Forest Dominators - A Wolf Pack roleplay [Inactive]


Lord of Wolves
Kevinbrechie submitted a new role play:

Forest Dominators - A Wolf Pack roleplay - Wolves: The new rulers of the forests


World War III is what happened to sweep out the human population. The small population that is left is quickly shrinking and has no chance against nature and animals that are slowly but surely taking over what is left from planet Earth. It once was beautiful, when nature had all the power. And now that the humans are 'defeated' nature is raising again and slowly covering the entire planet in her beauty again.

Nothing more than dust is...

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The singing of the birds. The almost hypnotising sound of the slowly flowing river that separated the camp and the entire territory in half. The stars that made the night sky always so beautiful, slowly faded. Their light defeated by that of the morning sun which was slowly but surely rising above the tall trees and shining it's light on the clearing where the camp was positioned. A small rabbit ran across the camp after making sure that none of the wolves had left their dens yet. If it had been another time on the day, the rabbit would have thought twice before crossing the camp full of the deathly predators.

Most of the wolves were still asleep. Tessa wasn't. As the Alpha Healer she always woke up before the sun had even got the change to make the first star disappear. Every single morning, she always checked every den to see if everybody was okay and still in their dens. Logically, she started with the Alpha den. Shadow was still in a deep sleep, like usual, he never liked to be woken up early and Tessa decided to leave him alone. After the Alpha den she visited the Beta den, than the Delta den and after that the pups den. The other dens were mostly done in a random order. She would take care of any wounds or other problems that she had, up and till now, always been able to fix. Shadow knew that he had one of the best healers ever.

Unlike Shadow, the Beta Male did always wake up quite soon after sunrise. He was laying on his side, cuddled up to Baymara and smiled as he woke up. He licked Baya's cheek and then stood up, making sure that he kept silent to leave Baymara in her sleep. To shake his pelt, he first walked outside to make as less noise as possible. After stretching a bit he walked towards the pups den with a wagging tail. Spike loved pups and always visited them to check on them every single morning. He knew that his sister Tessa also did so, and he trusted her with his life, but not with the pups... Although it weren't his pups, he did take care of them like he was their father.

"Morning Tess" Spike said with a flick of his tail as he passed his sister. "Morning Spikey" Tessa said with a teasing smile on her lips. Spike rolled his eyes and sighed. "I told you I don't like to be called like that..." Spike said and immediately got shushed by his sister. "Others are still trying to get some rest" she whispered. Tessa knew that Spike didn't like to be called Spikey, but that made it a better reason to tease him with it. She smiled happily and let out a little giggle as she entered the next den.

"Hmpf Spikey... Who does she think she is..." Spike said with a slight frown as he continued to walk towards the pups den. His tail was slightly lowered, he just couldn't stand being called like that with a small exception for his mate. His tail raised again and wagged slowly as he entered the den with the pups. He smiled and kept as silent as possible when he noticed that all the pups were still asleep. He curled up around most of them to keep them warm and safe. He smiled happily and rested his head on the soft floor. Shadow himself had made sure that the pups den was one of the dens that was more comfortable than the other dens. Just like his den and the Elder's den, the floor was way softer than in other dens. Spike was satisfied that the pups were safe and he slowly started to feel in a deep sleep again.
Lightark slowly woke up after Spike fell asleep. He always wakes up as soon as the sun rises. He sneaked outside of the den and headed to the river and laid down next to it, looking at the slowly flowing river. He doesn't like to speak much or even play with others after what happened to him and his parents. He is traumatized by it, being haunted by it in every sleep as a nightmare. The images about his old pack and parents are carved deep inside his memory, making it hard for him to forget the accident.
Smear slowly opened her eyes, and lifted her head, her ears twitching. She looked around, and saw her older brother snoring and laying on his back. She sighed, and walked over to him. It was pretty early, so she wasn't going to try and wake him at the moment, but instead she took that time to think about what an idiot her brother was. "I can't believe he's older than me." She thought, with a huff. She was the more mature one. She knew how she could put her talents to use.

