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Fantasy Flamel Academy (Discontinued)

what should be the first enemy that attacks the school?

  • Army of Undead

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Night Creatures (vampires and Ghouls)

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Army of Cats and Crows

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Rory Black
Dining Hall
Interactions: Dest Dest DarkKitsune DarkKitsune xpstitch xpstitch Megilagor Megilagor Orin Orin Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Blxebxll Blxebxll
Rory watched with interest, seeing the staff all file in line together. Observed each and everyone of them, Mrs. Flamel had yet to speak further, and none of the staff had reached the point of comfortability where they could introduce themselves either. It felt like an agonizing game of musical chairs- who would speak up first? When would they get this over with? Who was the most intelligent staff member within their ranks? The one who could help Rory explore his abilities beyond the means of what was reasonable? A staff member capable of seeing Rory's innate thirst for exploration and tutoring of his newfound magical abilities. He was already creating tiny whirlwinds with his finger, not much more powerful than a puff of wind to blow a pencil a few paces.
But that's not where Rory wanted to end his career of magic. He wanted to go above and beyond, and learn how far he could stretch his abilities outward. The others seemed to be living in the now: What was important for them and their comfort.
Rory was thinking about the future: About his magic, about his potential, about what secrets he might learn upon controlling his magic. Did anyone else in their group begin to explore their talents?

"What are you thinking about?"

Rory's frame shook in surprise for a moment as he was brought out of his thinking bubble, but this time he did not react with intense disdain for the would-be instigator. He looked over to Joseline, the one girl he had yet to formally meet (Well he didn't truly introduce himself to the others, either). But now she was talking to him...Asking him a question...

What should he do?

The young man blinked once, then twice. His frown was like Eeyore's as his tone matched that somber and low resonance famed for the character's portrayal.
Rory thought that was a sufficient answer, what else would a girl need to know? Rory wasn't really thinking of anything interesting to talk about with others.. But a twinge of regret settled over his mind as he thought it wasn't very fair of him to cut them out so quickly.

"Thinking about what I can do with my air magic."
That final sentence felt like he had to rip it out of the clutches of God themself to speak it. Perhaps Joseline will find it interesting enough?
xpstitch xpstitch

Blake stared the Ulster myth come to life down as she left, his eyes narrowed slightly as he did so. It wasn't until he was sure that she was gone that he sat back down, scowl still present on his face. Feeling something against his shoe he glanced down quickly and blinked, his anger and annoyance forgotten for a moment as he watched small vines crumble into dust. 'What in the world?' he thought to himself, surprised to feel more tired than he expected to be for how little he had actually done today. 'Questions for later I guess, must be something to do with the magic we are supposed to learn.'

Taking a deep breath to clear the last of his anger, he turned to observe the teachers, idly listening to the others as they spoke. He grinned slightly as James spoke about a knife being pulled by a teacher, chuckling to himself. "Hardly the weirdest thing I've seen a teacher do, live in a small enough town and you'll see em come into class still hungover from drinking themselves stupid at the bar. The funny days are when they forgot that they were sposed to give us a test or a quiz and we just get a free day while they nap at their desks."​
Rory Black
Dining Hall
Interactions: Dest Dest DarkKitsune DarkKitsune xpstitch xpstitch Megilagor Megilagor Orin Orin Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Blxebxll Blxebxll

"Simple things, really. Nothing outstanding or worth noticing." Rory responded, thinking the conversation would be quickly over before Joseline reared him back in with another question. The boy had just turned his head the other way before she had asked him his name. Upon which Rory swiveled his head back to Joseline.

Sound rude? There was no rudeness at all. The fact of the matter was; Rory didn't really want anyone to know he was there in the first place. He intentionally kept himself from greeting the others. Joseline seemed to be first at hooking her fingers into Rory and thrusting him into a conversation.

"I...Well, my name is Rory Black. I didn't intend to introduce myself to everyone earlier, I kind of left before you arrived at the dorm." He stated.

From there, Rory heard the faintest whistle of a flute: No doubt from Ember's playing. Though the intent and amount of control put behind the playing was deft and without much energy. Ember clearly didn't want others to be bothered by it; a surprise to be sure now that their senses were hiked up to 100. Rory had to strain a little to even hear the faint tune.​
You ungrateful little cow

James would never say this to a lady out loud of course, or so he'd like to think.

But nevertheless he had shot a blinking scowl at Joseline when she deigned to criticize his attempt to save life and limb.
Blxebxll Blxebxll

Quickly afterwards James' face softened some in a still somewhat miffed acceptance when she finally thanked him for trying to diffuse the situation.

Well FINALLY some dang gratitude, these blind sows will find a shotgun blasting them in the chest and act like the paramedics are fussing over a bit of wind.

The man's ear almost twitched when he heard someone mention he'd seen wilder things from teachers before.

*well... I would prefer drunk with a free day to give us to mess around than a sober teacher who's liable to shoot up the school*

While everybody had their own conversations, the teen looked to the teacher's anxiously.

*Pardon me teachers but can we get things moving along? I'm really kind of wanting that food and I'm not certain I like all these...others anymore...*
Orin Orin

James scanned the room slowly to take stock of the truth of that thought. Rory he thought something of a fool for mouthing on and on a teacher who seemed willing to stab students, even putting aside celestial good looks.

(OOC nothing but love here so far). Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi

For Blake he initially had some instinctive fondness on account of his being southern with a physicality after his own. As well, young Reed had initially been sympathetic at his seeming to be overwhelmed with everything/everyone.
Dest Dest

But after he seemingly failed to see the knife or the wisdom in shutting lips after seeing it, James had succumbed to idea that his schoolmate was a bit... cloud headed.

The times he'd excused the teen for seemingly ignoring him ultimately began to outweigh the fact that he seemed to be paying James more attention now, young Reed could not help the perception now of Blake's having wool about his brains however.

(OOC: same, same for all. Not personal)

Joseline... James found he liked less and less now but perhaps it wouldn't be permanent after his irritation faded from getting something to eat.

Ember... he supposed her miss-step was not anything out of the ordinary or as bad as the others... James couldn't shake the notion that she was older somehow, however. Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

He had to admit he didn't understand her connection to the school. James categorized that for later review. He was hesitant to interact with her however... *Day one and she's nearly stabbed and dragging other people along with her to knife fights*

James of course knew they made their own choices and that she was maybe not at fault... he couldn't help his aversion regardless however.

Chimera... James found something a bit odd about her skittish cringing but couldn't pinpoint what felt off about it.
DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

The man liked to think she had eyes on her however and liked how it seemed he wasn't simply hallucinating alone on the mess that just occurred.

Niko... He wondered if he could levy criticisms at him fairly. There were others who were all in it before him. Maybe the man had been seized by bravado from the others? Still... Megilagor Megilagor

*what a windbag that guy though...*

James had barely even heard his bluff on chemical warfare earlier. The man had simply tuned him out while simultaneously looking on in horror as Niko had ranted.

Last but not least was Eli... He liked Eli. He didn't seem to treat him like a nutcase for being afraid of a literal knife at least.

James liked the seeming softness of his accent, still trying to place him (despite knowing zilch about accents or people groups).

As well, he found something quite charming about the springy coils of pleasantly colored hair his schoolmate sported. James wondered (stupidly) if he ought ask where he got styled at.

When he tried to imagine himself with that same hairstyle however he let out a quiet smirk at how ridiculous it looked (on his own scalp) in his head. He was resisting a laugh.
Last edited:
Dest Dest Rcticwolf Rcticwolf DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Blxebxll Blxebxll Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Megilagor Megilagor xpstitch xpstitch

With all the teachers standing on the stage, Nicholas clapped his hands once and the sound rang over the room like a thunder strike. The smell of mint wafted over the room in an attempt to silence the students. Perenelle smiled, “now, I’m sure you are all are hungry so we are going to make this quick” he cleared her throat and gestured to the people behind her. “These are going to be your professors, they will teach you everything you need to know amount controlling and using your magic” she nodded towards a blonde haired man who looked to be roughly twenty-two.

As the man walked up, a golden aura flared around him and the scent of mint and tree was replaced with the citrus scent of orange, he had shaggy blond hair that reached his ears and dazzling blue eyes “good afternoon students” he called out, his voice calm and collected. “I am Josh Newman, head of enchantment house and Master of fire” he bowed and then clapped his hands together. From them, glowing gold sparks flared into the air and exploded in a dazzling display of fire works “I look forward to working with you” he smiled and took a step back only to be replaced with a blonde haired girl who looked exactly like the boy

I am Sophie Newman, head of magician house and master of air” she smiled and raised her hands with her palms out. She had long blonde hair and dazzling blue eyes just like josh, being just a tad bit shorter than him. A brilliant silver aura flared around her and the smell of orange was replaced with the delightful smell of vanilla ice cream. From her hands, swirls of fog raised into the sky until they formed a thunder cloud that boomed and crackled with lighting. With a deep breath, she blew into the air and thr cloud disappeared into smoke “happy to help with whatever you need” she chirped and joined her brother back on the line of teachers.

A man scoffed as he walked forward “I am Gilgamesh” he croaked, “Professor of water magic” he bowed and returned to the line without a word.

The next to step up was a woman who looked to be younger than the twins. She had auburn hair and as she walked forward, a silver aura blared around her only to form a silver suit of French like armor with the smell of lavender wafting over the room “I am Joan De Saint-Germaine, many of you would know me to history as Joan of Arc” she bowed and the armor faded away into silver mist “I will be your professor of aura studies and control” she smiled and waved as she walked back to the line.

Next was someone the students had come to known as Scatty “I am scathatch” a red headed woman said as she stepped forward “I, along with Joan,” she pointed to the short haired girl “will be your combat instructors and weapons teacher” without another word she stepped backwards to make way for an elderly lady that shuffled forward.

