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Fantasy Flamel Academy (Discontinued)

what should be the first enemy that attacks the school?

  • Army of Undead

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Night Creatures (vampires and Ghouls)

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Army of Cats and Crows

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


High King
“Begin the spell Dr.Dee” hissed a hoarse voice from the corner of the shadowy room. “Awaken these humani so that we may feed their strong auras to the beast and free my fellow elders from their shadow realms.” The voice came closer to the small balding man with stone grey eyes, the source of the voice came from a being that held the head of a large cat and the body of a middle-aged woman “Do it Dee” she hissed, her yellow slitted eyes shining ferociously through the dark room. “Very well Bastet, but no I do not approve” the English magician spoke with a hint of disapproval in his voice but turned to face the bowl in front of him. Around his tiny body formed a cloak of yellow energy and the room was flooded with the scent of rotten eggs….he began the incantation that would change the lives of hundreds.

Eli woke that morning with sweat pouring down his face and his covers sticking to his body “I have to get that AC fixed” he groaned, pulling himself from the damp bed and heading to the shower. After showing he dressed and made a mental note to change his sheets after class, he grabbed his bag and keys before walking out his apartment and began the small trek to his college campus. As he walked, he notice the sky getting darker even though it was nearly eight in the morning “Is it supposed to rain today?” He asked himself, pulling out his phone to check the weather app. “No? Ok then” he mumbled, deciding to pick up his pace just in case it started to pour down.

He made it to class a few minutes early and chose a seat near the window before plopping down on the seat with a small sigh. He hadn’t gotten much sleep with how hot his apartment had been this summer but was way too broke to fix it on his current salary. He took out his notebook as the professor walked in and began the lesson, daydreaming slightly as the professor went over information that was taught in the previous class. He made it to his last class of the day without much hassle, with a can of Monster next to him he jotted down notes as the professor spoke but something stopped him..a voice echoing in his head

"Renelliot , son of Everette and Robyn , of Clan Nestler, of the race humani..."

Huh?” He asked allowed, reviving a rude glare from the teacher “Sorry” he apologized and put his head closer to his notebook as the teacher continued speaking. ‘ did I imagine it?’ He asked himself but at that moment the voice seemed to be screaming through his skull and the scent of rotten eggs filled his nose

"I Awaken this great power within you... These are the senses that the humani have abandoned."

“Great powe…” he started to question but then gripped his head in pain

"To see with acuity..."

The voice spoke and the Elliot’s bones seemed to grind against each other. His eyes seemed to focus harder than before, his head hurt horribly and for some reason, he could see the individual grains of chalk that lay on the chalkboard

"To hear with clarity..."

His head exploded with sound, clocks ticking all over the school, and conversations on other floors were magnified as if they were talking right in front of him

"To taste with purity...

His mouth went horribly dry, he could taste the egg and cheese he had for breakfast and could even taste the slight tinge of dirt that sprayed in through the air conditioning

"To touch with sensitivity..."

His skin was on fire, he could feel each groove as his hands gripped the table in order to steady himself, the hairs on his neck raised as he could feel the coldness of the room in his very bones

"To smell with intensity..."

His nose flared, he could smell the mixture of unwashed bodies, Cologne, perfume, chalk, and even the breath of his teacher who had eaten boiled eggs for breakfast.

A beautiful cyan glow surrounded his body and rolled off him like water as the room was filled with the sudden scent of the ocean. His body rose a few feet off the ground as his eyes rolled back, he let out a shrill scream before his body crashed back to the floor leaving him a crumpled and unconscious mess on the floor of the classroom. No one dared to touch him after the freakish display, instead, they quickly called the cops and paramedics who swooped in and whisked the unconscious boy to the nearest hospital. He woke in the hospital roughly a day later and instead of being greeted by doctors, he was greeted by an elderly couple who looked to be in their sixties. The man had close-cropped silver hair, and grey eyes and wore a pair of faded jeans and an old band t-shirt. The woman had beautiful long black hair that was tied back with a green ribbon, wore a black dress, silver jewelry, and had dazzling green eyes. They handed him a letter “A terrible thing has happened Renelliot, but we can help you” the woman said with a bright smile “I am Nicholas Flamel the Alchemist and this is my wife Perenelle Flamel the Sorceress” Eli blinked hard, the couple talked in low tones but it still felt like they were screaming, his clothes were itchy on his skin and the light in the room was causing him to squint hard. “Please read the letter, and if you decide you would like to join us press your finger on the seal at the bottom of the page and we will send someone to pick you up” Nicholas with a small smile “we hope to see you soon” the woman added before they both left the room.

Eli read the letter and couldn’t believe what he was reading but he knew something was different and now it was up to him to figure out exactly what it was. He pressed his thumb on the brown seal at the bottom of the page and at first, a strong scent of mint filled the room, it was enough to make Eli cover his nose as his stomach lurched, but then the scent changed and the seal began to glow cyan as the scent of saltwater filled the room, easily overpowering the smell of mint.

A day later, two tall grey skin men dressed In black suits came into his room holding a bag of clothes and another letter that told him that these creatures called Golems would escort him to San Francisco to join others like him. After what had to be nearly four days of steady driving with minimal stops, the golems turned the car off the main road and entered a rocky path that led through bushes. “Uhh?” Eli questioned as he peered out the window, he could’ve sworn he saw a pair of eyes looking back at him through the dense overgrowth but chose to ignore it. It wasn’t until the car came to s complete stop and shut off that the golems exited the car and opened his door as if to tell him to exit. Following the golems through the bush he was taken aback to see the biggest tree he had ever laid eyes on. It was so big that its highest branches seemed to go out into space and the roots burrowed deep into the soft grass, once again Eli swore he saw something massive flying around the tree but switched his attention to the growing crowd of people that all seemed to be just as amazed as he was at the massive tree. Arriving at the clearing, the golems held up a hand as if to tell him to wait here and Eli was in no position to disobey, instead, he took in all the sounds and sights that his enhanced senses could handle, wincing slightly whenever a voice got too loud or the sun shone too brightly.

Dest Dest DarkKitsune DarkKitsune 1Lucker 1Lucker Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi skycaptor skycaptor
INTERACTION: Orin Orin (mention)
LOCATION: Yggdrasil

Chimera was in her room sitting at her desk working on a compare and contrast essay for school. The room had a calming silence that hung over the room as she worked in peace writing the draft with paper and pencil before rewriting the whole essay on her laptop. She was focused her green and blue eyes, not moving off the paper. When suddenly she heard a voice.

'Chimera , Daughter of Jasmine and Eric, of Clan Kindel, of the race humani...'

She tried to push it out of her mind. It was something that seemed like a fleeting thought. Maybe she could just ignore it, it wasn't that big of a deal she thought not so surely. However, as she tried to push it to the back of her mind, it continued.

'To see with acuity...'

The sudden sharpening of her vision made everything look somehow clearer, yet she could handle it very well. Her first instinct was to close her eyelids so it wouldn't bother her too much.

'To hear with clarity...'

Her hearing quickly became unwittingly unbearable. She clapped her hands over her ears. Even then, she could still hear noise from every which direction, from her chair squeaking to noise down the staircase.

'To taste with purity...'

Things proceeded to get worse at the sudden change of her senses that would possibly become too much for her at some point. However, the next thing she knew, she could taste the brownie and milk she had when she was at the bakery again.

'To touch with sensitivity...'

This caused her to fall out of her chair onto the hard wood floor of her bedroom. And she started freaking out though tempted to take her hands off her ears because of how much touch was bothering her she had been semi-aware that it may not be the best option with her sudden change in hearing.

'To smell with intensity...'

Suddenly, her sense of smell also became sharper. This became the last needle in the hay stack. When she could suddenly smell every single scent in the room, including the left-over smell of baked goods on her clothes, she curled up into a ball. And laid there for an undetermined amount of time. Hoping that eventually it would ease up. Eventually, she opened her eyes and saw a letter on the floor. She didn't know where it came from but she tried to refocus her senses a bit, resulting in a very bad head ache and the mint scent wasn't helping her any or well the scent there was brief before she smelt rosemary. She read it over as best as she could. It wasn't very clear about what was going on but it did mention some sort of school, but she was already in a school. So how would that work? Even then there were other odd factors about this...what if it was something bad? She, however, gave into the temptation though and pressed on the seal. Granted she probably also should've spoken to her parents when she had the time. She was also still distracted by her own senses.

She had to take the bus due to her being fifteen and lacking a drivers license. She was escorted by two people? They looked human enough, she could suppose.They were grey and taller than she was. They had black eyes that freaked her out a bit but she didn't voice that. She was surprised when no one else on the bus noticed exactly that. Eventually, she made it to her destination and got off the bus. Guided to a tree that was large in size. Larger than Hyperion trees even. She didn't understand how exactly that was possible. She did, however look at it in amazement. She noticed someone else there. A boy notably taller than she was who was also probably there for the same reason. She was confused, though wasn't there meant to be a school there?
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Rory Black
Interactions: Orin Orin DarkKitsune DarkKitsune (Mentions)
Location: Yggdrasil

Ireland at night was a different sort of magical in its own right. Rory had taken his nightly outings, and had made it as far as 5 miles away from home on his trek. He wanted to see the morning sun rise over Ireland's cliffside. To see crashing waves gently push and pull along. Rory's black glasses glimmered against the moonlight as it slowly gave way to sunlight on the horizon. Rory had finally made it to the cliffside, legs dangling over the edge as he sat and watched. A splitting ringing sound broke his concentration, and quickly gave way to a voice that tore through his eardrums.

