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Fantasy Flamel Academy (Discontinued)

what should be the first enemy that attacks the school?

  • Army of Undead

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Night Creatures (vampires and Ghouls)

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Army of Cats and Crows

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
Rcticwolf Rcticwolf xpstitch xpstitch Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Dest Dest Megilagor Megilagor DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

Eli looked up from his plate at James when he sat down, the boy smiled trying not to show the food in his mouth. He swallowed before looking at James again “everything good?” He raised an eyebrow at James’ face, his eyes trailing past the boy to Rory “did that Near cosplayer say something?” He asked which a smile, hoping the boy would even get the reference. Eli turned back to his food and shrugged “how much do you think he spends on hair dye? There’s no way his hair is naturally white like that” the Sorcerer rolled his eyes and fed Yorrick a piece of apple “oh!!” He said, hoisting Yorrick up to sit on his lap “this is my familiar Yorrick” he said, and Yorrick nodded to both James and Harry “still not sure why I got a polar bear as my familiar but he’s cuddly so it’ll be ok” Eli said with a grin. Eli looked down to Harry “and who is this little guy? You know I studied a lot of reptiles at home…mostly gators and snakes but this guy is adorable” he gushed looking at Harry

Eli sighed when he noticed the teacher shooing students out of the hall “I’m assuming it’s finally time for classes” he shrugged as a Torc Allta collected his plate “wanna walk with me? Maybe we can brain storm ways to piss of edge lord over there” he said gesturing the white haired boy known as Rory

Nathan turned his head to see a very tall red headed girl with wolf ears? He couldn’t take his eyes away from her head “uh Thankyou?” He said more of a question, his eyes finally meeting hers “it felt great!” He exclaimed, the light in his eyes growing brighter by the second. He looked past her to the students leaving the dining hall “looks like it’s time for the first classes” he smiled and stood up, giving the next generation elder a small head nod before taking off with a few of his housemates who were still praising him.
Nikola "Niko" Hohenheim
Mentions: Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Ember
Interactions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Chimera , Orin Orin Joan d'Arc
"Great Hall" -> Classroom
"Thank you for the opportunity to sit down with you. Chimera, and hello Siren."
Bipi let out a few happy squeaks as he finished eating his food, ending it with one big happy squeak as he ate the strawberry provided to him by Siren, Niko seeing this had to tease his familiar a bit.
"Well, it seems Bipi has a crush on someone. But does Siren like you too little buddy? I will try arranging a playdate for you with her, but we have classes first you rascal, let's go places and do things, so hop in the satchel, and off we go." It felt weird to Niko that Bipi chose not to speak most of the time, instead acting fully animalistic, but he was his familiar, a part of himself so he had to accept him the way he was.

Niko stood up and opened his satchel and as soon as he did that Bipi jumped into it head first as if diving through water or snow, it took Bipi a while to be situated within the satchel but during that time Niko saw that some teacher began to shoo students out of the hall probably for the classes, and Torc Alltas collected plates, so Niko secured the satchels lid so Bipi won't fall out of it then he turned to Chimera and politely asked with a little bow to it.
"Fräulein Chimera, will you allow me to escort you to our first class?"
After saying so Niko unbent himself, and awaited Chimera's response, if she agreed he would walk towards the next class beside her, but if she declined Niko wouldn't mind and he would simply go after Chimera as to be able to see her and in case of inconvenience react. After all, She did resemble his youngest sickly sister, albeit Chimera was healthy at least appearance-wise, and not being able to be by his sister's side, he unknowingly latched onto Chimera as if she was a family member of his.

Yet his protective side died down a bit as he saw which teacher would be in charge of the class, albeit Niko wasn't of the religious sort at least not a Christian kind he did respect her in his own kind of way, even more so when she is real in front of him, and not just some art or text in a book. To show his respect he simply did a little bow with his right hand placed over his heart and saying. " It is great honor to witness a legend come true Madame Joan d'Arc, and as our red-headed friend here said it will be a pleasure for all of us to learn from you. At least I hope so! "
After which he promptly unbowed, and walked up to the side of Chimera, as to keep her company.
Rory Black
Location: Dining Hall (Morning) --> Classroom
Interactions: Dest Dest DarkKitsune DarkKitsune xpstitch xpstitch Megilagor Megilagor Orin Orin Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

"I'll see you later man... I can't say I like- having food spat at me or being called things like 'creature' or 'brutal'"

Rory would have opened his mouth to speak once again, but upon realizing the man who stood before him had slunked away in a fit; Rory felt the words he would speak would help none. Aria had realized her mistake too late as well. "He was very mad.." Aria squeaked gently. "I thought fluffy bits were good.." Aria slid deeper into Rory's hoodie as a means of concealing her embarrassment.

"Were I aware you were throwing food at him, the conversation would have made a turn. I suppose he was far too occupied with what he cared to hear otherwise." Rory seemed well enough to discard the situation entirely and move on, but Aria on the other hand didn't.
"You hurt his feelings master! Your words weren't nice. It made him upset!"

"What does that matter in terms of reality? He has broad shoulders. It's a fact he would be a trouble to deal with sitting next to. My statement wasn't meant to deter him. It's his fault for taking it the wrong way. I told him I would still sit with him."

Aria nipped at Rory's chin in defiance, stopping him altogether from moving again. "That's not fair! You need to consider how other people feel. You should apologize. You know how it feels to be hurt by something you can't control!"

Rory frowned, running a hand through his white hair... He sighed softly and gave in. "You're right.. more so than I would like to admit.. Fine. I will apologize.." Rory grunted as he tried to eat his food. Aria would steal nibbles at times up until class began...

Lady Joan was the instructor for the first class today. Rory decided to keep to himself in a corner of the room. His brain was brewing up possible apologies towards James while Aria kept watch. She would notify Rory when class officially began..​
INTERACTION: Orin Orin Megilagor Megilagor Dest Dest Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi xpstitch xpstitch Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

  • On to classes we go!
    Chimera found it interesting how Bipi didn't talk. Maybe Niko didn't allow Bipi to talk or maybe the fennec fox couldn't or didn't want to talk. There was something that had transpired between two students which had caused Chimera to wonder if someone, for some reason, tried to bully her here... Could she learn something to help her defend herself? Would bullies be a problem in a place like this anyway, when summoning a creature was reality? Or gods and goddesses being real in general? It wasn't a regular school. And almost as if Siren had read her mind the grey fox says with her head poking out of Chimera's bag.

    "If someone even attempts that, I will drown them"

    Siren said it confidently to boot and made it sound fact. Chimera stared at her familiar for a moment. She knew grey foxes hunted their prey by chasing them into the water and letting them drown. But would Siren actually do that? That train of thought was cut off by Niko asking if he could escort her to class. Thinking about it for a moment, she nodded, she had a hard time talking to people, but Niko didn't seem to be that bad of a person...she would also prefer not to be alone, while some students started having a reality check that they can't bully anyone in a place where they were all being taught how to fight and learn what Chimera could only call generally as magic. And she followed Niko to class.

And so he sulked, but soon putting Harrold in his lidded bucket where his food was. James was roused by words from Harrold and began to munch into Beijing duck and the like.

The youth was finishing a loaded baked potato when Eli spoke to him. He didn't know that particular anime, having only fairly recently had access to anything not on cable television.

"I don't know that reference. But he reminds me of that guy from kingdom hearts who-... is in love with his best friend or something?" James told Eli, too bummed out to filter his words like usual. Orin Orin

James did however stop himself from alluding to that best friend being presumably a male with unusually spiky hair and a key for a weapon. For all he knew even mentioning gay people would set students off here.

Bratwurst and bowls of berries went down and his second plate was before him with saurkraut, Irish stew of beef, ratatouille and a fruit salad.

"He's a monitor lizard if I recall correctly and his name is Harrold... or Harry-" the Virginian said with mild embarrassment as he wondered why he had come up with such a joke name.

"Like- *yer a lizard Harry*" he explained with his large torso shrinking unfittingly from bashfulness.

*So he's from Florida then? Interesting...*

"Thanks but I'll catch up with you Mr....- Eli-... I've gotta make sure I eat enough to- use plenty of Aura...if today is anything like yesterday" he called out to him as he left, hoping Eli truly understood that he really did want his company.