But, her brother? No. All he knew how to do was be a pest.

With a sigh, Smear exited the den carefully, and sat right outside of it, still thinking about what her brother could do with his life.

Bandit rolled over, with a few snorts and sniffles, he was having a nice dream. In the dream everyone respected him and his talents, and called him a hero. "Thank you..." He mumbled in his sleep.

Pepper sighed, she had been up for a little while, and couldn't get back to sleep. She had had a dream about the day when Death had betrayed the pack. She turned over, and the floor of the cave met her nose.

Standing up, Pepp knew she couldn't stay in the den, rolling around all day. She had stuff to do. She had no time to waste, at least not at the moment.

"I should check the herb supplies." She said to herself.

Death's tail twictched, as he walked through some brush. He was getting annoyed with the stupid rabbits. Their big ears alearted them of him, before he even got close enough to pounce.

"Maybe I should go about this a different way." He said with a smirk.

He spotted another rabbit, and got only a tn bit closer, before full out pouncing. The rabbit squeaked, and began to run, but before it got far, Death pounced again, and caught it.

"That works..." Death mumbled, rabbit hanging from his mouth. He was pleased with himself for coming up with something so clever. But, then again when did he ever seace to amaze himself?

Death glanced in the general direction of Shadow's pack's camp, and growled a bitg. "Hm, they didn't appreciate me anyways." He mumbled, then he thought about the only wolves he loved more than himself; Pepp, Ban, and Smear.

"I'm going to have to get my revenge someday..." Death mumbled. "Wouldn't want to let anyone down... But, when I do, I'll really be there to take one, two, or my whole family if I can."
Baymara stirred a bit when she felt Spike move around, he usually got up early but Baymara liked to sleep in. She knew that it would be a good idea to get up so that she could go and do a little walk. Maybe Spirit would join her. The thought was nice but it wasn't enough to wake her up. It didn't take longer then a couple moments to pass when a familiar scent ran up her nose. Opening up one golden eye she looked up to see the pretty fluffy white wolf that stood above her. Light brown eyes looked down at her and for a moment they stared at each other in silence.

"Come Baya, let us go for a walk," Spirit spoke in her calm voice that Baya always felt calm around. Baymara let out a grunt before rolling over on her other side and ignoring her long time friend.

Spirit narrowed her eyes at Baya and waited for a moment but when she made no move to get Spirit bent down a bit before pouncing onto her. Bayamara growled out in surprise before she began to paw lazily at Spirit.

"I don't wanna!" Baymara whined as she held Spirit at a slight distance when she outstretched her paw and placed it on Spirit's shoulder. Spirit always woke up way before the sun came up, Baymara wasn't even sure if Spirit actually slept right. Spirit wasn't really one to sleep in dens and would sometimes wonder around before sleeping in a random place on the territory.

"I want to walk around this morning. Your coming with me or I'm going to go get Spike to come wake you up," Spirit nuzzled Baya affectionately like usual before standing up and sauntering out of the cave.

"Wait... wait! Wait for me Spirit!" Baya huffed as she lazily stood up and shook her fur before trotting after Spirit, almost slipping from barely waking up. Spirit had a wolfy grin on her face at her accomplishment but she made sure to keep it off her face when Baymara was by her side.

"Come now, we'll go to the river," Spirit laughed at the end of her sentence when she seen the look in Baymara's eyes, without listening to her complaints she sped up her pace and Baya sadly followed after her.
The sun had peaked far beyond the horizon at this point, and the sing-song of the nearby birds harmonized with the sounds of natures ever growing symphony. Leaves rustled and tall grass blew carelessly, dancing alongside the audible masterpiece that nature provided. Another sleepless night passed as Malkyn groggily got up, stretching her lean body before padding silently out of the den that she considered her bed. She had another one of her morbid dreams, and vowed that she would only sleep during the day when her mind was void of all thoughts.

