel made some snow fall on my face from the tree" he lied awkwardly as he scratched his head "Anyway How are you this morning?" he asked with a small almost unnoticable grin, he definitely wasn't the most outgoing person in the world, he preferred it that way
"A squirrel you say?" Ashina said and let out a short giggle. "You must be unfortunate." As Ezra then asked how Ashina was doing this morning, Ashina answered: "I am doing fine. It is just a usual day and I had to dress a bit warmer because of the weather and my ears and my face still were exposed to the cold. So I might have to stop by a store or the market before I go to work so I can find a scarf, a mask or a hood to protect my ears and by face from the cold. Then after work I will be expecting company. I am supposed to mentor my problematic nephew as my relatives cannot discipline him. To be honest, I haven't seen my nephew since his father died and worst of all he thinks I had something to do with his fathers death and a couple others."
Ezra blushed as she giggled at his lie then rolled his eyes at her going on and on about the cold "It's really not that cold out...And I didn't know you had a nephew? How old is he?" he asked as he continued to nibble his toast and fruit, wondering what this nephew would look like "Maybe I could help?" he suggested after he finished his toast and fruit and pushed the plate forward a little before downing his coffee and turning on his seat towards her, leaning on the bar
Lan stepped inside the Inn and surveyed the patrons inside. He noticed Ashina and the other Arcai, who he recognized as Ezra, engaged in conversation and decided to head in that direction. He returned Ashina's acknowledging glance with one of his own and a slight wave of the hand before sitting himself at a table close by; it was well within listening distance. His gaze was directed outside the frosted window, where he watched the snow fall with mild interest while he waited for his coffee. It was the only thing he really cared for in the morning. Actual food could wait til later.

His money was already prepared when Burlog came by. Lan took the cup gratefully enough and said a barely audible thank you before turning back to the window. His hands wrapped around the cup, savoring its warmth. His head was turned just enough the he could pick up on Ashina and Ezra's conversation.
"It's really not that cold out...And I didn't know you had a nephew? How old is he? Maybe I could help?" Ezra said. Ashina then said: "Well my nephew is 17 years old, looks like a girl and is supposed to be a pretty bad kid. Bad in the sense as starting fights with others his age. He is supposed to become my apprentice and learn discipline from me. They do not just want me to be his mentor but also a foster parent. If you really want to help, suit yourself. I am not going to go easy on that kid and with the lack of maturity he has, he isn't going to learn the family spell that is passed down generation by generation. A spell that conjures the hottest fire you can imagine. A single touch by a person using it would turn a normal into an ash statue in nearly an instant. That very same spell was abused by my family three centuries ago. It is something best not passed on at all."
Ezra snickered a bit "Sounds like a pretty typical teenager to me..." he trailed off and nodded to Burlog as he took his empty plate "When is he supposed to arrive?" he asked before glancing at Lan who was pretty obviously listening to their conversation and rolled his eyes "That spell sounds pretty scary" he added
"Well the relatives say he is worse than a typical teenager. The boy has a disgust for normals and is pretty hostile towards them. He is also said to be abusive towards animals and stuff. Also he doesn't like me too well. He blames me for his father's death and probably for that of his mother. How little he knows. Rumors were put into his head. The more conservative Arcai heard of the incident and pointed their fingers at me. I can't blame them with the circumstances. The patriarch, his wife and a dozen others are found murdered in the main house, the next in line of clan succession is a woman in her late twenties who alway had gone against the torrent of the rest of the family and a possible conspiracy of the high council trying to get rid of people who pose a threat to peace. Did I kill them? Even if I said no, barely anyone would believe it. Have I been attacked before based on suspicion connected to the event? Yes. There are plenty of Arcai would like to see me dead, that is why I came to Federia. There are less enemies here and I can focus more on building up my power here so that in the future, I can remain victorious against my attackers." Ashina said. "But the boy is supposed to arrive here this afternoon. Luckily, I have done some work at home and just have to drop off some stuff at work before I go pick up my nephew."
Ezra just nodded along to her talking and frowned a bit "I believe you" he said before getting up "Would you like me to walk with you?" he asked since he had nothing better to do, he began wondering if Ashina really did murder them or not, it'd been quite awhile since he'd heard of the incident he'd almost forgotten about it
"I am fine if you want to walk with me. Just come along if you will." Ashina said to Ezra. "I am not sure if you have been in Federia all of your life, but this place is better than the Arcai homeland. Over there you have people constantly trying to stab you in the back as a noble and a high council full of old men and women with status who will do anything to avoid losing power. The high council needs to go and all other crappy governments need to go. We neither need a new Arcai empire nor all this turmoil with the normals. By the way..." Ashina grabbed a crystal out of her pocket. "Yesterday, someone tried to get rid of me. Do you know what this crystal is? Have you ever heard of the crystal death if you are knowledgable about the great war?" Just in that moment Ashina stopped by a stand in the market and looked as some attire she could use to protect her face and ears from the cold. "What should I take? This hood with a breathable face protection or a cloak with a fur time and closable face part? All the scarves look a bit too thick here."
Ezra shook his head "I haven't, and uhm...." he shrugged "How about this one?" he asked as he pointed to the furry one as he shoved his hands in his pockets "You really hate the cold don't you?" he asked with a small grin
"Okay then I will take the cloak. By the way, yes I really hate the cold. It was so much better in the southern homelands. It almost never snowed there." Ashina said. When Ezra seemed a bit perplexed by the crystal death thing, Ashina said: "Well a thing that happens when you use a really hot spell is that depending how close the contact is the body wouldn't turn to ash but crystallize. It only happens if someone is unprepared. Any mage should be able to defend themselves from such an attack to escape unharmed. If you had ever seen the land that was annihilated 300 years ago, it is now a crystal desert. But anyways, we should maybe stop talking about it. Most people become uncomfortable because of it." Ashina then paid for the cloak and then put it on. It was white with a white fur trim. Ashina then took Ezra's hand and invited him to go with her to the Federian capital where she would drop off her work.
Ezra nodded in agreement "I can understand why....Also the cloak looks nice on you" he said and blinked as she took his hand and shrugged "Sure why not" he said with a small grin
Ashina wandered with Ezra outside of the reservation into the Federian capital, where she led him to a large building. There she was greeted by an employee who was a normal. Normally the normals wouldn't be this kind and respectful towards an Arcai, but in the company the Arcai had enough power for normals within the company to be obliged to be at least respectful towards them. Ashina ended up dropping off two brightly glowing mana crystals and a telecommunications prototype. "Whoa, are these the upgraded mana crystals?" An employee said. Ashina then responded. "Yes, they should have enough charge to supply a small company with a weeks work of mana. And here is the new telecommunications device. It needs less mana and offers better connections and also even visual communication through an eye piece that I am working on."