"Rory, Son of Alexander and Minayle, of Clan Black, of the race humani..."
"GAH!" Rory could only cup his ears in hopes the loud voice would dampen, but to no avail.
"I Awaken this great power within you... These are the senses that the humani have abandoned."
Rory fell onto his back, gripping his ears and clamping his eyes shut hard. The wind blew in response, and Rory meekly groaned in pain as the voices' booming sound didn't let up its onslaught.

"To see with acuity..."
Rory's eyes opened immediately, not of his own volition. His eyesight was a condition that continued to be problematic for him even into adulthood. But at that moment, his eyesight evolved. Like he saw miles apart, but at the same time could still see the very grass before him, each blade rustling along with his twisting and twirling body. He could see his home, could see even farther out, to the pub he frequented for a quick bite to eat and a soda to drink.

"To hear with clarity..."
Bombs, it all sounded like a clash of howling wind, of crackling and crashing waves, of animals far and away calling out. It felt like Rory's ears were bleeding from the effect of this intensity of sound. His hands grasped at whatever he could hold onto. In dear desperation for something to save him. "N-No...Stop...STOP!" He begged, as if a feeling deep inside of him knew that even this was not the end of it.

"To taste with purity...
The Cadbury Milk Bar he had two hours ago had crept its way back into his mouth. Though sweet, and overpoweringly so this time around, Rory found no comfort in this and with enough strength he willed himself to sit on his knees.

"To touch with sensitivity..."
"GAAAHHHH!!!!" Rory screamed out as he felt every strand of his snow-white hair brush against his fingertips. Felt the wind pass through his fingers and brush against his face like a cold but welcoming hand by a lover long lost. Rory clenched his fists but that only seemed to increase the effect of this terrible feeling.

"To smell with intensity..."
The smell of sea salt, of lush forest and wet grass, of the wind that brought with it the scents of coffee being brewed in the morn' for the early workers on their commutte. Rory could catch the scent of all things around him.

All Rory could do was laugh, and laugh psychotically. All of his senses all at once had awakened, and he could feel his own sanity splitting at the seams. He couldn't control this rush of newfound awakenings. But if there was a chance, even one slim possibility he could grasp at control he could try it. With all of this happening at once, he had to take his chance. Throwing his head up into the air he howled out in a fit of laughter and sobbing all mixed into a jarring display of what looked like a mental breakdown. In his rush of senses, he could sense a letter appearing before him. His hand eagerly grasped at it and touched the seal thereafter.

Rosemary, yet this time it was a calmer, more controlled scent. Rory had an idea. He needed a focus. Something to keep his attention on and give his newfound senses one thing entirely to hold onto. He focused on the letter, that would be his catalyst. It had to be. So, his control hardened only with his extensive stubbornness to rear his senses. That night he read the letter and with incredible interest as well.. He could see that something unusual was happening, but it was a calling towards something new.


The ride on the boat was silent and slow. Rory kept to himself, and did not seem to mind the unusual figures that brought him to Yggdrasil. When docked, he grabbed his two bags and unloaded himself from the boat. He was slower than the rest of those that had arrived and had decided to stand on his own at first. He noticed two other individuals that seemed out-of-place. With a second of consideration, Rory thought it best not to pursue. But fate had different plans, and wind does not adhere to one chosen path in life. The wind blew Rory towards the other two students, forcing him along to get closer to the other two.

Blake Forbes
Interactions: Orin Orin Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi DarkKitsune DarkKitsune (Mentions)
Location: Yggdrasil

Blake leaned against the wheel of his family's tractor, smiling as he strummed his guitar gently in the afternoon sun. As he hummed, he looked around at the surrounding field with half-lidded eyes, closer than not to falling asleep in the warm sun. That was, until a voice began to echo in his ears.

"Blake, Son of Randal and Sara, of Clan Forbes, of the race humani..."

He flinched, his strumming and humming stopping abruptly as he looked around for the speaker.

"To see with acuity..."

The young farmer flinched as his eyes grew sharp, the distant edge of the field coming into focus and allowing him to see even crawling worms in the dirt.
An errant thought came to him to check the area out later for fishing bait before the voice returned again.

"To hear with clarity..."

He could suddenly hear the rustle of trees on the far edge of the property, and birds and other animals within them. Even a light buzzing of electricity from the tractor's battery echoed within his ears.

"To taste with purity..."

He could suddenly taste traces of dirt, and grass, and even bark and leaves. All the things around him found their way to his mouth in at least traces of taste.

"To touch with sensitivity..."

The roughness of his jeans and shirt amplified, and he could even feel slight shifting as animals burrowed beneath his feet as his sense of touch joined the others in growing stronger than they ever should have.

"To smell with intensity..."

As the final of his senses joined Blake could smell metal and earth, the scents blending into an aroma that he had known all his life but was all that he could focus on now.

The sensation of all his senses being amplified was intense, bringing the older teen to his knees and forcing him to the ground, eyes forced shut and breathing growing intense as his brain struggled to understand what was happening. Slowly, so so slowly, he began to breathe easier, and he relaxed as he grew more and more used to the sensations. As he did, he finally opened his eyes and looked forward only to find a letter sitting there in the dirt, one that hadn't been there when the process had begun. Reaching forward, hand trembling, he took the letter and opened it, ready to try to understand what had just happened to him. And, as he opened the letter and pressed the seal at the bottom by accident, the scent of mint filled the air, only to be replaced with the warm scent of Cinnamon.

Blake stared out the windshield of his truck, one eye still watching the 'golem' that was escorting him with interest. It had been a long drive to get to this point and the young man could only sing so many songs to his silent companion till he grew bored of the activity. But, at long last, he was almost to this 'Yggdrasil' that the letter had mentioned. Hopefully his guide would be a bit more useful once they got there.


'Holy! That's a big ol tree!' Blake stared up at the giant tree in shock, allowing himself to be pushed forward slowly by the growing crowd. It wasn't until he nearly bumped into another teen that he truly focused on where he was, only to realize that he had been pushed towards a group of three others.​
Green= Nicholas Flamel
Purple= Hecate
Bold white= Perenelle

Dest Dest Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Elliot glanced up when a very commanding voice echoed over the clearing “Silence Humani” a very tall woman shouted from the base of the tree. She had skin the color of the night sky,teeth white as snow, a head closely shaved with the fairest flecks of white hair, and eyes slitted like a cat which were the color of butter. She wore a black gown that seemed to sparkle with colors of the rainbow as the sun shined down upon the Elder. She looked annoyed, probably due to the sudden influx of noise in her once quiet and peaceful shadow realm. “You all have been given a terrible curse” she started, her cat like eyes scanning over the crowd “and though we cannot take these abilities away” she continued “we can teach you to control these newfound abilities so that you may use or not use them safely” she finished, her voice echoing clearly over the field. “My name is Hecate, many of you would have heard the name from various mythologies but I assure you” she glared over the crowd, her eyes narrowing dangerously “I am very real, and very powerful” as she finished her statement, two massive boar like creatures with red-brown fur and tusk the size of swords, trotted up to her and stood next to her. Eli stared in astonishment at both the nearly seven foot tall woman and the giant boar creatures that came up to her hip and looked like they could eat a child whole. “This” she gestured behind her to the gigantic tree “is the Yggdrasil or the world tree as your mythology calls it, the inside changes to meet your needs, everyone gets their own room, and there are classrooms formed specifically for the courses you will be taking here which will not be math and English by the way” she added dryly before continuing “but I will let your headmasters give you that information” with a snap of her fingers, giant doors at the base of the tree formed and then opened into a great hall filled with chairs, floating candles, and banners of four different animals. “Come” she beckoned the crowd with a painted fingernail as she entered the great hall.