The gentle breeze ruffled the fae's thick coat as she scented the air, tasting the nature in which she resided in. The scent of wet soil and morning dew accompanied by the constant flow of the quick moving stream greeted her senses, allowing her to immediately ease up. Very few wolves had awaken from their slumber, and the few that did were usually rather young. Malkyn always felt as if she was obligated to ensure the pack's safety before they awoke, and it was a habit she had been doing since she was fairly young.

Malkyn allowed a prolonged sigh to escape her tightened jaws as she stepped further into the clearing, the grass tickling the sensitive skin of her paws as she moved forward. She found herself a comfortable perch among the tall grass and sat, wrapping her oversized tail around her paws as her auditis searched the noises that she could hear from behind. The pack slowly awoke as a unit, busying themselves in preparation for yet another day. Pups yipped and tasseled with each other. companions eagerly engaged in friendly chit chat, and mates groomed each other whilst sharing kind remarks.

Malkyn enjoyed the companionship the pack offered one another, and it gave her a false sense of belonging. As the pack slowly shook away the sleep and begun their daily duties Malkyn watched, enjoying the heat of the sun against her fur. She savoured every last bit of the sun's rays before it disappeared behind the treeline, signaling it was time for her to proceed in accomplishing her duties.

Reluctantly the tall wolf stood, allowing her discoloured jaded gaze to survey the camp around her. She watched as the pups continued to play and mothers watched carefully, void of all dangers that could possibly threaten the group that resided within the confinements of the camp. Silently she made her way from the grass and into the more flattened area within the camp, awaiting orders.
The pup walked around a clearing, and caught the scent of marked territory. She coyly padded over to the property line. A river. She hopped onto some stones that were submerged a bit under water, but kept her above the rushing current. She got to the other side, and her dainty little white paws were soaked. Wandering around the camp, she saw dens. It must be a pack here.

Catching the sight of pups playing, she scampered over the them, attention span to the rest of the pack disappearing. She was giddy. She tackled and chomped at the others playfully, rolling around in the blades of grass. She introduced herself as Creek, and then the curiosity of the other wolf pups left. They continued to play.

Though there was no visible worry, she hoped no one would notice her as an intruder, but a wandering pup. Thoughts of her family came in, but she quickly pushed them away. She couldn't be negative right now. She needed to savor this tidbit of small freedom that made her heart pump. She continued to play without a care, and hoped no one would notice her as she did.
Smear shook her pelt, it was time to go wake her idiot of a brother, who was probably still sleeping. She slipped into the den, past some othe pups playing. "Hmph." She muttered under her breath. "Must feel nice to be stupid." For her everything felt like a job that she needed to do right, and she was very serious, hardly ever playing with the other pups in the pack.

She walked over to her brother, and poked at him with her nose.

All Bandit did was roll over.

Smear growled, and set her front paws on Ban's side, stepping on him, and not caring if she hurt him or not.

Bandit jumped up, with a small whine. "Hey!" He barked. "Don't do that! It hurts!"

"No duh, stupid." Smear said. It was basicly her signature saying, well to those she didn't respect. Her older brother for example. "It's time to get up." She exited the den, and went to go look for someone who had a brain.

Bandit stretched, and his claws scraped against the floor of the den. He poked his head out, his tail wagging. "Who should I visit first?" He asked himself, looking around.

He wanted to surprise on of the older, more serious wolves. That's when he relized Spike was laying in the pup den. "Oh, yes." He whispered.

Spike wasn't the most serious of the wolves Bandit knew, but he would have to do. He creeped up, and then pounced, biting Spike's tail.
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All the commotion going on woke Lilith from her warm and cozy slumber. She lazily opened her eyes and yawned. The sight before her made her smile a tad. All the pups running and playing with each other, the flush forest a buzz with other various wildlife. Lilith rolled over onto her stomach and stretched her paws out in front of her, extending her claws out. She then stood and stretched out her hind legs, one at a time. She shook her pelt and walked out from the den.