The elderly lady shuffled forward and smiled “I am Tsagaglalal, she who watched” she licked her lips “but call me Agnes, I will be your professor of earth magic and of history” with a nod she shuffled away but not before a white aura flashed around her body and the subtle scent of jasmine danced over the room.

And of course you already have met Me, Nicholas and our ever gracious host Hecate” she bowed respectfully to the elder who sat in the at the rest of the room. “We are eager to teach you everything we know, and hope that you are as excited as we are to explore this new found opportunity” she smiled and then clapped her hands. From the far end of the room, various shirtless hairy men trotted in carrying plates piled high with food and placed all of them on the table in the center of the room “please enjoy the feast and mingle with your teachers and fellow students, classes will begin in the morning starting with Aura control, both Joan and Nicholas will be teaching this to help you all get a better understanding with smaller class sizes” she smiled and then motioned towards the food “enjoy” he said finally before walking away from the podium to join the other teachers in conversation.

Eli’s nose twitch as if it was annoyed by all the different smells that hung around the room. Orange, vanilla, lavender…all of them hung around his nose until he unconsciously allowed his own saltwater scent to trickle out in an attempt to calm his agitated nose. “So those are our teachers huh” he looked to the twins and Joan “they barely looked older than me” he mumbled and shook his head before making his way past the bustling students to make him a plate that consisted of two double cheeseburgers, two slices of pizza, Mac and cheese, corn, green beans, mash potatoes and a very large glass of what he assumed to be sweat tea. With two plates and the cup in hand he made his way over to a table and began chowing down, not even wondering if his class mates would join him. For some reason it felt like he hadn’t eaten in weeks and then it dawned on him “aura burns calories” he said as if he was an expert on the subject. “I’ve never eaten this much food in one sitting” he mumbled to himself as he took a bit bite of the second burger and forked a huge glob of mash potato and Mac and cheese into his mouth.
James' face lips unpursed a bit when Nicholas began to speak. When the girl took the stage after her twin, his face pinched in something like worry.

*So... is it- would I-... if someone liked the girl... would they then have to like the boy?*

Or at least, that was the basic gist of his thought process. He'd met twins but never quite that similar before.

James brought his sleeve to his nose to protect it, wishing he could cleanse his senses from so many Aura changes.

Soon his brow twitched in some recognition when the lady with Knight's armor come forth. It was a while ago but he'd heard of Joan of Arc in history class...

The teen's face pinched when the food was brought out, though there was some hint of gladness in it on account of finally seeing food.

*Well... maybe their culture doesn't do shirts? I'm sure the girls are feeling similar things?*

James deliberated about where to sit for a small bit but soon made his way near Eli where the sorcerers are supposedly to sit (there hadn't been any rules forbidding him).

James Reed gathered a bit of everything on his plate, sans burgers because 'you can get McDonald's anywherre can't you?'.

Orin Orin
He sat across and to the side of Eli, gingerly setting down his comparatively modest meal.

"I'm planning on getting 4ths if I'm able to" James said in response to Eli.

"Though I will say I was... expecting something a little different from a magic school" James told him with a rare shy showing of whites.

The man ate a tad quickly now, his modest portions being only because he did not wish to trip and cause a mess on the way to where he sat.
INTERACTION: Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Dest Dest Megilagor Megilagor xpstitch xpstitch Orin Orin Blxebxll Blxebxll Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
LOCATION: dining hall

Things had calmed down considerably since the Flamels intervined and introduced the academy's staff. Well, technically, the staff introduced themselves. Chimera was capable of recognizing a handful of them, such as Joan of Arc and Gilgamesh. For example, it seemed that there was an ongoing theme of them being either historical figures or figures of myth being reality. And what was an education if not given by people who lived at least a few centuries? However, Chimera's attention was caught by the smell of delicious food. Her stomach growled in hunger as the food was brought out. She went and grabbed a cheeseburger with a side of mashed potatoes. Not a combination she personally would have chosen on a regular day. But Chimera was hungry enough she felt like she could eat a horse. It wasn't like she was adding the potatoes to the burger anyway. As she sat back down beside Blake she heard Ember playing her flute. For a brief moment she hummed along to the calming tune before taking a bite of her burger. After she finished eating that, she ate the mashed potatoes. She was disappointed there seemed to have been no desserts during this feast. But it's not like she couldn't bake in the middle of the night. Or well try to.​
Nikola "Niko" Hohenheim
Mentions: Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Ember
Interactions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Chimera
Dining room
'Well, that could have gone better. But at least no further conflict arose from it.' Niko thought to himself while hiding the vial back into his coat's left pocket while strutting ever so closer to other students while saying softly and silently enough hoping they could hear it but not the teachers.
"Sorry for all that, I'll try to compensate ya at some point." At the same time, thinking to himself after hearing Perenelle's words. 'Yeah, I doubt I'll do that anytime soon.'
Complying to her request Niko sat down near the alchemy students as it seemed to him he would be the only one from this group to be on the enchanter's side of the table, not wanting to annoy anyone with his boredom and the restlessness of his hands, Niko took out a pack of playing cards and started shuffling them, zoning out everyone and everything other than three things.
The cards, his hands, and the teachers on stage were the only things he saw or heard during his zoning-out moment. Still, in the words of Josh Newman the one teacher he will spend most time under because of Niko's primary element and direction of study, Niko flipped out the joker card from his deck only for it to catch a flame and drift up towards the ceiling of this room.
"Well, that card is gone now." Said Niko under his nose watching the card ever so slowly rise into the air while slowly burning itself down like a paper fire balloon.
Niko did note in his mind the names of all the teachers and what they were professors of albeit the one who he was interested in the most was of course Nicholas Flamel and Joan De-Saint-Germaine or Joan of Arc.
After all, Niko was a chemist and both of them were alchemists or at least carried their names, although Niko would have to wait before he asks Joan about the Count Saint Germaine that he knew from legends, was he just a myth, or was he real?

Niko waited for a bit so the now small crowd around the food would thin out, so when he saw his chance he began his walk towards it while thinking of what to take.
When he arrived he took up a plate and began putting food on it, firstly he put some mashed potatoes on the side while making it appear like a bowl which he soon filled with mac and cheese, and then he picked up two slices of pizza, some sausages, ending it with a big of serving of roasted pumpkin seeds and cauliflower, and for his drink of choice he picked up some non-alcoholic apple cider.

On his way back to his seat he noticed that animal ears popped up on Ember, truthfully she looked better now than when she hid them but he would need to ask if she could get something for his little sister since she always dreamed of having a pair of animal ears and tail. Niko snapped out of his daydreaming when he arrived at the table albeit now a bit closer to where Ember sat albeit still with a decent distance between them. Albeit Niko could feel how hungry he was he still needed to be mindful of the table manners, or else his mother would again hit him over the head if she ever learned of it, so Niko slowly and gracefully devoured the food before him while sipping his apple cider every so often. Having finished his meal after a while Niko went to put his dishes back where they belonged but on his way there he saw how Chimera looked like she wanted something sweet, so he put his dishes beside her for a bit while saying.
"Give me a second I might have something for you." Niko searched for a bit for something within his coat's inner pockets before producing a tin can with a screw top, he swung it from side to side for a bit, which made the sound of something hitting its metal sides. "There you are." Said Niko before placing the tin can before Chimera while adding something as he picked up his dishes to take them away. "Don't worry it's herbal candy, it is quite sweet though so don't take too much, and yes the entire tin is yours now."
xpstitch xpstitch Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Dest Dest DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Blxebxll Blxebxll Megilagor Megilagor

blue= Eli
Bold white= Perenelle
Red= Scatty
Gray= Joan
Brown= Agnes/ Tsagaglalal
Green= Nicholas

Eli gobbled down the last of his food and covered his mouth to let out a large belch “excuse me” he said sheepishly while rubbing the remaining bit of mash potato that hung on his lip. He looked to James “I’m pretty sure we can eat as much as we want” he shrugged and then nodded at the next comment “well they did say they based everything from Harry Potter” he smiled “which means there is tons of secret stuff in the tree to discover” he took a swig of the sweat tea and grimaced at the taste “nothing sweet ‘bout this” he frowned, a little of his southern accent seeping out in his words. He sighed and finished the cup

Scatty stood next to Joan, her eyes burning holes into Ember “I don’t trust it” she said, her Scottish accent thick with irritation “she’s doing no harm Scatty, let it go” Joan responded, giving the red head a small jab with her elbow “yea but what’s the…” she was cut of as Perenelle walked up “now listen here Scathach” the older woman spoke, her words slipping into an archaic French “you will be nice to Lady Ember” she said calmly, peering over to the next generation that sat at her table alone. “Her father, your cousin Lord Fenrir has agreed to help protect this realm and you know just how powerful he is don’t you?” She asked, raising an eyebrow in question. The shadow scoffed “so what she’s supposed to play student? She’s already a master of fire” Scatty’s voice hissed in a whisper “it’s bad enough you’re getting protection from HIM” she said, referencing the wolf headed Elder. “I will do what you ask for the sake of all these awakened humani” Scatty gestured to the students enjoying their food “but I will be keeping an eye on her” she hissed and walked off to towards the doors, probably headed to the newly installed training room.