Along with the rest of the students, Eli filled in untill everyone was standing inside the massive room. In the front of the room there was a stage that held a long table with nine seats and a podium to which the older man Eli recognized as Nicholas Flamel stood behind with a bright smile. “Welcome Welcome” the man called out, his voice echoing through the great hall “I know all of this is a shock but you will all receive explanations as soon as we get you sorted” the man chirped and Eli looked puzzled for a moment “sorted?” He asked “why does that sound familiar” but before he could put his finger on it, the realization hit him like a truck as the older man pulled out a rather old and tattered hat “the sorting hat?” He asked, blinking rapidly, and looking around the room to discover it was decorated just like…. “Harry freaking potter” he exclaimed, earning some weird glances from some kids and excited chirps from others. His eyes trailed around the room that was designed almost identical to the great hall from the famous movies to the point where it was kind of ominous, the only difference was that everything in the room seemed to grow from directly from the Yggdrasil. The old man laughed “yes, we stole the idea of this whole place from the book series you millennials love” he sat the hat down on a stool that rose from the ground right in front of their eyes “movies” a woman corrected as she walked to stand next to Nicholas “we thought it would be a easier transition if you are somewhere that is…familiar” she finished with a smile. Eli recognized her as Perenelle Flamel the wife of Nicholas. With a bright smile, she gave the crowd a small bow “I am the sorceress Perenelle Flamel and this is my husband the immortal alchemist known as Nicholas Flamel“ she finished, gesturing an arm towards the man “right” he smiled before continuing “it is wonderful to meet you all and although we wish it could be on better terms” he cleared his throat “me and Perenelle have made it our mission to teach you everything you need to know about” he clapped his hands together and rubbed them slightly as they began to glow an emerald green “magic!” He exclaimed and spread his hands into the air. In that instant, thousands of green sparks filled the air, the smell of mint wafting over the room in waves. Eli looked on in astonishment as the green sparks danced across the ceiling forming various patterns shapes. The sparks disappeared and Nicholas smiled at all the shocked faces around the room “now” he said, pulling out a piece of paper “Renelliot Nestler?” He called out and Eli paled “why am I first” he groaned before shyly pushing his way past the crowd

Eli walked onto the stage and sat on the stool as he had seen in his favorite movie numerous times. “As most of you have seen the movies, I’ll keep the explanations simple” Nicholas said as he raised the hat above Eli’s head “I will place this hat on your head, but instead of it talking it will glow a certain color” he smiled “Crimson represents the house of Magicians, Blue for the House of Sorcery , green for the house of Enchantments, and golden for the House of Alchemy ” the old man explained, his eyes seeming to gleam at the mention of alchemy “during your time here you will study one or two of those disciplines with the goal of having complete control over your powers” he said finally as he placed the hat on Elliot’s head and instantly, the boy’s brilliant cyan aura flared to life and the slight smell of saltwater wafted over the room, the smell dampening by the magic of the Yggdrasil so that the newly awakened students wouldn’t get sick from their senses working overtime. The hat glowed a bright white for a moment and then it turned a deep blue, darker than the color of his cyan aura “wonderful” Perenelle exclaimed, clapping her hands together “you are to study in the house of Sorcery , my own house” she smiled brightly as she lifted the hat from his head and handed him what seemed to be a private school like uniform that was embroidered with blue, the color of his discipline. “T-Thankyou” he stammered, not sure what she meant my sorcery but excitement still bubbled up inside him before he rushed off the stage and back into the crowd as Nicholas and Perenelle began calling more names to the stage, each being sorted into their disciplines and being presented with a uniform.
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INTERACTION: Orin Orin (mention) Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi (mention) Dest Dest (mention)
LOCATION: Yggdrasil -- Flamel academy

After Hecate's introduction to the crowd, Chimera was intrigued by a lot of things. Loads of things caught her attention. Like the boars who'd appeared side by side with Hecate, Hecate herself. In mythology, Hecate was a Greek goddess. If she is that, then that would mean that the others are real as well. Another thing that caught her attention was the magical poof of two massive doors and four banners, each having their own animal depicted onto the cloth, which made her curious about what they were for exactly. One banner had a fox. Another banner had a Dolphin, the other two had a Chameleon and an Owl. It amazed her with how a single snap of her figures all these things appeared...well, minus the boars anyway. It felt like a fever dream to Chimera. She followed ensue of her fellow peers. With her hands awkwardly playing with her braids and her heterochromic eyes taking in the new surroundings as they walked inside the Yggdrasil. She noticed the flicker of the floating candles. Next thing she knew, they had made it to a room that was big enough to put her family's bakery to shame. They were welcomed by an older man who was proceeding with the conversation of sorting and sorting hats with a student. Although she wasn't all that familiar with the franchise in question, she was appreciative of their attempts to ease everyone into the weirdness that was going on. She wanted to ask questions. She had at least a thousand, but with every attempt she couldn't even make a noise as she felt a heavy weight in her stomach and like she was about to choke on her own words. The man and his wife introduced themselves, she instantly thought.

'Wasn't Nicolas Flamel a French scriber and book seller from the 1300s-1400s?'

She shoved that thought away. If he was actually that figure she had to learn about in history class at this rate, it perhaps wouldn't be the strangest thing at the moment. The man proceeded with elebrate introduction that caused her to cover her nose. The green sparks were beautiful, but a weak and sharp mint smell emanated from them. She wasn't that fond of said mint spell. The boy from earlier- Renelliot-- got called up to be sorted first. She felt bad as she could empathize with his shyness in front of a crowd. The sorting was explained as the student in question would sit on a stool, and the hat would change color depending on your discipline. Red was for magicians, blue for Sorcery, green for enchantments and gold for alchemy. What these houses and their disciplines meant, however, Chimera did not know. Nor did she understand quite how the sorting worked. Renelliot got sorted into Sorcery. After that, students get called up left and right. Eventually, Chimera gets called up. As she walked through the crowd she felt overwhelmed and didn't know how to calm herself down. She sat down on the stool and the hat was put on her head...

She saw the glow of green followed by the smell of rosemary. It was that weird green energy that appeared when she'd first heard those voices. It was weaker this time, however and the herbal scent helped calm her down a little. The hat then glowed gold. She was given her uniform that had the color of gold. She wastes no time in disappearing back into the crowd of students.

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Where were you when it happened?
His cracked cell phone vibrated to tell him is was getting to be the time to bike his way home. James Reed jumped a bit silently and the other patrons of the library shot daggers or contemptuous looks his way for being ill-accustomed to the technology.

The young man set to log off the free-to-use desktop. He gathered his things and set to browse the catalogs for anything of interest. He found a treasure beyond measure in the newest Harry Potter book that the internet insinuated featured a gay couple (apparently not 'Drarry' as he suspected it might be).

Along with the 'Cursed Child' novel, he decided to finally check out this 'Game of thrones' series (the first book) he'd heard so much about, just so in case he sped through the Rowling book. *seems quite small compared to her other ones...*

Senses bright awake
James, son of Zinnia and Robert, of Clan Reed, of the race humani...

The voice boomed in the man's head and he covered his ears in vain panic, his knees buckled under him, his neighbors in the library barking at him for silence.

I Awaken this great power within you... These are the senses that the humani have abandoned.

Even with air tight fingers in his earholes James could not silence the coice as it tortured him more.

To see with acuity...

His senses where further whelmed by the stimuli of dust particles passing through his vision and details of the tiniest wall clippings or miniscule cracks in wooden book stands.

To hear with clarity...

The pitifully short pauses of the voice would provide no futher respite as the clamor of angry and concerned reader and librarians asked if he had 'escaped from a nut house' and other such things. All of then with a not dissimilar loudness to the voice in his head now.

To taste with purity...

James would wish an assault on his tongue of too salty spam and oily grits from his last meal. His liking of mint would be tested today as his mouthwash coated his buds with the slightest aftertaste.

To touch with sensitivity...

The inside of his ear and his fingers began to mate pores as sensitive as never before and the carpet fibers made him very uneasy at their creepy brush against his too receptive skin. James rolled on the floor now as people held someone back from trying to shut his phone up.

To smell with intensity...

The very slight chemicals on the carpet felt unreasonable artificial now and the nervous sweat of his onlookers, among other warcrimes against his nose made him being to scream out obscenities his parents would faint at.

James told them all that they stunk and that fox urine smelled less than them. (At least one among them knew enough to know what great offense that truly was).

James may as well forget about ever returning what he already owed them or even stepping foot in there ever again to check anything out, 'Harry Potter and the Cursed Child' having slumped forgotten to the floor long ago along with the others.

When James began glowing the Violet color of his Aura and float with his mint plus damp log smell, people panicked and fought over whether they had also all gone mad and what to do.

As James Reed continued to ever more quietly call them foul names regarding their combined stench, emergency services had been called and were quickly on their way to the pleas of frightened middle class people who dared not tangle with 'The rain man', whom they thought he was alike. This talk of floating people luckily had been ignored by the urgency of their calls.

The librarians had spared him the effort of returning the books already in his bag whilst his bicycle and other effects stood forgotten at the library.

The letter, The Flamels, and the hospital
When the man awoke he was attached to tubes and straps on some cot of metal and other artifices, sterile hospital smells assault his fresh wakened but still ever sensitive nose.

The near auburn haired man heard obnoxious commotion in nearby halls, shreetching sounds of white nurse slippers and pens strortching across clipboarded forms. His lips smacked and tongue lapped miserably at the unbrushed taste of gathering plaque and microbes.

Scabbed and bruised by his own thrashing, the irritated red skin of his was only the slightest bit desensitized to the garments and sheets of his restraining cot.

The hospital staff were so very glad and amazed at how unfazed the two 'doctors' seemed at the patient's condition. Arrangements had been made for a bit now and 'Dr. Nicodemus Flemming and Dr. Nelia Flemming' (with likely falsified credentials) to speak alone with young James.

The man made concessions to hospital standard with faded jeans that many would say to be unprofessional. The lady worse a green ribbon to tie her hair, despite protocols about auditory stipulations for fragile psyches of patients like James. That siver jeweled ornamentation Perenelle wore was definitely not hospital standard.

Nicolas and Perenelle spoke to surprise him with tolerable softness to compare with the other staff. The staff had hesitantly arranged to free him of his binds and fluid drips only just now.

The grayed pair in their apparent 60s introduced themselves by their true names and titles, shushing him when he spoke to question the sanity of all three of them with himself included. Arrangements made, he had been cleared as mentally sound enough for the truth to be grasped (by the hospital powers at least).