Standing outside the den, Lilith curled her tail around her back legs, and chest out, with an air of surety around her. She watched the others mill about and waited for the Betas to awaken. As always, she was ever eager to start her next mission. Looking around, she was surprised she hasn't seen Rontu milling about with the rest of them. Lilith smiled again as she thought about him. She liked getting sent out on missions with him. Ruffling his fur was the best part of her day. Yawning again, she scanned the field, waiting.

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Barking rapidly, and growling and snarling and clawing in a playful way, she fought with the other wolves. Her bark and snarls were unfamiliar to overhearing ears, and they were loud and clear. And of course, the senses of a wolf could catch the sound easily. Rolling around in the grass blades, she pawed at the other pups with an amused bay, she ran around, quicker than the other pups. She was familiar-looking, but unfamiliar with her reputation.

Her mother was a representative of her previous pack, and was always on good terms with this particular pack. Word went around that she was going to have pups, and she did, and some of the pack members from here had caught the buzz when she was born. She bumped into the chest of a wolf, and backed up into the other pups. The pups seemed to be scared of the consequences that were on their way. Was the wolf she bumped into an Alpha, or someone else of high rank?
Xlyn pounced on a rabbit as she tore it into two. She tossed the other half to Gaagii.

"Will we live like this forever?" asked Gaagii, who just stared at her meat; waiting for Xlyn to eat it first. Xlyn shakes her head as a response.

"A pack will find us and let us in." Xlyn paused, "If they accepts us but for now we shall live as lone wolves." She finishes. Gaagii lifted his head and just stared at Xlyn. "What?" Xlyn says, noticing him.

"Nothing." He suddenly replied and finished up the scraps of meat left. Gaagii lifts up his nose to the sky, sniffing a bit then looking back at Xlyn. "We are in a pack's territory. We should go." Gaagii muttered. Xlyn nodded her head again as Xlyn took the lead. She ran ahead as Gaagii trailed behind her. The trees enclosed them like a tunnel of greens and browns. Gaggii let his tongue run out of his mouth. He loved the wind. He loved to be free.

Xlyn stared foward, her eyes was full of determination. She stopped abruptly, causing Gaagii to bump into her.

"What?" Gaagii muttered.

"I hear something." Xlyn says. Gaagii focused on his hearing. "You hear that too?" Xlyn asks. Gaagii focused. "Yeah. . . I hear barking." Gaagii was curious and followed the source of the sound, Xlyn trailing behind. She saw the Creek playing around.
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Lightark turned around at the noise of the other pups playing together. He then sighed, and looks back at the river again. He was like the other pups, just as playful as them until the accident happened. After all of the running to Shadow's pack, he had "matured". He doesn't like to play anymore and he is quite quiet now, doesn't like to speak to anyone or with anyone. Lighto then closes his eyes but doesn't fall asleep, listening to the sound that the river makes.
Creek was achingly familiar. Stares were sent at her. That grayish-white fur. Those different colored eyes. That long tail. The large ears. Those dainty paws. Everything. A mirror image of her mother. The representative of Plains Pack. She turned her head to meet the gaze of two wolves. And then she turned her head back in front of her to meet the gaze of a wolf she bumped into.

"Uh, sorry!" She piped up, voice high and nervous.
Xlyn nudged Gaagii with her nose. "We should go before they spot us." She muttered, noticing that Creek spotted them. Gaagii looked at Xlyn with pleading eyes to stay a bit longer here. Xlyn shakes her head. "Fine." She mutters. Gaagii's face brightened up once he gets to stay here a bit longer.

"Don't worry," Gaagii assured her as he explored the territory. Xlyn rolled her eyes.

Xlyn was bit unsure. She looked around the territory, the pups playing around. Her chest tightened. She felt quite lonely even though Gaagii was with her.

Gaagii felt the same too. He wanted a family too. Like his mother. His father but they. . . Gaagii couldn't even think of the word to finish the sentence. He closed his eyes as he stood besides the river, a tear drop forming and dropping into the river. Xlyn stood besides him as she stared at her own reflection. They both imagined a loving family, as pups but they are both scarred for life.