Perenelle sighed “whatever will we do with her” she said in English as Agnes walked up to her “do not worrry sorceress” the old lady rasped “Scatty will not harm ember as long as you command it. She respects you too much” Agnes placed a hand on Perenelle’s arm before walking over to her own brother Gilgamesh, taking him by the arm and leading him out the hall. Perenelle looked over the students, gauging their potential by their aura that her trained eyes could see even though their auras weren’t activated. Most of them had decent auras, and with training they could be strong but there were a few that had exceptionally strong auras as well as something else that clung to them. The first she saw was Rory and his aero green aura, she could tell his affinity for air magic and noticed something weird about his aura. It surrounded him like it normally would but near his shoulder it seemed to expand outward into a bubble “what is that?” Perenelle asked in French and Nicholas walked over to see what she meant “what is wrong my dear?” He responded in French, a worried look on his face “his aura, look at it” she gestured to Rory and Nick turned his head to see what she meant. Focusing his eyes, Rory’s aero green aura slowly materialized in nick’s vision and his eyes caught the bulbous growth in the boys aura. “That..” he stopped, looking at Perenelle and then back to Rory “it can’t be, that hasn’t happened in a millennia” he exclaimed, before looking around the room, his eyes landed on Eli and the boys cyan colored aura. Again the same growth in the boys aura sat near his shoulder. “Do you know what this means?” Perenelle gasped, placing a hand on her husband’s shoulder “some of them will have familiars” Nick responded with a small smile “ a very old and rare type of magic, we should tell them as soon as possible so they can perform the ritual” Nick said, rubbing his goatee “I will need to find the book somewhere in the library, I’ll go now” Nick said and Perenelle nodded “I will gather them” they both nodded and Nick scurried off towards the library.

Eli, Rory, James, Blake, Chimera, Niko, and Ember please report to the library when you have finished your meal” Perenelle called across the chatter of the room, before walking over to Agnes and chatting excitedly.

Eli looked up “huh? Are we in trouble already?” He joked but then looked to James to see if the man was just as confused as him.
Interactions: Orin Orin

Blake looked over the teachers, noting that he would likely also be learning from Agnes as well as Nicholas himself. Especially if his room, as well as the sprouting plant life, was any indication of where his elemental prowess lay. Rolling his shoulders once the introductions were done, the stout Georgian looked to the buffet and felt his stomach growl rather loudly as his hunger made itself known. With a grumble of his own he got in line, eyeing the hamburgers as it got ever shorter. As soon as he could, he grabbed a pair of them as well as several other bits and pieces of various foods, filling a pair of plates quickly.

"I hope we ain't, would hate to not be able to eat a few more meals like this," Blake sat his plates down on one side of Eli, having managed to be right near the end of the initial line. Within a few bites he had one of the burgers eaten, the second being sat to the side for now as he ate a slice of pizza at a slightly slower rate. "I have no idea how they can manage to feed everyone if we all eat like this though, I for sure plan for at least one more plate myself. Though, if we are in trouble at least we'll have a full stomach for it."​
INTERACTION: Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Dest Dest Megilagor Megilagor xpstitch xpstitch Orin Orin Blxebxll Blxebxll Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
LOCATION: dining hall

Chimera had finished her cheeseburger and mashed potatoes, and was about to put the dirtied dishes away when Niko had shown up and gave her a metal tin. Her eyes had widened a bit in surprise. When she opened the lid to examine it, she saw lots of small hard candies inside it. She listened as he explained it as herbal candies. Chimera didn't know how to react for a brief moment or how to even try to figure out how he seemed to know she was a bit disappointed at not finding sweets at the table, but she was grateful. She murmurs quietly to Niko.


Before leaving to put her dishes away, when she was done eating. She once again got stuck in her own mind. Maybe she could use a portion of the candy to make her first attempt at baking at the fireplace? She could also see if Niko would want any, even if it felt like it would be a challenge considering she sucks at talking to people and her anxiety was sucking for her. Negative thoughts and the heavy weight and sinking feeling in her stomach came easily. Making her wish she had more courage and positivity, maybe Flamel Academy was a mistake?...but maybe it wasn't? So far, it seemed the perfect time for her to forcefully make attempts to push herself out of her shell. Her parents had tried to help her with that for years and she felt guilty for feeling like she had failed them in that area. It also didn't help when she recalled being bullied at school over her nerves, it had made her easy prey. Everyone, though so far at this academy, seemed nice, or at least her dormmates did. Even if James scared her, it seemed he had his concerns. Could this be her chance to grow up as a person? She needed to learn to be more courageous even if it was a seemingly simple task of offering herbal candy cookies to one of her dormmates. If she wanted to take up for them in the future, she had to gain courage...even if the task was difficult. She couldn't go on in life being easily overwhelmed, could she? She couldn't continue if it seemed like she was scared of her own shadow...she felt dreadful when her and the others got called on by the teachers. She was scared. Did she somehow break a rule she didn't know existed? Did they all? Was it because of the accident with Scatty? She followed the others, nervously making attempts to hide her face behind her braids.

James' arm had snaked protectively around his plate, uncertain how immediate their need was.

He frowned questioningly at the teachers, a result of his being hungry (presently and in the past).

"Now I don't about you guys... but I'm choosing to interpret their use of the term MEAL as NOT meaning PLATE." James said, projecting just enough to not be alarming (aka yelling). Orin Orin

"It has been a LOOOONG drive from Virginia to this place and I grew up poor so I hope I have your- guy's support when I say I'm having my 5ths" he continued first at Blake, then making sure everyone else was ready to agree with both of them.

James began to finish his plate with only a slightly sped up pace (speed being bad for digestion).

The man went about to fix himself a new helping, grabbing a knife of his own ironically (trying to take the food being something that was not merely equivalent of 'fighting words').

It was a steak knife from the table, plus some other utensils he might throw.

On his plate he would load sausage, cauliflower, more greenbeans, more Mac and cheese (assuming they simultaneously left the food and him alone).

He looked to a Torc Alta for a moment but decided not to ask for their assistance (they were probably loyal to the faculty).

"Anybody finished eating, maybe someone can help me carry some extra stuff?" James said to anyone that would listen, whether he knew them yet or not.

A somewhat scared short boy helped him load up a second plate with a veggie and meat loaded Pizza, corn, mashed potatoes.

"Load it" the youth told the boy, which he would later kick himself for (he was a bit stressed, and thus rude).

The boy nervously balanced not spilling it from the piling, and not getting on James' bad side by 'starving' him.

A girl followed suit by being directed to fill a plate with more sausage, cauliflower, corn and mashed potatoes. This one however he had her supplement with two delicately carried goblets of pumpkin juice (which was quite fitting for someone who knew the Harry Potter franchise).

The man would watch the staff like a hawk frequently during, before and after he ate. He had returned to his original seat.

James decided that if he was indeed being rude he might as well go all the way and unapologetically say 'the pumpkin juice is better than the tea' during and in between bites to Eli.

He would repeat a similar process til a seventh plate disappeared.

Somewhere around the 5th the teen would tell Eli "but that good old mountain dew beats the both of them heh"

He had purposefully thickened the accent in a brotherly mix of apology and discrete inquire about where Eli came from. That and a light elbow to show he meant no harm by it.

The man decided to skip offending anyone further, saying no to Hawaiian Pizza. James unapologetically however tore into fried chicken, ribs, cornbread and even the burgers he had earlier rejected.

He would probably have to make water alike to a race horse but he drank a couple of waters with his butterbeer nonetheless.

"They even have Butterbeer, I just hope 'you know who' doesn't show up" Young Reed said to Chimera, having realized he may have been ignoring the poor girl a bit. DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Possibly, he'd be the last to leave but he would overdo things by finishing it all off with a thing of coconut ice just to spite anyone who thought to rush his exit from a full stomach.

Megilagor Megilagor Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Dest Dest Blxebxll Blxebxll Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Only then did he deign to make his exit towards where he was directed.
Rory Black
Dining Hall
Interactions: Dest Dest DarkKitsune DarkKitsune xpstitch xpstitch Megilagor Megilagor Orin Orin Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Blxebxll Blxebxll

Time had made it apparent that conversation was long past its uses. Rory stood up to grab his own plate of food consisting of an array of different food groups- the most prominent being fish it seemed. When settled with his food, he ate conservatively. The young man absorbed his entire thought process and being into the food itself. His hunger was apparent, with his experimentation of magic since his departure to Yggdrasil he had little to eat in that span of time. Food was all it could ever be for him right now- a resource of great importance. A delicacy that afforded him respite from the day's events. Rory consumed as much as he could and left his stomach feeling full for the rest of the night thereafter.

Though he expected something dull to happen after dinner, it seemed that Nick and Perri had an idea of their own for the students. Whether it was good or bad, Rory could not really say. The haste of which students seemed to file out of the dining hall was quick to say the least.

"It seems something is going on.." Rory sighed "Time to mosey, then."

Rory would soon after finishing his meal stand up and move in flow with the other students that had been called upon. He kept himself at an arm's length of the others.​
Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Dest Dest DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Megilagor Megilagor Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi xpstitch xpstitch

Perri’s bright smiled beamed down at the sitting students “now I know a lot has happened in the last few days but” she paused scanning over the students before starting again “upon viewing your auras, Nicholas and I have discover that six of you, through some chance of fate have inherited a very old and powerful magic.” She stopped and smiled “and you ember, have reawakened the ancient ability you once possessed as a daughter of Fenris” raising both hands she allowed her white aura to shine through the room, in the air above her small clouds of colorful smoke began forming and taking different shapes.