James had been doing an odd dance with a Torc Alta where he had been subtly reaching for his steak knife, having thought he'd made himself very clear the previous day about eating til he was done.

And so the Torc Alta (more annoyed than intimidated likely) just stared while James munched on Swedish turkey meatballs, collard greens, Ceasar salad, fruit bowls and baby back ribs.

Young Reed took pity on the poor staff and sped his eating some on his 4th plate. He brought Harry 2 more buckets of 'crawlies' and was glad the lizard had finished the previous bucket before coming out to greet Eli and Yorrick, he didn't want Eli to see what he had been eating.

Apple juice and cooled tea went down, as did cornbread, deep dish combo pizza, burgers, butternut squash soup and a smoothie. A couple of times he debated doing more just to spite they who would deny him the time to eat more, and being kind by stopping where he had.

In the end, he saw the looks he was getting and swiped his coconut ice cream bowl after his 5th plate but ran with it to have it to-go on the way to class. He probably looked mighty stupid eating while he ran, and perhaps even more so when he showed up to class finishing with his bowl and spoon in hand.

James merely flexed his torso muscles with a look to Eli and some others such as Ember. Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

The elder teen was initially somewhat apologetic in his looks however. The Appalachian got his bearings as to see who was teaching by seeing where people's bodies had been facing.

'Hey, I didn't get biceps like these from keto, paleo and all the other nonsense diets' His look tried to telegraph.
"Crazy freaking badger, not giving me time to have my mental breakdown," Blake grumbled to himself, half glaring at the chuckling form of his familiar as she rode upon his shoulder. His freakout had been interrupted part of the way through, the mustelid not allowing him to properly sink into it. Still though, it had taken long enough for him to calm down that he was nearly late to the class that apparently was real, not a creation of his mind. "Don't know why you're laughing so much; just means I have to figure out a way to get back at you."

"You can try oh bond of my heart but remember that you created me from your soul and mind, and as such I know how you may think," The grin that the Georgian received wouldn't have looked out of place on a fox, the young badger seeming to take great glee in teasing her companion. "And from what I have already gleaned from your sleeping mutters you are not one for subtlety."

"Maybe, but having older siblings gives you an advantage when it comes to pranking and getting revenge," Blake smirked back at her, slowly growing more comfortable as he wandered towards where the class would apparently be. This was a new experience for him for sure, and it was going to be a massive change to the kind of thing that he was used to, but he figured that it would just be a good idea to go along with it for now. Especially since he could still feel something at the edge of his senses, a grand ocean of power that seemed to just be waiting for him to draw upon it. Shaking himself slightly he forced himself back to paying attention to his walk, noticing that he was approaching the tail end of the other students shuffling into the classroom. "Well then, let's see about getting this show on the road."

Taking a place near the back, Blake noted where his dormmates were, nodding slightly as he saw various animals with them that were likely their own familiars. As he waited for the class to begin, he let his mind wander a bit to his family, wondering how they were actually taking his sudden departure now that he realized that it had actually happened and that he hadn't just fallen off the tractor again. Sighing, he forced himself to focus once more, preparing for class with the living legend Joan of Arc.​
Cyan= Eli
Light blue= Yorrick
White= Joan/ extras

Brown= Agnes
Dark blue= Gilgamesh
Pale Yellow= Jacob Townsley

Rcticwolf Rcticwolf DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Dest Dest Megilagor Megilagor xpstitch xpstitch Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi

Eli shrugged “no problem, I mean we live in the same dorm” he chuckled, “im sure I’ll see you around” he said and walked with the crowd of students to their first class, Yorrick sitting on top of his head and earning some weird glances from other students with a few mutters “why does he have that thing” one voice said “what makes him so special” another spoke up and Yorrick whipped his head around and growled at them deeply, his eyes burning with cyan and the temperature of the hallway dropping by a few degrees. The girls shrieked and ran the opposite way, Eli reached up and scratched Yorrick behind the ear “thanks bud” he smiled sadly before walking into the class.

Eli sat in the front of the class near a rather large window. It wasn’t the normal class the sorcerer was used to like the ones back at his college, this class was massive and seemed to be big enough to hold an entire army. The desk were spaced out and made of wood with chairs to match that had soft blue, green, gold, or red cushions that Eli assumed were meant to represent each house. He sat himself on a blue cushion and sighed at how comfortable it was “I could get used to this” he said quietly before a sharp tap of metal drew his attention towards the front

The aura teacher Joan de Saint-Germaine also known as Joan of Arc stood in the front of the class holding a rather long French looking blade “good morning students” she said and was only met with a few murmurs in response. She cleared her throat, her aura flaring and the scent of lavender flooded the room. She slammed the sword into the wood creating a deafening crack that made most of the students, including Eli, flinch “I said good morning students” she repeated and everyone instantly responded “good morning professor Joan” the Frenchwoman smiled “now, today is a very important day, today you will learn how to summon your aura at will, as well as learning your first element” she clapped her hands excitedly as well as to calm the excited whispers that wafted around the class, now this process requires focus. “Up until now your auras only appeared when provoked or when it was needed, I’m going to teach you how to activate it at will as well as control the amount you use. Do well to remember that aura is not an infinite source of power, use to much of it and..” she raised her hand to a practice dummy that was at the other end of the class and willed her aura to life, Within moments the training dummy burst into white lavender scented flames “you will, as the scientist put it, spontaneously combust.” She smiled “but the trick is knowing when your body has had enough and trust me” her eyes scanned the room “you. will. know” he punctuated each word with a pause to give emphasis.

Now” she chirped, placing the sword on her desk “I cannot teach you the power of the elements because I myself am no master” she shrugged “my husband teaches me a few tricks now and then but I prefer the feel of a sword in my hands” she smiled and in walked all of the elemental professors. Sophie followed by her brother Josh, then gilgamesh followed by Agnes who shuffled in and took a seat at Joan’s desk “you all remember your elemental teachers. Joshua, your professor of fire magic” Josh nodded “just Josh is fine” earning a few giggles from the girl students and a sharp eye roll from Sophie. “Sophie, your professor of air magic ” Joan continued and Sophie waved. Even without her aura being active, the smell of vanilla ice cream wafted over the room to cover the smell of lavender and wood. “Agnes, your professor of earth magic” Agnes smiled from her seat and gave the class a head nod, “and Gilgamesh who apparently will be leaving after today” she gave him a sharp side glance and the older man shrinked backward “nevertheless he is your professor of water magic until our new staff member gets here” Joan said with a gleam in her eye, her pale cheeks turning red for the briefest of seconds.

Now we will call you at random” she picked up a piece of paper “Jacob Townsley” she called and a blonde haired boy cursed before standing up. He walked to the front and stood infront of Joan “I will teach you how to turn your aura on and off, and with time you will learn to control the output” Joan said and the boy nodded. Joan placed her hand on the boys head and began whispering something to him. The boy’s body shuddered and his pale yellow aura flared to life, the scent of clean laundry replacing the scent of vanilla ice cream. After a few seconds the boys aura puttered out and the scent of wood returned to the room. “Great job Jacob” Joan commended as the boy stepped back, he closed his eyes for a second and his pale yellow aura flared back to life within seconds and he smiled brightly as it faded out once more. “Beautiful aura” she clapped “now I want to to listen to that aura, let it tell you what element best matches it and you” she moved so the four professors could stand infront of him. Jacob let his aura flare to life and he stood quietly, his eyes closed as if he was actually listening to his aura. He thought of his home, the clean laundry his mother always folded, the feel of the sheep fur carpet, and the crackle of the fire that lulled him to sleep each night. “Fire” he spoke aloud before turning to Josh “I wish to learn the magic of fire” he said confidently and Josh smiled “very well” Josh stepped forward and placed a hand on the boy’s head and began speaking

It is said that the Magic of Air, Water, or even Earth is the most powerful magic of all. They are wrong. The Magic of Fire surpasses all others.” Josh began and Jacob closed his eyes

Fire is destruction, it can burn fields, and terraform Forrest” Jacob’s head jerked backwards as images of a rolling fire burning through crops and jumping over houses, an infernal blaze spreading through a oakwood forest until there was nothing left.