"You guys weren't in the last book and I haven't read the newest one" the patient Reed told the 'Doctor Flamel', explaining to Nicolas' confusion about the Harry Potter novel chronology and the pair's own mention in the first one.

The man laughed horribly on James' senses but apologized and stopped abruptly. James was handed a letter to read and saw the pair had left by the time he finished reading. James could not question things and pressed the seal after some deliberation.

It's possible the pair lied and this was just a prank, a rather horrible one to be certain. It's possible he was mentally unhinged and hallucinating it all from the confines of his self hugging white jacket. But all these sensations needed to stop or abate and no doctor seemed equipped, this 'Academy' seemed his best and only bet.

The smell of very strong mint filled the room, by poor luck or destiny his displeasure was only diluted some as the smell of his own Violet Aura washed his senses. The mint smell was 'diluted' by... mint. The scent of damp twigs cut through his misfortune, not by much.

James had to lie about his condition, wishing to give the hospital no reason to declare him psychotic. He had to hide and lie about his discovered Academy letter, saying it had been a test from the 'Flemming' Doctors to see if he could distinguish fact from fiction.

The golems, and the long trip
The nurses told him his guardians had come to collect him, eyes widened to see two "little Grey men" be let in without even a raised eyebrow.

They were left alone and James was handed a second letter. *Am I in the Potter world or are these aliens from the X-files?* the lad found himself thinking. James read the letter and couldn't help feel at least a little bit giddy at having finally received his letter from 'Hogwarts' however.

The man was somewhat afraid that this was either a rather well executed kidnapping or an alien abduction. The man tentatively and perhaps stupidly asked to stop by his house to pick up stuff he had already packed for his move to college.

The golems did not speak but did make way at his insistence not to arrive at 'Hogwarts' in hospital gown with horrible breath. He was silently guarded so one golem could collect things for him and deal with any people that may be inside to question it. James knew not exactly how that was accomplished.

The young man decided it was best his family not say goodbye, their loud voices of confusion and concern, demanding a million answers to the same amount of questions. James WAS however fool enough to insist on a final staggered farewell to the landscape. A golem had to carry his body back to the car with his overwhelmed senses from the mountain.

Horn honks and other horribly loud traffick sounds plagued him during his week long trip to the SF bay. Hassle and instant oatmeal were his constant companions, for it was among the few things he could stand to eat with his unusually sensitive tongue.

After a slew of gas stations and cheap motels, James passed along the famous Golden Gate Bridge. James had barely remembered why they called it such when it was in fact red, when they drove into the edge of Sausalito County.

The man's worries of eyes watching him from the brush washed away some when he saw there was no flying saucer waiting to pull him with a beam or stick things where no one had permission to be.

Instead, the largest tree he had or would ever see loomed before him. Now he did not mind so much the massive delay for receiving his Hogwarts acceptance letter or the hospital stay, not mention the lack of owls or half Giant groundskeepers.

James wrapped a cloth around his nose and also tied heavy fluff about his ears as had become his custom. The smell of the wood and fresh leaves was overpowering. He likely seemed like a ninja that snorted that white stuff some of his 'neighbors' made, with his dazed walk and wrapped head.

His ears really ought to be bleeding in response to to the sound of the dozens of others walking and talking. A yellow eyed woman darker than any he had ever seen outside cartoons, with white hair (though there was at least one other in the crowd with such hair) spoke loudly. Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi

Young Reed had but a moment to stare in wonder at the enormous boars when she began to speak about stuff like Yggdrasil or introverted herself as 'Hecate'. His face flushed red in embarrassment, having never heard of any of this before.

The student body followed the 'Hecate' where they entered a room that look somewhat familiar to him...

The Flamels appeared to speak more to them and a young black lad with fluffy looking highlighted tornado curls atop his head gave voice to the familiarity he had considered all along. Orin Orin

He was technically a man full grown but could not help but nervously softly trill out the tune that had been playing in his mind ever since he received his first letter from Flamel Academy. His rendition of 'Hedwig's theme' drew more eyes and giggles, plus some tentative harmonies despite the strain on the ears.

Other students
Who could help but at least hum along when a literal sorting hat came into view? The same young man who pointed out the similarities (Renelliot Nestler) was the first to be sorted, given the blue embroidered uniform of the Sorcery house.

The lad's Cyan Aura graciously washed away the scent of mint that had grown too familiar to him. James noted however that the new smell of saltwater didn't assault him so much.

In fact the horrid loud noises of far off places, the clothes oppressing his skin, the taste of hotel toothpaste, the too bright colors of blue hat sorting light... they had dimmed to his senses...

A girl with eyes of both green and blue named "Chimera Kindel" later appeared to the color of Viridian Aura and the scent of rosemary. The hat glowed white then golden, the lass being gifted with a school uniform embroidered with the same Alchemist's house gold. DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

James' Placement*Dolphins and blue for Sorcery house... Owls plus gold for Alchemy. Foxes of Crimson for Magicians, Green Chameleons for Enchanters*

James had removed the cloth and stuffing around his ears/nose, feeling and looking less like poo now that the sensations had abated some.

"James Reed?" Had been called, to which James answered by making his way to have a seat.

Moistened bark and a (thankfully now very subdued) mint undertone wafted from him. His signature Violet of Ultra-Marine blue blended with Red Aura glowed.

The sorting hat had been placed on light auburn strands. It glowed white, then gold. A small bit of banter passed between Nicholas and Perenelle about how Nicholas' house got the addition of a physically imposing lad, previously pitiful hospital straps not withstanding

The Appalachian had been standing up taller and healthier looking than before as he collected what looked like a private school uniform embroidered with gold.

James Reed made his way back into the crowd of awaiting students
Rory was most pleased with Hecate's intervention, he almost thought that his body was going to tackle into the young girl (He would later identify as Chimera Kindel.) When the wind pulled him forward...

"Silence, Humani"
Rory looked up, and considering he was already silent...Well that was the easiest task given to him already.
"You all have been given a terrible curse, and though we cannot take these abilities away, we can teach you to control these newfound abilities so that you may use or not use them safely”
A bit odd, wasn't it? Why would they teach all of the people here how to control these abilities--if they also intended to do bad with them? Rory felt like it would be even more dangerous if a student decided to use these powers for evil.. But then again, you live in a world where people make their choices...You have to roll with the hand you're dealt at times.

Hecate began to explain her origins, and though he wasn't well-versed in such histories, he was made more than aware she boasted incredible strength and deserved recognition for it. Rory took note of this, so that if he ever crossed paths- he would treat Hecate with the very same respect he shows his parents. When the boars had arrived, Rory almost felt the desire to play with them, or even observe their nature. But his better judgement stopped his feet from budging through the crowd. He instead, opted to follow the class and stand in the grandoise hall that was awaiting them inside Yggdrasil, the World Tree. Hecate explained it could provide anything the students needed in accordance to their tutoring.. How interesting.

Rory slowly got sucked into his own head while he messed with what little control of his newfound abilities he had....Which was pointing his finger and spewing out the tiniest amount of air possible from it. Capable of moving a strand of hair. He had messed around so much on his voyage to Yggdrasil that his street-wise intellect had gotten a grasp of implementing his element...But not to the point it could be called a studious amount. He continued to mess with his finger, until someone yipped out

"Harry Freaking Potter!"

Rory looked up finally, having been brought back to reality in that moment. He smelled a wave of mint, a flash of green flame, and finally understood where everyone else in the room was in the conversation. Examining the room itself, and the banners that gloriously stood honorably within the hall. Houses, they were being divided into different sects. He realized now why the student called out Harry Potter.
This was exactly like that, but his knowledge of it was from the movies and a couple books. He didn't exactly keep up with it, but he understood the general amount of information from its source.

That very student that called out the franchise was unluckily the first to be chosen. A waft of saltwater scent, and then a brilliant glow of blue signaled that Renelliot would be Dolphin Blue. A Sorcerer.

Next was that same girl he (luckily) avoided from ramming into earlier. A fresh scent of rosemary filled his nostrils. An alluring gold symbolized Chimera Kindel would be of Owl Gold. An Alchemist.

Rory had observed a ninja in the crowd, though their disguise was rather made-at-home wasn't it? Not very sneaky. Upon removing their wrappings, it revealed a sturdy looking young man. Far more than Rory was, which was true. His strengths did not lie in his muscles, but in his endless energy and stamina. He was called up to the sorting, and with the hat being placed upon his head an aroma of moistened bark filled Rory's senses. It was rather pleasant, after all- it reminded him of the Irish Forests and Mountains he'd climb. His color would be the very same alluring gold. Owl Gold, another Alchemist.

"Rory Black!"​

Quickly, his attention was brought to bear the fruits (or lack thereof) being called out and onto the stand... It made his fingers twitch lightly not in annoyance but in a riveting experience. Aye, he did not like being the center of attention. He'd much rather have done all of this behind closed doors but he couldn't very well just ignore his superiors. The young man with the solid black glasses, white-wind streaked hair walked up to the chair.

He did not speak, he showed little to no emotion at all. The curves of his lips were completely still.