The smoke took the form of a large man, a strong red aura shrouding his person and perenelle began to speak “Long ago, the elders possessed the ability to call forth a familiar, a creature different than their normal soldiers, a creature conjured from their aura that represents them as a person and granted them unique and powerful magics.” The smoke shifted to show a lion leaping around the man before bowing deeply. “The familiars were companions, spies, and warriors, but above all else they were loyal only to their master” the smoke shifted to show the lion biting off the arm of a another man “familiars possess elemental affinities and take three forms as they become stronger” the smoke shifted to show a tiny cub, mewling at its masters touch “the first stage is known as the Base stage or the pup stage. The familiar will have limited access to their magical abilities and will always stay very close to their master.” She twisted her hand and the clouds shifted again “secondly” she said as the clouds shifted one again into a mighty lion “Is known as the animal stage, in this stage the familiar takes on their true animal form and have access to around half of their elemental and special abilities.” When she finished the smoke shifted again, now showing the same lion but now sporting dagger sized teeth, and a gorgeous mane made of pure fire. “The last stage is known as the beast stage in which the familiar gains access to one hundred percent of their abilities and transform into powerful and sometimes mythological creatures.” As she finished talking, she clapped her hands and the Lion gave one strong roar before the smoke dissipated

With this being said” Nicholas chimed in, holding a stack of papers in his hand “tonight when the moon is at its highest, each of you will perform the summoning and meet your very own familiar” he said excitedly as if he himself were getting a familiar “these creatures will act as your companion, training partners, and even a power boost if you should need it” he passed out each paper “please make use of the entire library, we have all the materials you will need over on the shelves” Perenelle said, pointing to the bookcase that held vials, chalk, knives and other things that looked like witchcraft. “Please call on us if you need help with your summoning” and with one final clap of her hands, she dismissed the students “off you go

Eli listened to the lecture and quite enjoyed the little smoke show that Perenelle had performed “that must’ve been some type of air magic” he said to himself. “cool” he mumbled before looking at the paper. At the top of the paper was this pentagram looking symbol and below it were a set of instructions….

anima creatura vocans

The Soul Animal Summoning


  1. Draw summoning sigil using chalk, ash and crushed animal bone
  2. Say “the heart of my heart, the soul of my soul, I call you forth this moonlit night to walk in the land of the humani”
  3. Cut finger and add blood to center of sigil
  4. Say “with my soul I create, with my voice I give shape, with my blood I give form
  5. Drop 6 drops of blood on the sigil and then sprinkle crushed animal bones over the blood
  6. Say “drip drip drip the blood renews I summon you forth to walk the earth with me”
  7. Infuse aura into the sigil
  8. Say “with my aura I give life”
  9. Once a ball of light appears, you must give the familiar a name to complete the binding process
  10. Say “by soul, by voice, by blood, by aura, I give life to you *insert name*

Eli read over the paper “this actually doesn’t seem that hard though cutting myself isn’t enjoyable” he frowned and walked over to the cabinet to begin his ritual. He grabbed crushed animal bones, chalk, a knife, and a little stand to hold the paper while he performed the summoning. He drew the sigil in chalk and animal bones before sitting down infront of it “well here goes nothing” he sighed and looked at the paper before turning his head back to the sigil and taking a deep breath “the heart of my heart, the soul of my soul, I call you forth this moonlit night to walk in the land of the humani” his voice was shakey but the sigil didn’t seem to mind as it started to glow a dull white.

He cut his finger “with my soul I create, with my voice I give shape, with my blood I give form” he said more confidently before holding his cut finger over the sigil and letting six drops of blood fall “drip drip drip drip the blood renews, I summon you forth to walk the earth with me” a small breeze gathered around him and the area near him seemed to plummet in temperature to the point where Eli could see his own breath as he spoke. With another deep breath, he allowed his cyan aura to blaze outward as he did earlier and touched the sigil which caused the white sigil to turn into the cyan color of his aura, the small area reeking of saltwater. “With my aura I give life

The sigil began to glow harshly and from the center a cyan hall of light rose into the air and hung suspended infront of Eli. He had to take a second to really acknowledge what was happening before he could look down at the paper to continue the summoning. “by soul, by voice, by blood, by aura, I give life to you….”he paused as images of a great polar bear flooded his mind and there was only one name he could think of “Yorrick” there was a chilling explosion of wind and light, when Eli’s vision returned he saw what looked to be a polar bear cub sitting in the middle of the sigil staring at him intently with icy blue eyes

I am Yorrick” Eli jumped back when the polar bear actually spoke to him “a familiar of ice and snow, and now eternally bonded to you Renelliot of clan Nestler” Eli stared at the bear in shock “you can talk??” He all but shouted and the bear seemed to laugh “well yes, only you can understand me unless you allow others to hear me” the bear talked with such a relaxed tone that Eli thought he was going to fall asleep. Yorrick seemed to notice this “Master, you used a lot of your Aura to summon me. You will be extremely tired” Yorrick said calmly, walking over to his master and crawling into his lap. Eli rubbed a hand over the soft white fur that was cool to the touch “so what can you do? What type of magic do you have?” Eli asked as he got up to clean the sigil, slightly stumbling from exhaustion “I’m not sure” Yorrick responded with a yawn “I know that my elemental affinity is water and ice but other than that I’m not sure what other abilities I may posses, only time will tell” Eli nodded at the statement and picked Yorrick up, placing the bear on his head with his legs in the hood of his hoodie to help keep him balanced.

Well it’s nice to meet you Yorrick, mind if I call you Yorri? For short” Eli asked, reaching up to scratch Yorrick’s head “you may call me whatever you wish Renelliot” the bear responded in his cool calm tone. “Eli” Eli responded quickly “call me Eli, I hate Renelliot” and he felt the bear nod “very well Eli” Yorrick responded with a small bow of his head “now you must rest, the summoning drained you heavily” Eli nodded, waving to some of the other students who had called forth their own familiars before heading towards the dorm, ignoring Perenelle who was praising him on his accomplishment “thanks” he mumbled tiredly before leaving and making his way to the dorms.

When he entered his room, Yorrick immediately jumped off his head and to the floor “Eli, I must alter your room to better serve us both. Is this ok?” He asked as Eli crashed onto his bed “go ahead” he mumbled tiredly. “Very well, in this stage we familiars only have small bursts of power. I apologize in advance” Yorrick said as his eyes began to glow cyan and the room chilled quickly. The bear inhaled deeply and began to blow freezing cold air over the room, coating the walls in a thin layer of ice, in the corner a snow storm started to fall but seemed as if it was trapped in that side of the room, unable to move. Small iceberg formed under the perpetual snow storm and Yorrick stumbled backwards exhausted

Shit it’s cold” Eli exclaimed, opening his eyes to see his snow and ice covered room “I’m always gonna have to wear a jacket in here aren’t I?” Eli asked as he pulled the thick cover over his body, sighing in content as the cover warmed him deeply. “You’ll adapt to it, the cold help recharge my aura which in turns charges yours ” Yorrick responded tiredly before trotting over to the small iceberg and laying down at the base of it, snow falling on his fur which suddenly disappeared as it touched him. “Goodnight master” Yorrick said but Eli was already snoring away happily, his aura slowly recharging. Yorrick laid his head down and let sleep consume him for the first time

The next morning…

Eli awoke to Yorrick laying next to him in bed, his soft white fur cool to the touch “didn’t you literally make your own bed last night yorri” he asked as he stroked the bears fur “the closer I am to you, the faster your aura recharges” Yorrick said as he stood up to stretch, his little paws kneading the bed sheets. “Fair enough, hey do you eat?” Eli asked and Yorrick perked up “yes, fish, and seal though I’m not picky” the bear licked his lips eagerly “well I don’t know about seal but I’m sure we could get you some fish” Eli said as he rolled out of bed, throwing on a pair of black jeans, a dark blue shirt and his black and blue converse before throwing on his Sorcerer house cloak. He scooped Yorrick up, setting him on his head with the bears hindquarters in his hood to help hold him up

I wonder if the others had as much luck as we did” he asked, as he made his way out the dorm and to the cafeteria. Once in the dining hall he made himself a plate of the available breakfast before grabbing a large whole salmon and giving it to Yorrick who happily munched on it on the floor next to his master “sooo good” Yorrick all but moaned as his face never left the fish “slow down Yorri” Eli laughed “there’s plenty
INTERACTION: Orin Orin Megilagor Megilagor Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Dest Dest Rcticwolf Rcticwolf xpstitch xpstitch

  • Familiar Ritual
    Before the lecture had begun, Chimera nodded to James when he mentioned something about butter beer and him hoping something about a 'you know who' not showing up, which without context confused her. However, as intimidating as he was, it seemed like he wasn't actually a bad guy. She murmured quietly in response.

    "Maybe you'll get to enjoy some butter beer at some point."

    She didn't mention anything about the person he had mentioned. However, if butter beer was actual beer, she wasn't old enough to drink it. Was he old enough to drink? She didn't know, but he looked like it. As they entered the library, Mrs. Perenelle began a lecture, and Chimera watched in amazement as she began to use her aura. At first, it turned into a smoke like substance before turning into illusion like things. This made the lecture easier to understand and easier for Chimera to absorb the information being taught like she was. She wondered if tricks like these would be mentioned at some point, then another thought came to mind...Familiars, Mrs. Perenelle taught them that it was ancient magic, and for Ember to be able to use it well, it made sense, Ember was immortal, and Ember was the child of the Norse beast Fenrir. For Ember to use such a magic made sense to Chimera, but for herself, Eli, Blake, Niko, James and Rory to be able to use it? Didn't. What made them so special from the rest of their peers? What made them capable of summoning a familiar? How did the staff know that they could summon familiar? As she paid attention to the lecture, she held the tin of herbal candies Niko had given her earlier closer to her. Real Familiars were very different from their fantasy counterparts, and even had different forms with various powers as well as their own affinity, and some were capable of turning into a mythological beast. And very Loyal. Chimera found it hard to believe that she was among the people capable of summoning them in the present day. She sniffed her aura and silently opened the tin, popping a piece of candy into her mouth before closing it again. Since the lecture started, she had let go of her braids, and she wasn't holding them to her face anymore. Once it was finished, Mr. Nicolas began to pass around instructions. They were instructed to confide in books as much as they needed and to use what they would need to use were on the shelves. With the tin in one can and paper in the other, she read its contents.

    1. Draw Summoning circle using chalk, ash and crushed animal bone.

    2. Say "the heart of my heart, the soul of my soul, I call forth this moonlit night to walk in the land of the humani"

    3.cut finger and add blood the center of the sigil

    4.say "with my soul I create, with my voice I give shape, with my blood I give form."

    5. Drop 6 drops of blood on the sigil and then sprinkle some crushed animal bone over the blood

    6. Say "drip drip drip the blood renews I summon you forth to walk with me"

    7.infuse aura into the sigil

    8. Say "with aura I give life."

    9.once a ball of light appears, you must give your familiar a name to complete the binding process.