Fire is life, it can seal wounds and stop bleeding. Heal grevious wounds and keep you warm during cold nights.” The images shifted from the burning Forrest to a cold desolate landscape with nothing but snow as far as the eye could see. A small fire blazed to life infront of him and Jacob felt warmth, his cold hands stopped shivering and he sighed in relief at the feeling.

Fire is also creation, a product of the imagination” the landscape shifted again to an open field, firecrackers lit up the sky and bursted into numerous colors and shapes. Butterflies made of dazzling fire danced through the fields and swirls of smoke molded to take the shapes of animals.

Do not the power of fire lightly, wield this power with the knowledge that fire can be unforgiving.” Jacob stumbled backwards out of Josh’s grip “now Jacob” Josh spoke “look at your finger tip and imagine a small flame. focus” Josh said and the blond haired boy held up his hand, focusing on his index finger. Within seconds, a small pale yellow flame ignited and burned brightly “well done” jacob grinned and Josh’s words

Joan and the other professors began clapping and soon the whole class followed “now, we will continue” Joan said and began listing off names left and right, teaching each of them to summon their aura and then letting them choose their element. Almost fifteen names later and Joan’s voice rang out again “Renelliot Nestler” she called and Eli nearly fell out of his seat trying to get up, blushing at the few snickers his classmates let out. Eli stood infront of Joan “renell…” she stopped as Eli cut her off “Eli, please..call me Eli” he said nervously and Joan just smiled “Eli” she corrected her self with a respectful nod “I will now teach you how to turn your aura on and off at will” she smiled once more “ I remember your aura from the sorting ceremony, reminds me of an elder I once knew” she whispered before placing her hand on his head “close your eyes Eli and imagine a switch of some sorts, it could be a light switch on a wall, the power button on your phone, the string on a lamp..” Joan said and Eli thought hard, a picture of a boat appeared in his vision. It was the same boat he grew up fishing on and when he looked down he noticed the rip cord to the engine in his hand. “Do you have an image?” Joan asked and Eli nodded “the engine rip cord from my family’s boat.” Eli responded and Joan gripped his head a little tighter “and what do you do to start a boat Eli?” she asked, the presence of a smile in her voice.

Eli didn’t need to respond, he knew what to do. With all of his mental strength he pulled the rip cord and the engine roared to life, his cyan aura flared to life and filled the room with the scent of saltwater “wonderful Eli, now how would you turn that engine off?” She asked and Eli thought for a second, in his vision, he looked at the engine and noticed the button on the side “of course!” He mumbled and mentally pressed the button, the engine puttered out and stopped. His aura followed suit and fizzled out of existence “well done Eli “ Joan commended him. Eli took a step back and repeated the process, imagining himself pulling the rip cord and feeling as his aura flared to life before willing it away. “Now you will choose your element, and I think you already have an idea of which one” Joan said and nudged him towards the professors.

Eli looked at each of the teachers untill his eyes fell on the scraggly hairy man known as Gilgamesh. “Water, Professor Gilgamesh” he stepped forward “I would like to learn the magic of water, it’s what connects me to my family, to the earth and to nature as well as to Yorrick” he said confidently, he wasn’t even sure where that came from but he was certain that he was supposed to learn the magic of water. Gilgamesh cackled “very well young Eli, you know, you remind me of an Elder I once knew..I wish I could remember his name.” Gilgamesh paused as if you search his memory and Eli took a glance at Joan who had a knowing expression on her face ‘didn’t Joan say the same thing?’ He thought to himself ‘are they talking about the same person?’ His thoughts raked his brain before his train of thought was interrupted by Gilgamesh “no matter” the man said before placing his dirty unkept hand on Eli’s tuff of hair, causing Eli to shrink back a little but still maintain contact “listen well young Eli” Gilgamesh said before starting

It is said that the Magic of Air or Fire or even Earth is the most powerful magic of all. But that is wrong. The Magic of Water surpasses all others, for water is both the lifegiver and the deathbringer.

Water supports life and gives home to thriving ecosystems” a vision of a vast ocean appeared before Eli, he was plunged downward into the cold ocean causing him to gasp “over seventy- one percent of the earth is water, holding millions of unknown creatures and life.” A pod of whales swam by Eli, hundreds of fish and squid untill he noticed they were running from something. He turned around to be faced with a squid that was bigger that the Empire State Building. It slowly wrapped its massive tentacle around him and before he could scream the landscape shifted

Water can destroy, drown cities and forests” the landscape morphed into a city, a massive wave crashing down and destroying skyscrapers in the process.
But above all, water is essential for all to survive and thrive” the image shifted to a dessert village on the verge of dehydration when the sky cracked open and poured water down upon them as they danced the in the streets.

Do not take the power of water lightly, use it with great reverence and remember that the power of water can be devastating” Eli stumbled back from Gilgamesh’s grip and shook his head “now, summon rain young one. Focus on the single thought and let your aura do the work” Eli closed his eyes and thought one single word, rain. A cloud slowly built in the class room and rain began pouring on all the students, Sophie waved her hand to create a vanilla scented barrier of air that stopped the students from getting wet “well done” Gilgamesh said as Eli smiled “well done Eli” Joan repeated and eyed him for a second then turned her head slightly to the other professors who seemed to have the same thought floating in the heads. Eli noticed this “is something wrong?” Eli asked, noticing the tension “no Eli” Agnes spoke for the group “but, I will tell you what the others will not” she lowered her voice so only the professors and Eli could hear her, ignoring the frowns from Sophie and Joan “go to the library and research the Elder Neptune” she smiled and toothy grin “you might be surprised as to what you find” she said before shooing him off as Joan called the next student.

Eli returned to his seat, his head spinning “I remind them of an elder?” He asked Yorrick who was now sitting in his lap “Neptune as in the Roman god of the seas?” He asked Yorrick quietly and Yorrick nodded “Well Master as you know, most gods in mythologies are actually elders, I mean you met Hecate right? And in the humani myths she is the Greek goddess of magic and crossroads” Yorrick responded quietly and Eli nodded “yea that’s true, but what does Neptune have to do with me?” Eli asked and Yorrick shook his head “I’m not sure but if they all said something about it, it has to be important” Yorrick responded and Eli sighed “guess a trip to the library is in order huh?” Eli asked and Yorrick nodded. The new water elementalist rested his head on his fist as he watched the rest of his class mates learn to control their aura and picks their element.
Young Reed heard whispers, unsurprised that some of the girls (and even a few guys) were looking him up and down appreciatively.

However, he noticed that some of the attention in the room was also directed at Eli. The looks did not seem to vibrate friendliness.

*There's something I don't like about the way they're staring* Orin Orin

James tried to pinpoint what it was that was bringing his schoolmate so much attention and after several seconds James had an inkling. *The rest don't all have familiars like me and him...*

James whispered something to his new friend Harrold and the lizard lept onto one of the sneering classmates.

"What the-" was said in panicked alarm, the student beginning to flail to try to slap the lizard off in fright.

As well, "Get it off, get it off! It's a fuc$%ng spider isn't it?!" was uttered. That along with the other semi-shouts of concern and fear that they would be next.

After about 5 seconds of Harry making laps about the other's torso, James reached out and arm for Harrold to leap back onto him.

The other students recoiled some from him, James merely scanning them all with a disapproving look. *I know what you were saying. Eli didn't do anything to you so leave him alone you jealous brats*

Harrold made his way up his arm to rest atop the teen's head, in solidarity with Eli. After that most of the stares he got left, save a particular redhead. Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

James made sure to finish his food quickly, avoiding her gaze now. *Is she looking at me because of what Harry did or-... the icecream?... or-the muscles?...*

James smiled and blushed some at the thought, finding some safe place for his bowl til he could dispose of it later.

Soon however, the Appalachian tuned into the lesson the resident Saint and the others were teaching. His eyes widened and lips pursed in alarm at the warnings on using up too much Aura. *that doesn't look very good and maybe even very painful...*

The Virginian watched the various students' instructions and drew in a deep breath alike to a gasp at the descriptions being given to the destruction elements could bring.

*is that really stuff that WE can do with our magics?*

"James Reed" Joan called out, James luckily having had some time to overcome the awe of everything some. (He'd be having his head touch by literal Saint).