Flash Back

It was a week before the parents died. The father came in with a doe in his jaws. The pups, Gaagii and Xlynthia, gathered around him. They yipped happily and jumped up and down. The father chuckled and let down the doe to the floor. He took the first bite, then the mother, then the two pups. The pups ate the meat scraps of the doe but it was fine since they had small stomachs and hunger. The father watched them, smiling and imaging on what his pups will grow up to. An Alpha? A Beta? And last of his thoughts were Rogue but he did not mind, it was the least of his concern. The pups licked the rest of the meat then pounced on the father. They playfully played until the pups were exhausted.


She gradually stopped playing with the pups, and slipped away. Keeping low to the ground and hiding in tall grass, she tailed the other two wolves, keeping a distance. Her tail was in between her legs and her ears were pressed against her head. She hopped out from the bushes, in front of the two. Her ears perked up. Could they recognize her?
Smear gave up on finding someone smart to talk to, who wasn't busy, and decided to instead find something useful to do.

She poked her head into the den Pepper was in, "Would you like some help with anything, mother?" She asked.

Pepp looked over at Smear, "No." She said. "You go play, okay?" She said. "You told me you'd stop acting all mature, and enjoy being a pup."

Smear sighed, "Fine." She said, as she walked away. She went by the pup den, and saw Bandit nawing on Spike's tail. "Stop it, Ban." She scolded. "Why don't you grow up?"

Bandit looked up from nomming on the larger wolf's tail, "Why should I?" He asked. "I think I'm better off doing what I see fit."

"Excuse me?" Smear said, turning back to her brother. "You're feasting on someone's tail. If you want a tail to eat, why don't you shove your own down your throat?"

Ban growled, "I don't think you want to do this, little sister." He put an emphases on the word little, just to bug Smear.

"I don't think you want to do this." Smear growled in response. "And, by the way, your come backs stink."

"Heh. You're insults stink too." Ban answered. He had to admit it sounded lame, but he already said it, so nothing he could do would let him redo his insult.

"Like I said before, your come backs sti-nk." Smear knew that even though she was younger, she was stronger than Ban, so she knew she could win.

"Let's take this out of the den." Ban said, walking past Smear. "We don't want to wake Spike."

"We probably already did!" Smear said angrily, as she followed her brother.

((Their insults do stink... >.> Oh, and this is about to get messy...))
Shadow had still been in his den, in his usual deep slumber. He did however, twitch his ears constantly at the sound of the noisy pups in the early morning. He would never have woken up if the sun hadn't been shining right into his face. The large black Alpha stood up and trotted out of the den. Shadow trotted out of the den, shook his thick coat and stretched with a yawn that showed off his huge fangs. He decided to go get the daily health report from Tessa when a small pup bumped into him.

Shadow turned his head to the pup with a slight smile and a flick of his tail "Watch where yo-" his smile disappeared and changed into a frown. He sniffled the pup a bit and looked at the other two wolves behind her before staring into the eyes of the small pup that he couldn't seem to recognise. "You aren't a pup that belongs to this pack, are you?" Shadow was speaking rather calmly for his way to handle intruders. Pups just wandered in from time to time and most of them left again without any trouble.

Spike woke up by a weird feeling in his tail. It didn't hurt him but gave more like a ticklish feeling that shivered through his entire body. He opened one eye and looked at the pup that was nibbling on his tail before closing it again. A small smile appeared on his lips as he knew that it was just Bandit who probably was bored and had started to enjoy himself with Spike's tail. Spike didn't mind that he was doing that, nor did he mind that he had woken him up.

As soon as the two pups left the den Spike stood up and stretched briefly, he looked around to find out that he was the only left in the den so he exited it himself. He heard Bandit and Smear talking about waking him up and walked over to them, giving Smear a lick on her cheek. "Yes your brother did wake me up" he said with a slight smile and a sort of wink. "But don't worry, I'll take my revenge" he grinned at Bandit and then walked to Tessa for his daily check-up.