    10. Say "by soul, by voice, by blood, by aura, I give life to you *insert name*

    Chimera was incapable of speaking on behalf of the others, as a matter of fact, for all she knew, it could only be her that was freaked out by the instructions, but regardless, the moon was out, and as told by the staff, she had a ritual to do. She roamed the library in search of a book on sigils. She didn't know what a summoning sigil looked like, and she did make use of the library for that matter. Mrs. Perenelle did say to make use of the library after all. After grabbing a book and skimming it to see if it had the sigil she needed, she stuffed it under her arm and made her way to a table. She put both the tin and book down briefly as she went over to the shelves to grab the supplies she needed, and then retreated back to the table. She grabbed the book, chalk ash and crushed animal bone and, with a careful hand, constructed the sigil on the ground in accordance with what the book showed. It felt twisted to use crushed animal bones, though at least she didn't have to kill and collect it herself but she did hope they were the bones of the already deceased. With a sigh, she looked at the paper and decided to proceed to the next task on the list. She muttered, albeit worried that she didn't sound confident enough to successfully perform it. She continued anyway.

    "The heart of my heart... The soul of my soul... I call forth this moonlit night...to walk in the land of the humani"

    She grabbed the knife and, as instructed in step three, cut her finger. She held it against the tip of the thumb, closing her eyes, and sliced it quickly in an area where she wouldn't accidentally cut a vein. She did it as swiftly as if she were ripping off a band-aid. And held her thumb over the center of the sigil, letting a drop of crimson fall to the middle. She muttered after releasing a deep breath.

    "With my soul I create...With my voice I give shape...with my blood I give form..."

    Moving her hand over the sigil, she let six drops of blood fall onto the sigil and then grabbed the crushed up animal bone, sprinkling it around the sigil on top of the blood drops. And proceeded with the next step, sounding a little more confident this time. She had made it this far.

    "Drip...drip...drip... The blood renews I summon you forth to walk with me"

    She attempted to infuse her aura as instructed on the paper, with a green glow emanating from her as she did so and the strong scent of rosemary. She proceeded to mutter.

    "With aura I give life"

    A ball of light, like the instructions for the ritual described, appeared. Knowing she was nearing the end of it, she mutters her finale incantations.

    “by soul... by voice....by blood....by aura...I give life to you..."

    She repeated "...you..."

    She hadn't thought of a name. Then a myth came to mind: the myth of the water monster called a siren, which was a creature who lured sailors to their deaths. Hoping her pause didn't affect the ritual, she says


    The ball seemed to have morphed into that of a gray fox, assuming it fitting considering how they hunted. It was a baby gray fox, she was curled up in a small ball, then she lifted her head up and looked at Chimera.
    Siren's eyes matched the color of her aura. It was momentarily silent until Siren spoke.

    "I am Siren, your familiar of water. Now bound to you. Chimera of the Kindel clan"

    Which creeped her out. But it was a creature made from her aura, so she had to assume it was normal for Siren to know this fact. Chimera's hand hovered over her head, hesitant to pet her familiar. However, Siren caught onto this, and she lifted her head up to meet Chimera's hand. She began scratching Siren's head when the fox spoke bluntly.

    "A nervous thing you are, but priorities are priorities. I'll answer your questions in the morning because you need to rest and recharge your aura, or you'll combust soon enough. Let's head back to your room."

    Chimera couldn't help but nod, still amazed that, despite being created from her aura, Siren seemed confident, and not afraid to speak her mind...something Chimera frankly wasn't. Chimera picked up Siren as she got back to her feet and returned the supplies and book before grabbing the Tin of candy and proceeding to go to her room with her familiar. Making it to her room, she set the candy on her bedside table before crashing on the bed. The room temperature changed to the nice, humid temperature of a woodland forest. Siren would be correct because as soon as Chimera's head hit the pillows, she was out like a light

    ~~~next morning~~~

    When Chimera woke up,
    Siren was gently pawing at her cheeks with her claws retracted so as not to accidentally hurt her master. When Chimera's eyes opened, Siren started nudging Chimera's stomach with her head.

    "Ok...I'm up…"

    Chimera felt groggy as she sat up and rubbed her eyes while
    Siren spoke.

    "Good, because it's breakfast hours and I could go for some bird and berries."

    That got a soft laugh out of Chimera. She stood up and started getting her clothes together. As she did so, she asked Siren as she looked through her shirts.

    "So can all familiars speak?"

    She grabbed a midnight blue long-sleeved shirt and a short-sleeved shirt that was light gray, darker gray, and light blue, and the corner of the shirt was a darker blue. She grabbed her other things and a black skirt as
    Siren replied.

    "Only you can understand me, unless you wish for others to understand."

    Chimera nods, she was oddly comfortable around the fox. She goes into her closet, gets changed, and leaves again, asking as she tied her shoes. And brushes her hair. She leaves her hair down not feeling like putting it into braids or a ponytail.

    "You said you were my 'familiar of water.' Does that mean water is your affinity?"

    She puts on her bracelet as
    Siren gives her a look. Chimera speaks as she puts on her robe and grabs her brown shoulder bag.

    "I'll admit that was a stupid question. My last one...will you hop into my bag?"

    Chimera got on her knees and held it open as the small gray fox hopped in. And stuck its head out. She latched it shut, and then they headed down for breakfast. Once they arrived at the table filled with alchemists, she grabbed two plates. Here she puts three pancakes on her plate and two strawberries and two blueberries in the center before pouring syrup on top. She uses the other plate and puts a waterfowl wing on it with a side of strawberries, blackberries, and blueberries and hands it to
    Siren. The two begin eating.

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Nikola "Niko" Hohenheim
Mentions: Orin Orin Eli,
Interactions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Chimera
"Great Hall"​

Niko cracked a small smile as he heard the shy Chimera express her thanks to him, he felt relieved a bit, and since she resembled his youngest sister his older brother's instinct was sometimes activating when looking at her. But the day did have to carry on, so he relieved his hand of the empty dishes while thinking how weird it would be to claim Chimera as his little sister even if a sworn one, so he pushed that idea to the very back of his mind before hearing his name being called out.
'I hope we aren't in trouble right now.' Thought Niko as he heard his and others' names being called out by Perenelle, so he followed others to where they were supposed to go to receive the punishment, but was he surprised when he learned it was no time for punishments but instead that they carried some ancient magic within themselves in the shape of familiars.
Niko listened quietly from the corner of the group to the instructions and explanations given by Perii and Nicholas, and when their instructions ended he looked at the paper with the ritual instructions written on it.

anima creatura vocans

The Soul Animal Summoning

  1. Draw a summoning sigil using chalk, ash, and crushed animal bone
  2. Say “The heart of my heart, the soul of my soul, I call you forth this moonlit night to walk in the land of the humani”
  3. Cut finger and add blood to center of sigil
  4. Say “With my soul I create, with my voice I give shape, with my blood I give form
  5. Drop 6 drops of blood on the sigil and then sprinkle crushed animal bones over the blood
  6. Say “Drip drip drip the blood renews I summon you forth to walk the earth with me”
  7. Infuse aura into the sigil
  8. Say “With my aura I give life”
  9. Once a ball of light appears, you must give the familiar a name to complete the binding process
  10. Say “By soul, by voice, by blood, by aura, I give life to you *insert name*
Niko read the ritual instructions a few times to ensure he got it right before saying to himself. "Well, it sounds simple enough, at least compared to those in fiction with living sacrifices, although, why are the words in English while the spell name is in Latin, shouldn't the incantation be in Latin? Anyways let's get to work gathering what I need then I can translate the chant to Latin."
So Niko walked around the room gathering what he needed for the ritual from several shelves around the room, before sitting down on a table with his pencil in hand while going through the instructions yet again while translating the chant to Latin. It did take a while to finish translating after all he did not use Latin that much, but he finished doing so when Ember began her trial for summoning, and he patiently waited for his turn.

When Ember finished her summoning attempt, Niko walked to a clearer place to begin the ritual. With chalk, ash, and crushed animal bones in hand he drew the summoning sigil, with great precision after all he did not want to leave it to a tiny mistake to make his attempt not count. Seeing the opportunity to reveal his FMA nerd side a bit, Niko walked to the center of the sigil and stood there while starting the ritual.
"cor cordis mei, anima animae meae, clamo te hanc noctem lunam ad ambulandum in terra humani." His voice struck true, and as the words in his albeit rusted Latin left his mouth the sigil began to glow with its dull white light. Then he cut his finger with the knife and pointed his finger down letting a blood droplet drop into the middle of the sigil before continuing the chat.
"anima mea creo, voce mea formo, sanguine do form" Following through with the instructions, Niko squeezed his finger a bit to let six additional drops of blood fall into the sigil and then with a bit of flair he sprinkled crushed animal bones onto the blood, while resuming his chanting.
"stillans stillans renouat sanguis me te euocat ut terram mecum ambules" Thinking it was time now to infuse aura into the sigil, but not knowing really how Niko knelled and placed his hand onto the blood and ashes he spilt in the middle of the sigil and began pouring his aura to the best of his abilities into it. As he did so his body began to heat up, no in fact the area around him began to heat up even more, even making the air wavy as it mixed with the cold air from Elis's ritual. Soon the color of the sigil turned into a familiar kind of red color, cinnabar red to be exact, the scents of previous people being replaced by the smell of spider lilies, He felt that the ritual was slowly coming to a close as he felt tired, Niko quickly continued it hoping not to fall unconscious from tiredness caused by the ritual.
"cum aura do vitam" After this chant a bright ball of red light arose in front of him temporarily blinding his eyes and making him fall on his rear and out of the sigil, it took him a while for his vision to return after seeing such a great red ball of light which imitated a fire, he even was drawn towards it but he shook his head and finished the ritual while saying without a shred of hesitation the last words of the ritual.
"anima, voce, sanguine, aura, tibi vitam do Bipi!"
And at his words the ball erupted in real flames and light, when Niko's vision returned he saw what appeared to be just a big ball of fluff, with ears and a tail but after a closer inspection, a really close inspection it did have a small snout sticking out of the fluff, Niko took out his handy dandy and secret hairbrush and combed the fluff a bit so he could see the face of the creature and identify what it was.
After a short while, he saw a fennec fox hidden behind a fluff wall, and as Niko looked into its ruby eyes it spoke.

