Forget Me

Ember sighed and looked over her shoulder, her long red waves flying out around her. "Can I help you?!" she snapped, not wanting to deal with any body. She stopped, crossed her arms and stayed there. She certainly was not going to lead them to her house. Then, she would have no way of getting away from them. Even though this was indeed her front lawn, her house was tucked away behind trees and safely hidden from those who intend to hurt her... or just annoy her.
Jett flinched at the sudden shout from the flaming girl. Flaming? Yeah, she was definitely flaming. She had remained silent back where she had hidden herself, but somewhere in her mind she couldn't help but think that the girl was actually shouting at her. Had she found out she was there? Not wanting to hear another shout that would cause harm to her now sensitive ears, Jett stepped out from where she hid. In all her glory there she stood, about 8 feet tall from her paws to her shoulders. Her fur was black from head to tail. And her eyes shined with gold. In her world she would have known herself to be a man-beast. So that's what she would consider to call herself. She began to speak, unsure if they would even understand her. Luckily, they were able to. ((Not sure if you've seen how Lucario and Lugia speak in Pokemon. But its something like that. :P ))

"H-Hello. Um, can you, um, can you help me?"
"I'm hungry." Said Jenna. She crossed her arms and tried to be nice for once. "I'm hungry and nearly dead. Ive had nothing to eat 'cept rodents and tiny birds. May I PLEASE have something to eat?" Her Golden eyes then detected movement to the left. A dark figure walked from out of the trees. " What the hell are you?"
Jett once more flinched. She herself didn't really know what she was. But she didn't want to ignore them, she didn't need enemies. She straightened, standing at her fullness, in hopes she would come off strong. If not intimidating. "I'm not really sure what I am. So you can call me an man-beast."
Jenna just stared at the creature with sharp judging eyes. "What, like a werewolf?" She stated harshly, raising one of her brows. "Mr.Magic might know more bout you." She jabbed one of her claws towards Orestes .
"No, not exactly as a werewolf. As they have more of their human forms then wolf form. I take on that of a beast more so then human." She looked between the people that stood in front of her. And to the man that the girl had pointed to so sharply. Did he know what she was? Could he really help her?
"No, I don't have food or anything to help you. A few miles off of here there's a town. Go there, and I'm sure someone will help you," she muttered, glancing over at the beast and back at the girl. "Both of you. Go there and not here."
She gave her a strange look."...the one that's set on fire?" She asked twiddling with her hat strings. "I rid of'em a while back...." well this was awkward.
rising his staff flew over next to the giant wolf and hovered. his Armor creaking its objections he turned his helmet to look at the wolf. "Hmmmm you appear similar to a dire wolf but not quite the same. i am not sure what you are. i have never visited this world so you may be a creature of it i have not observed. and you Pyro were the one that drew me here. do you know how or why?"
She didn't know what to do anymore. The flaming girl was rude and wanted nothing to do with her, the others didn't seem to know how to help her either. Even the man with the staff had no clue as to what she was. She sighed in a beast like way and sat down. Almost as if she were a dog waiting for a treat. At this rate even the nearby town she was told of wouldn't be of help to her. She was in fact, a beast.
She groaned. "Everyone just... Go away!" She said and whirled around on her heel. Once again, she tried to storm off to her house in peace and solitude. Once she got there, she would enjoy burning some stuff down. She ran through the possibilities of what she could burn in her mind.
" to think that she is why i am here." muttering to himself Orestes summoned his staff and began to chant very quickly. " if either of you left wish to come with me i intend to acquire food and an artifact from my tower. i will then warp us back close to this location." with that a single rune the same color as the fire in his helmet appeared for half a second then erupted into a iris of shadow. turning he looked at the Wolf and Wendigoo
She watched the man with his rune and staff, she had only ween such things in movies or read them in books. It was amazing to see it first hand. When the man spoke up then she thought for a second. The woman who just walked off was surely of no use to her. And she did want to know more about this world. She nodded to him then suddenly spoke up.

