Forget Me


Junior Member
Everyone is moving on so fast around you, but it seems like for you things are slowing down. People are starting to move on without you, starting to forget your existence. You lose your job because none of your coworkers no who you are. Your family puts you on the streets... And then, when you think you can't loose anything else, you just start to walk. You don't know where you're going. You just know you're going somewhere. The truth is, you're something more than human, more than mortal. You keep walking until you see a light--you don't know what colour it is. You've never seen that colour before. It comes towards you... Your fingertips lightly touch it, and then, you're gone.

You're somewhere else. Somewhere that no one will find you, except for the people on this plane, but that's okay because the people on this plane are your true family. You belong here. This is your home. But your home has many secrets... Many dark places. The battle between good and evil isn't just between mortals. It's everywhere--here especially. 
Ember falls to the ground, exhausted from the portal. Her gleaming red hair falls in front of her eyes. She wore a small black dress and heels--she had been on her way to a party. Not that it mattered. No one would remember her anyway. They probably did that because she accidently lit the market on fire. She stood up and her golden eyes look around. A waterfall rumbles in the distance. The sunlight shines through the canopy of trees, casting an emerald green glow. Her lips parted in awe. It was beautiful.

That was two months from today. Now, she had made a happy home in the wilderness. She walked through the path, wearing a flowing red dress that faded up to a gorgeous gold to match her molten eyes. She sat down beside a piece of dead wood, a spark flickering in her palm. Suddenly, it caught on fire. She smiled, standing up.
Ember looked up, hearing the singing. The flame grew brighter and licked at her heels. The bottom of her dress was already singed, and the fire caught it, quickly enveloping the bottom. She sighed and with a wave of her hand, the flames disappeared. Her smoldering golden eyes looked around for the source.
"Hello?!" She called out, frustrated that she couldn't find the source. The flames behind her danced wildly with her emotions, growing to be as tall as her. "Who's singing?" She crossed her arms. Her flowing dress was shortened once again by the flames, but she didn't mind. Her feet and shins were now visible. She wore shoes that laced up her legs. They were a red mahogany colour, and they were crafted from the rarest of leaves in all the land. Her pink lips twitched.
Erato heard a voice. He quickly got to his feet and jumped off the tree. His and was on the handle of his katana, ready to retaliate if needed. Shadows rose around him and he decided to call out, "Who's there?" His jacket with fur at the end blew in the wind.
She sighed, the flames dying away. "I asked you first!" She called out and tossed her red waves over her shoulder. She crossed her lean arms.
Erato glared forward and readied his blade. " umbramancer." The shadows grew more intense and had a wider range.
She narrowed her molten golden eyes. Her posture ruffled hand tensed. Her hands flinched before squeezing into fists. "Is there a reason you're on my grounds?" She called out, her smooth voice becoming hostile.
'hello? Hello Is anyone there?' Maylienne stumbled through the thick trees, the white gauzy material of her sleeves catching on a branch and tearing. She stumbled over a branch and fell, the dark brown hair falling into her eyes as she looked around, feeling searing pain in her leg as she grazed it. She whimpered a little. She had been with the Maidens for three days, and wanted to find a way out. Her fear was growing the further she journeyed and the longer she stayed. After about fifteen minutes she sank to the ground below a tree and started to cry, not even bothering to pull the twigs and leaves out of her hair. Soft white wings curled around her, warming her cold and slender form as her body shook with sobs. 'i want to go home..' She whispered, not hearing the voices over yonder.


Jaxon stretched, yawning. 'Damn I'm tired.' he exclaimed, stretching again and looking around. The area he was in was pretty desolate. Trees, sure, but not much else. no sign of life. 'Well, Best get moving again.' he said aloud, stretching his arms and and transforming into a raven, his clothing shifting into the feathers of the creature. They were clothes he'd been given by another shifter he'd come across. Deciding that it was better if he'd explored on his own, jaxon had accepted the gift and two weeks of training from the shifter, to learn to control his abilities just enough to survive, and then he was out on his own. He enjoyed it thoroughly surprisingly, though he noticed that the more he shifted, the more memories seemed to slip away. Flapping wings clumsily he flew for a kilometre or so before spotting a village and perching on the roof of one of the buildings. Here he waited to see if anyone would show up.

