Forget Me

She turned around and her dress furled out around her legs. Golden eyes looked at him up and down, and she pursed her lips a bit. "Thank you," she murmured after a few moments of scrutiny. She took a step back to walk away, shifting her weight a bit.
Jaxon shrugged at her question, chuckling at her very blatant and slightly annoyed response to his behaviour as he stuck his hands in his pockets and very nearly grinned. 'How the hell would I know? I've been stuck here a month. My figuring is that we've somehow crossed to some screwed up realm. I believe that the transferral of our beings from our realm to this one somehow triggered some kind of unlocking of a genetic code buried deep beneath layers of mental and physical bindings, and perhaps even magical ones that kept our true natures hidden from the world. That being said, without those bindings our true natures have come out and now we're left to either fend for ourselves or hope to find out real families. I've been here for the month, found some old guy that gave me these 'transforming clothes' and then vamoosed. I've been wandering since. Oh, let me know if you feel like you're losing memories or something too, okay? I'm conducting an... experiment.' He said, shrugging and turning on his heel. 'Come on then princess, lets get you some clothing.' He said, starting to walk ahead of her.


Maylienne sobbed silently for what seemed like an age, though was probably only a matter of minutes, before looking up in surprise as voices drifted to her ears '...this is not your land here, this is my land..' Her eyes widened. Were there more of those strange women that had clothed her in those, now torn and stained, white garbs? Or were they someone else entirely? She didn't want to find out, but she couldn't go back the way she came. She decided that maybe she could creep past and hopefully go unnoticed, but she wasn't used to the large white wings on her back and she tried to slip between a narrow gap between two trees, resulting in her wings getting stuck and jerking her back, she cried out, her body spasming with pain as she fell to the ground, huddled in a ball as she sobbed. 'Stupid things. Why can't you leave me alone!' She exclaimed loudly, loud enough for those in the tree nearby to hear her. (HINT HINT)
Ember's golden eyes turned up, the wind tossing a few of her gleaming red waves around. She looked around before her eyes fell on a girl. She suddenly remembered how she felt when she first arrived; this girl must be new. Her expression softened, a warm flame burning in her heart. She glided over and knelt beside her, a small smile on her lips. "Hey..." she whispered softy, instantly forgetting about the male. "Are you alright?" She hesitated to touch the girls shoulder lightly, but decided it wouldn't be best.
Erato awaited in a tree top, looking at the girl who had screamed. 'I wonder what's wrong?' he thought as he continued watching.
detecting something somewhere was going to get somewhere amazing soon Orestes strode to the shadow gate he kept in his towers bottom floor. with but a word his blade flew into its sheath on his back and his staff to his hand. summoning the flames was the easy part. forcing them to show him were he would walk was the hard one. the words formed in the flames spelling out the end of a sentence. "... leave me alone!!". with a interested sight the living armor suit walked to his gate and spoke a chain command. the gate opened a door of shadows and he strode through into a thin forest. a winged girl lay sopping at his feet. turning he dispelled the iris of darkness that followed him. turning back he knelt down next to the tiny girl and saw that she had wings. his hollow voice echoed from the depths of his armor as he spoke. " who refuses to leave you to your own mind?" his Quill and pad unloaded themselves and began to write his words as his staff attached itself to his back
Jenna crouched on a nearby branch in a tree, fiddling with the strings of her hat. Her bright eyes looked down at the group of people on the ground. She had been around the area when she heard a scream. Thinking that it was injured food, she flew towards the sound. Sadly, these strange people wouldn't usually be considered as food but Jenna was pretty hungry. Maybe one person would be alright...
Ember frowned and glanced over at him. She stood up and crossed her arms, her posture rather belligerent. Her golden eyes flared, and her hands heated up. "Can I help you?" She snapped, leaning on one hip. She glared at him with incredibly golden eyes that were as fiery as the sun. Something about him just infuriated her for some reason, but usually people who just pop up like that anger her easily.
detecting movement his staff detached itself and spun to aim at the trees already beginning to spin a lance of fire into existence. muttering a word a protective energy dome crackled over the young girl and he spun his sword flying to his hand. " REVEAL YOURSELF!" his hollow voice boomed into the night loud enought to startle the nearby birds. only a glance at the woman next to him. "wait a moment please" he said.
Ember raised an eyebrow, her lip twitching. "It's rude to make people wait," she muttered, looking around with bright, yellow eyes. She tossed her deep red hair over her shoulder, her waves glistening in the sunlight. Her hands got so hot that she almost burned herself, so she placed them on her hips.
"something out here is looking for a meal. maybe a tiny person like you would work, i am trying to prevent that. also you would attack a sorcerer with fire?" he hollowly droned out all while looking for the creature he had heard. " i can control flames as well little miss burn my own hands off." EDIT: my computer is suddenly posting everything twice
Jenna prepared herself for the kill, her teeth growing into fangs and nails turning into claws. Clutching the branch harder, she was ready to attack when a loud voice stopped her.

"Reveal Yourself!"

'What the-' Jenna completely froze over and her white hair frizzeled. The guy had fire spinning around him in a defensive manner. Some blue thing suddenly covered the girl. Magic? The hell man, the hell. Give a starving girl a break.