When asked about an image, the man nervously revealed that his first instincts were keys in one of the trucks or other vehicles he drove about the mountains.

"You know, the green Appalachia to my side... the road ahead and I'm doing some logging or trucking work?"

He 'turned' the imagined key in the ignition and the moist bark from the mountains washed over the room, some of the students getting lost in imagiing along side James. The mint caused some to unintentionally open their noises to take in more of that smell.

"More familiar themes here... You're an alchemist with mint in his Aura scent. Just like the headmaster Nicholas..." Joan said with a smile mixed with interest.

"One of the... Torc Alta said something similar... that I smell of 'Flamel' " James commented, seeing little reason to keep things from Lady Joan of all people.

James turned the key in the reverse direction, the smell of wet bark and mint clearing away.

When it came time to find his element, he already knew somehow in his heart. Noone would be too surprised by his words. His Aura scent, upbringing and even clothes would make it odd if his element was anything different.

"I am of the Earth element, professor Agnes."

"The Appalachia mountains are my homeland. I was raised working with wood and felling logs of green leaves. I have mined stone, jumped from boulders and into bushes all my life, teach me the magic of Earth"
he said with a respectful bow of his head towards Agnes.

"It is said that the Magic of Air, Water, or even Fire is the most powerful magic of all. They are wrong. The Magic of Earth surpasses them all“ Agnes began.

“Earth can bring down mountains and create canyons”

James closed his eyes he was immediately met with the image of a great mountain, the ground began to rumble violently. The mountain began breaking into chunks and falling to the earth right before him. The ground blow him split open, causing him to slide down into the chasm.

“Earth brings life, the plants and trees, the fruits and berries, the birds and cows, all bow to the magic of earth”

The darkness of the chasm shifted into a beautiful redwood forrest teaming with wild life. Flowers of all kinds littered the grounds. Edible plants hung all around.

“But be warned, earth can bring down civilizations and reclaim its territory”

Before him now was a bustling city full of people, lights and sounds. The sounds became shrieks of terror as scryscarpers were pushed over by roaring earthquakes. James was treated to some quickened reel of the destroyed city was marked as claimed by the vines of mother nature.

“Wield the power of earth with caution and knowledge that it can be destructive without focus”

James shook his head to return to his previous reality, dispelling the odd trance state he had entered. Agnes' wisened hands brought to him grabbed him a pot full of soil.

“Now Mr. Reed, imagine flowers in this pot” she commanded.

Young Reed closed his eyes again.
Within seconds a yellow daisy had bloomed from the center of the dirt of that pot.
Rory Black
Interactions: Dest Dest DarkKitsune DarkKitsune xpstitch xpstitch Megilagor Megilagor Orin Orin Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Clean Laundry


Moistened bark and mint.

Two of these individuals were Rory's roommates, and one of them he rudely insulted. Intentionally or no, Rory did feel bad about it. When James was finished with his examination, Rory's own name was called forth.

"Rory Black" Joan called for his attention. Rory stood on command, and made his way down to her. Rory had been mulling over the words that had been repeated many times already: an image in your mind. When closing his eyes, and while Joan touched his forehead.. Rory began to imagine.

"Do you have an image?"

Rory could not see it, for there was total darkness in his mind. Nothing could be shaped, nor formed. So Rory simply stated what he saw- "It is completely black. There is no image." He continued to reign his imagination to his favor. "But I can make one." Rory spoke with confidence in his abilities. Within the pitch black a shape of a square began to trace itself through the dark. Then the shape began to take on a more intricate design. It became a window that seemed to be holding something back, but in Rory's belief it was ready to burst; not holding something back but waiting to bring something out.. A smirk slowly formed over Rory's face as his hand stretched out towards the window in the darkness, unlatching the lock. In flooded the light that would soon enough give life to Rory's aura of Aero Green.

An Herbal breeze filled the room rather arrogantly. Rory watched as his aura would die down after its awakening. He was pleased with himself and looked at Lady Joan.

"My element has been with me since the day I was born. I don't need to search for it. It has lead me here even; to this Academy.." Rory turned his gaze towards Professor Sophie.

"I am one with the Air- I follow the path of the wind, and it leads me to where I am destined to go."​

“It is said that the Magic of Fire, Water, or even Earth is the strongest magic. They are wrong. The Magic of Air surpasses all others.” Sophie began the speech, while Rory mused over how each magic is believed to be the strongest against the other.
“Air can topple buildings and break down mountains, it can create thunderstorms and create tornadoes ” Rory closed his eyes to be met with visions of gale force winds, throwing buildings like toys. A hurricane formed before his eyes, a tornado coming just behind it picking Rory up and swirling him around. He felt entirely free and able to perceive the power of the wind to its fullest.
“Air can be a gentle breeze on a hot day, cooling even the most intense heat. It can fill sails and spin windmills” the vision shifted to a field of windmills spinning at the same pace, a cool breeze danced on Rory's skin and he looked up to see kites flying above him. There was peace and reconciliation towards air, even if its strength boasted natural disaster.
“Air is freedom, the ability to travel and connect with others. Air is essential for all life” the image flipped to an open blue sky, birds flew gracefully and planes roared over head. This was true freedom, this was what Rory had been searching for since he began to understand the power of wind. Back when he was younger, seeing the sea crash against the cliffside of Ireland. The winds pushing and battering his young form..All he could think of when he was younger was just how fascinating it could be.

“Use the power of Air with respect and consideration for the element of air can be vengeful.” Sophie finished speaking and Rory stepped backwards from her grasp.

“now, think of fog” she commanded.

Rory closed his eyes once more, with his palms outstretched a potent and cloudy fog rolled from his palms on to the floor with the scent of an herbal breeze... But why stop there? Rory decided to push it further. The entire room began to fill with the fog and dominate the scene while wisps slowly formed around his palm like tiny whirlwinds that danced across his hand. It seemed as if the small experiments he had done with his wind magic before his full grasp had paid off. Just enough to play around a tad bit more than the others.. The fun was short lived, as Sophie cut the cord on the display.
"I see you have an incredible attachment to Air, it can be fulfilling to realize your strength... But don't let it get to your head." Sophie smiled softly, and Rory acknowledged her words.. The thick and cloudy fog dissipated from the classroom.

Rory felt like that was the first time he actually showed some emotion in front of others, actual excitement and wonder..Sophie was right though, his strength with air was apparent but better to be humble than arrogant. Rory would withdraw back to his seat for good measure. Aria on the other hand- was very proud of her master. He had shown what he was capable of to others! Maybe they would take an interest in him now?
Rory dreaded that idea- he was still hung up about hurting James...What was the best way to show forgiveness?​
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INTERACTION: Orin Orin Megilagor Megilagor Dest Dest Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi xpstitch xpstitch Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

  • how to use aura like a oven thermostat 101

    Chimera's thoughts italic

    Siren is either italic or speaking in this color

    Joan is In Bold

    Gilgamesh is in italic and bold

    Different scents filled the room as each student went up to learn how to activate and deactivate their aura at will and choose their elemental alignments. Notably, the scents of seawater and moist bark and mint. But if the fifteen-year-old focused enough she could smell a lovely herbal breeze that was there as Rory and the bright light of aero green flashed the room. She watched as everything ended up being covered in fog after everything was said and done. Chimera waited for her name to be called, fidgeting with the pearl clasps on her bracelet, making them spin around in attempt to ease her nerves as her stomach began to feel pang with a nauseous feeling. She didn't understand why,--her name hadn't been called yet. "But it will be soon" at first she had assumed it to be her own thoughts, her own mind getting the best of her at that moment, but it was the voice of siren who couldn't be heard by the others from her bag. The gray fox continued.

    "And you won't have anything to worry about. After all, you were able to summon me."

    Chimera thought back to what they had learned about aura, that too much usage of it may cause the user to combust into flames. Like a dangerous double-edged knife, of course, Chimera felt shame because of her own surprise. After all, there can only be so much of a good thing before it can become bad. Only so many sweets before one becomes sick to their stomach...if she were to compare it to anything. More students were called up by Joan, and eventually she was called up.

    "Chimera Kindel."