The hat settled itself down onto Rory's head, and the flash of green emitted much like the others did. The aura seemed to pulse out without a care in the world, free to do and think for its own: Free will itself. An adventerous Wind Green (Aero Green.)
A soothing fresh breeze rolled over the hall, with slight undertones of herbal essences. It was not overly-powering in its presentation, but the effect remained.
Blazing, crimson red burned atop Rory's head when the hat sorted him. He was of Crimson Fox, A Magician.

With that, did Rory's emotionless face break into a small, appreciative smile. If one's perception was worth it's lick of salt they could catch that smile from the otherwise standoff-ish boy. He received his equipment associated with his House, and returned to his position in the crowd of students.

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Mentions: Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi DarkKitsune DarkKitsune xpstitch xpstitch Orin Orin

Blake looked up as the voice echoed around the clearing, watching as the tall woman, Hecate he corrected as she said her name, scanned the clearing. As she made her short speech he snorted, it was pretty obvious she was real after all. Especially since she had just managed to summon a pair of boars and was keeping a giant tree concealed from the better part of the world. If that wasn’t proof enough that all this was real, then the gift he had apparently been given was. While he would certainly agree that the enhanced senses that he could feel were a bit of a curse, but not the sudden influx of information he could feel from the ground beneath his feet. Soil was how his family had made their living for years and he was always trying to learn tricks and tips for how to tell the quality of what they had, and now? Now all he had to do was touch it.

As the crowd began to follow the woman, he joined them, sticking close to the small group that he had spotted before Hecate had started her speech. He looked around in awe of the building, taking in the beautiful room filled with four long tables, four banners, and a stage with a head table. And then he blinked before groaning under his breath. He watched as a man stoop up from behind the head table, listened as the now identified Nicholas Flamelle made his brief speech, and nodded as one of the others near him made the connection as well.

‘What Jane wouldn’t give to be here instead,’ Blake thought to himself, watching like a hawk as the sorting began.

First was, of course, the unfortunate one who had vocalized the realization, the teen being sorted into the house of Sorcery, and the next notable person being the girl that had been next to him before he had been called, her own house being shown to be Alchemy. The next that Blake noted was another teen who looked to be from around the same area as him, or at least had grown up similar with the way he moved. He ended up in Alchemy as well, and it wasn’t until the final member, other than Blake, of the small group he had been stood with was called did he realize that he was among the final members of the crowd not sorted yet. The teen before him was quick to be made into a Magician, and then it was his turn at last.

“Blake Forbes!” the famous alchemist finally called him after another couple of students had been sorted, and suddenly he was nervous. As he stepped forward on the stage, he did his best to keep any shaking to the minimum, taking solace in the fact that he at least hadn’t felt like throwing up like one unfortunate kid had. As he took his place, and the hat was placed upon his head, he closed his eyes and relaxed, the warm and comforting scent of Apple Cinnamon filling the air around him as a golden glow showed through his eyelids. As the hat was removed and he stood, a uniform being pushed into his arms, he walked to his new home, the house of the Alchemist.​
Bold White= Perenelle Flamel
Purple= Hecate
Blue= Eli

Wonderful” Perenelle clapped her hands together after everyone had been sorted and stepped to the edge of the stage “now, im sure all of you have questions and you all deserve explanations but for now” she glanced at Hecate who was standing next to another pair of giant double doors “We will place you in your dorm assignments and give you all time to rest or explore the Yggdrasil” she smiled and grabbed another paper from the podium “now, the dorms are coed but don’t worry, each student has their own room” she spoke quickly before the protest could set in “you will be placed with members of different houses to keep things friendly” he said before clearing her throat and began reading the paper

Eli was astonished by the different colors and smells that came one after another as each person was placed into their house. The smell of Apple cinnamon was still flooding his senses from the last person to be placed in the Golden Chameleon House when he heard his name being called once more, prompting him to stand from the table that held his fellow Blue Dolphins which wasn’t that many. Out of the houses, the house of sorcery held the least amount of members. Eli counted six, seven if he was to include himself, with all the other houses having upwards twenty people each. He wasn’t sure why his house had so few people but he was sure it would probably be explained whenever they received the full explanation of what was happening to him. It was until he heard a more stern “Renelliot Nestler!?” That his mind snapped back to the present and he sheepishly craned his head to look to the stage “Dorm 32” Perenelle stated simply, and pointed to the door where Hecate and two of her boars stood. Eli nodded and said goodbye to his housemates before awkwardly walking over to the extremely tall elder and standing near her, ignoring the fiery stare of the boar that was almost as tall as him.

This way Humani” the elder said, her voice seeming to become more raspy as the day went on with even her features starting to look old and tired as she pointed down the long hallway “this Torc Alta will show you to your dorm” she rasped, tapping the boar on his shoulder “Torc Alta?” He questioned, looking from the elder to the boar “is that his name?” He asked curiously, shrinking back when the goddess let out a chuckle that sounded like sandpaper on metal “no child” she started “Torc Alta is the original name of what you humans call” she thought for a second before the word came to her “were-boar” she stated simply and the Torc Alta seemed to disapprove of the word by giving a loud snort and shaking its massive head “were-boar?” He asked aloud, flinching as the Torc Alta shook violently “as in a human that turns into a boar?” Eli spoke with pure excitement and interest in his voice which shocked the elder “more the other way around” the elder gave a motion of shrugging before patting the Torc Alta “walk down this hallway and wait for your dorm mates, Nisid will show you to your dorm once you are all together” she said before turning and giving the same instructions to other groups of kids “so your name is Nisid?” Eli asked, looking directly to the boar. It looked at him blankly for a moment and then gave a small huff, dipping his head in what Eli took to be a response. “Nice to meet you?” The boy blurted out, more of a question than a statement and the Torc Alta simply huffed again and trotted half way down the hall before sitting down and peering to the entrance, waiting for the rest of the group he was supposed to lead to their room.

Eli stood dumbfounded for a moment, there was so much his brain was trying to process and he felt as if he needed to take a nap. “So magic” he held up a hand and began counting on his fingers “giant sentient trees” he held up a second finger “ancient and all power goddesses” he peered back to Hecate who was guiding a group of students down a separate hall “were boars” he continued “what’s next? Is a giant three headed dog guarding the back entrance?” He questioned more to himself but turned his head when he heard a snort from the Torc Alta that almost sounded like a laugh before the great beast shook his head slowly. Eli couldn’t help but to let out a chuckle, was this massive beast…laughing at his anguish?

Dest Dest Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi DarkKitsune DarkKitsune xpstitch xpstitch
INTERACTION: xpstitch xpstitch (mention) Dest Dest (mention) Orin Orin
LOCATION: Flamel academy

Chimera listened as Mrs Flamel explained how the dorms were going to work, that they were coed and everyone would be getting their own room within the dorms, which was good to know. Chimera was currently sitting with the other Golden Owls, of which two stuck out. She believed their names were James and Blake. She found James intimidating. She waited, one hand fidgeting with one of her braids and the other holding onto her school uniform. Chimera recalls attempting to explain going to a different school to her parents, which, within an ongoing school, was difficult, but it somehow panned out in the end. She was there now, waiting for her name to be called. As overwhelming as it was to be surrounded by so many people, her aura assisted her, somehow. It's the smell of rosemary keeping her the slightest but calm. It didn't take long for her name to be called out again.

"Chimera Kindel, dorm 32"

She stands up and assumes she's supposed to go into the hallway where Hecate led the boy Renelliot. Maybe when the time comes she should ask Hecate about the other Greek gods if she could. She started walking towards the hallway nervously and well. No one corrected Chimera about which direction she was going. She started looking at different rooms, trying to locate it. On her way through the hallway, she bumps into Renelliot and a...boar?. resisting the urge to pet it she simply waves, she recalls Reneillot being put in the same dorm when his name was called out. She gets up the courage to ask.

"Do you know where dorm 32 is?"​
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"James Reed" Perenelle spoke while James scanned the room in heavy thought and dazzlement.

Despite his solid look, James' body shrunk and warped noticeably away from other bodies in the crowd.

His lips and lines about his cheekbones scrunched inward as he worked through incongruence of all the magic, and his mostly mundane life until recently.

"Dorm 32" she had directed, guiding with eyes and chin towards Hecate and the other menagerie's path.

The Virginian wishn't to sound dumb by asking Perenelle with words, hesitantly making his way towards the boar's earlier path while verifying the right way with eyebrows and such.

A second 'Torc Alta' who had not followed, turned from him and walked that same way ahead of him. James had mind enough to intuit that it was a type of guide.

Reed had heard the faculty call the names of these others to his same dorm so when he came upon them with their own 'wereboar' at the dorm entrance, he couldn't help but relax his tightened face some at them. Orin Orin DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

"I'm- guessing...these guys-... are our guides" James leaked out, looking a bit fearfully between the Torc Alta and his dorm-mates.

James missed the mark some for passing as Vermont lad, oddly choked voice of someone concentrating on not sounding like a stereotypical 'prospector' caricature or other.
Rory Black had grown so accustom to having only 2 other people living with him, people that had known him since birth even--That the aching feeling in his chest seemed to grow when he realized he would be grouped with...Strangers. People he had no connection with; no memories, nothing to laugh, talk, or discuss about with them. Rory frowned once more, fate was a fickle wind today that drove Rory in many uncomfortable zones, he had little hope he could overcome them.
Although, it would be crass of Rory not to try at least. Life was full of events worth experiencing and at times you had to go through the uncertain parts to live it up.