"Calm your tits Magicboy." She said tiredly. Jenna jumped down from her branch with her hands behind her head boredly. "No need for uncessary fires here you know."
(noone look at the char i am using did they?) looking forward he saw a girl leap from a tree revealing herself. "hmm why did i get such a spike of violent intent off of you? someone shouldn't have that much power and intent naturally and be a strait human. unless my isolation has deprived me of much knowledge."
((I'm not trying to sound rude, but can you at least try to use better grammar, please?)) She raised an eyebrow at him. "I suggest you check your ego before I burn you to the ground," she hissed, nostrils flaring. She struggled to keep her hands from igniting into flames.
Jenna's face was blank of emotion for a moment before being severely confused. "....What the heck did you just say? Was that genius talk or something? Another thing, I rather not be burnt to a crisp mind you." It was then that her stomach decided to growl out its emptiness. Jenna merely hissed at herself to bear with it.
(sorry, not a rude comment just haven't been paying attention.) turning to look at the girl he looked strait at her and planted his blade into the ground. " i would like to see you try little one. a pyromancer of any power at all is rare these days. you may try if you wish but let us step away from our hurt friend and the tree girl."
((Oh god now im lost. Lets do a recap please. Jenna jumps from the tree after being found out. Who was Eri threatening?))
( i heard something after being drawn here by the hurt girl. while looking for you Ember got mad at me for appearing. Ember and Orestes {me} argued while you were getting out of a tree and she decided she wanted to burn me and i invited her to try.)
((Ember was threatening the dude with the huge ego because he's being all arrogant and she dun like dat :o ))

Her eye twitched. "Listen, I don't know who you are," she growled, "but you may think you know everything, but you obviously know nothing. Now, if all you're going to do is be ignorant and obnoxious, I suggest you leave. Now." Sparks flew from her fingertips, landing on the ground and burning small patches of grass and a few small holes in her dress.
" ahhh the burning temper of a pyromancer. always amusing. now then how do you like ice?" he stated this with a laugh that could have been described as fake. his armor was suddenly coated with ice and the ground at his feet started to frost over. the frost started spreading directly towards the pyromancer
She scoffed at him and simply blasted fire towards the ice to melt it. She frowned and crossed her arms. She despised his belligerence, and all she wanted him to do was go away. "If you don't have anything to do here other than fight, go away."

"Hey! What the HELL did I say about fires! Both of you calm down before I decide to take a bite out the both of you!" Her hair had gone back to being frizzeled and her claws and fangs came back almost immediately after the first sparks of fire. Jenna hated fire for many reasons, one of them being that it burned everything it could while feeding off of the trees. As a Wendigo, Jenna's instinct was to protect the forest as a guardian spirit. That one instinct pushed her to go between the two fighters, ready to attack either one of them.

((Read history of Wendigos if you are confused :3))
"a forest Wendigo? that is something i have not seen for a few thousand years. relax pyro i am merely curious for i had suspected you kind died out years ago. i learned from one when i was about 2,000 and he was the last one i saw. I am Orestes." laying his staff on the ground his blade sheathed itself. the flame that glowed were his eyes were turned a green color as he look at the Wendigo.
She groaned and turned to storm back to her small cabin. Yes, they were on her front lawn, but all she wanted to do was get away from them. Her agitation outweighed her territorial side to her emotion. She decided that once it was nice and empty again, she would build a nice, tall, sturdy fence.
"Thank you Mr.Magic..." Jenna stared at his eyes as they changed into a green color. 'Mood eyes?' She thought, watching him as he laid down his staff, showing her that he was not going to attack. A bit of pressure was lifted from her soul but she was still in attack postion her teeth bared and growling. That other girl, her fires remained for awhile before she went angrily inside of a cabin. Jenna stared at the retreating figure and slowly started to follow her silently. Maybe she had food?

((Imma go to sleep now. G'night))
It had been a normal day like any other. Jett had been on her way after school to her new job. Luckily she managed to get. Unfortunately it was only cleaning up during the after hours of a restaurant. Either way she was on her way. About half way from her school to the restaurant was when it happened. When her world changed for ever. When what she had only dreamed about, came to reality.


Jett woke up in the dizziness of daylight. The sun shining brightly in her eyes. She had stood up, only to fall right back down. Was she injured? Did she hit her head and that's why she felt dizzy? No, there was something more to her loss of balance. She waited a little bit, her eyes closed. When she figured she regained enough of her mind to be able to see clearly she opened her eyes. Everything seemed normal. Felt normal. She looked around. When she looked to her right she noticed an unusual sight. A ferret? A snake? Wait, no....a tail? Indeed, it was a tail. Jett finally regained control of her legs, and in her effort to jump up in shock she jumped, landing on not two, but four legs. She looked down, lifting each leg up in turn and counted. Front left leg, 1. Front right leg, 2. Back left leg, 3. Back right leg, 4.


While she had been accessing her knew body, she hadn't yet come to realize that she wasn't the only one here. (The others were all meeting by the tree at that time) Now she was learning to walk, at least, with four legs. She took off first at a rocky start, but now she was getting the hang of it. She would trip every now and then, only to stand right back up and start again. Off in the distance she could hear voices. Voices that if human wouldn't have been heard at this distance. When she came closer, after tripping a few more times before she finally got the jiff of walking, she noticed several people standing around, arguing with each other. She would wait for the right time to come out and ask what was going on, where she was. But until then. She would just wait and watch.


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