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Dice Class Glossary - Fire Emblem Divide


Seven Thousand Club
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*Recently, we changed our stats from a system that only used 1-5 to 1-20. Because pre-app, way back in the day, people used to do this shit by hand so the numbers needed to be simple and easy to manage. Now we got the app so we can get fancy. I've yet to change the stats of Second Classes though, because we won't be using them for a while and I wanted to update as fast as possible. You can still get a hint of where your second class's stats will be at, you just gotta multiply by 4.

↟ Archery Branch ↟
Noob Class

1st Classes
Archer, Nomad, Trapper, Poacher, Ballistician
2nd Classes
Sniper, Ranger, Nomad Trooper, Beastmaster, Bounty Hunter, Botanist, Huntsman, Dragon Hunter

In case you were born yesterday, characters in this branch use bows as their primary weapons. As archers, they are extremely accurate and effective against flying units. However, they're limited to fighting at a distance, and they tend to be vulnerable when attacked up close. Characters in this branch can deal out quite a bit of damage, but for the most part, they aren't the sturdiest guys. Archers benefit most when they're backing up another unit, so they should focus on positioning themselves on cells where they can attack but can’t be attacked themselves.​

Noob Class


They've never been in a fight before, but they've hunted game before. People and rabbits are the same thing, right? They can promote to Archers, Nomads, Trappers, Poachers or Ballisticians.

  • Health: 25/25
  • Attack: 7
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 4 cells
  • Makings of Greatness: Basic skill that grants +15% to a unit’s base CRIT, ACC, EVA, and LUK.
  • Second Chance: Basic Skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes or Chains.
1st Classes

↟ 1st Classes ↟


They’re your basic run of the mill bowman on foot. They've got pretty good aim and strong arms from pullin' that damn bow string back all the time. Look at those god damn biceps, dog. They can promote to Snipers or Rangers.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 16
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 8
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • ACC +15%
  • EVA +15%
  • ASS +10%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Gotta Run: A passive skill. If the 1st close ranged attack on the Archer misses, the second one will miss as well.
  • Focus Shot: A an active skill. The Archer concentrates for 1 turn and stacks +15% ACC for the next turn.


Traveling bowmen who ride upon horseback. They can cover a lot of ground and fire in quick succession. They can promote to Nomad Troopers or Beastmasters. Their high HP makes them excellent archers to follow up behind other mounted units.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 12
  • Defense: 10
  • Magic: 6
  • Resistance: 11
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • EVA +20%
  • LUCK +10%
  • ASS +10%
  • BEAST attribute
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Nomads do not retain this skill upon promotion.
  • Rescue: A basic skill that allows the Nomad to carry an infantry unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.
  • Into The Winds: A passive skill. Movement increases by 1 cell when carrying another unit via the rescue skill
  • Wanderer: A passive skill. ACC increases by +10% when standing on forest or mountain terrain.


Hunters that have specialized in setting crafty booby traps that are invisible to the enemy eye. Trappers can capture any non-armored, unmounted unit without fail. A key element of the Trapper is keeping them well stocked with items. They make for sub-par combatants and should avoid fighting if possible. They can promote to Bounty Hunters or Botanists.

  • Health: 45/45
  • Attack: 8
  • Defense: 9
  • Magic: 7
  • Resistance: 10
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +20% EVA
  • +20% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Lasso: An active skill that allows the Trapper to use Ropes or Chains as a lasso to temporarily bind any unarmored, unmounted unit without fail. Can be used adjacently or from one cell away. To permanently bind the victim, the Trapper's gotta chill next to them for one turn and finish tyin' em up.
  • Bear Trap: An active skill that sets down a bear trap on an adjacent cell. Victims that step on it receive the Cripple Status Effect on infantry and Dismounted Status effect on non-flying mounted units. Requires the Bear Trap item. Ineffective against Flying and Armored units.
  • Rope Trap: An active skill that requires 1 of either the Ropes or Chains items to set up a noose trap that tightens around the ankle and pulls the victim upward and upside down to await capture when they step on the cell in which the trap was placed. Causes the Bound status effect. Ineffective against Mounted and Armored units.


Poachers specialize in hunting Laguz and Manaketes. Though weak against any other unit, the Poachers are absolutely deadly to transforming units. They wear heavily padded leather armor to protect themselves from bites. They can promote to Huntsmen or Dragon Hunters.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 8
  • Defense: 13
  • Magic: 7
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • +10% EVA
  • +10% ACC
  • +20% CRIT
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Beastbane: A passive skill that guarantees at least 15 nonlethal damage per-hit against members of the Transforming class. (Add 15 to damage buff when fighting a Transforming Class)
  • Zero Tolerance: A passive skill that grants the Poacher +15% ACC when fighting a unit who is being supported by a member of the Transforming branch. (Add 15 ACC to the ACC buff when defending unit has a Transforming partner)
Ballistician (New!!)

↟ Ballistician

Archers that have specialized in operating ballistae. They boast high defense and resistance to protect them while operating their machines. Their movement on foot is higher than average for getting from ballista to ballista quickly, and when operating a mobile ballista, their movement reduction is less severe. They also boast very high accuracy. However, their attack and health are quite low. Ballisticians are a Non-Promoting Class.

  • Health: 40/40
  • Attack: 6
  • Defense: 14
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 14
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • ACC +30%
  • LUCK +10%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Going Mobile: A passive skill. When operating a ballista, Ballistician's movement is doubled to four instead of 2, ACC is increased by 15%, and attack is doubled.
  • Arrow Shower: An active/die skill. When operating a ballista, the Ballistician launches three missiles that hit three random cells in a 3x3 area. The center cell of the 3x3 area is the target cell. Roll a 9-sided die until three unique cells in the 3x3 area are chosen. Cells are numbered 1-9 from left to right and top to bottom.

2nd Classes

↟ 2nd Classes ↟



A sharpshootin' rootin' tootin' Archer who is almost guaranteed to land a hit, and a powerful one at that. Snipers are best dealt with immediately, and should be incapacitated before an ally is within their range. Luckily, they still suffer from their low Defense and sub-par Resistance.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% ACC increased to +25%
  • +15% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% ASS remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Gotta Run: Remains the same.
  • Focus Shot: Enhanced upon promotion. Focus Shot can be stacked twice.
  • Lethality: An Offensive Die skill with a 15% chance of instantly killing the target whenever the Sniper attacks.


Rangers are Archers who have taken up close combat in order to play more roles in battle. Their keen eyes make them ideal for exploring dark or foggy areas as well as for spotting hidden enemies and traps. Take care of these guys before trying anything sneaky because they’re the first to see some sus shit going down.

  • Health: 75/75
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • +15% ACC remains the same.
  • +15% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% ASS increased to +20%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Gotta Run: Remains the same.
  • Focus Shot: Remains the same.
  • True Sight: An active skill that allows the Ranger to see all nearby invisible enemies and traps within a 5 cell radius.
  • Eagle Eye: Passive skill that gives the Ranger increased visibility in the dark or fog.
Nomad Trooper

Nomad Trooper

These guys are straight up nasty on the field. They ride in and shoot you from afar and then cut your ass when you get close. Their horseback riding skills allow them to cover hella ground and their health is even higher now. Nomad Troopers are excellent for rescuing other units and taking them somewhere safe. You can expect these dudes to be the first ones on the scene. Luckily, they’re pretty average when it comes to Resistance, so using Fire Magic against them is a good idea.

  • Health: 90/90
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 9 cells
  • +20% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% LUCK remains the same.
  • +10% ASS is increased to +20% ASS
  • BEAST attribute
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: Stays the same.
  • Into The Winds: Stays the same.
  • Wanderer: Remains the same.
  • Just Passing By: A passive die skill that gives a 50% chance to damage another enemy in the path on the way to the desired target. If the skill activates, it can be used on any one enemy standing in a cell adjacent to any of the cells traveled by the Nomad Trooper on the way to their target cell. Simply calculate the damage output as you normally would on the Number Crunching App and report it. Only one hit and cannot miss if activated.


Nomads who have become one with nature. They've stopped riding on horseback so they have less movement, but they're now capable of summoning a beast to help them fight in battle. Beastmasters have low Defense and tend to rely on their beasts and their allies to protect them as they make their way through the battlefield. However, their high Resistance makes them a poor target for mages.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +20% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% LUCK is increased to +20%
  • +10% ASS remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Reinstated upon promotion.
  • Rescue: Beastmasters do not retain this skill upon promotion.
  • Into The Winds: Can no longer be used.
  • Wanderer: Remains the same.
  • Beast Whisperer: An active skill that can prevent an enemy mounted unit from moving for one turn, or can increase the movement of an allied mounted unit by 1 cell. Can be used from up to 1 cell away.
  • Summon Beast: A Summon Skill that summons a beast to fight for The Beastmaster. The beast acts as another unit controlled by the player. When the beast's HP is reduced to 0 it will flee the battle, and one turn must pass before it can be summoned again. At rank B Anima, the summoned beast will change to its second class if possible. Summoned beasts will receive an incurable version of the Berserk status effect and attack whoever’s closest to them if their Beastmaster is defeated before they are. Beasts capable of summoning include Baels, Girtab, Three Menehune, Centaurs, Cyclopes, and Sirens. The beast being summoned must be explicitly stated. Their weapon rank is equivalent to the Beastmaster’s Anima rank. Requires a Beast Flute.
Bounty Hunter

Bounty Hunter

Epic Trappers who have truly made tying motherfuckers up against their will into an art. In addition to more traps, Bounty Hunters can call upon a flying mount of their choice to store and transport two prisoners, allies, or one of each. Bounty Hunters are still sub-par combatants, but their ability to bring people in alive can be invaluable. When facing a Bounty Hunter, it’s helpful to track their moves to avoid cells where a trap may have been placed.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +20% EVA remains the same.
  • +20% LUCK remains the same.
  • +10% ACC
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Lasso: Enhanced upon promotion. Units captured by the Bounty Hunter have no chance of escaping outside of battle.
  • Bear Trap: Remains the same.
  • Rope Trap: Enhanced upon promotion. A tripwire is now placed as well to trip units on horseback when set up on any cell (basically it's now effective against mounted units). When placed on a Forest cell, a tripwire is placed between trees and has the same effect on Flying Units. These units will become Dismounted.
  • Pls Strip: An active skill that allows the Bounty Hunter to apply the Stripped status effect to any enemy unit.
  • Summon Carrier: An active skill. Summons a Gryphon, Pegasus, Wyvern, or Thunderbird Carrier. Carriers can hold two units at a time. If they are defeated in battle they will drop all of the prisoners they are carrying. Only one can be summoned at a time. The Carrier being summoned must be explicitly stated. A Carrier cannot be dismissed unless it isn’t carrying any units. If an enemy Carrier makes it to a corner cell of the map, any units it's carrying will officially be captured. Carrier mounts cannot attack but they can be attacked. If a Carrier’s Bounty Hunter is defeated before they are, the Carrier will still be capable of going to the closest corner of the map it can get to. Carriers have the same movement as their first class versions in the Flying Branch and cannot attack. Requires a Carrier Whistle to summon.
Carriers’ Stats (Pegasus, Wyvern, Gryphon, Thunderbird)

  • Health: 60/60, 80/80, 70/70, 60/60
  • Defense: Low, High, Average, Low
  • Resistance: High, Low, Average, Average
  • EVA: 120%, 90%, 100%, 130%
  • LUCK: 25%, 15%, 10%, 20%



Botanists are trappers who said, "You know what, fuck yo tools cuh" and they learned how to use dark magic to bring strange plants and fungi to life to fight and capture foes for them. And instead of using various items to get the job done, the Botanist needs only one item: Dark Seeds. They’re still pussies when it comes to defense so get in close or shoot them from afar. Just don’t come at them with magic.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +20% EVA increased to +25% EVA
  • +20% LUCK increased to +25% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Lasso: Remains the same.
  • Rope Trap: Remains the same.
  • Bear Trap: Remains the same.
  • Dark Seed: A passive skill that allows various plant based traps to be grown on soil-based terrain. Dark Seed plants can be planted from up to three cells away from the Botanist, thus allowing the trap to come into effect immediately on a unit already standing in the cell or remain dormant until a unit steps on the cell. Dark Seed skills affect both ally and enemy so be careful.
  • Binding Vines: An active skill. Causes vines to erupt from the ground and bind the unit. Unmounted units are immediately captured, Mounted Units and Armored units will be prevented from movement for one turn.
  • Tree Fingers: An active skill. When used in a forest cell, trees will sprout arms and bind the unit. Unmounted units are immediately captured, Mounted Units and Armored units will be prevented from movement for one turn.
  • Pods of Doom: An active skill. Must be thrown on an empty cell. Sprouts a mushroom that causes units who step on them and all adjacent units to contract one of four status effects depending on the Pod. There are Hilarity Pods,
    Sleep Pods, Fear Pods, and Berserk Pods. The type of Pod being used must be explicitly stated. Pods are only activated when stepped on.
  • Chrysalis: An active skill. A tough cocoon like structure of tree branches will protect a unit from harm for three turns, however, the unit will be incapable of movement for those three turns. Can be used on allies and enemies.