Rory Black was sent to Dorm 32. Much like Renelliot Nestler, and the others he had maneuvered back at the entrance. At the very least he was given the choice of exploration, after he had situated himself at his dorm. Giving Rory such free reign would definitely be the undoing of this very establishment. He would search every crack and crevice and sneak upon every forbidden part of Yggdrasil. That was among the most exciting bit of for him, to venture out in this new and wholly undiscovered place by "humani" kind. Which Hecate so dedicatedly calls them.

His movements were silent as he waded through the crowds, finally falling in line with his roommates... The very same people he intended to stay away from outside of Yggdrasil. It seemed like fate had a good laugh at Rory, when all it did was point him in the direction when he'd rather avoid it instead. His ghostly stride was in the back of the line proper, with minimal attention put onto Rory, he eased into the idea of his roommates. At least he could listen in on them as they all spoke to one another. If he needed to.

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DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Orin Orin
Dest Dest
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DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi

Blue= Eli
Red= Nasid (Torc Allta)
Eli had calmed his laughter and was staring at the beautiful scenery through a large window when a voice interrupted his thoughts “hm?” He asked as he turned to face a girl that he remembered from the ceremony “oh room 32? That’s my dorm as well” he smiled brightly “Nasid over there” he gesture to the boar who was sitting completely still with its eyes trained on the pair “is supposed to show us the way once our entire group gets here” he shrugged “though I’m not sure how I feel about walking around with a were-boar” he said with a small grimace before peering over to the boar who snorted in response and turned its massive head the opposite way “who apparently has a lot of personality” Eli rolled his eyes and the Torc Allta seemed to mirror the expression.

I’m Renelliot, but call me Eli” he smiled and turned his head as two more students made their way over, nodding when one of them spoke “yea” he gestured to the boar who was now staring at all of them in turn “apparently his name is Nasid, he’s a were-boar, and he’s going to show us to our room” he explained as if this was part of the norm. Eli grimaced as the sound of crackling bones entered his ears, he turned back to see what resembled to be a very muscular man who was covered in red fur. The man’s face was very porcine like and he had small tusks jutting from his mouth, his dazzling blue eyes locked with the students. “We wait for one more” he said, his simple brown tunic stretching to accommodate his size as he stretched to relax his muscles. The fur covered Torc Allta’s roamed over the collection of students as if trying to study them before battle “your auras are strong” he spoke, a Scottish accent slowly becoming more prominent “pleasant scents as well” he took a small sniff “besides you” he gestured to Renelliot “saltwater makes nose itch” he said, crinkling his flattened, boar like nose in mock disgust. The man’s eyes trailed over to Rory and Chimera “you two smell like nature, good scents” he nodded approvingly before frowning at James “you smell of Flamel” he muttered, snorting as if to curse the name itself.
Orin Orin DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi xpstitch xpstitch

Blake looked around the room as more and more people were led away, a small and pleasant smile still on his face as he whistled a slow tune quietly. He figured that he would be the last to be called once more, though he did wonder how they were deciding the roster since it wasn't alphabetical, but he didn't mind, it gave him time to think for a bit. Primarily, to think about what his feelings were about being in a magic school among s group of people who were apparently going to be taught, at the very least, alchemy of all things. He thought that was just another name for chemistry!

"And finally, Blake Forbes," Blake looked up as Perenelle finally called his name, giving her the same easy smile that he had held the entire day. "Dorm 32."

"Thank ya, Ma'am," The southern teen nodded to her as he began walking to the same door that all the others had gone through, giving a brief nod to the final Boar to lead on.

As the duo traveled the halls, Blake looked around, taking in the sights silently, content to allow the silence of the walk to ease his abused ears. He also observed the, Torc Allta he believed it had been called? It fascinated him, just the simple fact that there were beings like this that he had never even heard of in the world.

"You smell of Flames," the words of another Torc Allta reached Blake's ears as they turned the final corner, allowing him to see that he had been paired with the entire group that he had noticed before. A coincidence, or fate perhaps since magic was apparently a real thing. For now though, he had a question for the Boar Man.

"And what do I smell like?" He aimed the question at the Torc Allta as he and his guide grew closer, nodding to his new dorm mates afterwards. "And apologies I'm so late folks, no clue what kind of system they were using to call us but I reckon I had the shortest straw of the lot. Behind Nestler there anyway."
At hearing the term 'Were-boar' James' eyebrows wiggled in confusion, the fantasy series he had read having mentioned 'Were' creatures like wolves before. *boars though?...*

James visibly flinched and cringed at a sound he was unaccustomed to. It had been the sound of bones cracking.

James had covered his ears, morphing back towards his true height a few moments after the noises had ceased. He seemed less the tough and manly mountain lumberjack, more alike to an oversized stuffed bear chosen hug in the night.

When James dared to look where the sounds had originated, surprise dusted over his face but for a couple of seconds. He was intelligent enough not to be floored, having been told Nasid was a wereboar after all.

The Virginian had a confused look about him, noting the too human-like (and a little pretty?) eyes on Nasid. The muscles on him were even greater than James' own very physical form, contrasting with the still inhuman facial features which most humans would find decidedly too foreign for taste.

Even seeing a transforming humanoid body and being told of Wereboars beforehand, experiencing for himself the sound of a human accent (Scottish) didn't help his queasily confused emotions.

James barely heard Nasid voice displeasure at his mint scent. Nor did he notice much of anything, Ember hiding or anything else he might ordinarily have noticed.

The sound of a seemingly base human male with a base human Georgian accent (impressive muscles of their own needing be ignored) brought young Reed back to focus.

"It would be normal not to know what's going around here no?" James told Blake, a comforting tinge to his likewise southern accent poking out. Dest Dest

"My name is James" he said, trying not to lay his accent on TOO thick and make people think of banjos and such things.

James' arm shifted somewhat, not certain if he should reach to shake the man's hand.

The young man took the smallest tentative step towards his new companion, knowing guys have issues being close.

"Cinnamon" James told him hesitantly, having given a nervous sniff with his heightened senses.

"Your scent" James clarified.

"And... apple?" He told him.
Dest Dest Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi xpstitch xpstitch DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Rcticwolf Rcticwolf


Eli nodded at the mention of his name “yea I have horrible luck” he stated with a shrug before the scent of Cinnamon and apples filled his sensitive nose “you smell like home” he said dreamily, tears fighting to form in his eyes before he shook his head “I m-mean” he stammered, his eyes widening at the realization of what he had said “my mom used to always bake cinnamon apple pie for dessert on sunday” he smiled “just reminds me of it is all” he rubbed his head sheepishly before turning to face the boar in attempt to avoid the situation

The Torc Allta nodded when James answered Blake’s question “cinnamon and apples” he repeated “weird mix” the boar snorted “cinnamon is strong but apple helps?” He said more as a question than a statement, not being sure if his English was correct. He took another sniff and his head jerked to a corner “and you…” he stopped sniffing again before taking a step back and bowing his head in a respectful manner and looked back to the red headed girl cloaked in the shadows as if he wanted to ask her something.“smell of of ash and fire” he stated simply before turning and walking down the hall will a simple command “follow

Ash and fire?” He turned to the corner where the Torc Allta was looking but saw nothing there, he took a deep inhale and was shocked when he realized Nasid was right “that’s weird” he mumbled before shrugging and following the boar down the hall. Nasid lead them through a series of stairwells untill the reached a door made of oak that had the number ‘32’ written on it “here is room” Nasid spoke hoarsely, knowing the being that smelled of ash and elder was more than likely following them “dinner is in two hours” he spoke quickly “to find dining hall, touch hand to wall and think ‘show me path’ “ he motioned for Eli to try and the boy sighed and placed his hand on the wall “show me the path?” He asked more as a question “no” Nasid snapped “not question, speak strong” he command and Eli nodded “show me the path” he commanded and the tree responded. A circle of his cyan colored aura flared around his hand as he touched the tree, the smell of saltwater lingering in the air before the trickle of aura began shooting off in a straight line down the corridor “you follow aura, it take you wherever you need” Nasid smiled, his tusks showing more. “I must leave now. Take this” the Torc Allta handed Eli what looked to be a whistle “if you need anything, blow this and I will hear” the Torc Allta nodded and with another horrendous cracking sound, the large boar bounded down the hallway almost as if he was running from something.

Well” Eli stated, removing his hand from the wall and watched the light fade and the air return to its scent of trees and nature before looking at the group of people “guess we should go in huh” he smiled before grabbing the door handle, once again his aura flashed and the door unlocked “does that happen every time we open the door?” He mumbled before walking in and gasping at the site. They walked into a living room that was big enough to fit an entire family, there was a large wooden sofa with leaf pillows, a oak table off to the right with six chairs around it and down a long hallway led to six different rooms with a bathroom at the beginning and end of the hallway. “This is wicked” Eli exclaimed before setting the whistle down on the table and walking down the hall to where the rooms where, he walked to the end of the hall and opened a door to the right that led into a huge bedroom outfitted with a queen size bed, a large dresser that already held multiple variations of the uniform he held in his hands, a oak desk that looked as if he could have a family dinner on, and what seemed to be a large pedestal filled with water at the edge of the room.

