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Fantasy Flamel Academy (Discontinued)

what should be the first enemy that attacks the school?

  • Army of Undead

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Night Creatures (vampires and Ghouls)

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Army of Cats and Crows

    Votes: 2 25.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Location: Classroom--->Library

Rory Black

"Virginia? Well it's a pleasure to meet someone from a land away." Rory stated. They continued to walk with one another, it seemed as if James had grown more talkative during their small venture.
"Bettystown." Rory laughed as he said it, with a smile of welcome warmth as his tone became gentle. "A quiet enough village near the sea with enough time to go in-land to the cities if you truly wanted. Though I always preferred the outside myself; and the view. When you sit on the cliffside, after traveling a couple miles out and up hills and such...It feels like a reward."
Rory walked with James for a time more, until he spotted Ember outside a window from the halls. He watched for a couple seconds before noticing her standing up and walking back into the Academy...He wondered how they were holding up since the first night. Getting harassed by Scatty might have been a bit unnerving. He thought it best to make an effort...Today was a very big day for Rory and socializing.
"James, I'm sure I'll see you another time. Perhaps tonight if you've accepted my apology I'll accompany you all at Dinner." Rory waved as he walked away from James. Maybe, just maybe today was a success. He wouldn't put it past James if he didn't accept the apology, Rory could be quite cold he realized... Especially with Aria's incredibly annoying interjection at every chance she could find. Honestly, how do you put a lid on familiar's lips?

Rory wasn't stalking her, for sure. He was trying his best to seem like he was doing his own thing. The library was big enough for the both of them to not even have to interact, and while Rory watched her from one of the infinite shelves of books, he wondered how to approach.. All of his planning went out the window when Aria, yet again interjected.

Aria yipped from Rory's hood.
She yipped more, Rory's blush of embarrassment coated his entire face.
"Oh gods..." He whispered to himself as he tried to speed towards Ember: just so it didn't look like he was spying on her.
Code by Nano

Eli Nestler
: Yggdrasil Library
Interactions: Megilagor Megilagor DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
Mentions: Dest Dest Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

Eli gave Chimera one last glance before he sighed and held up a book that had a trident engraved on it “the professors say I remind them of an Elder that died a long time ago, the Roman god known as Neptune…known to the Greeks as Poseidon” he finished and set the book down, running his other hand through Yorrick’s fur “though I’m not entirely sure what they mean” he shrugged and sat the book down as Blake walked in. He gave his dorm mate a small wave before looking back down at the book, a curious expression slowly forming. “Is that..” he paused, picking up the book and holding it to the light of a nearby window. “The trident, its cyan” he remarked, turning it so Niko and Chimera could see it.

He turned the book back to him and rubbed his finger along the trident “I wonder” he mumbled to himself and closed his eyes, envisioning the rip chord once again. Within seconds the library was filled with the scent of saltwater and the book itself had began to glow the same hue as Eli’s aura. “Well that did some…” the words stopped flowing from Eli’s mouth and his aura enveloped his body. The smell of saltwater mixed with the smell of seaweed and fish and Eli’s eyes turned into Cyan disks, glowing dangerously bright. Eli opened his mouth to speak but it wasn’t his voice that was heard. “Aura of my Aura, thou has unlocked the secrets of my book and have been deemed worthy” the deep gurgling voice spoke as if it was underwater “Renelliot of Clan Nestler” the voice said and Eli began floating a few feet off the ground “your destiny has been written in the stars and on the waves, I now grant you the knowledge to understand” the voice continued and with a bright light emitting form his body, Eli dropped to the floor with the voice that once possessed him seemingly echoing in the air “find the kingdom in the waves, claim your birthright

Eli shook his head as he regained consciousness “what the hell was that” he groaned, rubbing his temple “kind felt like the awak…..” his words were cut off my a searing pain in his head and his speech turned into a scream of agony. He crumpled to the floor like dead weight, grasping his head in pain as images of oceans and rivers flooded his mind. Somehow he knew the names of every ocean and river in the world, he could recognize all manner of sea creatures and could smell the stink of fish. “M-make it stop” he pleaded to his friends as he tossed and turned on the floor in horrible pain. A loud crack of thunder boomed from just outside the window and rain began falling like a torrent, In that moment, a familiar head of blonde hair rushed into the library “where is he” Professor Sophie shouted, before noticing Eli laying on the floor. She quickly ran over to him, placing a hand on his temple and letting her silver aura trickle down and mix with Eli’s cyan aura, the smell of the room shifting to a salty vanilla

Stay calm Eli, I felt the surge of energy” she said, peering over to the book that was now open and contained new words sprawled in blue ink “this is why I didn’t want you researching Neptune” she sighed, and began helping Eli manage all of the knowledge he had just obtained like Joan had done for her many years ago. “Just breathe Eli, your mind has been flooded with the knowledge of an elder…the fact that you are still alive proves how strong you are” she gave him a weak smile as Eli’s fits began to calm down “ I will help you manage all this new information, soon you’ll be able to access all of it without feeling this pain” she spoke and sighed in relief when Eli sat up

So Elder’s beaming knowledge into your head is normal or??” He asked hoarsely as he sat up “don’t think I could do that again” he mumbled, rubbing his sore head and ignoring the looks from his peers. Sophie chuckled “no it’s a one time deal usually” she smiled sadly “when I was fifteen, the witch of Endor gave me all of her knowledge of air magic as well as all of her memories” he sighed “luckily, it seems like you’ve just been given knowledge about water magic and info about the sea” she said with a curious look on her face “or at least that’s what I saw when I looked in your mind…a vast sea filled with thousands of animals” she exclaimed and Eli scoffed “I don’t feel lucky” he mumbled, rubbing his sore head but still stood up and brushed himself off. He picked up the book and began flipping through the pages “it has new writing” he said to himself before Sophie chimed in “just be lucky you weren’t unconscious for almost two days” she shook her head and stood up “I recommend going to see the nurse, and coming to find me later on” she nodded before giving Eli one more concerned look and walking away, headed to go tell the other professors what had just taken place

Eli looked over to his dorm mates “sooo…” he said, scratching his head awkwardly “that happened…” he said as the rain began to let up as if it was directly caused by him.
INTERACTION: Orin Orin Megilagor Megilagor Dest Dest
LOCATION: Flamel Library

  • Library Mayhem

    Chimera nearly jumped out of her seat when Niko had showed up out of nowhere, like a shadow of some sort... though this time it seemed like an actual coincidence. She listened to what he said about being a shoulder to lean on and presumably using Bipi as a comfort animal. At that, Siren huffed, suddenly seeming to have a different opinion of the other fox. She jumped out of Chimera's bag and curled up in the teenager's lap. Chimera began to pet her while murmuring.