Far more dangerous Poachers who are known for tactical raids on Laguz settlements. They can use arrows coated in a magic toxin to keep members of the Transforming Branch from...well...transforming. Huntsmen have grown more powerful and are now less useless against non-Transforming opponents, so be careful not to underestimate them. Beast units should avoid these guys at all costs.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 5
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +10% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% ACC enhanced to 20%.
  • +20% CRIT remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Beastbane: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. Nonlethal damage is increased to 20 and is now effective against all units with the BEAST attribute.
  • Zero Tolerance: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. ACC bonus is increased to +20% if the unit supporting the target is a member of the Transforming Branch or has the Beast Attribute.
  • Anthro Arrow: A passive skill that inflicts the Anthro status effect when attacking members of the Transforming Branch.
Dragon Hunter

Dragon Hunter

Dragon Hunters have the kind of job title that lets you know exactly what the job entails. Dragon Hunters are well balanced units that can play a variety of roles in battle. Manaketes and Wyverns don’t stand a chance against them. Their high defense, and resistance makes them difficult to fight alone. Manipulate the weapon triangle and send a bunch of guys after a Dragon Hunter.

  • Health: 75/75
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +10% EVA is enhanced to +20% EVA.
  • +10% ACC remains the same.
  • +20% CRIT remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Beastbane: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. Non-lethal damage is increased to 20 and is effective against all units with the DRAGON attribute as well.
  • Zero Tolerance: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. ACC bonus is increased to +20% if the unit supporting the target is a member of the Transforming Branch or has the Dragon Attribute.
  • Stonebreaker: An offensive Die skill with a 25% chance of breaking a Manakete's Stone when fighting with a Sword.

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₲ Delinquent Branch ₲
Noob Class

1st Classes
Barbarian, Thief, Ninja, Brawler, Scout
2nd Classes
Berserker, Rogue, Trickster, Whisper, Shinobi, Puppeteer, Champion, Gangster​


Dudes in this class branch are shady criminals. Many of them find work as bandits, hitmen, or spies. Stealth is a big component of this class, as is interacting with the battlefield. Members of this branch tend to lack defense. These are niche units that find most of their success on the battlefield by plundering, manipulating their surroundings, and cleaning up whatever enemies remain after the initial push of stronger frontliners.​

Noob Class


Young new jacks looking to make their first lick. They’re clumsy and weak, but if they stay alive long enough they might get the hang of the Thug Life in no time! They can promote to Barbarians, Thieves, Ninjas, Brawlers or Scouts.

  • Health: 20/20
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 4 cells
  • Makings of Greatness: Basic skill that grants +15% to CRIT, ACC, EVA, and LUK.
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes or Chains.
1st Classes

₲ 1st Classes ₲



They’re similar to Fighters of the Hero Branch in that they have more health and higher attack with low defense, but Barbarians can also adapt to different forms of terrain better than most. They can travel through mountains and across rivers easily. They're also really good at breaking shit. Make sure you’ve visited all of the villages on the map before any Barbarians do! They can promote to Berserkers or Rogues.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 11
  • Defense: 8
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • EVA +15%
  • CRIT + 10%
  • LUCK +15%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Destroyer: An active skill that allows a Barbarian to plunder a Village when standing on a village cell. Barbarian will receive 25000G
  • Mug: An offensive die skill that has a 25% chance to randomly give the Barbarian 5000 Gold when attacking an enemy.
  • Hiking: A passive skill. Movement is unaffected by mountainous terrain and rivers.


Speedy little bastards that aren't easy to hit, but they can't take a hit for shit if you manage to land one. They can steal from enemies, pick locks, and see further than most in the dark or fog. Make sure you’ve collected all of the treasure chests and other special items while thieves are about. Also, be mindful of your items whenever thieves are nearby! They promote to Tricksters or Whispers.

  • Health: 40/40
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 5
  • Resistance: 10
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • EVA + 30%
  • LUCK + 10%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Pick: Active skill that allows the Thief to use a Lockpick on doors and chests.
  • Eagle Eye: Passive skill that gives the thief increased visibility in the dark or fog.
  • Steal: An active skill that allows the thief to steal anything that isn't a weapon from another unit.


Ninjas are similar to Thieves, though they are better suited for stealthy sneak attacks as opposed to stealing due to their epic ability to turn invisible. Remember, just because you see one ninja doesn’t mean you aren’t being watched by four more. Hang out with Laguz or other units who can sense this kind of thing when Ninjas are out and about. They can promote to Shinobi or Puppeteers.

  • Health: 40/40
  • Attack: 8
  • Defense: 7
  • Magic: 5
  • Resistance: 13
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +25% EVA
  • +15% CRIT
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Pick: Active skill that allows the Ninja to use a Lockpick.
  • Invisibility: Active skill that allows the Ninja to become invisible to enemy perception. If they attack someone in this state, they will do twice as much damage, but they will become visible again. You can only attack once when invisible and they cannot be critical hits, however, invisible attacks cannot be dodged. If an enemy steps onto a cell currently occupied by an invisible Ninja they will automatically be attacked.


Brawlers are powerful athletes who like to punch people in the face. Sometimes Brawlers form teams together, which essentially become akin to street gangs. Some of which have very wealthy sponsors. Brawlers may not be able to do much damage, but they’re used to taking pretty bad hits. They make for excellent bodyguards. They promote to Champions or Gangsters.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 7
  • Defense: 13
  • Magic: 5
  • Resistance: 7
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • +10% EVA
  • +10% LUCK
  • +20% ASS
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Iron Fist: A passive skill that allows the Brawler to always deal at least 15 nonlethal damage per hit on all units with the exception of Armored units. (+15 Damage Buff)
  • Tag Team: A passive skill. Brawler receives +10% ASS when partnered with allies whom they have at least a C-Rank relationship with.
Scout (New!!)

₲ Scout

Scouts specialize in freely moving around the map to gather information. If you suspect some fuckery might be afoot, then a Scout's got your back. While the rest of their stats are unspectacular, their unique skillset and high movement allows them to go wherever the fuck they want without fear. They got staves though and can serve as a healer in a pinch. Or a nuisance to the enemy. However, their attack and health are quite low. Scouts are a Non-Promoting Class.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 11
  • Resistance: 8
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • EVA +20%
  • LUCK +20%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Hiking: A passive skill. Movement is unaffected by mountainous terrain and rivers.
  • Traps Are Gay: A passive skill. Scouts and their adjacent allies can't fall into traps, and will automatically reveal hidden enemies and traps within two cells.
  • Recon: An active skill. Scouts can become invisible for three turns, however, their actions are limited to movement. In this state, they can also spy on villages to determine if they're friendly.

2nd Classes

₲ 2nd Classes ₲



These swole ass fighters are some of the most dangerous and formidable axe wielders you can run into. They have tons of health, and in addition to the raw power that comes with wielding an axe, these guys land critical hits A LOT. Pair them up with a healer who can hold their own and they can sweep the battlefield. When fighting them, it’s best not to engage them directly and to attack them from afar instead. Their low defense makes them particularly susceptible to strong archers.

  • Health: 100/100
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% CRIT increased to +25%
  • +15% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% LUCK remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Destroyer: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. Whenever a Berserker plunders a village they’ll receive a +10% CRIT boost for the remainder of the battle.
  • Mug: Remains the same.
  • Intimidate: An offensive die skill that has a 25% of inflicting the Fear Status effect on a target when attacking them. The attack does not have to land in order for Intimidate to be successful.
  • Last Stand: A passive skill that grants +10% CRIT when the Berserker’s health is at 50% or below. Once the Berserker is above 50% of their health, they will lose the +10% crit buff.


A class for Barbarians who pair their brawn with some brains and finesse. This class is like the best of both worlds between a Barbarian and a Thief. They have enough raw power to stand their own in a fight, but they’ve got speed, skill, and a trick or two up their sleeve that makes the Rogue both a deadly and lucrative ally. Much like Barbarians, they’re best managed from a distance with bows.. Fighting them head on can spell trouble for your gold and your weapons.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • +15% EVA increased to +25%
  • +10% LUCK remains the same.
  • +15% CRIT remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Destroyer: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. Rogue receives 35000G from destroying a village.
  • Mug: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. 25% chance increases to 50% chance.
  • Dual Wield: A passive skill that allows the Rogue to wield two weapons at once and receive benefits from both. This skill guarantees two hits per attack. The first will be with the first equipped weapon in the Inventory and the second will be with the second equipped weapon in the Inventory. Calculate damage for each weapon separately.
  • Disarm: An offensive die skill with a 25% chance of stealing the enemy's equipped weapon when attacking. This skill is increased to 40% if the enemy’s health is below 50%.


Tricksters are professional thieves who specialize in one thing: movin fast. These guys can cover a ton of ground in one turn and they can be extremely hard to hit. It’s even more difficult to land critical strikes on these guys. However, they’re still pretty weak when it comes to physicality. When they’re on the field, the greatest danger they represent is to any treasure chests or items that may be on your person. They’re so fast, it’s a good idea to see if you can’t lower their evasion or raise your accuracy when fighting them.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • +30% EVA increased to +40%
  • +10% LUCK stays the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Pick: Remains the same.
  • Eagle Eye: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. All traps and invisible opponents within 4 cells of a Trickster’s range will become visible.
  • Steal: Remains the same.
  • U-Turn: An active skill. When used, the Trickster can attack whoever is within their range and then retreat back to the cell they were previously standing on. However, when using this skill, the Trickster cannot make a critical attack and they must still roll to determine if the hit landed or not.


Thieves who enhance their natural skills with dark magic. They’ve learned how to become invisible and their light steps don’t make a sound. While Whispers may still be skilled thieves, they have become more combat oriented and are well suited for infiltration and assassinations. Their defense is still pisspoor, but whenever Whispers are on the field utilize an ally with keen sight to protect your valuables and weaker allies.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • +30% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% LUCK increased to +20% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Pick: Remains the same.
  • Eagle Eye: Remains the same.
  • Steal: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. Whispers will inflict the Poison status effect on all opponents that they steal from.
  • Invisibility: An active skill that allows the Whisper to become invisible to enemy perception for one turn. If they attack someone in this state, they will do twice as much damage, but they will become visible. You can only attack once while invisible and it cannot be a critical hit, however, invisible attacks cannot be dodged. In an enemy steps onto a cell currently occupied by an invisible Whisper they will automatically be attacked.
  • Smoke and Mirrors: An offensive die skill that gives the Whisper a 35% chance to inflict the Blind status effect on an opponent when attacking with Dark Magic.


Shinobi is a title reserved for the most talented of veteran Ninja. They specialize in fooling the eye. Turning invisible is child’s play for them. Shinobi can outright create doppelgangers of themselves to confuse the opponent. Whenever you see a Shinobi on the field, prepare to fight two opponents, not one. They slay mages like it’s nobody’s business, so keep magic users away from these guys.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • +25% EVA increased to 30%
  • +15% CRIT increased to +20%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Pick: Remains the same.
  • Invisibility: This skill receives an upgrade upon promotion and becomes a hybrid between an active skill and a die skill. Assuming invisibility is still an active skill. But now, on dark or foggy maps, there’s a 50% chance that the Shinobi will retain their invisibility after attacking. In addition, an invisible attack can now potentially be a critical hit. This is an offensive roller.
  • Doppelganger: An defensive die skill that allows the Shinobi to summon a phantom copy of themselves. 50% chance that the first hit of an enemy's incoming attack will hit the phantom and do no damage to the Shinobi.


The Puppeteer class is for the thinking Ninja. Instead of fighting alongside a phantom opponent who can only serve as a distraction but can’t actually fight, why not summon a spirit into a puppet and have the creepy ass puppet not only serve as a distraction… have it kill people too! Puppeteers have very high resistance and high attack, which makes them ideal for mage slaying. However, their summoned Puppets are quite weak to magic.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • +25% EVA remains the same.
  • +15% CRIT remains the same.
  • +10% ASS
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Pick: Remains the same.
  • Invisibility: Remains the same.
  • Summon Puppet: A Summon skill that summons a Puppet to fight alongside the Puppeteer. Puppet acts as another unit controlled by the player. Different Puppets are good at different shit. If attacking up close, the attack will be physical (use a Stone type weapon equivalent to the Puppeteer's Anima weapon rank). If attacking from one cell away, the attack will be an Anima spell of equivalent rank of the Puppeteer's Anima level. Which element the Puppet casts is dependent on the 1st Anima tome in the Puppeteer's inventory. If there are no tomes in the Puppeteer’s inventory, the Puppet will be incapable of using magic. Only one Puppet can be summoned at a time and the Puppet being summoned must be stated explicitly. Requires an Animation Charm to summon.
Razor Puppet

₲ Razor Puppet

  • ACC: 150%
  • CRIT: 25%
  • EVA: 40%
  • LUCK: 10%
  • ASS: 35%
  • BLOK: 15%
  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 1
  • Movement: 7 Cells
Log Puppet

₲ Log Puppet

  • ACC: 125%
  • CRIT: 10%
  • EVA: 30%
  • LUCK: 35%
  • ASS: 25%
  • BLOK: 50%
  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 5
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 1
  • Movement: 5 Cells

Wheeled Puppet

₲ Wheeled Puppet

  • ACC: 125%
  • CRIT: 25%
  • EVA: 70%
  • LUCK: 10%
  • ASS: 45%
  • BLOK: 0%
  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 1
  • Movement: 8 Cells



Brawlers who have trained hard and conquered opponent after opponent in and out of the ring claim the title of Champion. The Champion is the more combat oriented choice for Brawlers. Champions float like butterflies what with their high EVA and sting like bees with their ability to strike pressure points and cripple enemies. Champions retain their high defense and their low resistance, so sick a skilled magic user on them and they should go down without a problem. Just don’t get close.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 2
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +10% EVA increased to +20% EVA
  • +10% LUCK stays the same.
  • +20% ASS stays the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Iron Fist: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. Champions will deal at least 20 nonlethal damage per hit.
  • Tag Team: Remains the same.
  • Dragon Palm: An offensive die skill that allows a 25% chance to cause the Crippled effect on an opponent. Increased to 40% if the Champion can attack twice.