(i didnt think they should all gather around the tree lol xD someone come chill with Jax xD )
Erato laughed and said, "Well, considering darkness is everywhere...all is my land." The flames of darkness subdued and Erato crossed his arms. "So I should be asking you the same thing."
xxxxThe sun was brightly lite up in the sky. The white haired girl desperately tried to avoid the rays emitting from the sun by lurking in the shade produced by the non-abundant buildings as she made her way through the streets of the secluded town she resided in. Her goal, the very unoccupied, small ice-cream parlor a few blocks away from her families home. "I wonder what flavor I should get?" she thought, pursing her lips and fiddling with the lace lining the bottom of her frilly pink summer dress. Although she had been going through quite a dilemma, with her friends and family forgetting who she was and tossing aside her entire existence, she felt like today something exciting and mysterious would happen; Captivating her from her regular daily life and throwing her into someone else's shoes. With that she could survive the dreary days that would await her in the future.

xxxxWith a sigh she fanned her slightly rosy face, trying to decrease the heat her skin seemed to always love. "At least I'm almost there," she smiled brightly turning the final corner to her destination, but as soon as she rounded the corner she was abruptly stopped. What she could see was something completely out of the ordinary; A light of unknown origins. Tilting her head she gazed at it. How it arrived there was a mystery, and why it was there she didn't know. All she knew was that this weird occurrence would probably change her life forever and that this might be the cause of her feelings earlier that morning. Tossing all her rational thinking aside, she fluently lifted her hand up to the blob of light and gently brushed her fingers through it. Nothing seemed to happen for a few seconds, but then completely out of no where darkness engulfed her and threw her into an abyssal of nothing but the color of the dead of night. What happened next she couldn't remember; She fainted in the midst of everything.


xxxxDrowsily the white haired girl slowly opened her blue eyes, allowing them to adjust to the unusual lighting. They wandered aimlessly around her, trying to make out the slightest details possible in there current state, in the end it didn't do much help. Everything was a huge blur to her. Blinking several times she propped herself up into a crouching position and rubbed her eyes, now slowly getting use to the light. When a sudden breeze whisked its way to her, she could feel the coldness cutting her skin. Shivering she hugged her chest, trying to keep herself warm in any which way possible, she rubbed her not so bare shoulders. Confused, her eyes squinted as she tried to make out what exactly was wrapped around her shoulders and why she was so freezing cold. Jerking up into a standing position she stared dumbfounded down at her outfit. Instead of wearing the oh so cute summer dress, what now occupied its place was clothing, a small amount of them, that were made from some sort of animal hide. "W- what is this?" she stuttered, crossing her arms over her chest and uneasily tried to hide the fact of her lack of clothing.

xxxx"I need to find a place to cover up, and quickly," she thought, shivering once again from the breeze. With squinted eyes she wandered through the little amount of trees that surrounded her, trying to find any civilizations that she could hide away in for a while until she knew exactly where she was and to find less revealing clothes. Coming up ahead she could somewhat make out buildings in the distance and could hear the quiet whispers of 'people'. A satisfied smile found its way onto her face, but there was an uneasy feeling that dwell deep within her core. However, that didn't stop her from reaching the village up ahead. Instead she continued on course towards it, unaware of the evil that may lurk within the streets.

{{ Huuu, long post >_< Sorry about that! }}
Jaxon's vision caught movement on the track overhead, the raven's head tilting sideways to get a better look at them. It was a girl. Snow haired. She looked like she was lost. Maybe she was like him, confused as to how she got there and afraid. Had she been losing her memories too? Only one way tofind out, he thought, Spreading his wings and swooping down, shifting into humanoid form, landing gracefully in a semi-crouch. He looked up at her and the black bangs fell into his green eyes, looking at her with intrigue. 'Hello there.' He said, his voice a little husky, an after effect of the raven transformation. 'You look like you've lost something. Perhaps I can help?'
Erato became inpatient he bared his teeth and barked, "Weel? Are you gonna tell me your reasons as to your current whereabouts or not?"
xxxx With an unhearty sigh, the white haired girl trailed sluggishly along a small, dirt trail that was trampled by bystanders over what seemed to be a long time. There were even rocks, twigs and ditches that beckoned for her to fall into there death grappling traps. She tried her best to avoid them as much as she could, but the end result's were futile. Almost every rock, marking its ground, along the path caused her to trip and stumble. The utter lacking of clothing on her increased the amount of damage taken to her exposed knees when they made contact numerous times with the dirt and rocks. But after every fall, she would get back up, determined to reach her current goal; The village. However, getting there was a mighty challenge. And one fatal step changed her course. One rock, astray in the middle of the path, almost blending in with the dirt around it, caused her to trip over it and to pummel to the ground. She stopped herself, just in time before her whole entire body made contact with the ground by planting her hands out in front of herself and landing on her knees. Not minding the injuries just yet she pulled herself up and continued on down the path.

xxxxPausing at one of the thin trees off to the side of the path, she leaned against the rough bark of it. Trying to recuperate herself, and assess the amount of scrapes she had taken from the fall. Looking down at her knees, a medium sized gash ran its way along her shin, little scraps, and scratches outlined it,making it look worse then it really was. "Well this is a terrible sight," she grumbled, looking around to see if there was anything in reaching distance that could help her out in any sort of way. Instead of spotting something useful in the area, she noticed a black raven, or other type of bird, flying towards her. To her surprise it transformed into a fairly young looking male, with brilliant green eyes and black hair.