    Siren...come on..."

    After that, she took a moment to refocus. And turned to Niko, still unconsciously petting the gray fox that suddenly seemed desperate for her attention.

    "T-thank you Niko...and you as well Eli..."

    It felt weird that they were concerned about one of their dormmates that they didn't even know. But it was nice to know as well. Perhaps she wouldn't be bullied like she thought she would.... she stiffened once Niko suddenly started talking to Blake...she hadn't even noticed he was there. His familiar sitting on his shoulder... Blake had a Honey Badger? Eli had a polar bear...so it had become clear there was more variety among the familiars than she thought. When Niko said his piece she told him...

    "Niko...b-blue flames... I don't know if it's different from regular blue flames...because of magic fire. But regular blue fire is hotter than red."

    But she did nod to his point and explained quietly.

    "I'm h-here to study healing related stuff."

    When Eli showed the trident, he looked at the image on what seemed to be old paper. Eli was right. It was cyan. Specifically, it even matched his aura, though Chimera wondered how he reminded them of an old elder...what happened to the elder? Did immortality actually have limits when mixed into reality? She didn't get to truly wonder as soon as things escalated....she would have tried to stay near Eli's side if it hadn't seemed like
    Sophie knew what she was doing. But Sophie did know. And helped him...at least for the moment. Chimera, for once, decided to make a particularly bold move and grabbed his arm.

    "L-Let's take you to the Nurse..."

    Regardless, if it wasn't an intentional action,
    Sophie's words did concern the fifteen-year-old. The mention of passing out made her more worried and Siren took notice of this and would grab the sleeve of the arm Chimera was tugging on to aid her in getting him there. They hadn't even known each other, yet Chimera nor Siren could help but be worried. Perhaps it was instinct...maybe being a healer would come easier to her after all.

Last edited:

Location: Classroom--->Library

Rory Black

Rory listened to Ember's words, and took them into account. He scratched his hair gently as he spoke.
"Perhaps you're experiencing a blockage of some sort. Don't take it to heart, considering I'm sure you'll find your own way through."
Examining her ears droop, Rory's eyes seemed to narrow, and his frown became more prominent. He wasn't mad or annoyed, but seemed to understand her plight under different circumstances and simply felt...melancholy

"You're not getting me down" Rory stated, despite his constant frown....Well frowning more.
"I'm alright, the class was interesting...I intend to train more though. As for this one, she is quite a hassle. In a way I consider you luckier than me."

Aria shot back, looking at Rory
"You're mean!"
Rory sighed
"You're annoying"
Aria stuck her tongue out
"I'm you!"
Rory's eye twitched
"Most definitely not."
Aria though, looked at Ember
"Thank you miss Ember!" She seemed to flutter happily at the compliment.

Rory chuckled softly and returned his gaze to Ember.

"I didn't really have any plans with James, he decided to use me as a scape goat. Which is fair; I did treat him rather poorly this morning. But I was wondering how you've been holding up. I don't see you galavanting with the other dormmates like a bunch of buffoons. Which, they are." Rory laughed a little, meaning no harm by the joke as they walked together
Code by Nano

Location: Classroom--->Library

Rory Black

Rory nodded gently towards Ember. She seemed very downtrodden, and over the fact she couldn't summon a familiar no less. It almost sounded like Ember treated it as being part of an exclusive club; to which Rory would happily decline if offered. Rory's gentle sigh was barely audible to Ember, as he found no way to comfort the girl before him. Deep in the reccess of his mind he asked himself why he should even care to do so? It would be nothing more than a pain being someone's personal shoulder to cry on.
But that wasn't what his soul felt.
Aria chimed in chirping up a wonderful storm as she looked at Ember.

"Silly Miss Ember! But you do have a familiar! I can see it attached to you so deeply!"
Aria giggled happily.
"It looks like its squeezing your neck to death! Maybe it's super attached to you? Or maybe it's just not ready to part from your body?"

Rory blinked, looking down at Aria. "So you can see the essence of the familar?" He asked
"Sure can!" Aria chirped

"Thing is, we don't see what they look like when they haven't been summoned. So right now it's just a fuzzy ball of energy wrapped around Miss Ember! So don't feel like you're missing out!"
Aria giggled as she flapped her wings. "It'll come out when it's ready!"

Rory smiled just a little. Maybe having a familiar wasn't all that bad after all...
Though, the library would still be worth a look over. Rory had plans, and it definitely involved getting his hands on whatever information he could find that could benefit him.

"I'll join you anyway, I'm sure we both can find something we're looking for in the library." Rory walked beside Ember now, and hoped that her ears had perked up even just a little at the information Aria provided..
Code by Nano

Location: Library

Rory Black

Rory felt some relief at the sudden change in Ember's mood. At least now she wasn't discouraged, which made Rory smile a little.
"I'm going to be looking at books on familiars. I need to make sure I understand all I can about familiars, so that Aria and I can improve together. After that...Well, I have some other ideas in mind. Some books about wind magic, some books on aura. Maybe some books on artifacts." He chuckled softly.
"Nothing for you to worry about, mind you. I'm sure you've got yourself a bunch of work to cram into with your research."
Code by Nano

Location: Library

Rory Black

"I would imagine it's far easier to search if we use that trick we were taught last night. Having Yggdrasil pinpoint certain locations for us. Maybe we could ask it where books that we want to find are." Rory shrugged. "It will ease the search just a bit, I presume." Rory chuckled lowly.

Aria faked being asleep in Rory's hoodie, to which Rory grumbled and shook his head at Ember's proposition. "Aria is barely listening to me as it is, which shows I've got a lot to learn about familiars." Rory crossed his arms and shook his head. Despite Aria's insistance of not helping- Rory was able to find books on every subject he was looking for. While holding the books in his hands he spent the rest of the time helping Ember find books on what she needed. It was no trouble for Rory, and he had time on his hands anyway.
Code by Nano

Location: Library

Rory Black

"I would imagine it's far easier to search if we use that trick we were taught last night. Having Yggdrasil pinpoint certain locations for us. Maybe we could ask it where books that we want to find are." Rory shrugged. "It will ease the search just a bit, I presume." Rory chuckled lowly.