Sometimes teams of Brawlers find that it’s more lucrative for them to become “business” men and women as opposed to potentially sustaining brain damage or worse in the ring, so they turn their team into a full fledged street gang. Store items too pricy? Gangsters have the ability to rob stores and steal as many items as their inventory can hold from them. And when they visit villages they can summon another Gangster to help them out.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +10% EVA remains the same
  • +10% LUCK increased to +15%
  • +20% ASS increased to +25%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Iron Fist: Stays the same.
  • Tag Team: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. Their +10% ASS is doubled to +20% ASS if the unit they’re assisting is a member of the Delinquent Branch.
  • Burglary: An active skill that allows the Gangster to rob a store. Can only happen once per store and stores will close after being robbed. Items stolen are chosen by the Gangster. Gangster can steal as many items that fit in their inventory and their summoned Gangster's inventory.
  • Summon Gangster: Summon Skill. Summons a Gangster controlled by the player. Gangster appears with an empty inventory and will only be able to fight if they steal a weapon from a store or if one is given to them. However, they can assist another Gangster in robbing a store. Summoned Gangsters have the same stats as the base Gangster class listed here. Requires a Gangster Patch.

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⌘ Flying Branch ⌘
Noob Class

1st Classes
Pegasus Knight, Wyvern Knight, Gryphon Rider, Thunder Warrior, Air Chariot
2nd Classes
Falcoknight, Dark Flier, Wyvern Lord, Revenant Knight, Gryphon Accuser, Sky Captain, Thunder Master, Spirit Rider​


Bet you can't guess what these guys do. Did you say "walking"? That's wrong...that's...really wrong. Well I mean I guess they do walk, like normally and stuff but whatever! Members of this branch ride on flying mounts, which makes them the best at traveling long distances due to being unaffected by terrain like mountains and water. However, they're susceptible to Archers and Wind magic. Flying classes shouldn’t let their high movement get to their head, they should always be mindful of where they’re going, because getting caught slipping by a bow wielding unit could spell the end for them.​

Noob Class


A Recruit is a fresh faced young warrior who only recently signed up to fly. Thing is, you have to learn how to ride a horse before you can ride a flying one. Don't fall off! After proper training they can promote to Pegasus Knights, Wyvern Knights, Gryphon Riders, Thunder Warriors or Air Chariots.

  • Health: 30/30
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • BEAST attribute.
  • Makings of Greatness: Basic skill that grants +15% to CRIT, ACC, EVA, and LUK.
  • Second Chance: The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE until it’s refilled.
1st Classes

⌘ 1st Classes ⌘

Pegasus Knight

Pegasus Knight

The name of the game for a Pegasus Knight is speed. Those who ride on these majestic creatures also gain the benefit of the Pegasus’s natural resistance to magic. This makes Pegasus Knights especially effective against magic users, and outright deadly toward those who use Dark Magic which is powerful but slow. The Pegasus Knight’s greatest weakness is their low defense and health, which makes them highly susceptible to physical attacks. They can promote to Falcoknights or Dark Fliers.

  • Health: 40/40
  • Attack: 7
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 6
  • Resistance: 16
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • +30% EVA
  • +10% LUCK
  • BEAST attribute.
  • AIR attribute.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: An basic skill that allows the Pegasus Knight to carry an infantry unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.
  • Blessing of the Pegasus: A passive skill. Units standing next to the Pegasus Knight receive a +2 resistance buff.
  • Air Joust: An active skill. Pegasus Knight dives forward and Dismounts an adjacent enemy for one turn.
Wyvern Knight

Wyvern Knight

The Wyvern Knight specializes in defense. These Wyvern Riding badasses can wear heavier armor due to the strength of wyverns. A wyvern’s tough scales and aggressive natures make them well suited for physical combat. Wyvern Knights have the health to back up their defensive capabilities as well. However, aside from bows, Wyvern Knights have another Achilles’ Heel: magic. Their low resistance makes them easy targets for mages. They can promote to Wyvern Lords or Revenant Knights.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 9
  • Defense: 14
  • Magic: 6
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • +15% BLOK
  • +15% LUCK
  • +10% EVA
  • DRAGON attribute.
  • AIR attribute.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: A basic skill that allows the Wyvern Knight to carry an infantry unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.
  • Lunge: An active skill that gives the Wyvern Knight the ability to switch cells with the enemy they’re attacking, even if they’re attacking from a distance.
  • Feeding Time: A passive skill. Wyvern Knights receive +20% ACC when attacking an opponent with the Bleed status effect.
Gryphon Rider

Gryphon Rider

Gryphon Riders have rather middling stats that don’t make them particularly skilled at either defense or offense. But aside from bows, they also don’t possess any other severe weaknesses. This makes them solid units in just about any given situation. The true danger of a Gryphon Rider occurs in numbers. The screech of a gryphon has profound effects on the psyche of not only people, but other gryphons as well. They can promote to Gryphon Accusers or Sky Captains.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Magic: 7
  • Resistance: 10
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • +10% ACC
  • +15% ASS
  • +15% EVA
  • BEAST attribute.
  • AIR attribute.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: A basic skill that allows the Gryphon Rider to carry an infantry unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.
  • Screech: An active skill that lowers the Defense of a foe by -4 and raises the Attack of all allies within a range of two cells by +2. Any unit riding a gryphon as well will receive +1 movement, friend or foe. Doesn't stack, effects last for 1 turn.
  • Drill Time: A passive skill. Gryphons can do 10 nonlethal damage to an adjacent enemy with their beak if their rider is incapacitated by Blind, Dismounted, Paralysis/Petrification, and Sleep. Ineffective against ARMOR units.
Thunder Warrior

Thunder Warrior

THUNDER THUNDER THUNDER! Sorry. So Thunder Warriors, what the heck is that? Well up until this point, we’ve had Pegasus Knights who ride on Pegasi. Wyvern Knights who ride on Wyverns. And Gryphon Riders who ride on Gryphons. So do Thunder Warriors ride the lightning? Nah, that would be painful and also impossible. Thunder Warriors are Ifrinic fighters who ride on Thunderbirds, which are great big ol’ birds. A Thunder Warrior is known for their impeccable aim while riding upon their birds. However, they’re quite flimsy. These guys are ironically one of the worst opponents a Flying Branch member can go up against since they can wield bows and cover just as much ground. They can promote to Thunder Masters or Spirit Riders.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 13
  • Defense: 7
  • Magic: 7
  • Resistance: 8
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • +20% EVA
  • +10% ACC
  • +10% LUCK
  • AIR attribute
  • BEAST attribute
  • Second Chance: Remains the same
  • Rescue: A basic skill that allows the Thunder Warrior to carry an infantry unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.
  • Air Support: A passive skill that grants the Thunder Warrior +15% ASS when partnered up with a terrestrial unit.
  • Tsundere: A passive skill. Thunderbirds receive +20% BLOK when fighting alongside an ally their rider has an A-Rank relationship with.
Air Chariot (New!!)

⌘ Air Chariot

With the help of Wind Orbs and flying creatures, I present to you: the Air Chariot. A marvel of Glypheitch engineering. Pick a flying animal of any kind and carry three of your bros all around the map and shit. They're built with sturdy defense and Wind Orb levitating the chariot generates a healthy amount of magic resistance to the vehicle. In the future, an Engineer can add a ballista to the back of one of these bitches. Their attributes are their greatest weakness. Air Chariots are Non-Promoting.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 16
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 14
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • +20% LUCK
  • +20% BLOK
  • BEAST (or DRAGON) attribute.
  • AIR attribute.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • Together We Ride: A passive skill. Air Chariots can rescue up to three people. Units with ranged weapons can wield them from the chariot and shit.
  • Junk In The Trunk: A passive skill. Air Chariots have an extra 5 inventory slots.

2nd Classes

⌘ 2nd Classes ⌘



Falcoknights are the class of choice for the traditional Pegasus Knight who’s got your back if something needs to be stabbed repeatedly. They’re stronger both in the attack and defense department and when it comes to Resistance? Pft. Mages can’t even touch them. However, despite being a little tougher, they’re still pretty mediocre in the defense department so keep them away from precise melee fighters.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 9 cells
  • BEAST attribute.
  • AIR attribute.
  • +30% EVA increased to +40%
  • +10% LUCK remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • Blessing of the Pegasus: Remains the same.
  • Air Joust: Remains the same.
  • Falco Dive: An offensive Die skill that has a 25% chance of activating with a Sword and a 35% chance of activating with a Lance. The user flies high in the air and crashes down into the opponent, ignoring their opponent’s Defense for one attack. (Basically, the Defender’s Defense value should be set to 1 to calculate the damage of the first hit upon activation.)
Dark Flier

Dark Flier

Dark Flier is the alternative class for Pegasus Knights. They ride on black pegasuses, which are significantly more rare. Black pegasuses seem to have a very high affinity for magic, so much so that they can amplify its power. Dark Fliers retain their low defense unlike their sister class so any physical fighter can stand a chance, but they also receive an increase in resistance, which makes them downright impossible to be dealt with magically, so have mages take cover when these guys are out and about.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 9 cells
  • BEAST attribute.
  • AIR attribute.
  • +30% EVA increased to +35%
  • +10% LUCK increased to +15%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • Air Joust: Remains the same.
  • Blessing of the Pegasus: This skill is altered upon promotion. If an allied unit standing next to the Dark Flier is hit by a magical attack, half of the damage done to them will be redirected at the attacker in nonlethal damage.
  • Dark Horse: An active skill that raises the Magic and Resistance of all allies within a range of two cells by one level and decreases the Magic and Resistance of all enemies within a range of two cells. This effect lasts the rest of the battle and does not stack, but it can be undone by opposing Dark Fliers.
Wyvern Lord

Wyvern Lord

Wyvern Lords are bad motherfuckers man. These guys retain their high defense, but now they’re way more swole. Their attack is pretty high too, and their health is even higher. The combination of these traits makes the Wyvern Lord the perfect flying combatant when it comes to physical fights. Magical not so much. Wyvern Lords should get the fuck outta town if a mage shows up, especially if it’s a fast one.

  • Health: 90/90
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 1
  • Movement: 9 cells
  • DRAGON attribute.
  • AIR attribute.
  • +15% BLOK is increased to +20%
  • +15% LUCK remains the same.
  • +10% EVA is increased to +15%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • Lunge: Remains the same.
  • Feeding Time: Remains the same.
  • Gnash: An offensive die skill that grants a 45% chance that the Wyvern will bite the target upon attacking it, adding +10 nonlethal damage to the attack so long as the defending unit does not possess the Armor attribute.
Revenant Knight

Revenant Knight

Oooh Revenant Knights, so scary. They’re said to bring misfortune wherever they go. So wyverns right? Wyverns are special in that when you revive them from the dead, they don’t come back in a fucked up corpse. Wyverns come back… healthy, by conventional standards, but boy do they come back weird. Revenant Knights are still defensive as hell, but their undead wyverns can cause whoever they’re fighting to develop fucked up ailments of both the mental and physical variety. Not to mention, these guys aren’t exactly weak to magic. Shoot these guys down on sight.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 9 cells
  • DRAGON attribute.
  • AIR attribute.
  • +15% BLOK remains the same.
  • +15% LUCK increased to +20%
  • +10% EVA increased to 15%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • Lunge: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. When a Revenant Knight lunges, they decrease the opponent’s ACC by 10% for one turn.
  • Feeding Time: Remains the same.
  • Dragon's Curse: An offensive die skill with a 25% chance of the undead wyvern causing the target to contract a random status effect and lose 25% LUK for one turn. Use the Lottery thread to get your random status effect.
Gryphon Accuser

Gryphon Accuser

It is a Gryphon Accuser's job to judge the guilty for their sins and punish them accordingly!Yeah pretty full of themselves but they got the skill to back it up. They’ve added a proficiency in light magic to their steez, and they’re every bit as good with it as they are with a sword. However, they experience middling stats in the Defense and Resistance department. You know what to do. Shoot that fucker down and make sure Dark magic wielders and unsavory characters stay far away from them.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 9 cells
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • BEAST attribute.
  • AIR attribute.
  • +10% ACC is increased to +20% ACC
  • +15% ASS remains the same.
  • +15% EVA remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • Screech: Remains the same.
  • Drill Time: Remains the same.
  • Judgment: A passive skill that grants +25% CRIT when facing a monster, a Delinquent Branch class, or a Dark magic wielder. Note that Dark Magic must be equipped, it cannot simply be in the inventory.
Sky Captain

Sky Captain

Damn look at these bad mammajammas. Sky Captain said, “Yo fuck magic son I’m goin’ full melee!!!” and whipped out an axe and a bow and arrow and then went to the gym and got swole. In other words they have very high attack. Everything else they’re pretty standard in so it’s really anyone’s game when going up against one of these guys, but I mean, you’re just gonna shoot this fucker down right? You should. And you should do it quickly.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 9 cells
  • Rescue:Remains the same.
  • BEAST attribute.
  • AIR attribute.
  • +10% ACC remains the same.
  • +15% ASS increased to +20%
  • +15% EVA increased to +20%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • Screech: Remains the same.
  • Drill Time: Enhanced upon promotion. Gryphons do 20 nonlethal damage.
  • Sky Drop: An offensive die skill with a 25% chance of being successful. In place of attacking a target, the Sky Captain has their Gryphon pick up the target, rendering said target useless until the Sky Captain is killed or the unit is dropped. For every turn the Sky Captain holds their captive, their captive will lose 5 points of health in nonlethal damage. When dropped, they will loves 20 points of health in nonlethal damage. Ineffective against Armored units and Flying Units.
Thunder Master

Thunder Master

So a Thunder Master still hits hard and they don’t miss often, but now they’re also less squishy both physically and magically. It’s nothing special in either department, but it’s enough so that you won’t have to look after them as much as you did in their first class. Now that the Thunder Master has adapted to close ranged combat, they have become hazards for any unit who rides on a mount, for they excel at hitting motherfuckers so hard they get knocked off of whatever they’re riding.