"Wait, wouldn't the villagers become frightened of seeing something like us just stroll up into their town?"
"many are frightened of the likes of me but they know what i am. besides i will go to my tower far from here not to the village, the Pyro is my Epicenter i can appear near her. come near me then when i leave so will the gate. and you Wendigoo? i will be near here soon if you decline." turning he stood facing the wendigoo.
"...what type of food?" She hoped that this guy knew what he was getting himself into. Did he know about the appetites that wendigos had? Jenna was promptly reminded by her stomach groaning loudly. Embarrassed, she turned around to face the woods. 'Not the time to be picky' she thought.

"Lead the way Wizard. I'll be right behind you."
Turning Orestes simply walked into the hovering shadow iris. emerging in one of the upper levels of his tower he without thought directed a dented and partially melted helmet to show the Wendigo to the cells were creatures who offered no worthy object or attacked him waited for their punishment. without bothering to turn he left a floating rune of black fire that would lead the unknown creature to him as he went down to look through the artifact library.
Sedrian explored this strange new world. He didn't find it very different from the other world he was in where evrybody ignored him. In fact, he found it worse in this world, this time nobody even bothered to look at him. He hated it, so he just decided he would treat everyone terribly.
"Oh hell yeah! Fresh meat at last!" She wasted no time digging in. Although the sight of the strange creatures somewhat disturbed her, she chose one that resembled a brown bear.

Opening the cell, she ran right at the creature with unnatural speed. The creature gave out a shriek that echoed through the other cells. Jenna silenced her prey by tearing into it's throat and ripping open it sides with her unsheathed claws. One bite to the jugular vein and the creature was lying in a pool of its own blood.

Howls and shrieks tore through the air as the body hit the ground. Her one bite to the jugular vein was enough to leave the creature lying on the ground in it's own blood.

Gold eyes shone in the darkness as she looked down at her prey, face and hands splattered with black blood. She smiled as she threw herself at the meat like a ravenous wolf, relishing the taste of fresh meat and blood.

((Oh god, I actually wrote this? So.freaking.bloody.))
Sedrian heard a howl of fear. So he decided he would go check it out. When he found is way to the howl, he found an extremely bloody massacre, he loved the view, he got curious, he wanted to find whoever did this.
((O.e Indeed it is.))

She followed behind Orestes, until they came to a stop at the cells. She peeked out from behind him noticing the strange creatures. 'What are those?' She thought to herself, just before Jenna took off at a dead run and charged right into a cell and devoured her 'food'. Jett stepped back in horror, she'd never seen such a horrible scene. She shook her head in shock. "I-I'm not hungry!" She called out still watching the awful scene layed out in front of her.
Sedrian started laughing uncontrollably at the scene. "This is glorious! Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!" Sedrian truly enjoyed pain and misery, that could clearly be seen.
Crunch! Crunch! The bones of the creature were slowly being eaten by Jenna in a very dog-like fashion. Ribs were her favorite, especially the bones. After finishing off the ribs, she tore into the creatures body to grab a large piece of raw meat.

Then she-werewolf said something about not being hungry. Being herself, Jenna shrugged and gave her a bloody smile. "More for me then!"

She stuffed her mouth greedily with the bloody food and savoured every bit. She was too busy stuffing herself to notice a man coming up to her. When she did however, she became extremely defensive, standing in front of her food in her bloody glory, teeth and claws out. Her hat was tied as she approached the man with glaring gold eyes.

"Who the hell are you?!"
"-and how did you find my tower?" turning Oresteses eyes shifted to become a reddish color. a nearby skeleton of another creature that had fallen to age stood. the bones flew together until a large spiky crap-like shape was formed.
She had remained still in horror, the whole time she watched Jenna eat. She had taken a step back once more before she heard laughter sounding loudly beside them. She looked to her side to find a man standing there, laughing gloriously. She hid herself behind Orestes in fear, both from the man's sudden appearance and from Jenna's furious remark.
" Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! What a glorious sight! I must find whoever did this and congratulate them on such a beautiful show, Ah ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!" Sedrian continued to laugh, the tone of laugh turned from one of amusement, to one of sheer insanity.

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