Aria faked being asleep in Rory's hoodie, to which Rory grumbled and shook his head at Ember's proposition. "Aria is barely listening to me as it is, which shows I've got a lot to learn about familiars." Rory crossed his arms and shook his head. Despite Aria's insistance of not helping- Rory was able to find books on every subject he was looking for. While holding the books in his hands he spent the rest of the time helping Ember find books on what she needed. It was no trouble for Rory, and he had time on his hands anyway.
Code by Nano

While her and Rory sat at a table reading their books, ember started to show her depression once again as her ears fell to the side. And after a few of the books and getting increasingly frustrated she puts the book down and holds her head “still nothing, no mention of any elder or human having the same predicament as me, there were some humans that failed the summoning ritual and were able to succeed after a ‘truth of the heart’ was discovered or a ‘test of will’ was passed, but they are so vague that I don’t understand it!” She groaned and laid her head on the table “I just don’t know what to do Rory” she added without lifting her head
xpstitch xpstitch DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Dest Dest Rcticwolf Rcticwolf Megilagor Megilagor
Filler Post

Sophie headed straight for the teachers lounge after helping Eli, her face screwed up in an expression of fear. “So we have a problem” Sophie said as she walked in, interrupting a conversation between the Flamels and Hecate. Perenelle looked up with knowing eyes, Nicholas looked towards the wall, but Hecate was the only one to look Sophie in the eye. Sophie paused, realization striking her “you knew” she said, anger bubbling up inside her “you knew this would happen” she said turning to look at the Flamels and then to Agnes “that’s why you told him about Neptune.” She scoffed “now Sophie, let’s calm down, there is a perfectly good rea…” Nicholas started but was cut off “No!” Sophie said before he could finish his sentence, the smell of vanilla wafting over the room. The flamels were taken aback, Sophie was always so respectful but now she was angry and she was going to let the flamels know exactly what she was thinking.

How dare you allow this to happen again?!?” She yelled and on command, Josh entered the room right behind her “were me and Josh not enough?” She spat and Josh placed a hand on her shoulder “what’s going on soph?” Josh asked softly, feeling the waves of pure anger flowing from his twin. Sophie turned to look at him “Nicholas and Perenelle have allowed an elder to implant knowledge into a student” she said and Josh’s face twisted, first into fear and then into anger “they knew it would happen and still let him venture off” she said, turning to glare at her elders “Eli?” Josh asked, remembering the boy from class “yes” Perenelle spoke up, earning dirty looks from the twins, as well as Joan who sat quietly in the corner “he….” Perenelle started and looked to Nicholas for support who In turn sighed deeply. “The boy is connected to the elder Neptune…we aren’t sure how but Eli’s aura is almost a perfect match to Neptune” Nicholas continued “we knew he would eventually make contact…we didn’t think it would be this soon” Nicholas finished, finally looking Sophie in the eye. He noticed that her usually blue eyes were now blinded by silver.

Perenelle spoke up next “Sophie, there is a war coming…and we need all the help we can get to prevent the Yggdrasil being destroyed like the previous time line” she said and Sophie froze, imagines of the Yggdrasil being frozen in ice and crumbling to the ground flashed through her mind with even Hecate shifting uncomfortably in her seat at the thought. “So your solution is to turn these kids into soldiers? To have their brains filled with more information than they can handle?” Josh asked angrily “do you not remember what it did to us? How broken we were?” Josh finished, turning his head to hide the golden tears that began to fall from his now golden eyes. “Yes, this is why we asked you to become teachers” Perenelle said, trying to make her voice soothing to the twins “it was prophesied that seven of this new generation will become elders and protect the world from evil” she stated as if that would help the situation

So you brought them here under false pretenses?” Joan finally spoke up, her voice calm and steady. Perenelle looked over in shock “Joan, we had to do something.” She said with desperation in her voice “you don’t know what Dee and Bastet have planned..” she stopped when she saw the look on Joan’s face change from stoic to anger “and you didn’t think that we should have had access to this information?” Joan asked, standing from her seat “I was there when you let Zephaniah give Sophie all of that knowledge, it almost killed her.” She looked over to Sophie with kind eyes before turning back to the flamels “if I wasn’t there to help her….” She stopped but Sophie finished the sentence for her “I would’ve lost myself” Sophie said quietly, turning to hug Josh whilst he glared daggers at the immortals. The flamels looked on in silence, not being able to find the words. “All we can do now is train them” Scatty spoke from the doorway, causing everyone to turn and look at her “I don’t approve of the way they were brought here” the second generation said, looking at the Flamels with distaste. “But all we can do now is make sure they have the tools to protect themselves against whatever is coming” she finished, looking over to Joan who nodded in agreement and then looking to Sophie and Josh “I’ve read the prophecy as well, it states that seven shall replace the old generation and bring peace to all the realms” Scatty said, stepping forward to the twins “they will have the same trials you two did when you became elders, you’ll have to guide them” she hugged the twins and they both left the room but not before giving the Flamels one last look of distaste.

Scatty turned to the rest of the staff, her vampire like features becoming more prominent by the second “we need to talk” she seethed in an ancient language that hadn’t been heard by human ears in over three hundred years, her anger directed at Nicholas, Perenelle, and Hecate.

Nikola "Niko" Hohenheim
Interactions: Orin Orin , DarkKitsune DarkKitsune
"Yes this is concerning, but considering the magic of this world it is possible." Said Niko under his nose as he saw the trident symbol on the book light up blue, it was concerning, to say the least, but what Chimera spoke of did throw him off the track so he responded to her a bit confused, even fixing his nonexistent glasses.
"Wait what blue flames my flames were crimson red, not blue... Unless you all experienced something else than I did."