"My name is Bipi, and you are my master. A familiar of heat and flame, and now bound to you Nikola of clan Hohenheim. I see you do not find my ability to talk weird."
"Why should I find it weird, you are of my blood and aura, shouldn't it be a given for us to have some ability to converse with each other."
"You are probably tired after the ritual, Let go to your room for now master and I shall explain stuff to you in the morning."
Niko simply nodded as he only now realized how truly draining the ritual was, so he placed his hand under all the fluff under Bipi's belly lifted him up, and walked away while simply waving others goodbye, Not ever realizing that the heat from Bipi's summoning burned away the sigil from the ground making less work for Niko to do.

Now within his own room, Niko took off some of his clothes and plopped onto his bed after changing into his black turtleneck, and some shorts, while laying his scarf down into a little nest for Bipi to sleep next to him. But it seemed that Bipi, had other plans for now, as he charred a few pieces of furniture and went through a few snacks Niko stashed away in his room before coming and lying down in the scarf.
Next Day
Niko awoke that day with something warm and fluffy on his face, in fact, it was Bipi, trying to tell Niko to wake up by jumping on his face but the amount of fluff on him made it so it didn't work out like he wanted to. With that morning groggy voice Niko simply replied to Bipi.
"I'm up. Bipi you can get off me now."
So Niko stood up from his bed and changed himself while at least dry cleaning himself from any possible sweat from the night, after all, they did not tell where the showers were so he had to settle for this for now.
Deciding to go a bit more nerd today than his usual formal attire, Niko wore black leather pants, coupled with a black shirt, and a red hoodie bearing the symbol of the alchemists from FMA, on top of that he threw on his Enchanter robes, finishing it with some brown boots and his grandfathers pocket watch that somehow still worked here, albeit it was more mechanical than technical so there is that to it.
On his way out of his room, he grabbed his satchel where he put some of his notebooks and writing tools, then he laid his scarf on top of that and placed Bipi onto it, before coming out of his room.

Now after arriving at the "great hall" Niko went to fix himself and Bipi a plate or two of food, albeit on Bipi's plate it was mainly baked potatoes and sausages, while Niko tried to have a more balanced diet.
Not seeing any familiar face among the enchanter students, he searched the room for any familiar face in fact he did find one, there she was Chimera, so wanting to sit down with a familiar face he walked up to her silently so as to not disturb others but loud enough to let her know he was approaching, then when he stood in front of her he asked her for permission.

"Hello little one, do you mind if I sit down with you? Eating with a familiar face feels nicer than eating with a bunch of strangers."
Then after waiting a bit for the answer he sat down, as no answer arrived, then he took out Bipi from his satchel and placed him on the table so he could eat his fill.
"Where are my manners? I'm Nikolas Hohenheim but you can call me Niko, and this is Bipi, albeit looking at him devouring his baked potatoes I might as well call him that. Anyway, I hope the herbal candies were good for you, but I don't remember getting your and your companion's names before or they slipped my mind?"
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James' lips raised on opposite ends in a nervous grimace. He wished they had told him classes would be starting so he could have wrote stuff down as Perenelle spoke.

James read the instructions and couldn't help but be a little frightened. Stuff the Yarb Doctor had taught him already straddled the line at the very least...

*Looks like something out of the movies... But then again the priests I've met didn't really seem...*

He wondered if he would take the longest, from the start he asked himself and others for verification that it was crushed animal bones of NON HUMAN varieties.

Young Reed likely annoyed the adults with the most questions, asking them things like what might happen if his sigil was smudged or such (he'd prefer not to summon a demon prince by accident).

It seemed to get worse as time went on, they had to have Joan sit with him for a while reassuring him of theological safety regarding the ritual parts (only a literal Christian Saint could convince him to draw blood surrounded by occult symbolism and chicken bones).

'Saint' Joan did her best despite having been through all these sorts of things many times before. When asked to perform a miracle like in the bible, finding the nearest window and using wings of Aura to fly out proved sufficient for James' faith and the halo of Aura was a simple matter of light surrounding her head.

James drew the summoning sigil using what he was given. Albeit after small amount of tears and predictable questions like if God and Jesus were real.

“the heart of my heart, the soul of my soul, I call you forth this moonlit night to walk in the land of the humani” James spoke.

Like the others before, his sigil glowed a dull white. James smiled a bit now, glad to know his enrollment here was no mistake and that he truly did have magic like the others presumably did.

James was no longer so frightened. He had not been frightened at all of bleeding or pain, it hurt a little cutting his finger but nothing he hadn't endured a dozen fold running around the mountain.

As instructed he bled on the sigil center.
“With my soul I create, with my voice I give shape, with my blood I give form"

And there stood St. Joan of Arc wreathed in a circlet of light reassuring him with seemingly divine dispensation of approval for good measure, having assured him of the lack of sin in creating new life in this manner.

6 drops of blood James dripped on the sigil and sprinkled after with crushed animal bones.

“drip drip drip the blood renews I summon you forth to walk the earth with me”

The others had affected the air in their various ways such as temperature and wind blowing. A pretty show of lights wafted through the affected breeze, shifting in colors for James. It looked almost...alive?... fireflies were bigger and the glow changes were different for these small specks in the wind.

Taking the advice he had been given on using his Aura, he filled the room with a Violet that battled with the wafting motes of green, blues, purples, pinks and whites in the air. The air became a mercurial fairy forest with his damp humus smell and mint undertones transitioning into the room after what may have been the scent of some lilies.

"With my Aura life I give"
An orb of his Aura rose from his sigil center.

“by soul, by voice, by blood, by aura, I give life to you….” James said as perhaps two names and three images sprang to his mind.

"Harrold... Harry"
Wind turned bomb and James Reed feared he'd grow to dislike the color Violet after it also took over all senses same as the wind had.

After a few seconds of dazedness James saw the remains were some glowing purple lichen or other dotting the room walls and other surfaces. *Maybe I'll be an interior decorator or something?*

"James, Master" The foot long baby monitor lizard said from the middle of James' sigil.

James looked down and instinctively squatted so as to not intimidate the small animal, though rather unnecessary probably.

"So... You're my familiar... Harry?" The teen asked hesitantly, hoping he did all perfectly and thus knew what he was doing.

"Yes, James of clan Reed. I am a familiar of the Earth element. I am destined to be of crystal and other cavern aspects."

"That's pretty cool I suppose...- sorry I'm tired" James responded with some tired trepidation at accidentally insulting a being so important and connected to him.

"You need rest, big spells equal drained Aura" Harrold told him.

"If that's all there is to the...spell, is there anything else I need to do today?" James asked Joan, who decided to fully dissipate her 'angel wings' and Aura halo by now.

"No, though you might want to stop by the library tomorrow for some book or two on caring for your familiar"
INTERACTION: Orin Orin Megilagor Megilagor Dest Dest Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi xpstitch xpstitch Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

  • The Morning after
    Compared to Chimera, Siren had been wolfing down her food quicker than the familiar probably should have. As a matter of fact, by the time Chimera had made it to her second pancake, Siren had already almost finished her waterfowl. But despite how ravenous Siren seemed with her food, the grey fox had begun to slow down. Deciding to take her time with the juicy berries and eating one at a time. As Chimera ate her pancakes, she would occasionally drink from a cup of water. At this time in the morning, Chimera really didn't have any cohesive thoughts after being pawed awake by a grey fox made out of her energy and blood...for a moment, she ended up staring at her plate when she suddenly thought 'doesn't that make Siren my child?' The thought, however was short lived before she took another bite of her pancakes. Then suddenly a voice caught her attention, it was that guy from the previous night who gave more of a lecture to Scatty then anyone else in the room did, and he had his familiar which at first glance appeared to look like a living ball of nothing but pure fluff. it wasn't until his familiar began visibly eating its plate of baked potatoes did she realize it was a Fennec Fox. She was a bit anxious, but she could understand not wanting to sit by a total stranger. Not only that, but he had given her a decently sized tin of candy which she planned on using to make cookies.

    "Yeah you can..."

    She says a bit nervously.her eyes focused on the plate of food as she takes another bite of her food. His Familiar whom she now knew was named 'Bipi', which in her mind was interesting but definitely better, as she was sure someone else would probably have called him 'Fluffy'. She watched as
    Siren knocked over her last Berry from her plate. It was a strawberry and she watched as her familiar offered it to Bipi. After Niko's introduction, she introduces herself and Siren decided to paw at her bag which Chimera then opened it for her, she closed it up after Siren crawled back into her shoulder bag with her head sticking out it.

    "Nice to meet you Niko...I-I'm Chimera Kindel. And this is my Familiar

Rory Black
Location: Library
Interactions: Dest Dest DarkKitsune DarkKitsune xpstitch xpstitch Megilagor Megilagor Orin Orin Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Blxebxll Blxebxll

Rory watched the demonstration with particular interest, and smirked as it ended. So this was their gift? An old type of magic that was rare to boot. The instructions seemed easy enough to understand. The steps seemed to follow a pattern that Rory picked up on. Every step was particular in their order and advancement to the next level- Leading up to the summoning's completion. There was no time for tomfoolery. Rory got to work immediately upon acquiring the contents of the summoning contract.