xxxxSlightly startled, she unknowingly took a few steps in the wrong direction and ended up tripping over a loose root. Causing her to collapse backwards and landing on her bottom. 'Ouch' she yelped, instantly rolling onto the side of her hip and rubbing her lower back. A few stray tears streamed down her cheeks from her glistening, watery eyes, she quickly whipped the tears away on her wrist and raised her head and eyes to the male that was crouched a few feet away. "He-hello," she stuttered her voice wavering ever so slightly. Tilting her head to the side she pursed her lips and listened to the fellow speak. After he finished she forced herself into standing up. Gesturing towards her outfit she jokingly answered, "Well, if you haven't noticed I have an utter lacking of clothing. So finding something more suitable for the cold would be nice." She paused, scratching the back of her head and faintly smiling. "That's if you'd help me.... Also, help me to find a place to heal these injuries."

(( Sorry for the delay in my post. I've been having family issues the past couple of days and my grandma just moved in with my parents and I today. So I had to help unpack her things!!! ...... And once again, sorry for the length of my post >.<))
(Coko_Bacon might I suggest you wait till she posts before posting three other short posts just having your character get angry? people have lives too you know. PhantomxxxKodomo that's fine, I understand, as you can see by my sig i'm in somewhat a similar situation xD we're all understanding here. By the way, I freaking love your posting style.)

Jaxon watched with interest as she stumbled backwards into a ditch, lying awkwardly and embarrassed. 'Are you alright there?' He asked, standing and straightening his long black coat as she herself stood. His eyes remained on her, intrigue in the emerald orbs. He was mildly amused. 'Well you're not at a lack of clothing, but your clothes kind of suck for the evenings here. How did you come across them anyway? I still had my normal clothes when I rocked up. These were given to me by some old guy, claiming they'll take the form of whatever I do. And what do you know? He was right! Of course, you dont have any magic changing clothes by the looks of things. So, I suppose we better find you something somewhere. Of course, it might help that.. Oh I dont know, we're in a village?' He said sarcastically, gesturing around and feigning surprise. He honestly hadn't spoken to anyone as clueless as he had been in at least three weeks and he was enjoying exerting this newfound experience.
((Awe thanks~ I enjoy role-playing with you, it's a pleasure to be in you service!))

xxxxBending over, she tried to rub off some of the patches of dirt outlining her wound with a near by leaf. It seemed safe, and not in anyway harmful, or dangerous. Slightly cleaning up the wound, she rolled her eyes when the male asked if she were alright."Just dandy, thanks for asking," she said, straightening out her back and limping towards a rock, in which she placed to leaf on it and softly whispered 'thank you~' as the leaf fluttered away in the wind. Turning back around, her attention back on the green eyed male she leaned against a tree. Cocking her head to the side she listened to him speak.

xxxx"Pardon? How I came across them?" She questioned, and uneasily laughed, looking down at her clothing, then back up at the black haired fellow. Forcing a smile to appear on her face she took a few steps towards him, her blue eyes never leaving his. "To be honest, I have absolutely no clue how I acquired these clothes. One moment I'm in the blistering heat, hiding in the shade with a cu- summer dress on, and now I'm here. In these weird clothes, made from who knows what. Don't get me wrong, this seems like a lovely place and all, but I'm not too fond of the coldness." She paused for a while, shivering from a sudden gust of wind that found its way through the forest. Clutching her arms she sighed, letting all the information she just received from the male to process inside her mind. Closing her eyes, she rubbed her temples with her index fingers.

xxxx "Wait, wait, wait, stop. Please." She held one hand up, as a gesture of stopping the conversation. "I have one, very important question to ask." Clenching her fist, leaving only her index finger she opened her eyes and stared into the males green eyes. "Where exactly is here? As in which state, country, or some other fancy smancy place, in a magical realm unknown to humans?" she asked, the last sentence a bit sarcastic and far fetched from being real. Well at least she thought that magical, mythical creatures were only make belief and in no way real. But from the display of someone transforming from a raven into a living, breathing human being made her have second thoughts.
((Sorry guys, i was grounded O.o )) 
Ember glared at him, her golden eyes sparking. "Excuse me, but this is not your land here." Her hands heated up, turning a bright red. "This is my land. So, pardon me for asking who you are, but whoever you are, you should tell me now." She flicked her deep red hair over her shoulder, her pink lips twitching.
Erato rolled his eyes and sighed at the ground. "As I said before, I ama Erato Yukianasa Otnyz. Now may I ask as to who you are?"
She pursed her lips tautly, the flames in her eyes simmering down a bit. "You may call me Ember." With that, she flicked her hair over her shoulder and began to stride away. Her dress floated out behind her as she walked, almost like spider web.

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