Tessa only had Spike to check and after doing that briefly she decided to look if Shadow had awoken just yet. 'He can be so lazy sometimes...' was the thought that shot through her head. She entered the Alpha's den to find out that the Alpha himself wasn't there. Tessa turned around and her gaze swept the camp when she spotted the large black wolf. She sighed and walked over to him. "Scaring the pups again Shadow?"
Smear blinked a few times, unsure of what to say for a moment. But, after clearing her head, she spoke. "I hope he gets you good." She said, with a smile and a flick of her tail.

"Oh, you do, do you?" Ban walked over to his sister. He had a smirk on his face.

The two pups were like that all the time. Being mad at each other one minute, then their taking a walk together the next. Just typical sibling behavier I suppose.

Pepp stepped out of the den, and into the warm sun light for the first time since she woke up. She shook her pelt a bit, and stretched.

Death crept as close to Shadow's territory as he dared to go at the moment. But, soon he'd be ready to charge. He wasn't going to act like a coward and accept being exiled. He just needed to get stronger before putting his plan into action
"Why are you walking so slow?" Spirit sighed with a roll of her eyes as she looked at her pack mate Baymara, who was currently dragging her feet with each step she took. Her was mixed with different colors of brown along with some black and white. If looks could kill Baymara was sure Spirit would've dropped dead by now. Since they've been walking toward the river Baya had been glaring at Spirit the entire way. Of course she was fully awake by now which sucked, she just loved sleeping in and having dreams that couldn't happen in reality.

"Why do you torture me so? Who knows?" Baya shook her head before getting a bit excited at the sight of the river up ahead, she needed a good drink but wouldn't admit that it was a good idea to go to the river. There was no way she was going to let Spirit feel like she won.

By the time they got to their destination Spirit was lapping up some water from the river while Baymara sat on the edge of it and cleaned her fur, Spirit's light brown eyes traveled to look over at one of the pups she believed to be Lightark. She'd only spoken to him a couple time since Spirit can get a bit nervous around the pups. Even though they are all fluffy and playful, its their small size that she gets a bit worried about. She has a strange feeling that she might end up stepping on one of them, especially with how fast they run around at their age. When Baymara was finished cleaning her fur up she bent down to drink some water, she had already noticed Ark and was wondering if she should go over and talk to him. She was much better with pups then Spirit was.

Instead Spirit was the one that stood up, shook her fluffy white fur a bit and trotted over to where he lay down. She looked at him for a moment and for some reason she wondered what exactly she was supposed to say to the pup. Man, she should've stayed over there with Baymara.

"Hello there Ark, may I ask for the reason you aren't jumping around with energy right now?" Spirit asked in that polite way of speaking she was so fond of with others beside Baya. She had to pick a topic to speak of and that was one of them.
The wolves didn't seem to be that close, nor notice her. She walked back to the other two wolves she saw. Her long ears flicked downwards and she shook her head. She wasn't a part of this back, nor did she belong here. She was slammed downward by a pup, and she rolled around a bit. Biting, barking, growling, kicking playfully until the pup got off with ease. She scampered back to the wolf who was now with another.

"No, sorry, I should leave." Creek said, voice somber, though she spoke with intelligence and maturity for her young age.

Pausing for their responses, she eyed them both. The looked at each other constantly, and the wolf to her left said,

"Scaring the pups again Shadow?"

She let out a small snarl and went to pounce, but instead she jumped upwards, barking.

"I am not scared!" She yelped defensively, swishing her long tail, alerted.
"I just don't like playing with others or with anything. I haven't seen anything "fun" afte--..." Lightark answered and almost slipped his tongue about his past. He hasn't told anybody about his past since he got here and he liked that way. Lightark then sighs and just goes quiet, doesn't want to talk anymore.