Guys you have to check out the rooms, they are sick” he yelled as he sat on the rather comfortable bed
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"You two smell like nature, good scents"

Rory felt elation towards the accent he had heard from the boar-man. It actually eased him into coming to Yggdrasil, and by extension going through the motions of all this new and exciting discoveries. He smiled softly and gave a curt nod towards Nasid. He did not speak, no he let the others talk first. Let them have their fill as they all were searching for dorm 32. Everything went by very quickly, the boar-man named Nasid showed them how to navigate Yggdrasil, and gave them a whistle that they could blow if they ever needed Nasid. Rory watched as Eli commanded Yggdrasil to "show them the path".
A quick waft of saltwater scent, and the path to the dining hall opened with glowing streaks of aura.
Nasid would leave shortly after, and allowed the students to their own devices for a time. Rory watched as his dorm mates scrambled across the giant room. Rory suspected it could fit the entirety of the group in it, with more to spare if ever need be. It was not modest at all, it was extravagant. Rory heard Eli yell to everyone about the bedrooms, but for Rory he had other plans. He wanted to explore. Rory would examine the bedrooms after he had his fill. They would still be there, after all.

The voice of a new person filled Rory's ears, and while he went towards the wall, placing his hand on it. He watched them as they spoke. Their name was Ember. He would remember that, but meeting new people wasn't on Rory's to-do list. So he ignored them, and spoke to the tree.
"Show me the path." Rory demanded.
Herbal scents and a fresh breeze rolled by the dorm as Rory's green aura led the way for exploration.
He waved his one hand towards his dorm mates. "I'll be back for dinner." He said, not really caring if anyone heard him at all. He was more interested in exploring, and 2 hours worth of it? That was more than enough to find a few amazing discoveries.

Dest Dest DarkKitsune DarkKitsune xpstitch xpstitch Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Orin Orin
Joseline grabbed her keys to lock her apartment door to walk to the dance studio. She put her bags down in front of the mirror and started to stretch. Just when she was about to start the music she heard a voice echo in her head.
“Joseline, Daughter of Emily and Dae, of Clan Sittella, of the race humani....”
“If this is some type of joke it’s not funny!” Joseline said crossing her arms, “I need you to stop right now.” She cautiously looked around before she heard the voice again.
“To see with acuity.”
She squinted and said the water stains on the mirror or the tiny specs of dust on the floor around her.
“To hear with clarity”
She heard the leak that was two doors down, “The heck?” She bent down as she tried to ignore all the sounds that were coming from outside the door and inside the building.
“To taste with purity...”
Joseline immediately tasted the kimchi that her mother made her eat about 6 hours ago. She clicked her tongue on the roof of her mouth as she made a disgusted face, “Ew....ewewewewewewew” she said scrambling on the floor for her water cup.

“To touch with sensitivity...”
As she scrambled on the floor, she felt the texture of the smooth floor and the grainy feeling of the dust lying on the floor. She lightly gagged, “Aish!” She said as she quickly moved her hands of the floor standing up, “Sshi-bal!” She said in a shaky voice, “This is insane.... Sshi-bal!!”

“To smell with intensity...”
As she breathed in, she smelt the sweat coming from her body, “Jodwaess-eo!!” She said slightly pulling her shirt for her nose, “Oh my gosh....” She felt her nose sting as she covered it with her hand, “Am I dying? -” she said looking around again as she looked around, she saw a letter on the floor and shook her head, “This is some horror type crap.... isn’t it?” As she slowly picked it up, she looked around her again. She read something about a school, “Hogwarts type beat?” she said, frowning slightly as she turned the letter over and read it again.
Joseline drove in the early morning because she didn’t want to hear her mom talk about how she shouldn’t go to some mysterious school, with mysterious people, in a mysterious place. Sure enough as she was driving her mom sent her a voice message, “Young lady! Where are you? And when are you coming back? I understand your older and all but I’m still your mom and I-” Joseline shut off her phone not even bothering to listen to the rest of her message she turned up the music in her car as she let out a sigh.
As she entered the school and halfway listened to the speech and waited for her name to be called, she felt weird being here, all this made no sense, but she went with her gut feeling. As she watched people go off and on the stage with the hat she silently scoffed, *This screams Harry frickin Potter.... * She said shaking her head, then her name was called, “Crap.” She mumbled as she walked to the stool she sat carefully and eyed the hat as they placed it on her head. The flash of dark red emitted the smell of Frankincense then it glowed blue. She frowned slightly as she got up and walked away, “I wanted the hat to at least speak.” She chucked the uniform under her arm and walked back into the crowd.
As everyone was sorted into their rooms, she found out she was in room 32 as she looked for the room for about 15 minutes she finally found the room and opened the door, “Hello?” She said as she put on a small smile, “Names Joseline, but you probably know that from earlier.” she said shrugging.
INTERACTION: Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Orin Orin Blxebxll Blxebxll Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Dest Dest xpstitch xpstitch
LOCATION: Flamel academy

Chimera followed Nasid with the others quietly. Renelliot had been right. Blake smelled like cinnamon and apples, which also reminded her of apple pie. It was a common enough order from her family's bakery for her to know the scent, but Chimera didn't need a super sense of smell to recognize the scent of desserts growing up around baking them. Following behind the group, she stayed silent, keeping her mind occupied with the smell of Rosemary and cinnamon apple pie that made her feel less homesick. As weird as that may have sounded, she looked at Ember. Who was really tall. Is Nasid sure she's a student? She looked about 20 plus Chimera hadn't noticed her during the sorting,. unlike the students like Blake, Rory, Renelliot and James who all stuck out in their own way. If anything, Chimera probably would have noticed Ember by her red hair and the disturbingly powerful scent of ashes coming off her aura. She mutters quietly.

"Nice to meet you as well, Ember..."

Chimera still felt overwhelmed. No matter how many comforting scents there were in the room. After entering the dorm, Chimera discovered Renelliot's excitement had not gone unwarranted. The place was huge, and fit way more than 5 students, she believed. Chimera would also keep in mind the pathway thing, it seemed like a good use of...all the weird things happening to say the least, and Chimera wouldn't need to bother anyone for a guide. She quietly examined where she could. She was looking around, amazed by what could fit in such a space. It was difficult for her to believe this was all inside a tree or it would be if she hadn't seen how huge it was. She was going to check out her room when she heard a voice. There was someone else in the dorm? How many students were they planning to fit in here? Hopefully, she could adjust but for now, that wouldn't be so easy. She acknowledged the girl, she replied.

"N-Nice to meet you Joseline."

Why is everyone so tall?

Orin Orin
James flitted from face to face with his gaze, watching an awkward Eli and an equally awkward girl who was tall and had the scent of her namesake (Ember).

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
*Fellow humans?* James was partially glad there was so much happening and so many people. Otherwise she might catch him staring at her. It wasn't every date that you find a dame that looks taller and stronger than you when you work jobs like logging.

The young man's chest visibly expanded upon seeing his schoolmates use the magic shown to them to find their way around. The disbelief was quite clear on his face with his eyebrows jutting slightly diagonally.

"I liked things better when the stories about witches and sasquatches were only crazy talk the mountain weirdos told while drunk from moonshine" James said aloud to no-one, pressing a hand around his temple from all the new sights.

Blxebxll Blxebxll
The more he saw the easier it was for him to lessen his staring. James couldn't even tell which 'kind' she was ('bless his heart'), never having met any Koreans in person. James of course had silently pray that could say as little as possible so he didn't say something horrible or stupid.

Dest Dest Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi
In the end, James did not mind being unintentionally ignored by Blake. Young Reed himself was so overwhelmed by all the new sights and people he could have been greeted 3 times and not known it in his dazed state.

James had a very minor knack for accents, at least enough to comprehend the white haired guy (Rory) saying he'd be back for Dinner. He didn't blame Rory either, incomprehensible accent and all. James could also see himself getting away from all the sights, noise and people.

Who could be blamed for just wanting a place to breath and think? James decided to follow the Irish guy's example by marching off to find a room for his own without another word to anyone.
Nikola "Niko" Hohenheim
Interactions: Orin Orin , Rcticwolf Rcticwolf , Blxebxll Blxebxll , xpstitch xpstitch , Dest Dest , DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Dorm 32​
Awakening and minutes before
It was a sunny afternoon at Stuttgart's University in Germany Niko was the enigmatic professor at this point in time as he was both a teacher and a student at this very establishment at the same time. Now he was preparing for one of his lectures in the chemical lab, cleaning it, making sure that the chemicals needed for the lesson were there, and stuff like that. It did not take long for him to make sure of all that and for his students to come to the lab.

After every single one of them wore their PPE, yes even the cute service dog had his own set on. His lecture began, for most of its students it was a tad boring sure, but it was jam-packed with the information they would need to perform the experiment safely themselves. This lesson subject was about two chemicals that separate were benign and mostly harmless only causing slight skin irritation, but through the process of combining them would create a corrosive chemical that could easily dissolve flesh yet if it was heated for long enough the substances would separate into totally different benign chemicals and one of them was even used for medicine. Of course, Niko himself had to first show them how it was done so those who learn more from seeing could also understand.

Sometime during this experiment Niko began to hear a voice at first he ushered his students to not talk so loudly but they were just confused by his statement as they did not speak.
"Nikola, son of Trisha and Alwin, of Clan Hohenheim, of the race humani..."
Only now did Niko hear the voice in its full clear glory and realize it was not spoken by one of his students but soon it turned sour.
"I Awaken this great power within you... These are the senses that the humani have abandoned."