Shortly after Niko heard something heavy fall from Elis's direction which turned out to be Eli himself he thought it was a normal case of convulsions that should not be interrupted cause they could get worse, but as the teacher approached
"Quite a fall my friend, though I have to say that was really quick for convulsions, normally they take hold of ya and remain for minutes if not hours, though magic-related convulsions are probably levels of strength the regular ones. Though getting you to the nurse is a good idea." Exclaimed Niko while he hid the two books in his satchel along with Bipi, only to move towards Eli while gesturing that he was willing to lend a shoulder to him.
"Well, Eli let's get you to that nurse shall we, though knowing myself I will be a common bunk mate there."
Niko jested a bit trying to lift the mood up a little, while waiting for Eli to hoist his arm onto Niko's shoulder as a support, before venturing off to the nurse's office wherever it is, but that has to wait for Eli to do his bit.
INTERACTION: Orin Orin Megilagor Megilagor Dest Dest
LOCATION: Nurses Office --> Library --> dorms

  • dragging Mr.Saltwater to the nurses office

    After Eli passed out, Chimera helped Niko get him to the Nurse's office. She became more sure these two alone would stress her out. This was also the most social interaction she had in a while. The raven-haired girl felt like curling up into a ball, she also believed she felt nauseous, in addition to being heavily exhausted. Upon entering the nurse's office, there was a smell of vanilla cinnamon. Chimera jumped silently when a unfamiliar voice suddenly spoke.

    "Set him down on one of the beds, then you can be on your way."

    She started she looked at the man. Who had graying hair and a beard, who gestured towards one of the beds. Helping get Eli on one of them, makes the Elder introduce himself.

    "I am Flamel Academy's nurse Asclepius, scaring you was not intended...I know what happened. Sophie filled me in."

    Was all he needed to say. Chimera waved goodbye. She would've stayed if she had the guts, but the girl felt like there was something heavy in her stomach. That temporary bold behavior from earlier disappeared. Entrusting Eli's care to the academy's nurse. She made a brief return to the library to pick up her books and then decided to go back to her room in the dorms.


Location: Library

Rory Black

Rory watched Ember's declaration of defeat. He set his book aside and rested his hand on his chin.
"Well, the way I see it is that there's information on it: No matter how sparingly it is, means that it is still possible for you to overcome it. Try not to worry about summoning your familiar in general, try and focus on what these trials are that have been set before you. Clearly you have a familiar, you just need to figure out what's holding it back."
Rory observed the situation from afar, Eli had been knocked out by something and Chimera and Niko delivered him to the Nurse. Rory seemed amused, but pulled himself back to the situation he was currently in.
Without noticing though, his hand had rested atop Ember's head and began to pat her head gently, his thumb gently carressing the wolf-girl's ears.

"You'll come to an answer soon enough." He stated, still not looking at where his hand was placed.
Code by Nano

Location: Library

Rory Black

Rory continued to read a book, not even aware of what he was doing to Ember. He seemed totally focused and consumed, up until he responded to Ember's words of affirmation. "That's the spirit." Rory commented, nodding to himself. "So long as you don't give up, you'll find your answers." His hand drew back and away from her head as easily as it had extended to give her pats. Rory looked up and finally noticed Ember was in complete relaxation mode. An imaginary question mark materialized over Rory's head as he watched Ember.

"Well...Perhaps you're in the right spirit. Relaxing is rather a good start to taking some time away from cryptic books." Rory stood up, still blissfully unaware of what he did. "I'm going to go now, Ember. But I will see you around I'm sure." He waved his hand in goodbye, finally taking his books in hand and started walking out of the library. He had work to do on his own time now; and much of it was to expand his horizons with his newfound powers...
Code by Nano
Blake eyed the backs of the small group taking Eli away, a worried expression on his face. Information being directly beamed into your head like that could  not be healthy, especially with the way that Sophie had reacted. Resolving himself to check in on the other male later, Blake turned back to his book and tried to pick back up where he had left off. After reading the same sentence a half a dozen times without ever comprehending it he huffed, shutting the book as he realized there was no point trying to read the historical text for now. Glancing around he noticed the smaller book he had grabbed, the one on tactics, and with a shrug he decided to start reading it instead.

"A change of preference oh heart of my heart?" Serena asked from his shoulder, one bleary eye opened to watch him.

"Yea, can't focus on the history stuff right now since I'm worrying about Eli,"
Blake subconsciously reached up and stroked her head, paying no attention as she leaned into it purring. "Gonna see if I can't focus on this tactics book instead, maybe learn something good if I'm lucky."

"It is your decision oh dear partner," the badger shifted slightly, once more growing comfortable as she returned to her nap.

Blake chuckled slightly at her actions before he delved into the book, looking in interest at the diagrams that explained various plans and backup plans for combat encounters in both small and large quantities of troops. As the hours wore on and the shadows lengthened, he began to yawn and, finally, decided that it was high time he went to bed. As he lifted up his books a piece of parchment slipped form the historical text, one that was covered in markings similar to what had been on the familiar ritual that the Flamels had given him and the others.

"Well now, what's this?" As Blake looked the parchment over he could feel something stir with his fledgling control of aura, a feeling of anticipation. This parchment meant something, and he supposed he would just have to find out what.​
Rcticwolf Rcticwolf DarkKitsune DarkKitsune Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi xpstitch xpstitch Dest Dest Megilagor Megilagor

Current time:

Eli woke with a start, his heart racing and his palms sweaty. “Woah there” a man with graying hair said. The man had on scrubs with a long white coat and Eli assumed he was a doctor “where…” Eli started but noticed all of the medical equipment scattered around the room “you are in the nurses office” the man spoke smoothly, trying to soothe the obviously startled boy “nurse’s office?” Eli asked “the last thing I remember is…” he said before a rush of images flooded his mind. Images of sea creatures and oceans, rivers and streams, and most of all a silver trident calling out to him. “Fuck” he grumbled as he gripped his head in pain “you have to take it Easy Renelliot” the man said and Eli cringed at the use of his full name “Eli” he corrected the nurse and the man smiled “sorry, Eli” he nodded “I’m sure Sophie explained what happened but I’ll give you a brief run down.” The nurse said and pulled up a chair “some Elders have the ability to pass on their knowledge and powers to worthy people” he said with a small frown “when you touched the book with your aura, you unlocked a spell that the Elder Neptune put on it almost seven centuries ago” he said and Eli stared at him dumbfounded. The man chuckled and continued “it seems Neptune had chosen you as his heir, perhaps because of the similarities between your auras” the man said and tapped Eli’s arm, the boy’s cyan aura crackled and popped at the man’s touch before dissipating “I Remember my uncles aura fondly” he said sadly and Eli stared at him with wide eyes

Uncle?” Eli asked and the man nodded “how well do you know your mythology young Eli?” The man asked and Eli thought for a second “I guess i know a bit” the boy shrugged and the nurse chuckled “well” he started “My name is Asclepius..the humani once called me a god of medicine” he said and the name brought back hours of mythology knowledge from his childhood “you may not know me but I…” Asclepius started but was cut off by Eli “Asclepius, son of the god Apollo” Eli finished for him and Asclepius nodded “yes, my father is the Elder Apollo” he smiled that same sad smile.