    'Here we go...' she was still dealing with the nerves that decided to not settle so well in the pit of her stomach. She released a deep breath and stood up. 'Everyone else did it...why shouldn't I?' She tried to keep herself composed, while she still spun the beads on her bracelet she knew she couldn't have a nervous breakdown in front of the class in front of the staff in front of the students... 'it would make me a target for bullying all over again....' with that Joan asked.

    "Do you have an image?"

    Chimera closed her mixed-matched eyes...the first thing that came to mind was the thermostat of an oven. It worked like a switch to turn it to a specific number and the oven would warm to a specific temperature perfect for baking sweets for Kindel's Bakery. That was the image she had in mind with a nod of her head. She imagined turning on that nob, a flash of Viridian green filled the room, followed by the smell of rosemary. She continued to turn it forward, then she dialed the nob back to Zero. Once the oven thermostat turned to zero, she opened her eyes. But what about her element? Chimera thought about it...fire produced heat, something she could potentially use for baking, yet it still didn't feel quite right. Then she thought about air, but that didn't settle with her well either...she thought about the earth...not her first pick. The most she had ever done was help take care of plants. She felt she lacked too much of a precious connection with the earth to pick it, which left one option...
    Siren pokes her head out of the bag and at that moment Chimera remembers when she first summoned her familiar...

    "I am Siren, your familiar of water. Now bound to you. Chimera of the Kindel clan"

    Familiar of water...water...water that could replace milk in icing when there is none or water that can make or break what one bakes depending on the recipe, water...that held the expression of drowning when you feel under pressure....water somewhere felt right in ways she couldn't explain in her head. With that being her choice, she snapped away from her thoughts.

    "I-I think water..."

    Gilgamesh put his hand on her head and the presentation began.

    “It is said that the Magic of Air or Fire or even Earth is the most powerful magic of all. But that is wrong. The Magic of Water surpasses all others, for water is both the lifegiver and the deathbringer."

    She watched as the landscape change to a beautiful scenery. A rain forest with a river that looked like it was the result of a cascading waterfall. The body of water was filled with fish and there where land animals drinking from the body of water...

    “Water supports life and gives home to thriving ecosystems”

    Then the scene had been changed, altered. A mess of a rainstorm had come in. If she hadn't known any better she would've thought of a tsunami, but it wasn't quite that size. Animals laid on the ground drowned and trees that had fallen on the ground from failing resistance against the incoming storm.

    “Water can destroy, drown cities and forests”

    The storm had then ceased, as Gilgamesh had said.

    “But above all, water is essential for all to survive and thrive”

    The scene changed to a dessert, there were people lost and animals both alike searching for some form of hydration. Apart of this was terrifying Chimera, she hadn't come to realize just how important water was, not until here.

    “Do not take the power of water lightly, use it with great reverence and remember that the power of water can be devastating.”

    With that, the presentation ended. She was then asked to create a storm similar to Eli. With a deep breath she closed her eyes once more...focusing on her aura, she twisted the metaphorical nob, she twisted it a little. Not a lot, as it added a mental feeling of safety that she wasn't going overboard. The result was creating a small storm in small size. As a matter of fact, it was only big enough to water the daisy that James had summoned when he was up there prior. She then went back to her seat.

    'Water...the bringer of life...water the death bringer...I want to sustain life... somehow...one way or another...but will I be able to do it?'

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Nikola "Niko" Hohenheim
Interactions: Orin Orin , Dest Dest , Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi , xpstitch xpstitch , Rcticwolf Rcticwolf , DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
As people have gone through the process of finding their own element and how to activate their aura Niko stood there beside Chimera, thinking of his own image to think of. Yet it was a hard task for him for he had several finally settling down with a bunsen burner as he was most familiar with how it looked and was used. Niko wanted to calm Chimera down but it seemed that one way or another she could calm herself down by her own will or maybe with the help of her familiar, either way, it was good to see the little one overcome a part of themselves to be better.

And when it came to be Chimera’s turn he could only feel proud of her as if she was slowly becoming his new little sister, which does feel weird for Niko but it begins to grow on him. So when she came back and sat near him he only gave her head a few pats and a quick smile before standing up just as his name was said.

“Nikola Hohenheim”

It was finally his turn at this whole thing, truthfully at this moment he was equally as excited as he was nervous, but he had to bear it in himself for now, after all, nothing good comes out of being too emotional and impulsive.

"Do you have an image?“

Asked Joan, but Niko nodded affirmatively in reply. Then to concentrate he closed his eyes and imagined things, first came the bunsen burner itself, and then he imagined his own aura being the gas that it burns, he slowly fed the aura into his imagined burner and lit it aflame, its imaginary flame slowly turned from pale orange to dark blue, meanwhile outside of his imagination. His aura began to slowly flare up as if it pulsed ever so slowly, but it picked up the intensity and speed, only fully releasing when his imaginary flame burned a stable kind of blue flame, did his aura begin to form around his body magnificently. It was hard to turn off his aura but he did succeed, it felt like it didn’t want to simmer down and be sealed back up inside him but the lesson needed to proceed and his element was already chosen for him, that card that went aflame, Bipi with his familiar of flame and heat speech, and Nikos own affinity to it meant only one of those four elements was meant for him, so he stepped in front of Josh and said proudly.

“I wish to pursue the art of Fire, as it is a force to be respected, one without which our ancestors could not survive, and yet it's the one that takes the most lives.”

Josh grinned at Niko’s answer and shook his head a bit before coming towards him and placing his hand upon the boy’s head while speaking.

“It is said that the Magic of Air, Water, or even Earth is the most powerful magic of all. They are wrong. The Magic of Fire surpasses all others.”

“Fire is destruction, it can burn fields, and terraform forests.”
Niko’s head held steadfast as images of a rolling fire burning through crops and jumping over houses, an infernal blaze spreading through an oakwood forest until there was nothing left.
“Fire is life, it can seal wounds and stop bleeding. Heal grievous wounds and keep warm during cold nights.”
The images shifted from the burning forest to a cold desolate landscape with nothing but snow as far as the eye could see. A small fire blazed to life in front of him and Niko felt warmth, his cold hands stopped shivering and he sighed in relief at the feeling.
“Fire is also creation, a product of the imagination”
The landscape shifted again to an open field, firecrackers lit up the sky and burst into numerous colors and shapes. Butterflies made of dazzling fire danced through the fields and swirls of smoke molded to take the shapes of animals.
“Do not the power of fire lightly, wield this power with the knowledge that fire can be unforgiving.”
Niko stumbled backward out of Josh’s grip
“Now Niko,” Josh spoke
“Look at your fingertip and imagine a small flame. focus.”

Niko wanting to add a bit of flair of his own to the demonstration of the elements prepared his fingers to snap while tapping into his aura letting it flow through him and outwards to flare up this spark and form a flame, leaving the opening act to his snap. As to finish it Niko opened his eyes and snapped his finger swiftly unleashing his aura.

Yet this time it was different, his normally red aura flickered with that pallid azure flame, casting an eerie radiance that seemingly penetrated the veil of some sort as vestiges of flaming skulls appeared within it, their hollow eye sockets staring out of the ethereal blaze with a ghastly intensity. Not to mention the haunting cadence of the grandfather clock which reverberated through the room like a solemn toiling of a funeral bell a mournful reminder of moments slipping away from us, a shadow of mortality so to speak. It was seen and heard by probably everyone in the room, except for Niko himself as the only thing he saw was a crimson-red flame hovering above his hand, as for the sound he only heard his old pocket watch ticking away, for all that was simply happening behind him out of his view. Being satisfied with his flame he extinguished it, and along with that the sound of bells and the hellish flames disappeared as well.

"I think this is enough for right now." Niko said to himself only to return to his seat not minding the gazes of anyone else at his macabre show.
Blake smiled from his place in the back, softly stroking Serena as he ignored a few jealous looks around him. It seemed that some of his classmates were going to be jealous of the small group of them that had been able to awaken familiars, no matter. He would have to win them over with actions, not words it seemed. Looking up at the small shouts he watched, somewhat amused, as what looked to be that James guys familiar ran around a small group, surprising and slightly scaring them. Well, that was going to make things a bit harder if the others didn't want to play nice, but not his concern really. As long as one person among their group kept a good relationship with the rest of the school than the others could always be brought back in if they really needed to be. For now though...