  • Health: 65/65
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 9 cells
  • +20% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% ACC remains the same.
  • +10% LUCK remains the same.
  • +10% ASS
  • AIR attribute
  • BEAST attribute
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • Air Support: Remains the same.
  • Tsundere: Remains the same.
  • Thunder Joust: An offensive Die skill that gives the Thunder Master a 25% chance of dismounting a mounted unit when attacking at close range with a lance. If the target is under 50% of their health, skill chance is increased to 50%.
Spirit Rider

Spirit Rider

Thunderbirds aren’t just big dumb birds, they’re magical. They aren’t called thunderbirds for nothing, these things can summon lightning. However, it takes a rider who is so in tune with their bird to be able to pull this off on a target, their connection must be spiritual. Spirit Riders and their birds have a pretty intense psychedelic ceremony and the Rider becomes a mystic man/woman. These guys still have pretty high attack, but their high natural accuracy makes them a nuisance with offensive staves as well. Their movement and the long range of offensive staves makes them even more steezy.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 9 cells
  • +20% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% ACC remains the same.
  • +10% LUCK is increased to 20%
  • AIR attribute
  • BEAST attribute
  • Second Chance: Remains the same
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • Air Support: Remains the same.
  • Tsundere: Enhanced upon promotion. +30% BLOK for S or A+ partners.
  • Thunder Call: An active skill. When equipped with a Staff, the Spirit Rider can have their bird call forth a bolt of lightning (cough cough cast the anima spell Bolting) that cannot miss its target. Damage is nonlethal and this skill must cool down for one turn after being used. (Simply use the number Cruncher as if you’re wielding Bolting)

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♰ Healing Branch ♰
Noob Class

1st Classes
Cleric, Troubadour, Heavy Medic, Shrine Keeper, Necromancer
2nd Classes
Bishop, Dark Priest, Animist, Holy Knight, Punisher, Blood Priest, High Priest, Thrall Master​


Units in this branch are absolutely invaluable on the battlefield. Know why? Because these guys focus on maintaining the good health of their buddies. That means they’re usually the first ones to be targeted by the enemy. You’ll want to protect these guys at all costs and keep them as far out of harm’s way as possible. Members of this branch often lack the ability to defend themselves in combat, so be a pal and leave them out of it. Otherwise you might regret it. In their second class, members of the Healing Branch learn how to whoop ass in some capacity. Though usually units of this class learn their skills through religious affiliations, not all of them do and they aren’t required to be religious.​

Noob Classes


Dudes who are just startin’ to learn how to use a staff. They suck, like, real bad at it. It’s better than nothing but I mean… yeah they suck. Also, there’s no reason why these guys should be anywhere near combat. Like ever. They can promote to Priest/Clerics, Troubadours, Heavy Medics, Shrine Keepers, and Necromancers.

  • Health: 20/20
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 5
  • Resistance: 7
  • Movement: 4 cells
  • Makings of Greatness: Basic skill that grants +15% to CRIT, ACC, EVA, and LUK.
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE until it is refilled via promotion or treasure.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes or Chains.
1st Classes

♰ 1st Classes ♰


♰ Cleric/Priest

Priests and Clerics are one of your best bets when we’re talking about a dedicated healer and staff wielder. They’ve got high magic so even heal staves can be effective for them and should their bodyguards ever come into danger they make for good partners. And yes, these guys will need bodyguards because their health is so low leprechauns are laughing at it, their defense is pitiful, and their resistance is nothing to write home about. They can promote to Bishops or Dark Priests/Dark Priestesses

  • Health: 35/35
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 14
  • Resistance: 12
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • EVA +10%
  • LUCK +20%
  • ASS + 20%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Vigilance: A passive skill. The Priest/Cleric will automatically perform an assist and heal allies they’re partnered up with who are at or below 50% of their HP so long as they are equipped with a healing staff.
  • Mercy: A passive skill. The first time a Cleric/Priest's HP reaches 0 during a battle, they'll instead be left with 1 HP.


The Troubadour is a mounted healer. Their horses allow them to travel across the map with epic speed so they can get to allies who need their heals the most. Unfortunately these ambulance-like units are lacking in the defense department, but their resistance is pretty nice. They may not be the best healer around, but they can get wherever you need them to be with the quickness. Troubadours can promote to Animists or Holy Knights.

  • Health: 40/40
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 10
  • Resistance: 14
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • EVA +25%
  • LUCK +25%
  • BEAST attribute
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: No longer retained upon promotion.
  • Rescue: A basic skill that allows the Troubadour to carry an infantry unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.
  • Immediate Care: A passive skill. Units rescued by Troubadours are healed automatically if they’re injured.
  • Extraction: An active skill. Troubadour rushes forward to rescue a damaged infantry unit and returns to their previous cell in the same turn at the expense of -20% EVA on the next turn.
Heavy Medic

Heavy Medic

Heavy Medics are specially trained armored healers with the immediate care of soldiers on the frontlines in mind. They’re defensive enough to stand up front with their tanky buddies and their resistance isn’t all that bad either. The only thing is… they’re not like… the best dudes ever at healing. Their magic is pretty low. But I mean, can you really expect someone to have much time to train with a staff if they’re hella busy getting swole for that heavy armor? Heavy Medics can promote to Punishers or Blood Priests/Blood Priestesses.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 13
  • Magic: 6
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 4 cells
  • ARMOR attribute
  • +15% LUCK
  • +15% ACC
  • +20% BLOK
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Bulwark: A passive skill. Heavy Medics will automatically perform a block for their partner if their partner is at or below 50% of their health.
  • Retention: A passive skill. Heavy Medics receive +2 Resistance on top of whatever resistance bonus is granted to them when a Ward is cast on them.
Shrine Keeper

Shrine Keeper

Spiritual disciples who have studied the magical arts of enchanted idols, which have a variety of effects on the area around them. Their accuracy boost also makes them more dangerous with offensive staves. Keepers can promote to High Priests/High Priestesses or Thrall Masters/Thrall Mistresses.

  • Health: 40/40
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 7
  • Magic: 7
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • +15% EVA
  • +20% LUCK
  • +15% ACC
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Idol Placement: A set of Active Skills that Allows the Shrine Keeper to place an idol. Idols placed by the shrine master are composed of 9 cells arranged in a 3x3 square. The center cell can be placed adjacently by the Shrine Keeper in a cell specified in the battle Summary. Idols can be broken by anyone standing adjacent to them. Up to two idols can be active at one time by the Keeper.
  • Healing Idol: Heals all allied units within the affected area by 20 Health every turn.
  • Speak No Evil: Silences all magic users within the affected area, but wears off outside of it. Magical attacks cannot land on units standing within the affected area either.
  • Victory Idol: Doubles the chances of all die skills for allies and halves the chances of all die skills for enemies.
Necromancer (New!!)

♰ Necromancer

Ooo-wee Necromancers are into some weeeeeird shit man. If you get fucked up too many times and Naga's knockin' at the door, and Necromancer can tell her to fuck off and bring your ass back to life with Second Chance reinstated as well. They can also do some weird shit with dead bodies. Their magic's aight, but their resistance is better. That defense will be the end of 'em though. Necromancers are a Non-Promoting Class.

  • Health: 40/40
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 10
  • Resistance: 13
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • LUCK +30%
  • EVA+ 20%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Resurrect: An active skill. Once per battle, Necromancers can revive an ally who's already lost their Second Chance and give them another shot at life.
  • Animate: An offensive die skill with a 25% chance of occurring. If the Necromancer kills a dummy unit or a unit who's already lost their Second Chance, they will gain control of their corpse for three turns.

2nd Classes

♰ 2nd Classes ♰



Bishops are high ranking priests and clerics who earned their title by hard work and dedication to their fellow man. Now they can use Light magic and protect people before they’re hurt. Bishops have very high magic and are your best bet for Light magic, they’re very swoll magically. Their resistance is spot on too, but they’re still squishy little bitches when it comes to defense. Have these guys take care of monsters, they’re real good at it.

  • Health: 55/55
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 5
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • EVA +10% remains the same.
  • LUCK +20% increased to +30%
  • ASS + 20% remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Mercy: Remains the same.
  • Vigilance: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. Bishops will heal any partner no matter what their health is at, so long as they are injured and the Bishop is equipped with a healing staff.
  • Smite: A passive skill that grants +20% CRIT when fighting members of the Monster Branch.
Dark Priest/Dark Priestess

Dark Priest/Dark Priestess

The Dark Priest/Priestess says, you know what? I’m not gonna give up healing motherfuckers, but I wanna hurt ‘em too, ya dig? But instead of going the Bishop route and learning Light magic to beat up monsters and shit they got good with offensive staves with a little help from that dark dark. They got some high ass resistance and they’re a bit quicker so watch out yo. These guys are great to target from as far away as possible.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • EVA +10% is increased to +20%
  • LUCK +20% remains the same.
  • ASS + 20% remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Vigilance: Remains the same.
  • Mercy: Remains the same.
  • Hex: A passive skill that gives the Dark Priest/Priestess a 100% of cursing an opponent with a status effect when using an offensive staff.


Animists don’t gotta go nowhere alone. Now instead of having a person escort them across the field to heal Johnny McGets-Stabbed-A-Lot, they can summon an Elemental Spirit from whatever the fuck dimension to come through and assist. Each of the four spirits is suitable for different moods. Need a magic tank? Summon the Wind Spirit. Need a guy to destroy some low resistance havin’ fools? Summon the Thunder Spirit. Animists won’t see much growth in themselves from when they were Troubadours, but hey, who needs it when you can summon an Elemental Spirit?

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • EVA +25% remains the same.
  • LUCK +25% remains the same.
  • BEAST attribute
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • Immediate Care: Remains the same.
  • Extraction: Remains the same.
  • Summon Anima Spirit: A Summon skill that summons an Elemental Spirit to fight. Spirit acts as another unit controlled by the player. The "weapon rank" of the attack used by the elemental spirit will be equivalent to the Anima rank of the Animist. Each Spirit maintains the aspect of their Anima Magic when attacking whether they are attacking physically or magically. For instance, the Fire Spirit is still effective against BEAST units when attacking physically. The weapon triangle applies to Spirits only when attacking with magic, so be mindful of that. Spirits should be entered in the Number Cruncher as wielding an Anima type weapon if using magic and a Stone type weapon if attacking physically. Only one Spirit can be summoned at a time and must be explicitly stated. Spirits disappear when the Animist that summoned them is defeated. Requires a Spirit Tome to summon.
Elemental Spirits

Fire Spirit

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 1
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 2
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • ACC: 110%
  • CRIT: 25%
  • EVA: 30%
  • LUCK: 5%
  • ASS: 25%
  • BLOK: 20%

Wind Spirit

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 2
  • Defense: 1
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • ACC: 110%
  • CRIT: 5%
  • EVA: 50%
  • LUCK: 5%
  • ASS: 25%
  • BLOK: 20%

Thunder Spirit

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 5
  • Resistance: 2
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • ACC: 120%
  • CRIT: 5%
  • EVA: 40%
  • LUCK: 5%
  • ASS: 25%
  • BLOK: 20%

Ice Spirit

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 2
  • Defense: 5
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 1
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • ACC: 110%
  • CRIT: 5%
  • EVA: 30%
  • LUCK: 5%
  • ASS: 25%
  • BLOK: 40%

Holy Knight

Holy Knight

Now a Holy Knight is a Troubadour that said you know what son, Imma pledge my heart and soul to the big cheese of whatever my religious affiliation is and Imma mess dudes up with pointy sticks and Light magic. I’m also gonna heal my bros and stuff. Holy Knights are equally as good physically as they are magically though they aren’t total squishies, they have some pretty middling defense and resistance. But they’ve also got high health and their skill Miracle can make them a TOTAL pain in the ass so you might wanna a put a few guys on killing these dudes, not just one.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 9 cells
  • EVA +25% remains the same.
  • LUCK +25% increased to +35%.
  • BEAST attribute
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • Immediate Care: Remains the same.
  • Extraction: Remains the same.
  • Miracle: A passive die skill with a 50% to save a Holy Knight from a killing blow. When triggered, the Holy Knight will gain back all of their lost Health. Luckily, this can only occur once per battle.