So you knew Neptune?” Eli asked, noticing that he needed to change the subject. The elder looked up from his deep thought “oh yes” he said “uncle Neptune was by far my favorite relative” he said as he put away some rolled bandages “he always took me swimming, taught me some water magic, and was far more understanding than his brothers…or even my father for that matter” the elder sighed “listen, if Neptune has given you this gift it must be for an important reason” Asclepius leaned in closer, the smell of vanilla and cinnamon wafting over Eli’s senses “heed his warnings, follow the path he has laid out and you…” he paused, giving Eli a look over before giving him a smile “could become even stronger than he was, and let me tell you..” he stood up, stretching his arms “in his prime, Neptune could drain the worlds sea with a snap of his fingers, he could bring torrential rains and earth shattering earthquakes” the elder sounded excited when he listed off the feats, almost as if he wished to see it again “but his main goal, his reason for being, was to protect the oceans of the world” he finished and placed a hand on Eli’s shoulder, ignore the crackles of Cuban energy that mixed with his own Tea green aura “you’ll go on to do great things Eli Nestler, great things” he repeated and walked out of the room, giving Eli a nod as he did so

Eli sat there for a second “great things?” He asked himself as he looked down at his hands. After a few moments, he decided he would go back to his dorm where he was sure Yorrick was waiting for him. He hadn’t even stepped fully in the room when the ball of white fluff launched itself at his chest “woah Yorri” Eli exclaimed, barely catching the bear “are you ok master?” Yorrick asked and began sniffing his master to locate any wounds or bruises “I’m ok Yorrick” he said and began to tell Yorrick everything that happened in the nurses office. “So you were chosen by Neptune because of your aura?” Yorrick asked as he sat on his master’s lap “apparently, even Asclepius said that my aura reminded him of Neptune” Eli responded and laid back in his bed. By this point, the sun had already set and the moon light was now bursting through his window in large silvery beams. Eli closed his eyes, his brain tuning out Yorrick’s remark as he drifted into a rather deep sleep that was plagued by visions of an underwater city.

Six month time skip

CHAPTER 2: The Battle of Yggdrasil

Ohh come on Bryan, you aren’t even trying” Eli said as he hopped back and forth in his fighting stance across from a boy who looked exhausted “alright that’s enough” the instructor Scathach called over the cheering of the students. Both Eli and Bryan bowed respectfully to each other and then walked from the mat. It had now been six months since Eli was awakened and traveled to this weird place called Flamel Academy, six months of training, magic lessons, history that the history books got wrong, and of course, dealing with the influx of knowledge from the Sea Elder Neptune.

Over the last few months, Eli was ordained a master of water magic, the youngest ever recorded and he started helping other students to master their abilities. Eli walked from the mat to his gym bag to grab a water and began drinking it eagerly. It wasn’t until a certain smell hit his nose that he put the bottle down. “What is that” Eli asked, taking in a deep breath of a scent that smelled of rotting eggs. In that instant, his body froze and his mind flew back to the day this all started. The day a hundred normal people were awakened and given their magical potential. The words echoed in his head and suddenly he remembered where he recognized the smell from and as if someone else had the same thought “Dee” a voice spoke, shaking Eli out of his stupor “students, head to the great hall, NOW!” Scatty shouted over the shocked looks of the students “Dee?” Eli asked, the teachers never told them exactly who awakened them but Eli would never forget the smell that over powered his senses “Dee…” he said again, the pieces of the puzzle slowly putting themselves together and Scatty could see the wheels turning in his head “Eli now is not the time” she interrupted his thoughts and Eli frowned “Dee” he said for a third time “rotten eggs” he said and all Scatty could do was give him a look that answered all his questions. His eyes widened and he bolted out of the room, yorrick following behind him.

Eli ran down the corridor, pushing past students and staff until he found the Flamels talking urgently with the elder Hecate. “hey!” Eli shouted, his anger slowly bubbling over “Dr. John Dee” was all that Eli said, gaining the attention of all three staff members. Eli steeled himself before continuing “Dee’s scent is rotten eggs…he’s the one who awakened us” the boy stated and gauging from the reactions he received, he deemed that he was right. Nicholas sighed deeply, Perenelle turned her head to avoid Eli’s eyes, but Hecate was the only one who looked him in the eye “Yes” the elder stated simply, earning both shocked and angry expressions from the Flamels. “Hecate!” Perenelle said but Hecate held up a hand to silence her “Dr.Dee is the one who awakened all of you with the help of Bastet and a few other dark elders” she said calmly, Ignoring he angry looks from her peers. “You must know the truth, if you are to survive this battle” Hecate spoke with calmness and clarity but the Flamels next to her were fuming “battle?” Eli asked, completely ignoring the immortals and turned his attention solely on the only one who would tell him the truth.

Come to the great hall, I will explain everything” the elder said and turned on her heels. Eli quickly followed her to the great hall and stood amongst the crowd “Students of this academy” Hecate started speaking, a hush immediately fell over the crowd. “By now most of you have probably pieced together what is happening but I will fill in the blanks” she cleared her throat “6 months ago, you were awakened by a murder, necromancer and magican…his name is Dr. John Dee” she said and held a hand up to silence the chatter that began to spread “listen carefully” she said, her voice becoming more serious “Dee has brought an army to this shadow realm with the hopes of destroying this tree and capturing all of you” her eyes scanned the shocked faces of the crowd “we will do our best to protect you but it is more than likely you will need to fight and defend yourselves” as she finished an upoar of disapproval rose through the students. They were yelling, screaming, auras were being activated and Eli couldn’t take it anymore “ENOUGH!” He shouted, his voice magically amplified by the use of his air magic. The entire hall went silent at the outburst and Eli walked on to the stage, ignoring the looks of the staff members

Eli sighed deeply as his classmates looked at him “I know this isn’t what we signed up for” he said with a serious voice and face that his classmates were not use to seeing “regardless of that fact” he turned to glare at the flamels who seemed to shrink back at his gaze before he turned back to the students “the truth of the matter is that if we don’t use the skills we have learned to defend ourselves, Dee and his forces will kill us or worse..” he said and suddenly the entire hall was quite “you all know me, know that I wouldn’t lie to you” he said and nodded to Hecate who gave him a very rare smile “head to your dorms, gather your weapons, and report to the courtyard…we need to save our home” Hecate said, earning shocked looks from a lot of the students and a smile from Eli