Blake watched as the mythical French figure began the class, introducing their elemental instructors once more and introducing them to how the class would proceed. He continued to watch as students were called, forwards, both those among his dorm and others choosing, or perhaps finding would be the better term, the element that they would learn and which spoke to them the greatest. From Eli and Chimera with their element of Water, to Rory with his element of Air, and James and Niko finding their strengths in Earth and Fire respectively. And then, finally, he heard what he had been waiting on.

"Blake Forbes" The Maid of Orléans called his name at last, the words beckoning him forth to the front of the classroom at last. "Blake, do you have an image in mind?"

"I do," Within his mind an image came forth of a fuel truck, the kind that his family used to transport gas between the large machines they made a living with. With a small mental effort, he turned on the pump, causing the scent of Apple Cinnamon to radiate from him. With a small grimace he stopped the flow of Aura, his skipping of breakfast doing him no favors in keeping it going for long.

"Excellent Blake, now you will choose your Element," the French woman smiled once more, motioning to the professors arrayed nearby. Taking a bare moment to think, mostly just to allow his mind to catch up, the Georgian teen stepped forwards towards the Professor of Earth.

"My magic is of the Earth I reckon, been growing things nearly since I was born and ma family's been making a living off the earth even longer en that," The teen smiled easily, hiding the inner nervousness that plagued him about this major step.

"It is said that the Magic of Air, Water, or even Fire is the most powerful magic of all. They are wrong. The Magic of Earth surpasses them all,“ Agnes began her speech, a gleam in her eye. "The magic of Earth can rip down Cities and create canyons and valleys out of the mightiest of Mountains, it is unyielding to its enemies and provides a bulwark to its allies. Earth creates life, providing the world with all manner of plants and animals, but so too does it bring death upon the very same." As the old woman spoke, images came to Blake's mind. Images of cities crumbling under the might of earthquakes, mountains and plains being reduced to gaping holes in the ground in mere moment. But, at the same time, images of beautiful forests and meadows as well as massive gatherings of animals made themselves seen. "Now Mr. Forbes, bring forth the earth that resides within you."

Closing his eyes and taking a deep breath, Blake focused on the world around him. After a few moments he felt something, deciding to pull upon it as he activated his aura. His body shuddered as he felt something massive under his feet, a dawning awareness to the sheer power contained within the world around him. The Georgian took another deep breath before he continued, drawing upon this overwhelming force and borrowing naught but a bare sliver of its power, a small smattering of hard rock flowing like water from the floor of the classroom up his leg and covering his hands. Opening his eyes Blake gave a tired smile, staring at the proof that he had made the right decision. It wasn't much, the material barely enough to make a layer the size of a hair, but it was a start all the same.​
INTERACTION: Orin Orin Megilagor Megilagor Dest Dest Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi xpstitch xpstitch Rcticwolf Rcticwolf
LOCATION: CLASSES => Flamel Academy Library

  • library time!

    After classes, Chimera had gone to the library, the presentation was still stuck in her head from earlier. She understood that storms had their impact, but she didn't think she needed a visual of dead animals, yet it was scarred into her head and if there was going to be a lesson on why to be careful of the elements that would do it. She had remembered Niko and Blake's different illustrations...she didn't know how or why Niko did that with his flames, and she didn't quite understand what was up with his aura. She did find it interesting that the two who seemed to have chosen earth in form dorm 32 had two completely different showcases for it. Black had a rock... James, as terrifying as he was, had grown a flower.... Stepping out of her thoughts, she had out a hand on the walls of the Yggdrasil. She didn't want to get lost and did not have the libraries' location memorized, so she used that trick that the Torc Allta had shown them earlier. She put her hand on the door and closed her eyes and focused. She would then let the light of her aura lead the way. Once at the library she quietly looked through its sections... 'Water...the bringer of life...water the death bringer...I want to sustain life' she thought to herself as she began to grab books on the matter of healing some had also been very dusty. While she was grabbing books on anything involved with 'healing', she had also grabbed books involved with plant remedies. Once she had a nice sizable pile of books in her arms, she carefully made her way to a table and took a book off the top.

    "Are you sure you can read that much?"

    She had only nodded her head at her familiar. Before opening one of the books from her pile.


Eli Nestler
: Yggdrasil Library
Interactions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

After class ended, Eli was determined to find out what the professors meant when they taught him how to control his aura. He stood up, grabbed his bag, and headed towards the library where they had performed the familiar ritual the night before with yorrick close on his heels. “Eli if you are going to walk this fast can you at least pick me up?” Yorrick grumbled. Eli chuckled as he stopped and scooped Yorrick in his arms “sorry bud” he said rubbing Yorrick’s head before counting his stride down the hall with the cyan light of his aura guiding the way. He reached the library and immediately gathered all the books he could find on the elder called Neptune, with the few books in hand he also grabbed a book about aura control and another on water magic.

As he was looking for a place to sit, he noticed Chimera and her familiar at a table with a rather large pile of books. He walked over to her table, “chimera, right?” He asked as he placed his own pile of books on the table next to hers “cool name by the way” he said as he sat down and opened a book before a thought came across his brain “say” he started looking over to the girl “you wouldn’t happen to know anything about Greek and Roman mythology would you?” He asked with a small smile, Yorrick sitting on his lap peering over at the fox cub with a small head tilt.
INTERACTION: Orin Orin Megilagor Megilagor (mention)
LOCATION: Flamel Academy Library

  • Knowledge is a well that can't quench one's thirst- Hyacinth Marsh (A OC of mine)

    The first book that Chimera managed to skim through was centered around the workings of aura and how it could be utilized for healing and enhancing purposes. For Chimera, it truly began to feel like aura usage held no limits--but she knew it did. However, its limitations were that one's body over usage could cause one to combust. However, she also learned that the aura replenished itself over time but also through eating, sleeping and sunbathing....now that Chimera thought about it, Siren did say something about the sleeping thing, didn't she? She shook her head. Once she finished, she pushed the book slightly in front of her, creating what was a mentally a 'has been read' pile. She proceeded to take a book from the pile. This one was focused more on herbal remedies than anything when she heard the sounds of something being put on the desk, which made her jump a bit in response to the sudden noise. She looked at the boy who had sat at the table with his own stack of readable materials, which made her wonder what he was trying to read about. And then Eli started speaking to her, asking.

    "Chimera, right?”

    Chimera nodded, he wasn't intimidating, it was just...he was the second person that day to just start talking to her unprompted...was everyone so extroverted? It perhaps wasn't a bad thing, but Chimera was trying to get out of her shell no matter her feeling like there was a heavy weight in her stomach brought each time Chimera's mixed-matched eyes gazed at where her familiar was,
    Siren hung her head out of Chimera's bag before saying.

    "You can do it. Go on..."

    Though she appreciated the encouragement, what wasn't helping was the fact that
    Siren was just staring at Eli's polar bear as if she was trying to find out if the baby polar bear was a danger or not. Siren's eyes seemed to even refuse to focus on something else, which was strange considering she didn't act that way with Niko's familiar Bipi. Chimera started fidgeting with her bracelet. Knowledge of Greek and Roman mythology? Perhaps there was a possible elder that interested Eli. She responded with.

    "I kn..know some about Roman and Greek myths..."

Location: Classroom--->Secret Spot

Rory Black

The class seemed to move on at a considerable pace afterwards, and Rory would brood with his hands under his chin all the while. Aria's words had shaken him from Breakfast..

"You know how it feels to be hurt by something you can't control!"
Aria's squeaky tone echoed throughout the dark walls of his mind. Rory did indeed know just how it felt to be ridiculed or made fun of. He gently gripped a strand of his snow white hair and grumbled to himself over something miniscule.. The familiar was right, and it rubbed Rory in a way that wasn't entirely unpleasant; perhaps more surprised than anything.
Rory glanced over to where James was sitting. Paying Rory no mind even from earlier, it gave Rory a boost of confidence to at least apologize. If the man had been staring daggers the entire class...Well Rory would have thrown in the towel far too easily.

So Rory stood up after class was dismissed, and made his way directly to James' seat.

Rory's eyes bore into James for a good few seconds, before he finally exhaled a great and heavy sigh of courage. He immediately bent over for a bow.

