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Fantasy Forgotten Folk

Ezra blinked and shrugged "I could eat, I guess" he said and smiled at her before glancing over to the boy again "Are you hungry, kid?" he asked raising an eyebrow
(I just really hope R Xina catches up.)

Ashina opened the door to her home. "Hmm, since I got another person living here now, I should maybe conjure a third floor to my home." She said and tapped on the ground. The house began to rumble and a third floor grew out of the second. Ashina then started to make some food.

Meanwhile Nika was asked by Ezra if he was hungry. "I am not! I certainly wont eat the poison that witch is making!" Nika said. His stomach then began to growl. "Okay, I am a little hungry. But I will only eat after you try it, so that I know it is safe."
Ezra looked up as the house grew and made a face "Only slightly jealous" he said quietly as he looked down at his hand which he sparked a flame out of his palm with an annoyed face before looking back at Nika "Okay Okay, I will" he said rolling his eyes as he made his way over to her couch while still holding Nika's hand and sat down cautiously, in case it would spontaneously combust

(Same :\ I tried! Did I do better this time?)
(You did better this time.)

Ashina prepared a filet with garden vegetables. The food smelled good. It smelled good enough that even Nika was considered to not wait on Ezra but then again he though that someone evil would be capable of seduction. Ashina then served the food. "Eat up!" She said. Nika then waited for Ezra to try the delicious smelling food. Meanwhile Ashina said: "And after you are done eating, we will find more adequate clothing for Nika, even if he first has to wear my stuff, if he really wants to continue to look like a girl."
Ezra inhaled deeply the smell of the food before looking up at Ashina "Looks great" he said with a smile before taking a bite, smirking a bit before faking being poisoned and laughed a bit before looking over to Nika "It's fine, I promise" he said shaking his head, he glanced up at Ashina and rolled his eyes "I think he looks fine" he said with a shrug, He never really was one to try and force someone into looking a certain way
Nika gasped as Ezra faked being poisoned but sighed in relief after realizing that he was faking it. "That's mean!" Nika said to Ezra. When Ashina talked about putting Nika in a different set of clothes, Nika noticed Ezra standing up for him. "You don't have to play the white knight for me!" Nika said and crossed his arms. Nika then took a look at himself and said: "It was warmer back home. I might need warmer clothes. But I want to choose, I don't want Ashina to pick!" Nika began to eat.

Ashina then said: "Then you better not look like a male prostitute or like someone at a fandom meetup! I'd prefer you look like someone to be fit to be an apprentice. That means a robe and a cloak." "Just because you are my aunt doesn't you are my mother. I still don't trust you, murderer!" Nika said. Ashina then replied: "Your father was a bad man. Even if I didn't kill him, someone would have eventually. Did he not tell you what he did to your sister?" Nika's eye suddenly went wide open: "Ena? He said she had an accident and died." "No, you sister is still alive. I found her chained up in the dungeons of the main house. She was in a bad state. I free'd her and took care of her. She lives nearby now." Ashina said. Nika began to hyperventilate: "Ena is alive? I want to see her now! Unless,... you, auntie, are trying to trick me. Father would never lie!" Ashina chuckled: "We can go visit Ena when we are done eating and you have something warmer to wear. Plus you needn't to call me auntie, better call me Ashina, but I would rather be the mother you never met or had. You really needed one."

Nika was speechless. On one side he didn't know if he could believe that his sister was alive, but on the other side he didn't know if he should recognize the last statement as mockery or if Ashina genuinely cared for him. "Eat up. You want to go see Ena don't you?" Ashina said pulling Nika out of his thoughts. Ashina then turned to Ezra and whispered in his ear: "I am grateful for your assistance." Then she gave his a short kiss.
Ezra frowned listening to them speak, not entirely sure if he trusted her on this one or not, he just simply ate before blinking as he was kissed "W-What...." he stuttered and narrowed his eyes, his cheeks turning pink as he looked away with a nod, he then looked at Nika and shrugged "Fine I won't try to help you anymore" he said plainly as he stood up and placed his plate in the sink and began washing it, wondering if Ashina really was telling the truth
Nika then finished his food and said: "Where are we going to get clothes?" Ashina sighed: "Well either you borrow from mine or I will have to summon some. Summoning clothes is cheaper than buying them and you have a much wider selection too." Nika looked a bit surprised. "Summoning clothes? Like a magical girl? I didn't know you could do that!" Ashina then responded: "Not like a "magical girl". But yes, it is not that difficult but not very many people know of it. Now what do you want?" "I want black short shorts, black thigh highs, a blue off the shoulders shirt and a black collar!" Nika said then getting a look from Ashina. "Oh right. It is cold outside. Hmmm. Then give me thigh high stockings, maybe dark blue, an undertunic and a high collar button up robe and a blue velvet ribbon as a choker." Ashina then said: "That sounds better." Ashina replied and then began to focus. This time she was using her hands for magic. Patterns on her skin began to glow a dim light blue. The patterns were even on her forehead and cheeks. Suddenly a portal opened mid air and spat out the clothes, they even looked as if they could fit Nika well. As Ashina finished, the patterns on her skin disappeared again.