The title of Punisher is not only badass, but it’s pretty ironic too. You see, the Punisher kinda banks on the fact that they’re going to get hit in battle. It’s inevitable, right? They’re so slow. But see, they got good with magic, they aren’t total idiots with their staves anymore. And they’ve learned a spell that can transfer the power of what they were hit with to themselves or an ally. So be aware… what doesn’t kill them will certainly make them or one of their buddies stronger.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • ARMOR attribute
  • +15% LUCK remains the same.
  • +15% ACC remains the same.
  • +20% BLOK increased to +30% BLOK
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Bulwark: Remains the same.
  • Retention: Remains the same.
  • Karma: Depending on what they are attacked with, melee or magic they can raise the Attack or the Magic of themselves or an ally within a 3 cell radius. This effect is not stackable but lasts for the rest of the battle.
Blood Priest/Blood Priestess

Blood Priest/Blood Priestess

Blood Priests/Blood Priestesses are bonkers yo. So much like the Punisher, the Priests and Priestesses are expecting to get hit in a fight. But they want dudes to get in close to them so that when they strike back, they can use their blood to take control of their minds and bodies and make them do their bidding. Even if it means making them attack their own friends! Oh my! Luckily their health is pretty manageable you just gotta sick a mage or two on ‘em and they’ll hit the floor.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • ARMOR attribute
  • +15% LUCK
  • +15% ACC increased to +25% ACC
  • +20% BLOK
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Bulwark: Remains the same.
  • Retention: Remains the same.
  • Blood Magic: A die skill with a 50% chance of activating. When a Priest/Priestess attacks an enemy, they can use the blood to control the enemy for up to five turns. Control is ended when the Blood Priest/Priestess is either killed, or they take control of someone else. Ineffective if no damage is caused or if the attacks are dodged.
High Priest/High Priestess

High Priest/High Priestess

The High guys stepped up their idol game, and that is basically the gist of it. Fine I’ll do the thing. These dudes use bows because ya know. Bows are really cool if your whole thing is already sort of based on luring people to a place or whatever. They aren’t too shabby with them either, in fact they really aren’t particularly terrible at anything except for having Health. Their magic is also pretty high, so you might wanna give them a hybrid weapon and have them attack with that instead.

  • Health: 55/55
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% EVA remains the same.
  • +25% LUCK is increased to +35%
  • +15% ACC remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Idol Placement: These skills are enhanced. More idols and the old ones are better! Well. One of them is.
  • Healing Idol: Altered. Heals all allied units within the affected area by 40 Health every turn.
  • Speak No Evil: Remains the same.
  • Victory Idol: Remains the same.
  • Reverse Idol: Causes all enemy units within the affected area to switch their Magic values and Attack values, and their Defense values and their Resistance values.
  • Tranquility Idol: All units standing within the affected area are prevented from attacking each other.
Thrall Master

Thrall Master

And last but certainly not least we’ve got the Thrall Masters. Have you ever been in a fight with a dude, and he summons a giant spider, a creepy ass puppet, or the soul of a dead person to tip the scales in their favor? Do you ever wish you could turn those guys against their masters? Well now you can! As a Thrall Master, you can run around town turning everyone’s favorite pets against them. Who’s gonna stop you? I mean sure you’re a shitty healer, but your defense is at least solid and your resistance is even better. And now you've gotta knife!

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% EVA remains the same.
  • +20% LUCK remains the same.
  • +15% ACC increased to +25%.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Idol Placement: Remains the same.
  • Healing Idol: Remains the same.
  • Speak No Evil: Remains the same.
  • Victory Idol: Remains the same.
  • Cursed Idol: Enemies standing within the affected area receive 20 nonlethal damage every turn. Healing Idol is no more.
  • Unbind Thrall: An active skill that allows a Master or Mistress to turn Summoned allies against their summoners. Only one thrall can be turned at a time, and Summoned human allies such as Gangsters and Guards are unaffected. When another thrall is turned, the previous thrall will be under the control of their summoner once more. Unbind Thrall can be used as far as one cell away.

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⍟ Hero Branch ⍟
Noob Class

1st Classes
Mercenary, Myrmidon, Fighter, Guard, Sentinel
2nd Classes
Hero, Crusader, Trueblade, Assassin, Warrior, Gladiator, Royal Guard, Vigilante​


People in this branch come from many walks of life. Perhaps they serve in the military, perhaps they work as a mercenary, or maybe they’re just a good old fashioned adventurer. But typically when we’re talking about the Hero branch, we’re talking about two things: physicality and infantry. These guys are on the ground, on the scene, and ready to beat the snot out of whoever’s congested AKA looking for an ass whooping. Characters in this branch typically sport physical weapons, so they’re good choices for going on the offensive.​

Noob Class


A normal citizen rising to the occasion and taking up the blade. They fight bravely with dreams of glory, but they can easily end up splattered all over the carpet due to their lack of experience. They can promote to Mercenaries, Fighters, Myrmidons, Guards or Sentinels.

  • Health: 30/30
  • Attack: 7
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 4 cells
  • Makings of Greatness: Basic skill that grants +15% to CRIT, ACC, EVA, and LUK.
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE until it is refilled via promotion or treasure.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes or Chains.
1st Classes

⍟ 1st Classes ⍟



The Mercenary is just one of those classes that you can’t really go wrong with. They’re just overall well balanced guys. They aren’t hella fast, but they aren’t hella slow. They aren’t hella weak, but they aren’t hella powerful. They just kind of walk the middle of the line in all regards. Their middling stats grant them the ability to become a more specialized kinda guy depending on how you equip them and what gains ya give them. These guys can promote to Heroes or Crusaders.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 12
  • Defense: 10
  • Magic: 5
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • + 15% LUCK
  • + 15% EVA
  • +10% ACC
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Bash: An offensive Die Skill with a 33% chance to land a powerful attack to the head of an opponent with the hilt of a blade, stunning them and preventing them from counter attacking on their next turn. ARMOR units and Mounted units are immune to this skill.
  • Defensive Stance: A passive skill. Defense is increased by +2 and LUCK is increased by +10% when being attacked by an opponent with over 60% EVA.


The Myrmidon banks on speed over power. These guys aren’t the strongest guys on the block but they run circles round motherfuckers and if you put a killing weapon in their hands, these guys will totally fucking come through and wreck shop faster than you can sound out Myrmidon, which is a word I’ve only ever heard used in the context of Fire Emblem and I’m kind of upset that they changed it to samurai in Fates but on the same end I understand why they would. Anyway, these guys have very low defense so just put a tank in front of em and watch these guys scramble like little bitches. They promote to Trueblades or Assassins.

  • Health: 45/45
  • Attack: 8
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • +25% EVA
  • +15% CRIT
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • 2 Fast 2 Furious: A passive skill. When health is below maximum, the myrmidon gains a +15% EVA boost and a +10% CRIT boost.
  • Bloodletter: An offensive die skill. When a Myrmidon can double attack, there's a 20% chance they'll inflict the Bleed status effect.


The Fighter is all about that raw power. These guys come through and they just hulk smash everything. The thing is they have pretty low defense… so they can dish it out but they can’t take it. Their resistance ain’t bad though and their health is pretty high. Honestly though just have a sword bro fuck 'em up, it'll be fine. They aren't known for their accuracy. They can promote to Warriors and Gladiators.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 15
  • Defense: 5
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • +15% EVA
  • +10% LUCK
  • +15% ASS
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Shove: An active skill that pushes an enemy backward one cell when attacked by the Fighter. ARMOR units and mounted units are immune to this attack.
  • Cornered: A passive skill. Fighter's ACC is increased by 20% facing an enemy that is boxed in by allies or unsurpassable obstacles such as walls, the edge of the map, etc. etc.


Uh oh here comes the 5-0. Your guard is your standard form of law enforcement in a city, town, or village. Basically in urban areas these guys make sure nothing sus is going down, like thievery and stuff. Typically the first line of defense in bandit attacks, which is good for them because they've got some high defense. Everything else ehhhh not so much. But hey, they can call a buddy to help them out at any time. Guards can promote to Royal Guards or Vigilantes.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 7
  • Defense: 13
  • Magic: 5
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • +15% ACC
  • +15% BLOK
  • +10% LUCK
  • ARMOR Attribute
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Summon Guard: A Summon Skill. A Guard can enlist the help of another Guard controlled by the player with base stats and a basic weapon matching the rank of the Summoner's Lance weapon rank. Only one summoned Guard can be active at a time. Summoned Guards will remain after their summoner has been defeated. Requires a Guard’s Badge.
  • Protect & Serve: A defensive die skill. 25% chance to make death blows to Guard's partners nonlethal. 45% if partner is a Noob class.
Sentinel (New!!)

⍟ Sentinel

Did somebody say Captain America? Sentinels fight for justice with their fists and defend honor with their shields. When it comes to shielding, they're so well trained they don't suffer an EVA detriment from wielding them. They aren't spectacular in in either Attack or Defense, but obviously the shield makes up for the average defense. They make for great partners as well, they'll block for your ass any day of the week. The one area where they might get fucked up is magic so be careful around all those commie mages. Sentinel is a Non-Promoting Class.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 11
  • Defense: 10
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 7
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • +20% BLOK
  • +10% EVA
  • +10% ACC
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Get Blockt: A passive skill. Sentinels suffer no detriments from wielding a Shield.
  • Shield Rush: An active skill. Sentinel charges forward and knocks a unit four cells backward. Air units and Armor units are unaffected, mounted units are dismounted, and infantry units are stunned for one turn.

2nd Classes

⍟ 2nd Classes ⍟



Heroes are so played out in cinemas lately. Jk they're awesome and so is the Hero class. Heroes specialize in breaking people's faces. And they're quite good at their job. Heroes got high attack and defense for maximum melee damage, and with their high health and pretty average resistance, it's hard to find any crippling faults with these guys.

  • Health: 85/85
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • + 15% LUCK remains the same.
  • + 15% EVA increased to +20%
  • +10% ACC increased to +15%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Bash: Enhanced upon promotion. Increased to +40% chance and is effective against Mounted Units. If triggered on Mounted units, it will cause the Dismounted Effect.
  • Defensive Stance: Enhanced upon promotion. +4 Defense but the enemy must have over 70% EVA
  • Shield Throw: An active skill where you Captain America someone's bitch ass with a shield throw, which has a range of one cell. Roll like regular to determine if the hit landed and how much damage you can do like regular. Critical hits can land but this attack is non-lethal. When used, the Shield Throw skill can only land once.


Crusaders are mercs who have sworn their blades to a higher purpose: religion! WHAT COULD GO WRONG?! At any rate, the Crusader really brings down the house when it comes to being average. Everything other than its health and attack are average. And every time you hit them they stronger. They're also hard to crit. So bring your most powerful guys, magic or physical, and gang bang these guys in one go before they have a chance to strike back with the fury of whatever god they believe in.

  • Health: 90/90
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • + 15% LUCK increased to +25%
  • + 15% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% ACC remains the same.
  • +10% BLOK remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Bash: Enhanced upon promotion. Now works on mounted and ARMOR units.
  • Defensive Stance: Enhanced upon promotion. +20% LUCK but the enemy must have over 70% EVA
  • Faith: A passive skill that makes ACC, CRIT, LUCK and EVA increase by 5% each time the Crusader takes damage. Buff caps at 50% for ACC and 25% for all other stats.


There are two things Myrmidons are known for: bein’ speedy and bein’ critical. Trueblades take speed to the next level. They aren't very powerful but they're fast as fuck and you know what? Their critting ain't nothing to fuck with either. Their defense is low, so find a very accurate archer and shoot them in the knee.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +25% EVA increased to +30%
  • +15% CRIT increased to +20%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • 2 Fast 2 Furious: Remains the same.
  • Bloodletter: Remains the same.
  • Astra: A die skill with a 20% chance of activating. When it does, it allows the Trueblade to attack five times in their turn, however, damage will be halved for each strike, including critical attacks.


The assassin is the kinda guy you gives you a hug and then stabs you right in yo fuckin’ neck. These guys specialize in one thing and one thing only and that’s motherfucking critting motherfuckers yo. Crittin’ em and crittin’ em good. They’ve even got higher movement than most dudes who’re just runnin’ around on foot. Their defense is still pretty flimsy, so keep them away from accurate ass archers and be mindful that people who wield hidden weapons move faster.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • +25% EVA remains the same.
  • +15% CRIT increased to +25%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • 2 Fast 2 Furious: Remains the same.
  • Bloodletter: Remains the same.
  • Lethality: A Die skill that has a 15% chance of instantly killing a target.
  • Dual Wield: A passive skill that allows the Assassin to wield two weapons at once and receive benefits from both. This skill guarantees two hits per attack. The first will be with the first equipped weapon in the Inventory and the second will be with the second equipped weapon in the Inventory. Calculate damage for each weapon separately.


Warriors… come out and pla-a-a-ay~ Warriors are swole as fuck man. Look at all that Health. Look how high that attack is, that is VERY HIGH. Look at that low ass defense! Oh wait that’s not good… well yeah, Warriors have low defense, so what? They’re powerful, more accurate, have more utility thanks to their use of bows, and they’re real team players.

  • Health: 100/100
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% EVA remains the same
  • +10% LUCK remains the same
  • +15% ASS remains the same
  • +10% ACC
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Shove: Enhanced upon promotion. Units shoved by the Warrior will also be stunned and unable to move on their next turn.
  • Cornered: Remains the same.
  • Rally Strength: An active skill that raises the Attack of all units within a two cell radius by one level.


ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!? Gladiators don’t fight to live, they live to fight. They aren’t as powerful as Warriors but they’ve got some high ass defense so they’re ready to take some hits. In addition to having high ass defense, Gladiators revel in a battle, and they get pumped the more injured they get. The best way to get these guys is to go after them with magic. They’re very lucky so don’t rely too much on critical hits.