"I....I apologize for this morning. My words- They were cold and it was uncouth of me to disregard your friendly invitation. I know I'm not particularly worth an acceptance of apology but I can respect if you need time. Aria, on the other hand...I do apologize for her actions as well- she saw you as friendly and I suppose she wanted to share her food with you...In the only way she knew how. But none of it makes it right."
Rory seemed to be uncomfortable, due to never having to apologize to others- even having the chance to interact with someone made Rory feel uncomfortable: He never needed to talk to anyone back in Ireland. Only his mother and father, really... He was stepping out of a major comfort zone, just taking the step to announce an apology.

Rory wasn't into receiving accolades for it though, and when he returned from bowing he looked at James with what could only be described as a crooked smile, the boy was truly trying his best..

"If...If you wanted....I would not mind sitting next to you for Dinner....Or breakfast tomorrow..."
Aria chimed in "I give you fluffy bits and no spits!" She flapped her tiny wings in excitement.
"I'm sorry for the intrusion, though....I'll be going now." Rory didn't wait for James to give him an answer, or accept the apology. Rory seemed to beeline it straight to the classroom door and out in the halls. He wanted to desperately return to his secret spot; and find more along the way...

Code by Nano
The youth had seen Chimera take her turn and cocked a brow, as well as tilt his head.

*Now what is she-*, James thought as he looked around to see where Chimera was channeling her power. But he saw it.

*Fine control?*

James couldn't help but smile a genuine smile minus any filter at that sight. She possibly and probably missed it but James did also give her a warm smile and a silent nod of thanks for her consideration when he could. DarkKitsune DarkKitsune

He was possibly thinking too much of it of course. Perhaps she was simply considerate and so meant no message towards him at all... but he still liked it.

To him she was not there to show off the magnitude of her power or anything of that sort.

Hearing Niko's words surrounding fire, he got some odd feeling in him. He had decided to reserve judgment, but when the sounds of some eerie clock tolling coincided with blue flaming skulls-... James's lips could only twitch and his brows knit into worry. Megilagor Megilagor

*Not sure which movie that is from but God willing-... he's just really good at scaring folks*

The thing surrounding Niko had already set him on edge when he heard Ember's unintentional comment.

The look he had shot her was perhaps too sour as a result. Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

*How great can you be if I just got here and got myself a familiar when you couldn't?*. That was one thing that sprang to mind at the comment he didn't like. But he quickly weighed the benefits to speaking it aloud and elected against it.

In his peeved state he imagined some horribly wrinkled crone representing the girl's inner self. *Just look at that dry, cracked, leathery skin...*

"There's no anti-wrinkle cream for personalities" James shot at her, perhaps merely confusing her if not seeming foolish.

With great fortune however, it would seem that Rory had come to interject himself for some attempt at an apology.

James was about half listening to him speak, his lizard watching his back in case Ember decided his exit couldn't wait and should instead be in a casket. Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi

"Well let me come with you" James called as he began to follow, trusting that some teacher or other knew enough to call for a cage to put her in or whatever they did in this place (if she decided to lash out at him).

"Honestly would have let you go on your way maybe, but I feel like I needed to get out of there" James explained as he debated whether he ought to give Rory's apology any mind at all, all things considered.

"We don't have to say anything to each other if you don't want. Let's just walk together for safety since that might not have been my finest moment just before you came to me" he explained, insisting on following him.
Nikola "Niko" Hohenheim
Interactions: Orin Orin , DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Yggdrasil Library​

The classes have ended for now, Niko was still noting stuff down in his notebook when he heard something in his head, it was a strangely familiar voice albeit he did not remember whose it was almost a primal response of fondness. What spooked Niko though was the fact that no one else heard it only him, not even Bipi heard it.
"Go to the library. Find the traces. Learn of your heritages. Find us!"
This time this voice was clear and he could understand its message. but who were they, what was the heritage he was meant to find, and why were people looking at him weirdly like that. No matter, Niko picked up Bipi into his arms and walked towards the library as he was guided by the lights of the Yggdrasil there, along the way he asked something to his familiar.
"Hey Bipi, do you think I'm weird?" His familiar swiftly replied in his anime like voice . "Of course you are weird, but don't get me wrong everyone is weird in their own way, hel you wouldn't normally see a fennec fox this fluffy before would you. Before your awakening you didn't believe in magic and it was weird to you but now its normal cause you got used to it. There isn't a single normal thing in this world normalcy is just a societal construct made to steer the populace." At his familiars words Niko felt weirded out, but after a bit he shrugged and accepted that his words were in fact a reality, normalcy was after all decided by others.

When Niko arrived at the library he saw Chimera and Eli drowning themselves with books it was an interesting sight to say the least, but he had to make do with what the voice said to him. Albeit manners were manners so he nodded in their direction as he started wandering within the countless bookshelves of the library trying to find the traces the voice spoke off, during which he put Bipi in his satchel as he wanted to procure some books that might help him with it, he was interested in or he simply felt drawn to them. It did take him a while to gather a small stack of twelve books hoping that at least one would help him understand what the voice spoke off. That said he needed a place to sit and read and there was no better place than with his two friends Chimera and Eli.
"Hello both of you! And hello to you to Siren and ... Sorry I didn't get your name so do not mind me calling you cub till I learn your name. Is it alright with both of you that i sit with all of you? I have some books to read myself and a mystery to solve so to speak, so don't mind me albeit I am willing to share anything that I know off, if I know it that is." Having said that Niko awaited their acceptance of his presence before he sat down with them, so with his stack of twelve books on his right and Bipi fast asleep in his satchel, Niko had one important decision to make, will he confine with them about that weird voice only he apparently heard, or will he keep it with himself for now. Deciding not to worry his peers he picked a book or two from the stack. Now before him laid a book about Norse sagas and Faust, two completely unrelated books but strangely he felt drawn to both of them, Niko thought hard about it but without really thinking he spoke his thoughts out loud albeit a bit silently never the less his current library companions could clearly hear him. "Why is it the two of you that i am drawn to. Are you the traces the voice told me about, or is it that I'm going mad like gramps." So he opened both books and began reading them together.
Rolling his shoulder as he left the classroom, Blake glanced around as his dormmates dispersed. Wincing as his stomach grumbled, the Georgian teen began to wander in the direction that he remembered the cafeteria being, hoping that there would be some food ready for anyone who wanted an early lunch or a late breakfast or, failing that, some ingredients that he could get to make himself something simple to tide him over to the next full meal. He was starving since he had missed breakfast after all.

"You should be far more careful to eat all your meals in the future my bonded," Serena whispered into his ear, the young badger laying across his neck as she chuffed in amusement. "Especially since you had plenty of time to do so this morning before you decided to not believe that you truly held magic."

"Whats wrong with me thinking this was a dream, ain't the first time I've had something similar after all," Blake gave a half-hearted glare at his familiar, a small smile forcing its way to his face even as he did so. "Course, last time it was I got kicked in the head by a stubborn mule. Danged thing was still a pain in my rear for two years after that fore we sold it."

"And I'm sure you were still sad to see it go oh heart of my heart, but I would request you hurry. I am connected to your own aura after all, and I am ravenous just as you are," the badger gently urged him forward, the both of them continuing to shoot snide remarks back and forth as they did so.

"How, how are those boars better cooks than me!?" Blake stared into nothingness, a look of shock remaining on his face now that he acknowledged how good the school's food truly was. The teen had managed to eat a full four plates of food in an amazingly short amount of time, the growing hunger pangs finally abating as the final one had been devoured. "I've been trying to learn for nearly a decade, only to find out literal boars are better at it than I am!?" The teen ignored the continued laughter of his familiar, the badger having been listening to his short rant for the last several minutes.

"Perhaps that shall remain a mystery for now, I believe you should move on though soul of my soul," The badger soothed her partner, attempting to direct him into a more useful avenue of inquiry. "You should travel to the library, and learn all that you can now that you know that the events that have occurred are real."

"Yea, I suppose that I should," The Georgian sighed, running a hand through his hair. "God, this is going to be one hell of a story for Jane..."