Students filed out of the great hall and flooded the halls, all scrambling to grab weapons and armor, the alchemists ran to their labs to grab their various potions and Eli went directly to his room to grab his trident. After recovering his trident and changing his clothes, he ran out the door and down the hallway. A window burst next to him, sending him flying into a wall as a beast crashed into him. “Fuck” Eli cursed as his back hit the wall, the boy looked up to see something he wasn’t prepared for…it was a man with the head of a bird. The bird-man had long talons and black wings sprouting from his back, his thin arms clinging to a spear. Without thinking, Eli raised his hands in defense and a blast of freezing cold air wafted through the hall, picking the bird creature up and flinging it back through the window. “W-what was that?” Eli asked Yorrick who frowned “A soldier of the Morrigan” the bear said and Eli gulped “the morrigan….Right” he said with a sigh and stood up. Another bird soldier burst though the window but this time Eli was prepared, “don’t think” he said to himself as he allowed his newly honed instincts to take over, side stepping the strike of a spear. Eli quickly spun on his axis and swung the trident at the bird creature’s neck, the tips of the trident cut into the creatures neck and it crumpled to the floor turning into a normal bird laying in a bloody pool. Eli cringed at the sight “and here I thought my days of murdering animals was over” he said, trying to lighten his own mood. “You use to kill animals?” Yorrick asked and Eli swore he could see the bear raise an imaginary eyebrow “alligators mostly, that’s where the scar came from” Eli said, point at his lip “let’s go” Eli held his hand out towards his familiar “Yorrick” he commanded and the bears normally brown eyes began to glow cyan. With a great roar of effort, the tiny cub expanded and grew into a hulking fully grown polar bear. Eli hopped on Yorrick’s back “let’s go find our friends” he said and Yorrick roared before he bolted off down the corridor.
Among many other events during those 6 months, James had continued to take umbrage with how he had felt rushed by the teachers (in regards to dinning).

Almost immediately he had taken to bribing and intimidating the people on kitchen detail, as well as stealing and hoarding from the pantries.

Almost prophesying the far more serious wars to surround him, he'd even led students to deter the Torc Alta from clearing food servings away til they felt satisfied.

The teachers were somewhat aghast at him. Some other young and exuberant kid he had rallied turned things into a whole production and half.

Students that were initially more afraid of James than devoted to 'the cause' began transforming into amateur paramilitary 'fighters'.

Perhaps more nuisance than threat, they soon had maneuvers and chants (plus other trappings of military 'coalitions' and other organizations such as unions).

School administration hsd initially found it part-way nuisance, and partially a harmless parody of a school organization (a sentiment mirrored by some in the group).

"Well, you wanted them to unite as a military force didn't you?" Scatty had said as the Flamels had scoffed (even while signing their acquiescence to the latest of the various letters of protest and demands by the coalition).

"Classes shall be postponed til no sooner than all students have enjoyed no less than 7 helping-" Perenelle had read in derisive disbelief at the parchment that was meant to be a war treaty of sorts.

"They're brandishing knives in organized formations with makeshift broomhandles for staves! This is ridiculous!" Nicholas had added exasperatedly.

"Well...-" Sophie began again, earning sour scrunching scowls from the Flamels.

"I hope you haven't decided to act as a double agent for these rogue boyscouts" Scatty half-teased almost boredly.

"Don't you WANT them full of fuel for all the mana consumption? Surely we can hold classes later? They might just have a point..." Sophie tried to reason.

Scatty neglected to mention that she had been secretly converted. She reasoned that it was poor war planning to rush their 'war vehicles' off to classes without proper fueling.

"You don't want them going up in explod-" Josh began before Perenelle had snapped and yelled for all staff to get out of the meeting room.
James had stubbornly tried to do it all during those 6 months, and to some degree he did succeed at that.

The man had not been given a favorable set of first impressions for everyone, however. His antics surrounding the spat between Ember and Scatty had made him seem overly loud/boorish in turn.

This self imposed distance was extrapolated by the staff egging on his already present wishes to always be learning and training. James did grow grudging respect (or sometimes more accurately, jealousy) for a select few at least.

During the 6 months, James made his best guesses at how he wanted to train and whether it would actually prove useful (without ACTUALLY knowing future).

It was tricky learning to give your all to fighting with axes and such in an Era with smartphones, as opposed to protestant militias and such.

The Virginian was ironically driven to great effort by the very people he was distancing himself from (plus one very special exception).

The lumberjack had noticed his Georgian dormmate in classes, in the training grounds and such. Even the teachers had to counsel him away from wearing himself out.

He had initially been trying to out-do Blake in EVERYTHING, embarrassing himself by passing out from the mental and physical fatigue during their combat classes a couple of times. Dest Dest

It had been difficult, deciding where to let his farming counterpart take his wins. He did soon however learn to be tactical with his use of time.

Worse yet, Blake Forbes wasn't alone. There was the VERY noticeable Alistair. It pulled at him because neither of them or ANY of his perceived 'rivals' were noticeably mean...

James wasn't a particularly competitive person. So there was a particular reason for his (mostly) concealed rancor. Orin Orin

The root of his fixation on perceived inadequacies, was a particularly embarrassing set of sentiments towards his Floridian friend ; Eli. Renelliot Nestler.

It didn't help that he himself had some initial and rather gauling attraction to his 'rivals' , and as such was unable to rest easy on the merits of his own appearance.

Things being so, James battled guilt. Not only were Alistair and Blake more than his physical match, but were exceedingly attractive.

Alistair was also uncannily sweet, infuriating James because he felt very mean by sheer comparison (you had to hate Alistair for how perfect he was, but also couldn't because how in the world can you?).

And so the older teen labored day and night. James transformed his relatively impressive strength and stamina with a hatchet in hand towards combat with an axe in either hand, with a couple of other weapons to a somewhat lesser degree.

It remains to be seen if his efforts to arrange Eli to notice him while chopping wood for hours non stop (for 'battlefield endurance') had been sussed out by anyone other than Scatty and the kids he had wrangled into herding Eli his way.

Some might find it a little suspicious that he had a tendency to be shirtless whenever Eli was way-laid to pass his way, by PURE COINCIDENCE OF COURSE.

After 6 months he could weild an axe singlehandedly without tiring for an unusual amount of time. He managed to be able to swing it about quicker than expected, axes notable for being not quick to make parries/return to ready position.