  • Health: 90/90
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% LUCK increased to +20%
  • +15% ASS remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Shove: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. Units shoved by the Gladiator will contract the Fear status effect.
  • Cornered: Remains the same.
  • Showtime: A passive skill that increases the Gladiator’s Attack and Defense by one level when they’re at or under 50% of their health.
Royal Guards

Royal Guards

So if you’re not a totally incompetent piece of shit Guard you can get a job as a Royal Guard. The benefits are pretty nice. Royal Guards usually have to protect more high level motherfuckers like rich people and shit, not just regular expendable citizens and shit. So the job comes with some benefits, like magically enchanted armor for high defense and resistance! Buuuut they’ve got some pretty low health and average attack, so they should be cool to take down… just don’t let them multiply.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • ARMOR Attribute
  • +15% ACC remains the same.
  • +15% BLOK increased to +25% BLOK
  • +10% LUCK remains the same
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Summon Guard: Enhanced upon promotion. Royal Guards summon Royal Guards now. Pretty swaggy, right? Same rules, just a Royal Guard now.
  • Protect & Serve: Remains the same
  • Protect and Serve II, Electric Boogaloo: Royal Guards get a +15% ASS and BLOK bonus when partnered up with a unit who has lower Defense or Resistance than them.


Vigilantes got sick of serving a broken justice system so they’ve taken justice into their own motherfucking hands. Yeah boy, literally, cause they use gauntlets now to punch evildoers in the face. Being a vigilante is illegal, so they have to do most of their work at night or other situations with low visibility. They’ve got high attack and defense so be careful with these guys. Magic ‘em up and use armor slaying weapons against them.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% ACC increases to +20%
  • +15% BLOK remains the same.
  • +10% LUCK increases to +15%
  • ARMOR Attribute
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Summon Guard: Remains the same.
  • Protect & Serve: Remains the same
  • Dark Guardian: A passive skill that allows Vigilantes to always attack twice on dark or foggy maps.

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⟐ Knight Branch ⟐
Noob Class

1st Classes
Cavalier, Knight, Lancer, Samurai, Dragon Rider
2nd Classes
Paladin, Great Knight, General, Battle Mage, Halberdier, Vanguard, Master of Arms, Oathbreaker​


Soldiers that make up the vast majority of many a nation's military (most the time usually not always, see Palenia, lul). Characters in this branch tend to be on the front lines due to their hardy constitution. They make for suitable bodyguards and companions to Primary Characters or other squishy units. Characters in this branch will typically find themselves on the frontlines. While many other classes are superior in attack power, this branch excels in physical defense. They're the guys who can take the physical hits though they tend to be ill suited in taking arcane ones. Of course, there are a few exceptions to this rule.​

Noob Class


Young knights in training. Often subservient to other knights. They’re very weak, and will require assistance from other fighters to survive. They can promote to Cavaliers, Knights, Lancers, Samurai, or Dragon Riders.​

  • Health: 40/40
  • Attack: 6
  • Defense: 7
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 2
  • Movement: 4 cells
  • Makings of Greatness: Basic skill that grants +15% to CRIT, ACC, EVA, and LUK.
  • Second Chance: The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE until refilled via promotion or treasure.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them.
1st Classes

⟐ 1st Classes ⟐



Cheers love, the cavalry’s here. These guys specialize on riding on horseback, but also not being total pussies. Cavs are very well balanced, with their highest traits being their health and their movement. They’re very handy to have around on the field especially when they’re working with other units. Their most obvious weakness is the fact that they’re on a horse. Set them on fire. Cavaliers can promote to Paladins or Great Knights.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 10
  • Defense: 12
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • BEAST attribute.
  • +15% EVA
  • +15% BLOK
  • +10% ASS
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: No longer retained upon promotion.
  • Rescue: A basic skill that allows them to carry an infantry unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.
  • Chivalry: A passive skill that raises Defense by 4 when the Cavalier is carrying another unit at the cost of -15% EVA
  • Healthy As A Horse: A passive skill. Cavaliers who consume food before a battle have +1 movement and +5% EVA and +10% ACC for the first three turns of the battle.


Knights are heavily defensive bros. They wear very heavy armor and their skill Iron Curtain makes them a real nuisance to kill physically. Magically they’re gonna drop like flies. Hit these fuckers with a spell or two and they’re down for the count. They also can’t move very far in one go. But on the plus side, they make for excellent meat shields for other people to hide behind. Knights can promote to Generals or Battle Mage.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 9
  • Defense: 16
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 4 cells
  • ARMOR attribute.
  • +30% BLOK.
  • +10% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Iron Curtain: A defensive die skill that gives the Knight 20% chance to take no damage from a physical enemy attack.
  • Stomp: An active skill. Adjacent Bound, Dismounted, Paralyzed/Petrified, or Sleeping enemy units can be Crippled by the Knight.


Lancers are foot soldiers who aren’t very hardy. They’ve got some pretty low Health and both their Defense and Resistance are pretty low. But that’s because Lancers be like “Yo son Imma impale you on dis here Lance cause I’m a MUTHAFUCKIN’ LANCER CUH”. They have really high attack, and if you ask them nicely they might even ignore an opponent’s defense. Lancers can promote to Halberdiers or Vanguards.

  • Health: 45/45
  • Attack: 14
  • Defense: 7
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 6
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • +15% CRIT
  • +15% EVA
  • +10% ASS
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Pierce: An offensive die skill that has a 20% chance of ignoring a portion of the Defense of an opponent. If triggered, re-calculate damage output by lowering Defense by 8.
  • Strategic Retreat: A passive skill that grants Lancers with +2 movement for 1 turn after going under their maximum health.


The Bushido code is an ancient tradition of Osha that has been integrated into both Tarosian and Ifrinic culture. A Samurai serves their master with unparalleled dedication. They’re built to assist other characters, but they don’t really have the defensive OR offensive chops to be a major threat on their own. Samurai can promote to Masters of Arms or Oathbreakers.

  • Health: 55/55
  • Attack: 10
  • Defense: 10
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 8
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • +15% ASS
  • +15% BLOK
  • +10% EVA
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Oath: An active skill that allows the Samurai to swear their life to another unit and gain +20% ASS and BLOK when fighting alongside them in addition to whatever support bonuses they have together. Oath can only be used once per battle.
  • Blood for Blood: A passive skill. If a samurai lands an attack on an enemy who attacked an ally on the previous turn, the enemy will contract the Bleed effect.
Dragon Rider (New!!)

Dragon Rider

Dragon Riders ride on bi-pedal flightless cousins of wyverns dubbed landwyrms, but they're pretty casually called dragons by most. Landwyrms possess the ability to unleash a breath attack unlike their flying cousins that their riders are sure to make use of. They're known for their sharp intelligence and perception, and can communicate with their riders through a series of clicks and squeaks with proper training. They don't have the same weakness to magic as wyverns, but they hate wearing armor and can get testy if they have to carry something too heavy, so the defense is real minimal on these things. Dragon Rider is a Non-Promoting Class.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 10
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 10
  • Resistance: 13
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • DRAGON attribute.
  • +15% EVA
  • +15% ASS
  • +10% ACC
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: No longer retained upon promotion.
  • Rescue: A basic skill that allows them to carry an infantry unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.
  • Spittin' Bars: An active/dice skill. The rider commands their dragon to use it's breath. Units standing on the four cells in the rider's specified direction will suffer nonlethal damage equal to the rider's Magic stat. Depending on the dragon type designated by the player, the breath element will come with special effects. Fire does double damage to BEAST units. Ice has a 25% chance to cause Frostbite. Wind does double damage to AIR units. Thunder has a 25% chance to cause paralyze.
  • Curious: A passive skill. The rider's dragon will inform them when they are within two cells of a trap or an invisible foe upon ending their turn.

2nd Classes

⟐ 2nd Classes ⟐



Paladins are the next natural step for your cavaliers that favor speed, technique, and raw strength as opposed to endurance. Though they aren’t as tanky as their sister class, Paladins still have a very respectable amount of HP, and higher movement. They can be a real nuisance to fight, but remember, you can always set these motherfuckers on fire.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • BEAST attribute.
  • +15% EVA is increased to +20%
  • +15% BLOK remains the same.
  • +10% ASS is increased to +15%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • Chivalry: Enhanced upon promotion. Paladins no longer have an EVA reduction.
  • Healthy As A Horse: Remains the same.
  • Sol: An offensive Die skill that has a 20% chance of revitalizing the Paladin for half of the damage caused by their attack.
Great Knight

Great Knight

Great Knights might be the sister class of Paladins, but they’ve got a lot in common with Generals. These guys are basically fucking brick walls on horseback. They’re highly mobile defensive tanks with a respectable amount of power in their swing and hella Health. A Great Knight’s one true weakness is their resistance. You know the drill. Set ‘em on fire.

  • Health: 100/100
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 5
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 2
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • BEAST attribute.
  • ARMOR attribute.
  • +15% EVA remains the same.
  • +15% BLOK increased to +25%
  • +10% ASS remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Rescue: Remains the same.
  • Healthy As A Horse: Remains the same.
  • Chivalry: Remains the same.
  • Trample: An offensive Die skill with a 15% chance of causing the Cripple effect to opponents when attacking.


Generals are the swolest of the swole when it comes to physical defense. That shit is VERY high, sir. But General’s aren’t just ripped win the Defense department. Their Attack is pretty damn high too. “Wall” is a very accurate way to describe them because a General still has low ass movement and they’re also pretty dang slow. Oh yeah and they will burn to a fuckin’ crisp inside of that armor so keep them the fuck away from mages.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 5
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 2
  • Movement: 4 cells
  • ARMOR attribute.
  • +30% BLOK increased to +40%
  • +10% LUCK remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Iron Curtain: Remains the same.
  • Stomp: Remains the same.
  • Pavise: A defensive skill with a 25% chance of halving damage when the General is struck by a physical weapon and Iron Curtain doesn’t trigger.
Battle Mage

Battle Mage

Battle Mages are the only assholes in this branch who thought it might be a good idea to learn some magic. And they were right. Battle Mages don’t have the crippling weakness to magic that Generals do, but they also aren’t as defensive or as powerful. However, their usage of Anima magic makes them more versatile, and they function well as magical tanks.​

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 4 cells
  • ARMOR attribute.
  • +30% BLOK remains the same.
  • +10% LUCK increased to +20%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Iron Curtain: Enhanced upon promotion. This skill now applies to magical attacks as well.
  • Stomp: Remains the same.
  • Reflector: A defensive skill with a 25% chance of activating. Battle Mages will reflect half of the magical damage inflicted upon them back to their attackers.


Halberdiers still have the defense and resistance of a wet paper bag. Let’s get that outta the way right now. And their health is nothing special either. You know where a Halberdier REALLY shines though? Attack. They fuckin’ wreck shop at attack and they’re faster now too. Don’t let the weak ass defensive stats fool you, these guys are dangerous. Keep your distance if possible and only face them physically with your strongest tanks.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 2
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% CRIT remains the same.
  • +15% EVA increased to +25%
  • +10% ASS remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Pierce: Enhanced upon promotion. Skill chance increased to 30%
  • Strategic Retreat: Remains the same.
  • Superior Spear: A passive skill. +10% ACC and EVA when facing a Lance wielding opponent.


Vanguards are Lancers who got tired of being little pussies when it comes to Defense, so they got good. Their Resistance is still pretty shite, but you can’t win ‘em all right? With a balance power, defense, and finesse, the Vanguard is a force to be reckoned with. They may not have the raw power of a Halberdier, but they know where to hit to break that armor yo. They’ve also got a pretty high critical rate, so when these guys have a lance in their hand you better not get too close.​

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 2
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% CRIT increased to +20%
  • +15% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% ASS increased to +15%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Pierce: Remains the same.
  • Strategic Retreat: Remains the same.
  • Luna: An offensive Die skill with a 20% chance of causing the Stripped effect when attacking.
Master of Arms

Master of Arms

The Master of Arms has another one of those titles that just describes the job perfectly. Samurai study a multitude of weapon disciplines to adapt to the changing tide of battle. A Master of Arms is the result of that training. These guys aren’t really anything special when it comes to attack, but they can really rock the weapon triangle game by automatically switching their weapons to adapt to their opponent.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 2
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% ASS
  • +15% BLOK increased to 25%
  • +10% EVA
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Oath: Remains the same.
  • Blood for Blood: Remains the same.
  • Ro Sham Bo: A passive defensive skill. Masters will automatically switch to the dominant weapon in their inventory when being attacked by an opponent wielding a Sword, Lance, or Axe. Granted, a dominant weapon MUST be in their inventory. So basically, when attacking a Master of Arms, check their inventory, see if they have a dominant weapon, switch their equipped weapon to the dominant weapon if their equipped weapon isn’t already dominant.


This title holds a lot of weight to it. It can either mean: A samurai who has killed another's master before killing the Samurai, thus breaking the samurai's oath, or a Samurai who broke their own oath by failing to protect their master, or even worse, killing their master themselves. It can be a mark of shame or a mark of strength. But enough lore, let’s talk stats. The Oathbreaker has some pretty aggressive stats, especially when they’re paired with another unit. Try to keep enemy Oathbreakers separated from their partners.

  • Health: 65/65
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% ASS increased to +25%
  • +15% BLOK
  • +10% EVA
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Oath: Remains the same.
  • Blood for Blood: Remains the same.
  • Oath Sever: A passive skill that decreases the ASS of partnered units attacking the Oathbreaker or their sworn one (The one they used Oath on) by 20 and decreases the BLOK of units being attacked by the Oathbreaker or their sworn one by 20. An Oathbreaker gets these benefits all the time, but their sworn one only gets them if their Oathbreaker is next to them.