Step one- proceeded easy enough. The bone, chalk, and ash all combined into one to create the circle.
Step two- To speak the opening verse of the incantation. "The heart of my heart, the soul of my soul, I call you forth this moonlit night to walk in the land of the humani”
Step three- Simple enough, to add a few droplets of blood. Rory pricked the tip of his finger to get a precise amount of blood.

Step four- Proceed to the second verse of the incantation. “With my soul I create, with my voice I give shape, with my blood I give form"
Step five- Not too much, and not too little. Dripping 6 droplets of blood that would absorb into the powdery mixture of the circle, and begin to muddle itself together.
Step six- Proceed to the third verse of the incantation. “drip drip drip the blood renews I summon you forth to walk the earth with me"

Step seven- A tricky step, one that demanded the concentration of Rory's aura into the sigil.
Step Eight- The fourth verse of the incantation must be spoken. “with my aura I give life”
Step nine- The ball of light should appear. Rory didn't see it at first.

Well this was an interesting situation, was Rory not putting enough aura into the sigil? Perhaps he had spoken the wrong incantations...No, no he did them all right. Rory felt like a bit more aura could fix the problem.

Rory let the floodgate open. His aura siphoned into the sigil and caused a large burst of light to form, Rory almost was pushed backward by it, but stood strong in defiance of this explosive ball..
Step Ten-
"Say my name.."

"I know you." Rory's eyes widened, he spoke without speaking. His mind blistered with the name that was emblazoned into his brain. Familiar and master spoke as one in that moment.

“by soul, by voice, by blood, by aura, I give life to you- Aria."

The ball of light morphed into multiple shapes, indecisive on a certain form to take until the name was spoken. Rory's aero green aura fluttered around the ball as white feathers fell gracefully. There was a tiny albino peacock, a mere baby standing in front of Rory. It immediately hopped onto Rory's head for comfort.

Rory felt dizzy at first, but quickly steeled himself enough to stand. "Interesting that we ate to only expend our energy again." Rory looked up at the baby peacock that had nested against his hair.. It was observing the entire room with keen eyes, before it noticed Rory.
"Master!" Aria spoke with excitement in her tone
"You are Aria." Rory did not return the excitement. "My familiar." He confirmed.
Aria nodded gleefully. "Yes! Yes! You seem tired, we should rest somewhere comfy!"
"Gladly. I suppose for your first night alive, you should sleep somewhere with a certain view." Rory smirked to himself. "Come now, Aria."

"Not your room? Don't you want to be with your friends?"
Rory looked at every one. He quickly turned away and walked out of the library before answering.
"None of them are my friends."
Rory returned to the special spot in Yggdrasil to sleep with Aria bundled into his hoodie. There a bright light descended from the ceiling that cast a warm glow across the resting place Rory chose. Revitalizing him as well as providing comfort without the need of a blanket. Aria was simply happy to be able to talk and interact with her master. She had been trying to gain his attention ALL day!
Tomorrow would be an interesting day...That was for sure. Rory would open his eyes that early morning with Aria pecking his cheek
"Master! Master! You'll be late if you don't get up soon!"
"I know.." Rory slid up out of the nature infested aircraft. "Let's go to school.." Rory groaned dreadfully as he had to interact with students again..​
"Then if that's all, thank you for your assistance" James told his teachers with an awkward bow, wondering how he would ever get used to seeing a literal Saint walking around him.

"Let's rest in your dormitory then?" Harry asked him, an upwards movement of the chin to signal what he asked.

James paused in slight puzzlement but then understood and extended an arm with a hand. The lizard ran up his uniform sleeve and perched on his shoulder, pressing the cool lizard scales of his head on James' neck to enjoy the warmth.

Getting up from his squat, young Reed made his way back towards his dorm, having need to connect with Yggdrasil to be shown a blue mist. *I'll learn soon enough*

"I'll need to change this room a bit so I can recharge my Aura best from now on"

"Change it how?"

"Modify its makeup to fill with elements specific to my being"

"Your beaing?... like how you said you were a familiar of earth and cavern elements?" James puzzled out.

"Yes, that usually means rock and plant life. More specifically, I'm to be a crystal and cave being"

"... can you do it minus vampiric bats and bears and...scary stuff like that?"

"Yes... I'll try to be unintrusive... probably at most make it a little humid in here?"

"Err... that's fine I guess.... I mean I'm sure the teachers can help me work out any kinks we might have... just try to leave me a bed and stuff yeah?" The teen asked with a laugh at the end.

"Yes young master" Harrold had said before shimying its way off him and beginning to waft Violet Aura from its scales like smoke.

It channeled something akin to its future ability for a small while, though far less belligerent in specification. Harrold flicked his now shiny tail in various directions and blowing breaths to direct some form of sparkling dust.

The top of his dresser sprouted glowing mushrooms of pink coloring. Moss covered the dresser handles and other surfaces. His door on both sides sprouted what looked like lilac oysterling. The empty paintings sprouted some form of luminescent algae, notably what looked to be purple-pink crystal dragon among them.

A few thick branches of wooded plant stuck out from the walls, mushrooms of all colors and shapes colonized the vines previously lining the walls. At the pottery wheel among a couple other spots, relatively tall fat toadstools seemed to invite use as actual stools with red caps and white polka dots (and other varieties).

Here and there large bioluminescent spots of stalk and spore-cap dotted an otherwise green mossy carpet on the ceiling and other corners. Green glows on the ceiling, a blue colony at this corner and purple line on the floor walls. On the ceiling was a starry night sky, the dusting of tiny glowing algae stuffs.

Slight humidity permeated the room and a vibrant ecosystem of sorts played balanced with itself, with some notable exceptions most surfaces were covered with mushroom Colonies of all makes (where glowing varieties shied). The furniture began to take on a fungal theme and James suspected the unusually tall 'parasol' mushroom was in fact more of a lamp, seeing as at least one light orb seemed to be absorbed by it.

"It took a while but I did my best to make it habitable for you... I don't think I need tell you not everything in here is fit to use in a cream of mushroom soup"

"Aye....thank you Harrold... it's...perfect in here... I feel like a REAL wizard or a fairy living in here" The older teen spoke as he looked at the rooms glowing fantasy design in childish wonder.

"Help me up Jamie" it said as it sought to climb him, which James obliged

James went about going to bed, taking a little time trying figure out whether he could 'turn off' some of the glowing mushrooms so he could sleep in more comforting darkness.

When morning arrived, James and his lizard bade each other good morning to head to the library. With some cloth bag he retrieved some books the librarians had graciously already prepared surrounding lizards and familiars.

The Appalachian man made his way to the dining hall as best he could, holding off on using magic to find it and relying on passerbys. When he arrived where all chowed, he noticed two students growing nervous at the sight of him. He approached them both and apologized, reassuring them he wasn't all that scary and making them understand his actions yesterday.

Afterwards James Reed loaded two plates with the help of some school staff. Beijing duck, baked potatoes (sour cream, cheese, bacon bits, green onion), bratwurst, and a berry bowl featured here.

James was advised to NOT look into the lidded bucket he would put Harrold in to eat from (it would spoil his own appetite to know what Harrywas eating).

DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Megilagor Megilagor
The young Alchemist now had see where he would sit. Chimera had been distracted yesterday and so far his interactions with her had been lukewarm. She also had company, Niko of whom he supposed he should try to see if there was more to than the drama surrounding yesterday...

But a shy seeming girl like Chimera may find the addition of himself too much company?... Then there was Eli with whom he had some good rapport, and he seemed unaccompanied save-... *my word... a baby... polar bear?...* Orin Orin

And there was Rory whom he saw passing by... handsome celestial Rory who he maybe should stay away from. Mr.Black had himself an air of distance, James remembered him at one point speaking at great length and to his detriment- then remembering the man speaking not at all. Rory possesed an odd air of cold lonesomeness.

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi
James debated whether to call out to him and invite him to eat together. The man always did have trouble around other guys, Rory with his fine features would pose an extra challenge he may be unable to meet.

In the end Mr.Reed made a decision.
"Mr...Black, was it?" James began as he approached Rory.

 "I'm James Reed, will you be eating with anyone today? If not, maybe we might sit together?" James offered him with a nervous but hopeful smile, though restraining so as to avoid trouble with any certain sort of persons.
Rory Black
Location: Dining Hall (Morning)
Interactions: Dest Dest DarkKitsune DarkKitsune xpstitch xpstitch Megilagor Megilagor Orin Orin Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

The morning was starting off how Rory expected it to. Aria was bundled up into his hoodie and would only poke her head out for a bite of muffin (Which Rory had acquired in his travels through the hall) His plate would be modest this morning; scrambled eggs, a biscuit, sausage, and flapjacks. A muffin for Aria to poke at, considering she was interested in the fluffy bits. Not so much the flat bits. Which, in Aria speak- was the top half of the muffin being the fluffy bits. The bottom half being the flat bits.
Rory was in the middle of grabbing a glass of OJ to finish off his pleasant little breakfast until he heard a smooth and welcoming voice call out to him. Even if it were, Rory flinched in what seemed to be shock-and surprise.

"Mr...Black, Was it?"

Rory turned to face the big gentleman in front of him. Rory studied his form for some time before answering, as if calculating the perfect response to such a person. The best course of action was to scoot them away quickly, and efficiently. Aria though, wouldn't allow Rory to get his way.
Her head poked out and nabbed at another "fluffy" bit and spat it at James in playful teasing. Rory quickly ceased his unruly and energetic familiar back into his hoodie.

"You're that loud fellow from last night, weren't you. The one talking about beer and such. Causing a ruckus with that one over there." He tipped his head in the direction of Eli.
"You caused my appetite to weaken, among other annoyances last night that seemed to take away the amusement of it all." He referred to Scatty's unruly outburst.
"To answer your question, no. I did not intend to sit with anyone, A creature of your size might make it brutal to sit next to...." Aria poked her head out to look at Rory, with big, beady, soft eyes that made Rory sigh in defeat.
"But, I wouldn't be against sitting within the same vicinity of you...If you wished. Why not ask that red-headed girl to join us too, while we're at it. She was all alone last night as well and clearly picked out among the crowds by Scatty."