"Now go and get changed and maybe we can buy you a cloak on the way." Ashina said. Nika nodded and hurried upstairs. He didn't noticed that he wasn't making a fit right now. He was more concentrated on getting to see Ena. Meanwhile Ashina then told Ezra: "His sister is about ten years older than him and to be honest, she is only his half sister. Nika was the only child of his mother. Ena is compared to the rest of the family not a fire user, she uses white and black magic and mostly works as a healer."
Ezra watched and grinned a bit as Nika mostly got his way on clothes before looking at Ashina "You didn't lie to him about her did you?" he asked suspiciously as he adjusted his own hair that had now somehow become a mess, seemingly already forgetting about the kiss as he washed the rest of her dishes by hand for the hell of it before yelping in pain as he cut himself on a knife and frowned as blood began to drip into the sink "Shit" he muttered under his breath
Ashina saw as Ezra had cut himself. "Well now. I can't use healing magic. But here is what I can do." She said. Ashina grabbed a roll of bandages from the cupboard and ran some water over Ezra's finger, then she said: "The might burn a little." She then poured high percentage alcohol over the wound and then quickly wrapped the bandage around it, fastening it with a knot. "Then lastly." Ashina said before she kissed the finger where the wound was. "Mothers always do that to loved ones when they hurt themselves." She said.

It seemed though as she was hiding something else though. Ever since Nika showed up, Ashina was acting a bit strange.
Ezra winced as she poured alcohol over his finger and bit his lip trying not to make any noise but grunted and looked at her weirdly as she kissed his finger and mentioned mothers, That was pretty unlike her, though then again Ezra didn't know Ashina that well "Okay..." he said slowly before he put her dishes away then glanced over at her continuing the suspicious look "What's with all the kisses all of a sudden? Didn't think you liked me that much" he teased with a cocky grin

(Sorry posts are getting shorter again, I'm really trying)
Ashina began to blush and then stammered: "W...well, I uh... I am just sort of happy that I have someone who will keep me company again. It has been three years since Ena moved into her own place and sometimes I get sort of lonely here. Was it awkward to you? Should I maybe stop that?" Ashina was a bit all over the place. In a way, it was cute.

(Mine is a bit short too. But I will reply to your next post tomorrow. It is bedtime for me.)
Ezra smirked more as he noticed how flustered and all over the place she was, he dried his hands on a towel before tossing it on the sink and walked over to her "You're blushing" he teased as he put his arms around her loosely "And no, it wasn't awkward" he said softly as he moved her hair out out of her face, wondering what was taking Nika so long, maybe he got his stocking stuck

(Okay~ Goodnight :3)
Nika came storming down the stairs in his new clothes. The top three buttons were open and his hair was tied to a pony tail. He stopped, seeing Ezra and Ashina rather close to each other. "Oooohh. Am I coming at a wrong time?" Nika said. Ashina took a step back and said: "No, not at all." "Well anyways could you tie this for me?" Nika said holding out the blue velvet ribbon. Ashina said: "I can do it so that you wont have a knot irritating your neck." Ashina then took the ribbon, wrapped it around his neck and magically sealed it, cutting off the excess ribbon. "How about we use this excess ribbon to tie that pony tail?" Ashina asked. Nika agreed and she tied his hair with the ribbon. Ashina then had a look at Nika. "You look nice." She said. Nika blushed a bit but turned his head away. "I guess." He said.

"Ezra, will you be joining us to visit Ena? Or do you have other things to do?" Ashina asked Ezra.
Ezra grinned as he watched Ashina tie his bows "I agree kid, you do look rather cute" he teased as he walked over and looked up at Ashina with a shrug "I have nothing better to do, I mean unless I just go sit in a tree all day like I usually do" he said with a smirk before noticing a lit candle and decided to play with it, pinching it out between his fingers before relighting it with his finger tip, though creating little animals in the flames as he looked to become sort of entranced by it
Then it was decided. Ashina then grabbed Ezra and Nika's hands and led them out of the house. They walked through part of that town on the reservation until they came to another hut. This one actually had a door. Ashina knocked on it. The door opened and behind it was a woman in long white robes with a high buttoned collar fastened with buckles and a hood over her head. Her hair was very long and silver in color, yet her face was that of a young woman. The woman was speechless as she saw Nika and Nika was equally speechless. Ashina thought Nika would faint or have a heart attack after seeing his sister for the first time in years. Ena then said: "Hello, big sis, hello Nika. It has been a long time hasn't it Nika?" Nika suddenly began to cry: "I thought you were dead, Ena. Papa said you were." "No, your father locked me up in the dungeons and hurt me. I heard something I wasn't supposed to know and your father therefore locked me up. Ashina saved me and took care of me as if I was her own child." Ena replied. Nika was definitely confused because he hadn't expected is late father to be a bad person and that Ashina might be one of the good guys.