Meanwhile elsewhere in Federia, Nika was sitting in a coach on the way to the reservation. "I don't wanna. She'd kill me too!" Nika said to his older cousin. The cousin then answered: "You wont behave and you are a cheap liar. So you will be starting an apprenticeship under the matriarch." "She only got that position because she conspired with the high council to get rid of papa and the others." Nika replied. The cousin then grabbed Nika's ear. "Don't you talk that way of her. Those are only rumors spread by the nationalists! Not tidy up! We will be arriving soon!"
Ezra kept quiet most of the journey, wondering what he was going to do for the rest of the day "So now to get the kid?" he asked
"Yeah sure." Ashina said. She began walking back towards the reservation when a coach flew past them and suddenly stopped. "Oh! There you are!" A man peaking out of the coach said. "We were actually on the way to the reservation, mylady." The man turned out to be someone from Ashina's family. "The brat is in the coach with me." The door flew open and the man forcefully pulled a kid with pink hair out. The kid looked like a girl with long pink hair, a pink choker, thigh highs and a short legged one piece top with a sailor collar. The hair has dark blue ribbons in it.

Ashina chuckled. "So you just let him dress that way? Long hair is one thing but we dont need a male member of the family looking like that." The man then said to the boy: "I told you, you are a disgrace..." "Shut up!" Ashina interrupted him. "You were responsible for his upbringing and clearly you have failed since you had to come to me."

The boy, Nika, looked at Ashina in the eyes. A shiver ran down his spine. He wanted to run away, but not a single muscle would move to his accord. Ashina then approached him. His breath started to shorten. He feared her probably as much as he hated her. Maybe even more. "I will turn you into someone the family can respect." Ashina said. She touched his chin. Nika tried to turn his head away but it was as if he was frozen. "Are you afraid of me? You don't need to be afraid. If you behave, we will get along excellently." Ashina said and gave a friendly smile. Nika saw that smile before and those words echoed in his head. A memory flashed before his eyes. A blood smeared Ashina smiled at him asking if he was afraid and that he shouldn't be.

Nika began to move backwards away from Ashina. "No, I will never trust you. You killed papa and probably mama too!" Nika yelled. Ashina tilted her head and said: "Are you sure that isn't what people told you? And you never knew your mother. Why do you think that she is dead? Did your father say she was? Your father was a very bad man you know." Nika then grasped his head and screamed: "No! Stop trying to get in my head. Papa was a good man. He always treated me well!" "And kept you from your mother. Your father didn't want you to know your mother. He thought she would soften you up." Ashina responded.

"Mylady, please let him be. You needn't to torment him." The cousin said. Ashina responded to her cousin: "Why? So he can keep believing lies his father made him believe?" The cousin backed down. He was powerless against her, he saw himself as a failure. Ashina then turned to Ezra: "You wanted to help out didn't you? Why don't you go ahead and take his hand. I doubt we can safely get him to the reservation without him running off if I took his hand. Maybe he will be able to trust you more than me."
Ezra almost wanted to stop her and just frowned looking at the boy apologetically, he gently held his hand out too him "C'mon, It's alright" he said kindly with a small smile then leaned in closer to him "I won't hurt you" he added
"I don't need to be babied by a tyrannic megalomaniac and her dirty lower class lackey!" Nika said as he pulled his hand away from Ezra. Ashina then said: "That is not very nice. Apologize to Ezra immediately." "No!" Nika said. Ashina came up to Nika and smiled. She put her hands on Nika's shoulder and could feel him shake. "Don't make me repeat myself."

Nika turned to Ezra and mumbled: "I'm sorry." "What was that? We couldn't quite hear that." Ashina said. Nika then spoke louder: "I'm sorry!" "Now take his hand. We don't want you running off." Ashina said. Nika reluctantly took Ezra's hand.

Ashina then whispered to Ezra: "Sorry that you have to see me like this. I do have to keep a dominant position and be strict with him."
Ezra rolled his eyes and held his hand tightly "Don't worry, I won't baby you" he said darkly to him from the corner of his eye with an evil smirk, something he usually doesn't do before looking at Ashina and nodding
Ashina rolled her eyes when Ezra made the evil smirk. Nika wasn't really paying attention anyways. They walked back to the reservation, Ashina carrying Nika's rather light luggage. She set down the luggage next to her home and asked Ezra: "Do you want something to eat?"

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