Renelliot “Eli” Nestler
: Library
Interactions: DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Megilagor Megilagor

Eli grinned before holding up a book with the emblem of a trident on it “the Roman god Neptune” he started, opening the book “known to the Greeks as Poseidon” he read “during the lesson, the professors said my aura reminded them of an elder and then hinted for me to research Neptune” he spoke before sighing “though I’m not sure what my aura has to do with a mythical person…” he paused for a second before chuckling “then again, I guess nothing is really myth anymore is it?” He asked. It had only been a few days since he was ripped from his life, his ambitions, and his family. It hurt to think about what he left behind but he was an adult, chimera however was actually a kid.

He closed the book and looked chimera in the eyes, her mismatched colors shocking Eli for a moment ‘I never noticed that’ he thought to himself before re focusing “hey, are you ok?” He asked, Yorrick looking up at him curiously “a lot has happened over the last few days and well…” he paused not sure how to word it in a way that wouldn’t offend her “you’re the youngest out of us at the dorm and..” he paused again, twisting his fingers around in Yorrick’s fur softly “I feel like no one has asked if we are ok so that’s what I’m doing….are you ok?” He finally asked again, a look of pure sincerity drawn across his brown skin.

Yorrick looked up at his master ‘didn’t he just meet her? And he’s worried about her’ the bear thought to himself before retiring his gaze to the fox pup, he scratched his ear before giving his best attempt at a smile which turned into an awkward toothy grin. Eli looked up from chimera before she could respond at the voice of Niko “this is Yorrick” Eli responded and Yorrick gave a small nod as Niko sat down to attend to his books. Eli peered over to Chimera before sighing and opening his book again “if you need to talk to anyone, I’m here” he tacked on, turning the page as his eyes widened
INTERACTION: Orin Orin Megilagor Megilagor
LOCATION: Flamel Academy Library

  • Here's how it goes..


    She muttered when Eli had said 'then again, I guess nothing is really a myth anymore, is it?'. It was easy to believe that but also easy to wonder if everything was actually real. Like the minotaur, and quite frankly, that didn't help ease her nerves at all. But she had to think positive about stuff like...the minotaur was killed...but if that was true, then Theseus was real.
    Siren pawed had Chimera before she could mentally go down that rabbit hole. Right She was asked if she knew anything about myths, not to daze off.

    "Poseiden... Neptune... he's present in the myth of A-Asterius. Better known as The M-Minotaur....when K-King Mino-s was competing with his b-brothers for the throne of C-Crete island he prayed to Poseiden for a snow w-hite bull to show his favor. He needed to sacrifice it to Poseiden. But ap-apprantly the bull was b-beautiful and decided to keep it. Opting for a substitute sacrifice Poseiden d-didn't like that. And then cursed Minos w-ife Pasiphae to fall in l-love with the bull. She had a c-craftsman named D-Daedalus to make a wooden cow so she c-could mate with the c-cow...th-en the Min-Minotaur was born."

    She explained as she spun the beads in her bracelet. She then added.

    "He h-helped Aid in the d-defeat of Kronos, and notably had a con-test between Athena or Minerva in f-for the city of Athens..."

    She was trying to recall more for Eli, perhaps this was the most she managed to speak with anyone...she also felt like she was about to break down or be overloaded. And then he asked if she was okay. That question even caused
    Siren to look at her. Even in that context, was she okay...?

    "Uh-m a little home sick...trying to g-get out of my shell a little bit but..."

    Was she okay?

    "I don't know..."

    She turned her head to Niko.

    "Hi Niko."


Location: Classroom--->Secret Spot

Rory Black

"We don't have to say anything to each other if you don't want. Let's just walk together for safety since that might not have been my finest moment just before you came to me"

Rory responded by joking about his previous attitude that morning. "So you pulled a Rory?" He thought it might have lightened the mood between the two. Still very much unsure of where they even stood between one another. Otherwise, Rory walked with James without much protest. The boy had clearly made an oopsie, or so he thought-- And Rory was willing to take the company if it balanced the scales between them. Aria was most talkative indeed..

"Aria likes your hair!"
"Aria thinks you smell good!"
"Do you like breakfast? You eat a lot!"
"Your familiar is a lizard! I like lizards!"

Rory sighed and shoved Aria back into his hoodie, hoping to end her barrage of words. "I'm sorry, she is quite the hassle. In time I hope to contain her a bit more." Rory looked over at James. "So, where do you come from? I may not have been paying much attention.. But I will start, I'm from Ireland."

Code by Nano
James flashed an amused sheepish smile of showing white teeth. *Well he seems self aware of his social flubs, sounds like he makes them often*

The teen's eyebrows raised with nervous surprise at the bird's rapid-fire words. Harrold shifted nervously to James' other shoulder, sharing the worries of his human.

*Does she like lizards for eating?... or?...*

"I'm from Virginia" he said simply, neglecting to seem at all nervous about revealing so with a foreigner like Rory.

"That's in the United States" he clarified, many people from abroad knowing the names of only a few U.S states.

"It's somewhere between- Florida and New York" the man told Rory quietly, not wanting to assume he was ignorant but also wanting get those questions out of the way.

"It's famous for its tree covered mountains" James supplied quickly.

Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi
Blake Forbes

Blake hummed to himself as his hands ghosted over shelf after shelf of books, authors with names that ranged from Miyamoto and Machiavelli mixed in with those such as Zephaniah and even a small tome that was marked only with Ultor. Stopping for a moment, the Georgian pulled that last one out and opened it only to find it to be a book of military tactics and diagrams fit for a war room rather than a school library.

Odd, you would think that we wouldn't be studying something like this, Blake thought, absently flipping through the rest of it before he returned it to where he found it. But then, I guess that it could just be here because it was written by one of these, 'elders' that Flamel mentioned.

Returning to his search, Blake finally found what it was that he was looking for, a book simply titled as History of Aura, a Tale of Awakenings. It was a thick tome, and a glance at the inside showed a dry historical account, but it was something that Blake was going to need to look into if he wanted to know more about what the hell was going on here.

"Heavy reading for so soon into your time as a student oh partner of my soul," Serena chimed in from her position on his shoulder, one eye cracked open to watch as she rested.

"Maybe so, but I reckon I'm going to need to learn it," Blake responded, hefting the large book and claiming the smaller one that he had looked at briefly after a moment's thought.

"It is your choice, not my own. I will rest as you read, wake me if you need my help," The young badger made good on the promise, closing her eye and relaxing into his neck as he chuckled.

The Georgian teen wandered in the direction he had seen tables before, one eye still glancing over the mass amounts of books held upon the shelves. "Huh, more of us than I reckoned would be here so soon," Blake called quietly from his position leaned against a shelf, looking at the trio of his fellow students also occupying the space. Megilagor Megilagor Orin Orin DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Nikola "Niko" Hohenheim
Interactions: Orin Orin , DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Dest Dest
Yggdrasil Library
“Well then n-ice to meet you Yorrick, and hello to you too Chimera. As for needing a talk, you can confine your worries with me as well Chimera. After all, being the middle child in a family with seven children and being the only man except for my father I had to listen to many worries so, my shoulder is yours if you need one to cry on, and my ears are yours to listen to and Bipi is your fluff to sink yourself in.”Replied Niko towards Yorrick and Chimera, cracking a little smirk at his small pun hidden in the greeting, trying to break the ice so to speak. After doing so Niko cracked open the two books that he chose and started to read them both at once, a little skill he picked up as a student to quicken his reading.

Niko turned his head for a bit to look at Blake who approached and spoke to them before returning to his book and speaking.“Well some people wanted to learn about our circumstances, others got hints from the teacher, and in my case, I wanted to not have people stare weirdly at me, they stared since the last class. Plus that weird voice I heard after that, told me to find some traces of my heritage here. So yeah, it seems that weirdness is our new normal here.”Niko turned a few more pages and stopped at certain pages regarding Hel and Mephisto respectively when he noticed from the corner of his vision a surprised look on Eli’s, not even realizing that the drawing of Mephisto on Nikos's book cracked a smile at him before promptly returning to his drawn self unseen by most if not all of them except for Bipi who refused to speak about it.

“Anyway from your expression Eli I can surmise something shocked you, care to share it with us, or shall it remain your little secret.”
As he spoke about it remaining a secret Niko placed a finger on his mouth to signify him remaining silent about it if Eli did not wish to share it.

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