Geston trampled through the forest, the leaves and sticks crackling and snapping under his paws. He kept an eye on his surrounding, looking for any other signs of wolves. Geston grumbled and mumbled complaining about everything he could think of that was not needed. His blank golden eyes looked to his right, peering over his shoulder he heard the sound of two wolves talking back and forth.(Xlyn, Gaagii) He followed them slowly trying to stay as silent as possible. He watched as their tails bounced back and forth as they walked.
Xlyn and Gaagii watched the brown and blue eyed wolf jump infront of them. Gaagii and Xlyn stood there, frozen. They did not know what to do, they were not social at all! The unknown pup [Creek] went back to the other wolves.

Gaagii looked at Xlyn as Xlyn glanced back. Too many memories flashed before them. Xlyn whimpered softly as she trotted off the territory. They carry burdens of the past, the dead parents. Gaagii followed Xlyn, nipping her ear and nudging her. "Yeah. . . Lets go." He says. He leads the way out of territory. Before they knew it, they walked into a trap.

A bark and yowl came from the forest as 2 wolves jumped out from the bushes. 3 more surrounded them and there was no way out. Gaagii flattened his ears but Xlyn stood tall.

"What are you doing here?!" The biggest one howled. Xlyn snarled back. She did not answer his question but tackled the wolf. A fight began as Gaagii couldn't do anything but fight to protect himself.

Gaagii pinned a smaller wolf as he snapped his jaws at the wolf. They wrestled and clawed eachother. The smaller wolf made a cut on his hind leg. Blood seeped from the cut and stained the grass. Gaagii was outraged as adrenaline kept him strong and powerful. Gaagii then took pity of the smaller wolf. His mind raced, should I kill him or not? Gaagii couldn't make up his mind. Gaagii ran to Xlyn who was in a middle of a fight and pulled her out of it by tackling her rival.

"Run!" Gaagii roared as Xlyn nodded her head and ran off. Gaagii wrestled the bigger wolf until the wolf flattened his ears and tucked his tail between his legs. Gaagii took the opportunity and ran after Xlyn.
Geston watched as the two wolves began in a fight with some loners. He stayed back, not daring to come near. His ears straight up watching their every move. They were young, and were inexperienced in fighting. He laughed, walking the other way as they began to run off. He rolled his eyes sighing. "Hmmmph....When will i find my pack, hopefully they all wont be childish." He grumbled to himself. Glaring at everything around him like the woods were a bother.
She sat down sloppily, leaning towards the side on her paws. Her long tail flicked around, heavily alert just in case she needed to sprint away. She eyed the two older wolves in front of her. One of them was addressed as a wolf named Shadow. Her heterochromatic eyes blinked at the two. She stretched her jaw back into a yawn, and after the low noise was done reverberating from the little one, she licked her nose.

"I'm sorry. I should leave. I wouldn't want to disturb the peace." She said plainly as her eyes flickered around the other wolves around them, young and old. She stood to her dainty paws. If you analyzed the way her body shape was, she was a speedy runner, and was light and silent on her paws as she ran. Her build was slim and short, but only a bit strong.

The pup was a mirror image of her mother, as said. The Plains pack tried to ally with every other pack to be on good terms with everyone, and expand ever since the human race has deteriorated. Her long ears flicked at a noise from a few meters away. She tilted her nose up into the air and took a long sniff. Field mice were nearby, but she ignored the slight ache and twist of her stomach which hasn't been fed for a few days. Creek wouldn't want to bother this pack she just wandered into. She could kill a few mice later.
Gaagii snapped his head to Creek. Gaagii then nudged Xlyn.

"Look. It is her." He says. Xlyn nodded, a bit slow to respond.

"We should not disturb the pack. They might hunt us down. They might be hunting us right now." Xlyn muttered, a bit concerned. Gaagii stared at the ground as he walked. Every time his left hind leg hit the ground, pain would shoot up. Gaagii winced as Xlyn noticed. "Do you want a break?" She asked, still concerned.

"No. No." Gaagii says. Xlyn stopped as Gaagii went ahead. "What?" He mutters. "Lets go."

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