Rory would drag another unsuspecting fool into this, if it were the last thing he could do...He would NOT be the only one.​
Blake Forbes
Blake quirked an eyebrow at the new information that was being presented, a familiar huh? Sounded even more like something out of one of his sister's fantasy books or his brother's games. And they expected a bunch of novices to complete something like this? Oh this was going to be interesting. As the others began to move and gather their supplies, Blake joined them, weaving in to grab what he needed as he continued to hum or whistle to himself. Carefully he grabbed a mortar and pestle as well as a smaller animal bone, tossing it into the tools bowl crushing it up and separating a measure of it before adding the chalk and ash that were called for. As he mixed them all together he looked over the remainder of the instructions and nodded, satisfied with what he was seeing and how easy it was.

Taking care he dipped his fingers into the powder that he had made and began to sketch out the symbol, going back and forth from the picture to the real thing to ensure that all was accurate with it. As he finished he dusted his fingers off and set the remnants of his mix to the side, mindful that he might need more in the future. Carefully he stepped around his symbol and held the blade that he had taken from a cabinet, once more reading the instructions before steeling himself, finally ready to begin.

"The Heart of my Heart, the Soul of my Soul, I call you forth this moonlit night to walk in the land of the Humani," As he spoke Blake cut the ball of his thumb, grimacing as he did so, and added a small amount of his blood to the center of his ritual. "With my Soul I create, with my Voice I give shape, with my Blood I give form." Six drops of blood were added in turn and the previously separated bone powder was added as the teen continued. "Drip Drip Drip the Blood renews I summon you forth to walk the Earth with me." The Georgian pushed forth his aura into the sigil, the air around him gaining the homely smell that had come to be his. "With my Aura I give Life." As the ball of light that was mentioned began to form a name came to Blake's mind, one that simply seemed right. " By Soul, by Voice, by Blood, by Aura, I give Life to you Serena."

Before his eyes the light began to change and shift, growing brighter even as it took the form of a four legged creature. As the light became overly glaring he looked away, but even still he could feel something, a connection snapping into place where there had been nothing before. As the light faded he looked back and took his first look at the familiar that he had summoned, a small badger cub sitting in the center of where his ritual had taken place.

"I am Serena, a familiar of the Earth, Bound to you Blake Forbes as your familiar now and forever." The young badger's voice surprised Blake, for it held both the strength of youth but the wisdom of age mixed together in a melodic mix. "Through our bond you may hear my voice, and through this same bond allow others of your choosing to do the same. For now though young one, you must rest. You will have little strength remaining."

"Yain't wrong, that took a lot out of me," the teen chuckled slightly before yawning, most of the energy that he had been feeling since his awakening finally going away now that he had used a mass amount of his aura. "Lets go then little miss, up you go!" Ignoring the start of her protests, the former farmboy pick his familiar up and sat her on his shoulder with ease. As he left the library he rested his hand against the wall for a moment, allowing his aura to interact and show him the way back to his room from where he had ended up. "So what is it you can help me with little missy?"

"For now little, as you grow in strength I will do the same," the familiar grumbled to herself about both the treatment and the nickname that she had been given so quickly. "I am able to recharge your aura faster if I am close, and while within my element I am able to recharge my own at a rate that would also speed your own up."

"Perfect for a helper for now then. Ah, here we go!" The teen walked into the dorm at last, half asleep even as he wandered into his room. "Sorry little miss, but I reckon I'm gonna be out like a light soon as I hit the pillow, so I spose we can talk more in the morning." And, true to his words, the teen fell forward onto his bed, asleep in midair to the amusement and then fear of his familiar as she was launched off his shoulder into a pillow.​

The Next Morning
Blake's eyes began to crack open early, grumbling to himself about crazy dreams and needing to stop listening to his sister's audiobooks. He wondered why he didn't hear the telltale signs of the farm waking up, the sound of his father getting the tractor going and his mother cooking in the kitchen, his brother and sister fighting over the shower as they did almost every morning, and the rooster's crows as they were woken up. It was only as he fully opened his eyes only to find a badger cub seemingly glaring at him that he realized something was wrong.

"About time you woke up! You almost threw me into the wall last night," The badger spoke to him, and finally clued Blake in to the fact that he might not have been dreaming. In response, the Georgian teen only had one thing to say.

Filler post
Dark purple- Nathan
Dirty white- Eric
Bold white- Joan/ other npc
Light purple- Hecate

As more students piled into the dining hall for breakfast, a scrawny boy named Nathan quietly weaved his way through the crowd. He had grabbed a plate and turned to get in line when a man at least three times his size bumped into him, the man spilling his entire plate on Nathan’s shirt “watch where you are going pipsqueak, you made me drop my plate” the older man grumbled Nathan looked at him, eyes wide behind his glasses “uh you bumped into me” he said, his voice quiet. The older man scoffed “no I think you bumped into me” he said before pushing Nathan to the ground.

Nathan grunted as he hit the ground hard, the older man and his friends laughing “good one Eric” another man said from behind him, Eric simply grinning at the praise “I said watch where you’re going pipsqueak” Eric spat, a toothy grin on his face “now apologize” the man said and Nathan simply stared at him “no” Nathan said, slowly rising to his feet “what was that?” Eric asked, anger rising in his chest at the boys words “I said no!” Nathan all but yelled, his purple aura flaring brightly and the pleasant scent of roses wafting over the room which gained the attention of some of the students.

I’ve always had to deal with bullies like you” Nathan said, the scent of roses slowly becoming stale. “No more” he seethed and Eric simply laughed, his own grey aura flaring to life and easily overpowering the smell of decaying roses with the stench of dog “and what are you gonna do about it” Eric said, squeezing his fist right in preparation to hit the boy. Nathan held his hand up and barely thought the thought, his aura swirled around his hand and fired off like a gun, striking Eric in the center of his chest. There was a cracking sound and then Eric was sent flying into the group of men behind him. Nathan’s aura puttered out and he stumbled backward “w-what was that” he stuttered, his vision becoming cloudy. He fell backward, only to be caught by a pair of small arms “that my dear is called an aura blast” the woman said, Nathan looked up to see it was Joan holding him up “a very powerful one at that” she said, looking across the room to Eric who was groaning in pain

Eric sat up gripping his chest “I’m going to kill you” he seethed, slowly standing to his feet with his aura once again firing on all cylinders “that is enough” a voice rang over the commotion. Hecate walked up and stood between Eric and Nathan “that is enough, stop or there will be consequences” she said, her voice calm as ever. Eric laughed “make me” he said, pulling his arm back to throw a punch. Just before his fist touched Hecate, a branch from the Yggdrasil caught his arm and yanked it back. Another shot out grabbing his other arm, then both his legs untill he was suspended in mid air. The Yggdrasil began siphoning his aura “s-stop” Eric cried out “I told you to stop, you didn’t listen” Hecate hissed “now sleep” she commanded and the boy dropped limped. The tree let him go and Hecate ordered a pair of Torc Allta to carry the boy to his room to sleep before turning to Nathan. She gave him a small smile before walking off into the corridor.

Joan picked Nathan up “go eat something” she commanded and Nathan nodded, shuffling towards the tables “oh and Nathan” Joan called out, causing Nathan to stop and look back at her. He saw that she had a bright smile on her face “Well done” she commended him, her smile becoming infectious. Nathan smiled and nodded, walking over to the tables to make his food while listening to the excited chatter of students asking him how he did what he had done to the bully.

The corners of the Appalachian's facial features met or twisted in opposing directions in displeasure. The white bird may have meant something different by it but James was no veterinarian.

The man had taken a step back, spitting food in someone's direction usually being something seen more as a rude thing unless you were familiar enough to know it as teasing. Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi

After, heaised a brow and the lip to its opposite side in puzzlement. *What's this one's damage? If he wanted me away he could say it in less words*

The man was clearly angry now, the snarl his pinching face showed the handsome man having appeared just after being called a 'creature' and told it might be 'brutal' to sit next to him.

It seemed to only get worse as Rory failed to notice when the Virginian wished him to put a waded up sock between his pretty lips so as to quit sabotaging any prospects of James ever liking him with anything other than grudging acknowledgement of his good looks.

James Reed heard but could not compute Rory's words surrounding inviting Ember to join them, which ironically could've been counted to redeem his visage of Rory... if he wasn't so mad about all the other stuff.

The older teen said nothing for several seconds as he tried to pierce the heavy smoke of anger that clouded his thought process to decide how to speak to Rory in a friendly manner.

In the end James decided he couldn't at this time. He was too heated to think around the 3d Riku look-alike anymore.

"I'll see you later man... I can't say I like- having food spat at me or being called things like 'creature' or 'brutal' " he said with a tinge of hurt coloring the angered looks only briefly able to look in Rory's pretty direction.

And so James made his way around to sit near Eli, but at a little distance. He might soon seek solace with the adorable curly haired yound lad, but perhaps after he had settled enough to know he wouldn't burden the young man with the task of acting like a therapist to him. Orin Orin

*sweet cinnamon roll little Eli, who's never done me a single bit of harm... I can't be crying too close to him*, was the basic sentiment he was working with as his staff helpers followed behind him.

James placed his food down, the staff placing down the rest of it near him and Harry nudging him on his neck at an attempt at soothing him.

James would need to sit and sulk for a few moments, hoping he wouldn't need to cry anywhere near any other people. Right now James was basically DONE with fixing first impressions or any other form of bond building, or else he might have invited Ember as suggested (sans Rory as a form of spite). Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Right now Eli was the only one he would be able to stomach talking to in any form, all others could sit near him but could cultivate hardly any of his attention...

Dest Dest DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Megilagor Megilagor

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