Forced To Be

Tick and Tock looked over at her and sighed,not wanting to have an issue like before they headed back to there room without an complaints.John watched them as they did and sighed in relief when he lost sight of them.Dean smiled."Guess we're going with your idea right?"He turned to Breena as he spoke,his arms crossed with the collars in hand.John looked at them,happy they picked this idea instead of the other.
Breena smiled also as she said, "Yep since you were taking too long to answer me." She looked at the collars then looked at Dean and John. "Well, you guys should probably wait for a half hour before you go put those on them, okay?"
John nodded."Understood..."Dean sighed as he leaned forward letting his arms hang down in front of him."More waiting?That's all there is to do..."John looked at him and shrugged his shoulders,what he said had some truth to it."While were waiting you can show me how to work those."He pointed to the collars hanging in Dean's hand,Dean looked up at him and then to the collars."Yea,guess so."He said as he lifted the collars closer to his face.They actually seemed like a solid metal band if you just look at it,but the feel of it resembles leather.
Breena yawned a bit and sat at one of the tables. She decided to watch how the collars worked just in case then go to bed after the collars were on the twins.

(How does everyone feel if we had an order of how we post?)
(I'm okay with that ^^)

Dean simply pulled the collar in half,showing John."Then just put it back together around there neck."He put them back together and it became a whole piece again."Simple..."He looked at John,"Got it?"He asked making sure he understood even though it was just two steps,John nodded and was handed a collar as Dean added,"Once you get it on them it will size itself and everything,you just got to get it on..."Once again John nodded showing he got it.
(okay, 2 for order posts)

Breena watched the two a bit surprised from how simple it was but asked, "Won't the two be able to do that to take off the collars?"
Dean shook his head and smiled over at her,"No,the one the collar is on can't do anything to it,and the collars are sinked so them trying to take each other's off won't work neither.Trust me,me and my brother tried multiple times....So once we get them on we don't need to worry about any of that,it's pretty simple i know but it works well."

John was impressed,it was very simple but he questioned the fact that those boys wouldn't be able to get them off. It was better then nothing though and who knows,it may work as well as Dean says.
(I'm so sorry about this guys -.- Im new here and can't find the sign up sheet.but before I join gotta check two things

1:Are you even still accepting members?

2:Do you accept Pervs, like myself? xD )
Sorry I stopped, I couldn't keep up without a posting order .... you would go up 5 pages while i was gone, and everyone would move..... i didn't know what to do

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