Meanwhile Ashina went to Ezra and said: "Ena has had her eyes on you. She might have a crush on you. Maybe you should go talk to her." Ashina had a grin.
Ezra watched them and smiled a bit before blinking at Ashina and blushing a bit "I don't know whether I should believe you or not" he whispered and glanced at Ena before looking back at Ashina "But you might get jealous" he added with a smirk
"Get jealous? Why? I can share." Ashina said. Ena then began to speak to Ashina and Ezra: "Isn't Nika the right age now? It might be time for his first markings (tattoos). Don't worry Nika, getting markings only hurts a little. Plus you will then become a full member of the "dynasty"." Ashina then interrupted: "The dynasty? Just because the old head is dead and I am his replacement doesn't mean a new dynasty." Then Ashina remembered that she told Ena that she (Ashina) wasn't a full Orelas but should due to her biological father be a Dinrethelas by name. Ashina had to come clean to Nika and Ezra: "Okay. I have to come clean about something. I am not a full Orelas. Only my mother is an Orelas clan member, my father wasn't my real father but still accepted me as his daughter. My real father was the great wizard Agdir Dinrethelas, the grand master of the Arcai arcane academy. The only reason why I wasn't rejected by the family was because it would be beneficial to the family and that I could eventually give birth to a powerful heir. However my child didn't possess much ability and I was eventually rejected, ousted from the main house. I only was allow to visit once a year to take part in the family festival and the family council."

Nika frowned: "I didn't know. Maybe you weren't responsible for father's death after all." Ashina nodded, however Ashina know that she in fact had done horrible things, but for different reasons than first assumed.
Ezra just listened to them speak, not entirely in the loop as he wasn't really informed about all the Arcai politics as he lived with a poor family, He looked at Ena then to Nika and instinctively moved closer to him "The kid doesn't get a say in this does he?" he asked before looking at Ashina and blinked with a shrug "You should know who you're related to doesn't mean much to me" he said with a small grin
"Well it is Arcai tradition. It is sort of an identity thing." Ashina said. Nika then said: "I just hope it only hurts a little." Ashina then looked at Ezra and tilted her head: "Well the fact that I wasn't really legitimately an Orelas member came out after I gave birth to a child. From then on, I was treated like a second class family member. I am not sure if you know what it is like to be rejected by your own family. Do you have a family, Ezra?"
Ezra's expression quickly darkened at her question before looking away "Uh....No...I don't" he said slowly as he bit his lip and clutched his hands in his pockets "But anyway enough about me" he said as he looked back to Nika "I have seen some people with pretty cool markings" he said with a small, forced grin

(I'm sorry @_@)
"I am sorry to hear that. Would you like to be part of our family? You know fire magic right?" Ashina said.

"Auntie." Nika said. "Might you know what had happened to my mother? Is she really dead or is she out there somewhere?" Ashina then mumbled: "Oh, boy."

She touched Nika's shoulder and said: "Your mother is alive, but I will tell you about her when the time comes and you are ready to hear the truth. I know her very well." Nika seemed slightly confused and a bit frustrated that she wouldn't tell him, but he eventually let it rest.
Ezra nodded "And a bit of plant manipulation" he said as he bent down and sprouted a flower out of the snow then proceeded to pick it and hand it to Ashina with a cute grin "I'd be happy to, M'lady" he said and tried not to giggle at himself before looking at Nika "Would you like me to show you how to make a flower crown later?" he asked as he glanced up at Ena
Ena was sort of caught off guard by Ezra's stare and blushed. Nika said: "Sure why not?"

"We are happy to have you join the family!" Ashina said. "We would only have to redo your back markings in case you have any, so that you get the 'official seal'. It bears a fire magic augmenting trait. Me and Ena also have the arcane markings on our foreheads, cheeks and necks. But they only appear when we concentrate on mana. Then tomorrow, we will have Nika's coming of age ceremony and your clan member initiation. As a new member, you would start at base rank in the hierarchy and can obtain higher status within the clan by proving your skills, wisdom and merit in general."

"Nika. Do you know what you are missing?" Ashina asked. Nika shook his head: "No. I don't know." Ashina then said: "You are missing a cloak. I can take you to the market to get one or you can go with Ena."

(Do you want to play Nika for a bit? Or should I just include Ezra more in the dialogue and interaction?)
(Doesn't matter to me :3)

Ezra noticed Ena's blush and smirked a bit "Oh right sorry" he said as he quickly sprouted another flower, a very colorful pretty one and stepped over and held it out to Ena "Couldn't forget about you" he said sweetly seeming completely oblivious to the conversation except the last bit as he looked back at Ashina with a simple nod "Sounds good" he added

(Ezra is slowly turning into quite the ladies man xD )

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