"To see with acuity..."

Nikola's eyes seemed to grasp the view which would be impossible to see, as he saw the very moment when the two chemicals he was holding mixed, his vision so concentrated that he saw as each drop mixed with the other which was swiftly followed by a sharp pain in his eyes and head. And as if that voice and pain wasn't bad enough it began to speak yet again not giving Niko time to rest.

"To hear with clarity..."

His head exploded with sound, clocks ticking all over the school, conversations on other floors were magnified as if they were talking right in front of him, the chemicals rumbling in the flask.

"To taste with purity...

His mouth went dry, he could taste the coffee and bratwurst he had for lunch and could even taste what he could presume were offshoots of the boiling chemical in his hand.

"To touch with sensitivity..."

His skin was on fire, he could feel each groove as his hands gripped the ever hotter flask with chemicals, now finally letting the flask go while dropping to the floor from pain, the flask broke as it landed beside Nikola spraying some of the chemicals on his face burning some of his face leaving chemical burns on it.

"To smell with intensity..."

Nikola's nose flared, as it smelt all the different chemicals in the room, the scent of every person within it and he smelt his flesh that was burned.

A menacing yet calming red glow surrounded him, seemingly cleansing his face of the chemicals burning his skin, before losing consciousness.
He awoke in a very familiar room, it was the university's infirmary, and yet there was no sign of the nurse or any other person in the room beside him, only a vague scent of Lycoris radiate flowers commonly known as red spider lilies, it was his favorite flower that his older sister gifted him after she came back from one of her trips around the world.
Awakenings aftermath, trip & arrival

Being the ever so curious person and yet noting the previous experience under 'must have been delirium' he searched for the source of the scent after a long while of searching while his senses were overloading him causing him pain he found a simple vase with a singular spider lily, and on the bottom of it was a letter.

Nikola carefully picked up the letter and read it, before glancing at the spider lily and then again at the letter while saying under his breath. "Flower of rebirth huh, well this must be my new life then."
Niko at first did not want to believe what was written in the letter but that was the only way to explain how his face was only left with so little damage from the chemicals and his senses being in a state of overdrive. So having no other choice but to believe this very letter he decided to act upon it, still very skeptical of all of it after all he was a man of science, so believing in magic wasn't something he would gladly do but it was the only probable explanation.
Swiftly Niko pressed his finger onto the brown seal releasing the immense scent of mint which covered the entire room almost making him unable to breathe well, and yet the scent slowly changed back to spider lily.

Not wanting any more weird stuff to happen on campus, Nikola applied to the dean for a leave from work and study and went to his little apartment where he awaited for what would happen next.

The very next day two grey-toned men came to him with a letter explaining to him that they would escort him to San Francisco, to join others like him. From what Niko understood they were golems, beings created by magic to serve their master. Having his bags already packed Niko simply gave them to the golems so they could help him carry them. But Niko had to choose now, going to America, specifically San Francisco would take too much time if he went by boat so his only choice was the plane but his fear of dying in a flying metal coffin was great even before his senses heightened so now it was only even more scary.

With a bit of 'coercing' from the golems, Niko managed to enter the plane or rather was shoved inside by the golems as he had second thoughts of maybe using the boat just before entering the plane. But the golems prevailed, now with Niko inside the business class part of the plane that he had to scrounge his own money on since his golems seemed to be a tad sadistic wanting him to fly economic class, so he sponsored an upgrade from his wallet. If before Niko had a hard time flying in a plane, now he had the worst time possible only a tad better than having his face burned by chemicals.

He could hear babies crying, he could feel the pressure change around him. Long story short he had a really bad time, to the point that when he managed to land the first thing he did was get off the plane as fast as possible and lay on some patch of grass to calm his nerves. His rest did not last long, as it seemed the two golems who previously shoved him into the plane and vanished reappeared near him and began to drag the poor sob into a car and began to drive the rest of the way there.

Somewhere halfway towards their destination, Niko stopped hearing the one sound he was accustomed to even with his heightened senses, the sound of his old pocket watch that had run in his family since the year 1829 when his great ancestor helped build the Stuttgart University. Being a bit in panic, Niko quickly took out the pocket watch and began to wind it back up till it began to work again, truly this piece of work was like his rabbit foot it kept him safe and lucky at least to till the awakening so he wanted to keep it that way, after all maybe one day he will pass this pocket watch to another generation of his family.

As Niko's mind dozed off for a bit finding some sort of harmony in all that noise allowed him to get a little snooze before arriving at the location.
When he reached the school he realized he was later than he should have been based alone on the noise of his pocket watch and him not seeing any other student around, so that would probably explain that coughing sound he heard when they road their car had trouble after all. With no one to guide him except the golems, he managed to communicate to them via gestures to lead him to the exact area he needed to head to or at least someone who could.

The golems look at him as if he is stupid or crazy, maybe both before drawing him a simple map in the dirt of where he needs to go and of course disappearing like some stone ninjas they might as well be. Niko with little choice decided to follow the map and walked into a place that looked like the great hall of Hogwarts at least based on the books since he didn't like the movies as much.

Having heard a group of people just leave he looked around until a certain figure called out to him. "Ah here is our lost lamb. A bit late I see but don't worry we will get you sorted in a jiffy. If you've seen Harry Potter then you know how it goes." Niko did not recognize this person but since he was here and was doing the sorting he could only assume he was a staff member or at least someone with enough permission to perform it.

So Niko walked up and sat on the stool and waited for the hat to be placed on him. And as that happened the lingering scent in the room changed to red spider lily's subtle yet powerful smell, before slowly being suppressed, then the hat shone bright light as if magnesium was burned, before changing its color to a rich green color as if taken straight from a forest. Then the figure spoke again. "Green hm, you are part of the house of enchantments. Now hop off and go maybe you might be able to catch up to the rest of the students. And here your uniform and dorm 32 remember."
Niko trusted that figure so he hopped off the stool, took the uniform, and held it in one hand tucked under his arm before running off towards the way the batch of students from before took off too, still far away from them but just close enough for his senses to pick them up and guide him towards them.
Niko had enough stamina to keep running after the other students but he did not have the strength to do so, so at some point he slowed down, and had to ask people, or rather beings for the way to dorm 32.
On his way there he stumbled into a Torc Allta, a wereboar being that he learned of the real name of this species further down the line but they assured him he was going the right way.
"Was zum Teufel! Why is this place so big, and my escorts sadistic, I thought golems don't have personality."
Said Niko as he finished climbing the damned stairs and was just outside the room of dorm 32. Niko's stamina might have been immense but only so much physical activity could his muscles endure so right now he was tired. Seeing as the door was open to the dorm he walked in not even greeting his dorm mates and walked up to a couch and plopped face-first onto it like a dead fish on anything.

After a bit of time, he turned around to face the ceiling and spoke to his dorm mates without moving a muscle as he could feel them cry in pain.
"Sorry for not standing up and greeting you all. I kind of had a bad time traveling here, got here late, almost got lost, nearly lost half of my face because of an accident before all this, and now I'm in enough muscle pain that they might just refuse to work when I stand up and I will then fall to the floor. So until then can anyone fill me in on things that should have been explained to me but I missed because I'm late while I rest here for a bit? After that, I can answer your questions."
As Niko laid there resting something wasn't right to him, like he forgot something important to the social spectrum of life, not like he was part of it often but he knew it was something important. It took his tired mind a bit of thinking to figure out that he forgot to introduce himself so he did just that, but this time he let his accent slip as he couldn't be bothered to keep it in albeit it wasn't that thick of an accent but some words might be hard to listen to when spoken in it.
"Ah wait where are my manners, my name is Nikola Hohenheim, but you can call me Niko, and if you are concerned about my accent then yes I'm from Germany."
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xpstitch xpstitch
Joseline settled in as she put her stuff away and looked at James, "Why are you staring at me?" She said raising an eyebrow. She probably knew why but still it won't kill to ask would it? she shook her head, "You know what never mind.. Don't answer that question."
Blake took a half step back as multiple people commented on the scent he now radiated, blinking in surprise at the amount of people who recognized and enjoyed the scent. He briefly noted James started to speak to him but was distracted by the incoming pair of students mixed with Renelliot demonstrating the way the walls could guide them. With a small wince he realized he had missed the other southerners words and that the other young man had already moved into the room. Resolving to ask about it later, the second oldest (human) among them entered the dorm at last.

He took in the sight of the living room, nodding in appreciation of it, before he walked down the hall. As he reached the room that was to be his own he took a quick look inside, nodding in appreciation at the abundance of plants that filled it. He pushed the door open fully and sat his bags on the bed, taking the guitar bag the had been on his back the entire time off at last. He quickly put away his belongings away as he hummed a nameless tune, all the while noting others doing the same around him. As he finished he opened his guitar case and stepped out into the living room, taking a seat and beginning to strum slowly with his eyes closed, ready should any of the others wish to talk.
Joseline finished putting her stuff away and walked into the living room and looked at James, "You play the guitar?" She plopped herself on the couch with her book.

She fixed her hair and put it into a low ponytail as she leaned back in her seat and stared at the guitar.

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