Ambidextrous weilding combined with his speed plus endurance, one could almost think the top heavy axe he weilded weighed more like a swift sword.

James could weild two at once if he wished and had trained to retrieve them from being stuck in their targets quickly and not tire for an unusual amount of time.

Despite this he knew of 4 other males who had some physical edge over him either in strength (he wondered if he could call himself a lumberjack at times) or stamina.

Alistair even outclassed him in both and the farmer proved his superior in weapons. This wasn't even counting females, namely Ember who probably made fools of the lot in seemingly ALL categories. Rcticwolf Rcticwolf

James made arguably bigger waves in his magic uses, noticably 'cheating' where he couldn't. 'Cheating' as to mean ; finding a dozen plus excuses to rearrange his schedule to be around Eli.

Not to mention the afformentioned plots to steer the other away from everyone else to pass his way 'by coincidence' (especially when he noticed Eli around a perceived 'threat').

Eli having been presumably non-the-wiser, James' wishes had born fruit after a few months on a training mission for 2. Ambiguity remains as to whether Scatty grew tired of watching James maddening himself over his crush and arranged it.

After some tender moments in Italy and much hoped for kissing, James' insecurities began to relax. While the eldest Reed was still determined to hold his own besides the others, Eli seemed to get conveniently lost less and less.

James occassional and mysterious sour expressions around certain friends began to go away. The man began to allow himself to like them for the things he grudingly acknowledged before, even if he still felt some unease about his comparisons.

Of course by that time perhaps half of their dorm suspected or knew of James' feelings. The other end of things remains to be seen.

He'd feel a great fool afterwards, making greater efforts to make friend of the people he had pitted himself against.

Perhaps he'd even aplogize and confess his reasons some day.  Not that he was ever mean or particularly rude.
The man had relatives and family friends whom he was embarrassed of (but forced to love), on account of their fixation on... European origins.

James' introductions to 'heritage' weren't always coherent. As such he like many others, mostly knew only that his ancestry was European.

Despite this variety and inexactitude, James could not help but enjoy some of the 'tacky' and dated eccentricities (minus the underlying sentiments of exclusion of certain groups).

James did not know for certain what his ties to German lands were, if any. However, he had grown to be fascinated by a voice technique of that region and took it almost as a sign when his German dormmate's familiar turned out to be yodeler. Megilagor Megilagor

Niko had mentioned he didn't enjoy doing it himself. As such James was inspired to incorporate yodeling and music in general into his personal magical development.

James had received odd looks from the curious and his instructors were puzzled as to what connections there were to his Alchemy experiments/his frequent trips to civilization.

In truth he was personalizing his magic by mixing Alchemy and his love of vocals/music in a roundabout manner. His trips to civilization were for internet surfing so as to explore music.

The end result being that his fine control with Earth magic would always have great potential and growth. It was very fitting that a man who grew up as a lumberjack in the mountains had a voice that could crack mountains, yodeling was partially just a fitting but coincidental part of things.

It would also seem that it was only the start of things as well. The potion crafted for this ability had permanent effects. Avalanches and weird German singing were blunt if perhaps niche uses for his powers.

Aside from making Whitney Houston proud and doing accurate impressions for laughs, James would later find there were potentially more sneaky and even martial applications for the permanent changes to his voice (the ability had some effect on non earth element items).

More recently, his love of music had advanced to the study of flute playing. In a similar vein as his 'Earth Voice Technique' , James connected his manipulation of sound vibrations to the air waves that fell under his newly awakened secondary element.

An Elder artifact had come to be modified by him and with this flute in his possession, James was truly to become the master of the air element. And by extension sound itself.

His time spent in the mundane world awakened a very male fascination with war. It informed his trajectory of magical study in general. This man was an enigma of contradictions, a yodler and flute player who was also an Edge-lord.

How else could one describe a man who had notebooks and graphs filling up his space with hypothesies on projecting ghostly whispers to enemy armies at a distance?

How else to describe a lumberjack whom weilded an Elder level axe artifact for a weapon? (That axe could create pretty flowers every time he swung it).

An 'enigma' certainly would also play both fairy tale ambience and demonic chants with his his Elder artifact flute.
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His flute ability ("Forest of sounds") was one he was only just beginning to develop. The Virginian pages and notebooks, graphs and diagrams of ideas he had developed for magical experiments.

With how many ideas he had even merely thought of, it was doubtful one could fully develop all the ideas listed there even after several years. Many of those experiments were related to combat.

It did beg the question of whether one would WANT to develop those powers. James was already a figure that put people on edge. The man wrestled with the idea of being pushed away by others (especially his later boyfriend) on account of his various hypothesies.

Some of the ideas his dark aspect had pondered were weapons of war so horrifying, even the principals would run into a panic.

James did attempt some discretion, but was perhaps not altogether successful (depending on your point of view). He did hope however that Eli would be impressed with the inventiveness of his mind and the imagination/power his magic could bring to bear.

For one of the most early of his developments, James proved himself a prodigy by pushing the boundaries of magic into the realms typically conceived of by humans as something a deity should even attempt.

Despite his initial hesitancy (being raised to be nominally devout in the Christian faith, plus meeting a literal Saint), James elected to create...life.

Things started out innocently enough with the idea for an army of Ent-like creatures (like lord of the rings). But James' ambition quickly got the better of him and he decided to think on the possibility of creating a unique form of life to become a permanent and world altering fixture on the global stage.

The 'Ents' soon led him to know James Cameron's 'Avatar' and the Weirwoods of Game Of Thrones. By the end of the 6 months used for his studies, 'Eywa' was a self healing, semi-intelligent neural network of connected trees that could reproduce and gouge holes into modern military tanks.

James was beginning to play a dangerous game. The only things left to do was allow them to control animals and self evolve before they became a state level threat.

They were already difficult to kill and had sap that smelled/looked like blood. It was difficult to make James' invention any more frightening.

A sentient tree grove always watching you... it was a good thing their sight did NOT enter into the range of miles.
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Someone might say James was basically a cosplay of the Brawny paper towel guy. Given that he literally wore red flannel and was essentially a moutain man... they'd be 100% correct.

But he was more than that. James Reed was an Alchemist, not just a 'simple' log chopping hatchet weilder.

The government of San Francisco would be exceedingly alarmed to know that the older teen had developed a cache of chemical weapon grenades large enough to wreck an entire city's population.