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⁂ Magic Branch ⁂
Noob Class

1st Classes
Mage, Monk, Shaman, Spellblade, Oni Savage
2nd Classes
Sage, Dark Knight, Dualist, War Monk, Druid, Summoner, Nightstalker, Dawnbreaker​


So Magic people go around kicking people in the dick. Jk, they use magic obvi. I’m talkin’ Anima, I’m talkin’ Light, I’m talkin’ Dark, all that shit man. These guys typically have high Resistance too, so be mindful of the weapon triangle when they’re going up against each other. Unfortunately, Magicians aren’t exactly known for their Defense so make sure you put them in positions where they can’t be hit by physical opponents. Especially Pegasus Knights and Ninjas. Those guys will fuck magicians up.​

Noob Classes

A beginning student of the magical arts. These guys should avoid close combat at all costs because they’ll get fucked up in one hit by most if not all people. Except maybe other noobs. They can promote to Mages, Monks, Shamans, Spellblades or Oni Savages.

  • Health:30/30
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 7
  • Resistance: 6
  • Movement: 4 cells
  • Makings of Greatness: Basic skill that grants +15% to CRIT, ACC, EVA, and LUK.
  • Second Chance: The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them.
1st Classes

⁂ 1st Classes ⁂



Mages choose to focus their crafts on Anima magic, which is known for the high variety and sheer number of tomes that exist between the four elements of Fire, Ice, Wind, and Thunder. Since all Mages can use is Anima magic, proper usage of the four elements is a critical part of concocting strategies for them, since each element has its own effects. Be mindful of what element enemy mages are wielding and position our guys accordingly. Mages can promote to Sages or Dark Knights.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 15
  • Resistance: 11
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • ACC +10%
  • EVA +15%
  • LUCK +15%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Basic Warding: A defensive passive skill. +4 Resistance when the mage is below max health.
  • Seasonal Tomes: A passive skill. Mages receive +15% ACC when wielding a tome with an element that matches the affinity of the month.


Monks set out on the path of Light magic, which is often tied to religious affiliations and whatnot due to its very nature and its history. Hence the title of Monk. However, not all Monks are religious and many of them are simply practitioners of Light magic. Just as Dark magic is not inherently evil, Light magic is not inherently good. These guys might not be as magically swole as Mages, but they’ve got speed on their side. Monks can promote to Dualists or War Monks.

  • Health: 40/40
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 12
  • Resistance: 14
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • EVA +20%
  • LUCK +20%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Piercing Light: Monks are immune to the Blind status effect and can cure it in others. This is a mix between an active and a passive skill.
  • Pacifism: A passive skill. Monks receive +20% EVA and +10%LUCK at the start of the battle and will retain it until they attack someone.


Shamen are avid practitioners of Dark magic, which by its very title you might assume is evil but it really isn’t. It’s just called Dark magic because the spells are literally dark and shadowy in appearance. It is however the most powerful form of magic, so if you want to be a power-hungry evil asshole Dark magic just so happens to be your best bet. Dark magic isn’t very accurate and Shamen are slow, so outspeed them and you’ll be fine. Shamen can promote to Druids or Summoners.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 12
  • Resistance: 13
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • CRIT +15%
  • LUCK +25%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Ancient Power: A passive skill. The Shaman’s Magic raises by 4 level upward when they’re at or below 50% of their health.
  • Inert: An active skill. The Shaman can curse staff wielders for a single turn and render staves useless.


Spellblades are interesting because they fuse magical attacks and physical attacks in a way that others don’t. They can enchant their daggers and knives with the effects of whatever Anima tome they’re wielding, or they can create knife shaped magical constructs out of the four elements when casting that causes the spell to take on the effects of whatever Hidden Weapon they’re using. They lack both Defense and Resistance so hittin’ em with anything should do the trick. They can promote to Nightstalkers or Dawnbreakers.

  • Health: 65/65
  • Attack: 10
  • Defense: 8
  • Magic: 11
  • Resistance: 7
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +20% EVA
  • +10% LUCK
  • +10% CRIT
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Imbue: A passive skill. Spellblades can mix the first Attribute or perk of their Hidden Weapons and Anima tomes when attacking with either one. The first Anima Tome or Hidden Weapon will be used to create the infusion. When throwing a Hidden Weapon, the Hidden Weapon will take on an effect or Attributes of the Anima Tome, and when casting a spell, the spell will take on an effect or Attribute of the Hidden Weapon. Perks override attributes, choose the first attribute of each thing you're using and no more'n that.
  • Soul Link: A passive skill. Partners with the same affinity as the Spellblade receive +20% ASS.
Oni Savage (New!!)

⁂ Oni Savage

Oni Savages dab on all the haters. These spiritual swole bros use dark arts to blur the line between mind and body. They can channel their physical strength into their magical capacity and vice versa... for a price. That price being half their health and a chance to go truly apeshit. That makes these aggressive fighters handy for just about anything that needs smashing, but not without risk. Luckily, they have high health and some pretty decent resistance too, they're just a little low on that vitamin D. Their aggression is well suited for pairing up to fuck shit up. Oni Savage is a Non-Promoting Class.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 9
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 6
  • Resistance: 11
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • ASS +20%
  • EVA +10%
  • CRIT +10%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Blunt Force Trauma: A passive skill. Oni Savages gain +2 attack and +10% ACC when wielding a club or hammer as opposed to an axe.
  • Power Shift: An active/die skill. For the price of half their health, Oni Savages can channel their Attack stat into their Magic stat and vice versa. The amount channeled decreases by 3 per turn. Base chance of 10% to inflict the Berserk status effect on the user that doubles every time Power Shift is used in the same battle.

2nd Classes

⁂ 2nd Classes ⁂



Ah the Sage. They’ve gained much wisdom and have even expanded their abilities beyond Anima magic. They’ve taken up Light magic and also Staves. These guys remain fairly accurate mages and they’re also quite deadly with their tomes. They’ve got very high magic and they’re not afraid to fry your ass so make sure you you get a magical tank up in there that can abuse the Sage’s low ass defense and do it quick. The Sage’s Flare skill might give you a run for your money.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 1
  • Magic: 5
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • ACC +10% remains the same
  • +15% LUK increased to +25%
  • +15% EVA remains the same
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Basic Warding: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. The ward now deflects 20 damage.
  • Seasonal Tomes: Enhanced upon promotion. ACC increased to +25%
  • Flare: An offensive Die skill that has a 30% chance of ignoring the enemy's Resistance. Set enemy Resistance = 1 if this skill is triggered and repost the new damage result after rolling.
Dark Knight

Dark Knight

Mages who wanna be able to dish out some physical damage in edition to magical should go the path of Dark Knight. It sounds ominous and evil, but it really isn’t. They’re just kind of called that, though they do ride on dark horses in the Palenian military. Dark Knights are especially effective against other magic users, so it might be best to face them with an opponent who specializes in physical fighting instead.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • ACC +10% remains the same.
  • EVA +15% increased to +25%.
  • +15% LUK remains the same
  • BEAST attribute.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: No longer retained upon promotion.
  • Rescue: An active skill that allows them to carry an infantry unit on their mount and protect them from further harm.
  • Basic Warding: Remains the same.
  • Seasonal Tomes: Enhanced upon promotion. ACC bonus now applies when wielding Swords on Dark affinity months.
  • Mage Slayer: A passive skill that grants +25% CRIT when fighting a member of the Magic Branch or Healing Branch.


As the Dualist phrase goes, a Dualist sees the world through both eyes. That is to say they are masters of both Light and Dark. And I’m not exaggerating when I say masters, when it comes to magic these guys really have it going on. Lucky for you, they have the defense of a wet paper bag and though they’re still pretty quick, they haven’t gotten any quicker. Bait them out with magic tanks and when the moment presents itself punch these guys in the dick.

  • Health: 55/55
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • EVA +20% remains the same.
  • LUCK +20% increased to +30%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Piercing Light: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. It works both ways now, a Dualist can use Piercing Light to Blind an opponent too.
  • Pacifism: Remains the same.
  • Grey: A Die skill where if a Dark Tome and a Light Tome is in the Dualist's inventory, there's a 25% the Dualist will cast both, and will gain the benefits of both spells. Note that only 1 of each may be in their inventory to trigger the skill. When entering the values in the app, use the values of the first tome in their inventory slot to get the ACC and EVA rolling values, and simply use the second to get a damage projection. If the attack lands, combine the damage of both spells and divide by two.
War Monk/War Cleric

War Monk/War Cleric

Oh boy it’s a War Monk. These guys are pretty badass. Basically they’re monks that got tired of being squishy little bitches and they were like, “Imma get swole” and so they did. And to prove just how swole they are these guys now use two physical weapons: Axes and Gauntlets. And they’re still beasty with the magic. The name of the game is speed for War Monks so sick only the most accurate of units on these guys. The weapon triangle is your friend.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • EVA +20% increased to +30%
  • LUCK +20% remains the same
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Piercing Light: Remains the same.
  • Pacifism: Remains the same.
  • Holy Shield: A passive skill. When partnered up the War Monk/Cleric receives +25% BLOK by default and their Defense is raised by one level.


Druids are advanced Shamen who really aren’t fucking around anymore dude. Learn another discipline? Fuck yeah bro. Anima bro. Get in tune with nature bro. But that’s not all, oh no. The Druid class is tanky as fuck when it comes to magic, especially now that they’ve got Shadow Shield, which can potentially negate all magical damage. Let these guys loose on a bunch of magicians and watch the heads roll.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • CRIT +15% is increased to +25%
  • LUCK +25% remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Ancient Power: Remains the same.
  • Inert: Remains the same.
  • Shadow Shield: A passive defensive skill that grants the Druid a 25% of taking no damage from a magical attack.


Summoners are pretty much socially acceptable necromancers, but that really depends on who you ask. See, they use dark magic to summon the phantoms of long dead heroes, they don’t do all the weird corpse reanimation and demon summoning. They technically still summon the dead so some very conservative people might might consider these guys to be neck romancers, especially in places where magic is uncommon. These guys aren’t very strong on their own, their magic hasn’t gotten any better but their Resistance has. Their phantoms are the primary danger presented by a Summoner.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • CRIT +15% remains the same.
  • +25% LUCK increased to +35% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Ancient Power: Remains the same.
  • Inert: Remains the same.
  • Summon Phantom: A Summon skill that summons a Phantom to fight. Phantom acts as another unit controlled by the player. Depending on the type of weapon the Phantom is using, the Phantom will take on the basic aspects of a specific class including their skills and rolling bonuses, however they are only allowed to use their explicitly listed weapon discipline even if the class they’re based off uses multiple weapons. A Phantom’s weapon rank will be equivalent to the Summoner’s Staff weapon rank. The Summoner can only summon one Phantom at a time. Yes, these phantoms look like the ghostly versions of the canon Fire Emblem characters they're named after. Similar to Fates, the tales of these heroes are considered to be folklore and nothing more. Only one Phantom can be summoned at a time, and the Phantom must be explicitly stated when summoning. Requires a Legendary Tome to use.
  • Sword Phantom: Marth the Hero King (Hero Branch, Hero class)
  • Lance Phantom: Ephraim the King of Renais(Knight Branch, Halberdier class)
  • Axe Phantom: Hector the Marquess of Ostia(Knight Branch, Great Knight class)
  • Hidden Weapon Phantom: Sothe of the Dawn Brigade (Delinquent Branch, Trickster class)
  • Bow Phantom: Takumi, Prince of Hoshido (Archer Branch, Sniper class)
  • Light Phantom: Micaiah the Silver Haired Maiden (Healing Branch, Bishop class)
  • Anima Phantom: Celica, Princess of Zofia (Magic Branch, Sage class )
  • Dark Phantom: Tharja, the Grim Stalker (Magic Branch, Druid class)



Spellblades pretty much branch off into two categories: those who improve their skills with the edition of Dark magic, and those who improve their skills with Light. Nightstalkers are a lot like magical assassins. They can now use Imbue on their knives with two tomes in their inventory and they can also become invisible. Between Nightstalkers and Dawnbreakers, Nightstalkers focus more on physical attack and defense and they retain their low resistance, so sick them mages on ‘em.

  • Health: 65/65
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 2
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • +20% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% LUCK remains the same.
  • +10% CRIT increased to +20% CRIT.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Imbue: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. When wielding a Hidden Weapon, the Nightstalker can imbue it with the effects and attributes of the first Anima and the first Dark Tome in their inventory. When using this skill, the weapon will typically look like a dark version of a regularly imbued weapon. For example, a dark and fire infused Hidden Blade would be cloaked in black flames as opposed to reddyorangyyellow fire color.
  • Soul Link: Enhanced upon promotion. Partners with Dark Affinity will receive the ASS bonus regardless of the Nightstalker's affinity.
  • Invisibility: This skill allows the Nightstalker to become invisible to enemy units. Attack made while invisible are guaranteed to hit for double damage without the possibility of a CRIT. Nightstalkers will become visible after attacking. If an enemy unit steps on the cell occupied by a Nightstalker they will be attacked automatically.


Spellblades pretty much branch off into two categories: those who improve their skills with the edition of Dark magic, and those who improve their skills with Light. Dawnbreakers focus more on being righteous magical badasses than sneaking around and doing sus shit. They can combine their magical blades with Light magic for maximum ass kickery. Needless to say, these guys roll through when dark or demonic forces are at play.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +20% EVA remains the same.
  • +10% LUCK increased to +20%
  • +10% CRIT remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Imbue: This skill is enhanced upon promotion. When the Dawnbreaker is using a Light or Anima tome they can imbue their spell with the effects an attributes of the first Anima Tome and Light Tome and Hidden Weapon in their inventory. When spells are imbued with Light and Anima, the ethereal magic blade conjured by the Dawnbreaker will take on the appearance of Light and the Anima spell mixed together. For instance, imbuing a Light tome with a Fire tome will result in a conjured dagger alight with a white flame.
  • Soul Link: Enhanced upon promotion. Partners with Light Affinity will receive the ASS bonus regardless of the Nightstalker's affinity.
  • True Sight: An ability that allows the Dawnbreaker to see all invisible enemies and traps within a 5 cell radius.