Beyond the unremarkable container fragments, these horrifying weapons have intact magical plant thorns that imbed a signature gruesome acid mixture into the body just to complicate enemy medical treatment.

Beyond other acid bomb hallmarks such as dissolving matter, the touch of these inhumane weapons itch with impossible intensity and duration even after evacuation.

Poison Ivy would be an inadequate comparison to the horror of these weapons. What are possibly the worst weapons known to man are aptly named 'Ever-hell explosives' on account of their enduring effects and infliction of suffering.

The man's time in mountain forests did not inspire the things of nightmares alone however. The teen developed an medical alchemy mixture, naming them 'Amber medicines' in honor of the pretty substance which it resembles in color.

The tree sap mixture has a crude semi-intelligence that provides a moderate diagnostics function. This substance has various functions and acts as a catch all first aid kit, able to stitch wounds closed.

Whether James resembles an older Bran Stark is ambiguous. The teen surprises his peers with his intellect more and more as time passes.

Along with his flute ability, another of his new developings is simply known as 'Scrying' and seems to liken him to the afformentioned character even further.

The iconic bowl of water allows him to see through the eyes of birds, among other animals and control them.

When paired with his sentient tree groves, the ability to see through the eyes of birds alone bodes for favorable tidings in his future.
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SO-MUCH-LEARNING. Much of it did seem to pay off though. What was previously a mere 1 and a half ft. long 'ribbon' of scales was a baby no longer.

Harry was now more like a 2 and a half ft. long bulging mass of scales with a surprisingly far leap and a poisoned bite.

The Appalachian had found amusement in breaking in his dorm room of squishing bouncey mushrooms.

Watching Harrold jumping from moss dresser to glowing fungal caps and falling asleep to a starry night (which was really a ceiling of glowing lichen) had been a happy pleasure of his.

If he were greedy and changed one thing it would be that he would wish to arrange more occasions distract his dormmates so that Eli could sneak into his dorm more often.

Snuggles with Eli under thick piles of covers was nice and all, but Eli had a certain fondness for the cold that magically unique only to him and Yorrick.

Eli had taken great pains to accommodate for his boyfriend's occasional sleep overs *(keep your guys' minds out of the gutter)*, including special slippers and magical pajamas.

But it was a slight hassle and still ultimately a work in progress. James personally thought his room was much more nice and cozy.

He thought it much more romantic and preferred staring up at magical looking glowing spots of color together while they fell asleep.

James still wasn't sure whether to broach the topic about whether Eli had sated his curiosity about the various papers in his dorm room (which James had asked him to please ignore and not look at). Orin Orin

The Virginian didn't know how much Eli knew about all his magical studies and developments, nor how he'd take all of it.

He wouldn't be the one to bring the subject up however, choosing to assume Eli had kept his promise to not peek and was fine with not knowing.

If Eli DID know some stuff, James prayed Eli knew that in a way it was actually for him that he did all these things and why he pushed himself so far.
After 6 months, Sulfur smell...
The teen was glaring all about looking for the sleazebag who had the audacity to pass gas so brazenly near him like that.

James did not know what he would do if and when he found the bugger responsible. The man was unusually angry about it for more reasons than he knew as of yet.

The man scowled at the silent alarmed look of the nearest person trying to communicate that it wasn't them and that they smelled it too.

James would later wish to apologize for not believing them at first and giving them a fright. The man couldn't for the life of him pinpoint the source of the offending nasal assault.

"Students, head to the great hall, NOW!" Was what he heard Scatty call out.

James took less umbrage to this than would normally be expected. Deep down he knew that something wasn't normal.

And so James chose to make no protests this time around headed to the great hall.

James did however make a quick look around however, before he departed. Eli. He couldn't hear everything.

The man did manage to barely catch the word 'eggs' however, a sense of dread and suspicion beginning to creep up on him.

James saw that Eli was leaving and decided to make an exit buddy of himself to Eli, sticking close to him.

Old habits died hard and James was still unwilling to risk anybody save for himself to be Eli's hero in case the crowds began to panic.

*Yeah, maybe I'm stupid for still seeing Alistair as a threat. But nice guy or no there's still no way I'm letting him shield Eli's body with his enormous rugby chest*

The man raised his bows and quivered his lips as he saw Eli rail against the head staff now. Had the boy always been this assertive?

*Dr. Dee... history... rotten egg sulfur smell.... puzzles coming together now*

The man did not like this. Listening to the exchange, the mountain man's nagging feelings were vindicated. They had been hiding something from them all alright.

James felt proud of his 'sweetiepie' for standing up for them all (though Eli would say that the pet name was a bit corny).

And his admiration was increased as he witnessed Eli call out to the assembly, seeing him rally the 'troops' like he was born for it.

The lumberjack stared with slight 'heart eyes' at the master of water magic even as he the crowd tried to push its way past him.

The man weathered their push with his sturdy stance and very quickly did something he seldom did.

The man caught Eli before he could leave and gave him a big kiss and embrace (which likely caught the other by surprise since he had been hurriedly leaving).

He might apologize later if he was asked to but he normally restrained himself out of discretion and NOT out of shame.

The man also reasoned that everybody was too focused on their rushing out to pay his PDA any attention.

"I'm proud of you babe" James said before releasing him and heading to make his own preparations (and thereby avoiding Eli's protests).

And so James jogged about, wondering if he should have actually given more of himself to combat classes.

His eyes scanned and his mind whirred when he reached the armory, soon electing to place on a segmented padded gambeson suit and what some might call a suit of 'banded mail' over it.

James strapped on the set of holsters, harnesses and packs who's point had previously doubted. He armed himself with two machete-like short blades.

From there he went to his laboratory and weighed himself down with 12 of a variety of his potions and such, having some Earth-voice mixture as he equipped them.

For the final touch James would go to his room to equip his two Elder artifacts.
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Rory Black

  • *Exploring*
    Rory settled into his new life well, in fact so well that he got right to training himself- to get ahead of the curve. He wanted to be strong; strong enough to take on any opposition. Just because the humani were all young adults to teens didn't mean that any one of them could stay aligned with everyone else's interests. Many could turn on Yggdrasil once they've acquired enough power. Rory decided it was best to start before the rest of them. He needed to be ready. Not only has Rory been training in his magicks, he has been wandering Yggdrasil. Gaining deepened knowledge of the world tree and the intricacies of the World Tree's innerworkings. Rory and Aria grow close to one another, but not without their mishaps between one another.

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