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♪ Musical Branch ♪

Maestro, Jester, War Drummer, Belly Dancer, Hula Dancer, Geisha​


Fighters who use their musical capabilities to turn the tide of the battle by either helping their allies or hindering their opponents with magical song and dance skills. Told you magic had many applications beyond setting people on fire. These guys make for poor fighters. They aren’t completely incompetent, but their fighting skills just aren’t their strongest asset. Their skills are. This is an irregular branch because the classes don’t promote they just stay the same and shit, so I’ll be making changes to them once we’re sort of beyond the point of fighting and fighting with First classes.​



Maestros are charismatic musicians who tell epic and inspiring tales through the art of song. With those magic fingers and that magic voice, Maestros specialize in increasing the rolling values of their allies. These guys should be considered support classes. The biggest danger they represent to their opponents is A. buffing their buddies and B. since they use bows and shit they’ll fuck up your flying guys. Other than that they’re total pussies take ‘em the fuck out.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 9
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 8
  • Resistance: 10
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • LUCK +20%
  • EVA+ 20%
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them.
  • "Dodger The Thief": Active skill. Increases the EVA of all allies within a 2 cell range by 20% for one turn. This skill does not stack.
  • "One Hit Wonder": Active Skill. Increases the ACC of all allies within a 2 cell range by 20% for one turn. This skill does not stack.
  • "Killer Tune": Active Skill. Increases the CRIT of all allies within a 2 cell range by 20% for one turn. This skill does not stack.
  • "Shamrock": Active skill. Increases the LUCK of all allies within a 2 cell range by 20% for one turn. This skill does not stack.
  • "Just Keep Swimming": An active skill. Allows an ally to move again within a turn. Also grants the ally +10% ACC for one turn. This skill cannot be used on other Members of the Musical Branch.


Jesters are wacky ass clowns that use their performances to fuck with their enemies. Their skills are offensive in nature and focus on status effects and preventing movement. Speaking of movement, theirs’ is pretty high. Their health and attack are average but everything else is low low low. However, they’re quite speedy, and their use of Gauntlets only increases their speed. Get a critical guy or an accurate guy to come through and wipe the smile off these guys’ faces.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 11
  • Defense: 5
  • Magic: 7
  • Resistance: 6
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • CRIT +10%
  • EVA +20%
  • ASS +10%
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them.
  • Joker: Active skill. A performance that inflicts all opponents within a two cell radius with the Fool status effect for 1 turn.
  • Scarecrow: Active skill. A performance that inflicts all opponents within a two cell radius with the Fear status effect for 1 turn.
  • Sandman: An active skill that distracts the viewer and then the Jester throws sand in their eyes to inflict them with the Blind status effect for one turn.
  • Mr. Mime: An active skill that inflicts the Silence effect on an opponent for one turn.
  • Watch This!: Active Skill. Prevents the opponent from moving on their turn as they watch the Jester be a jackass. This skill also inflicts the target with -10% LUCK. This skill cannot be used on other members of the Musical Branch.
War Drummer

War Drummers

War Drummers are used to relay information and orders between troops using specific cadences. When they aren’t drummin’ it up and getting their mates all hyped, they use their staves to take care of their wounded mates. They get armored up pretty decently so they don’t die right away, but their resistance is pretty pitiful.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 10
  • Magic: 11
  • Resistance: 7
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +10% EVA
  • +30% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them.
  • Forward March: Active Skill. Increases allied movement for all allies within a two cell radius by two cells for one turn
  • Hold The Line: Active Skill. Increases the Defense and Resistance of all allies within a two cell radius by +4 for one turn.
  • Endurance: Active Skill. Raises the health of all allies within a two cell radius by 20 points for one turn. This skill does not stack.
  • Charge!: Active Skill. Raises the Attack and Magic of all allies within a two cell radius by +4 for one turn.
  • Cadence: An active skill that prevents all allies within a two cell radius from being de-buffed and contracting status effects for one turn.
Belly Dancer

Belly Dancer

A Belly Dancer's magical performances have intoxicating effects of those that view them. The Belly Dancer is the antithesis of the Maestro. Instead of raising rolling values, they lower them. Since they deal with opponents more often than allies, Belly Dancers are quite skilled in combat. They’ve got some decent attack and some pretty dope resistance as well. Oh yes and they’re speedy as fuck soooo… good luck!

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 12
  • Defense: 5
  • Magic: 6
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • EVA +20%
  • LUCK +10%
  • CRIT +10%
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them.
  • Wandering Eyes: Active Skill. This performance lowers the ACC of all opponents within a two cell radius by 20% for one turn.
  • Gyration: Active Skill. This performance lowers the EVA of all opponents within a two cell radius by 20% for one turn.
  • Soothe: Active Skill. This performance lowers the CRIT of all opponents within a two cell radius by 20% for one turn.
  • Misfortune: Active Skill. This performance lowers the LUCK of all opponents within a two cell radius by 20% for one turn.
  • Inspire: Active Skill. Allows an ally to move again with a turn. Also grants them +10% CRIT for one turn. This skill cannot be used on other members of the Musical Branch.
Hula Dancer

Hula Dancer

Hula Dancers have the highest health of the musical branch, some high ass attack and CRIT which is boosted by their Lance discipline, and they’re even pretty decent when it comes to EVA. Hula Dancers are quite similar to Jesters in that their dances deal in status effects. Neither their defense or resistance is very high, so these guys can be taken down by just about anyone.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 10
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 9
  • Resistance: 6
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • ACC +10%
  • CRIT +10%
  • EVA +20%
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them.
  • Hokeo: A performance that inflicts all opponents within a two cell radius with the Love status effect for one turn.
  • Huhu: An active skill that inflicts the opponent with the Berserk status effect for one turn.
  • Malie: An active skill that inflicts the opponent with the Petrify status effect for one turn.
  • Kanaka: Active Skill. A performance that inflicts all opponents within a two cell radius with the Anthro status effect for one turn.
  • NooNoo: Active Skill. The Hula Dancer distracts the opponent and prevents the target from doing anything on their turn and also inflicts them with -10% EVA. This skill cannot be used on other members of the Musical Branch.


Dancers, actors, and musicians who are known to travel alongside other dancers, actors, and musicians all over Terrunum. Much like Drummers, they focus on Relative Systems. However, instead of raising the systems of their allies, they lower the systems of their enemies with their epic performing skills. They boast some high resistance and LUCK, but they’re pretty pathetic in all other fields.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 7
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 7
  • Resistance: 14
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +30% LUCK
  • +10% ASS
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them.
  • Yowai Oroka: An active skill that lowers the Attack and Defense of the unit by 4 for one turn.
  • Boei Kowareta: An active skill that lowers the Defense and Resistance of the unit by 4 for one turn.
  • Ganjona: An active skill that lowers the target’s maximum health by 20 for one turn.
  • Sokudo: An active skill that lowers the Movement of all enemy units within a two cell radius by two cells for one turn.
  • Kankyaku: An active skill that doubles the effects of all musical skills of all allies within a 2 cell radius for one turn. Must be used on the Musician first to take effect. For musical skills that deal status effects, they will last for twice as long.
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¤ Service Branch ¤
Noob Class

1st Classes
Butler, Merchant, Apprentice, Tailor, Transporter
2nd Classes
Blacksmith, Apothecary, Engineer, Smuggler, Enchanter, Scribe, Armorer, Seamster,​


These guys are focused on supporting the army in terms of the Inventory. This is basically your crafting branch. These guys won’t be your best options when it comes to combat, they just aren’t built for it. They can hold their own against niche enemies, but they lack combat skills. However, bringing crafted goods to the table is invaluable. Everything from weapons to poison to special charms and bombs are made by these guys, and all of them can change the tide of battle both on and off the map.

As I said, this branch is all about crafting stuff. For more information on the required materials to craft the things these dudes craft, go check out the Crafting section in Advanced Mechanics.​

Noob Class

¤ Servant ¤

Servants are unspecialized people who live to serve another person, but this is usually just a starting point toward a more specialized career...hopefully. You might die as a Servant, wouldn’t that suck? They can promote to Maids/Butlers, Merchants, Apprentices, or Tailors.

  • Health: 20/20
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 5
  • Resistance: 6
  • Movement: 4 cells
  • Makings of Greatness: Basic skill that grants +15% to CRIT, ACC, EVA, and LUK.
  • Second Chance: The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. CAN ONLY BE USED ONCE until refilled via promotion or treasure.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes or Chains.
1st Classes

¤ 1st Classes ¤


¤ Butler/Maid ¤

Butlers and Maids have dedicated their lives to the service of others. In combat their resistance is definitely among their higher traits, so they’re capable of taking on mages… but not much else. They’ve got some pretty low defense and their magic is only aight and their attack is pretty bad. But at least they’re light on their feet, and they cook some bomb ass food. Butlers and Maids can promote to Blacksmiths or Apothecaries.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 7
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 11
  • Resistance: 12
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +10% EVA
  • +15% BLOK
  • +15% ASS
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Top Chef: A Crafting skill that creates Rations, which can be given to other characters to raise their Stats for one battle. Must be made and used outside of combat.
  • Live To Serve: When a Maid/Butler heals another unit, they regenerate an equal amount of health if they’re damaged.

¤ Merchant ¤

Merchants are your ordinary salesmen just trying to make a living. Now when you’re a traveling salesmen in this world, you either hire bodyguards or learn how to fight yourself. They aren’t very good at fighting, but they can at least hold their own due to their not so bad defense and resistance. Their health is pretty okay too. Where the Merchant REALLY shines is in the shop. Merchants can make you hella money at stores and help you save money when buying new equipment. Merchants can promote to Engineers or Smugglers.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 6
  • Defense: 10
  • Magic: 6
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +10% CRIT
  • +15% BLOK
  • +15% ACC
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Cart: A passive skill. Merchants suffer no detriments from equipping Carts and backpacks etc. etc.
  • Bargain: A passive skill that allows Merchants to sell items to shops for twice as much gold, and buy items for half as much.

¤ Apprentice ¤

An Apprentice is a mystic training themselves in the art of crafting magical items. Apprentices aren’t much on the battlefield. They do wield powerful dark magic, but they have low health and their magic isn’t very high. The Apprentice’s best skill is their ability to craft charms for their allies, and fuck with the charms of their enemies. These charms boost numerous aspects of a character’s abilities and are really handy when it comes to improving your chances of murdering another person and or monster. Apprentices can promote to Enchanters/Enchantresses and Scribes.

  • Health: 40/40
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 5
  • Magic: 10
  • Resistance: 11
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% LUCK
  • +10% ASS
  • +15% EVA
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Lucky Charms: Crafting skill that allows the Apprentice to create charms that enhance Rolling Values by 20%. Requires Basic Charm and various materials. Only one charm can be in a unit’s inventory for it to take effect. Having two will nullify the effect of both.
  • Reverse Charm: An active skill that allows the Apprentice to reverse the effects of a charm held by an opposing unit. For instance, a charm that grants 20% EVA will grant -20% EVA. Can be used from up to one cell away.

¤ Tailor ¤

Tailors actually aren’t as weak as the job title would imply. Their accuracy is their greatest asset, their attack isn’t bad and neither is their defense… the rest is pretty sucky. But it’s cool, you know why? Because Tailors use their precision to be epicly useful perverts and Strip their opponents. (Don’t worry, not like down to the underwear like in Fates… unless you wanna lmao doesn’t matter do whatcha wanna do). What’s the use in Stripping an opponent you ask? Stripping lowers Defense and Resistance… so be careful. These guys can really put you in a dangerous situation. They can promote to Armorers or Seamsters/Seamstresses.

  • Health: 45/45
  • Attack: 9
  • Defense: 7
  • Magic: 9
  • Resistance: 7
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +20% ACC
  • +20% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Snip Snip: Offensive die skill. 50% chance that when attacking adjacently, Tailor will inflict the Stripped status effect on their opponent. Armored units are immune to this skill.
  • Sewing: Allows Tailor to fix the clothes and armor of units who have been Stripped.
Transporter (...Different!!)

¤ Transporter ¤

So these things have EPIC defense and EPIC health but they are completely incapable of combat. Their War Carriages are basically like motherfucking tanks. I don’t mean in the RPG sense, I mean like… an actual military tank. Their resistance is shit though. They're prone to catching on fire and shit man that would really suck so watch out for that shit dog. Whenever a Transporter's around, you got access to your army's entire inventory. You could whip some shit out at a moment's notice. And they're super handy for getting a bunch of slow pokes around. Also, though they can be defeated in combat they can't actually be killed. For now. Transporter is a Non-Promoting Class.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 18
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • BEAST Attribute
  • +30% BLOK
  • +10% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Retained upon promotion.
  • Rescue: An active skill that allows the Transporter to carry another unit and protect them from further harm.
  • War Carriage: A passive skill that grants the Transporter a big ol carriage for fuckin’ stuff. It holds the army's storage and allows items to be transferred to it during battles, can have a Ballista attached to it, can hold four people inside the cabin, one in the passenger seat, and one on top to fire the siege weapon. All in all that brings the total amount of people the Transporter can carry to 6 units. If a healer is present in the cabin, the other three passengers within the cabin will be healed once every turn. If the rider in the passenger seat is equipped with a bow or magic, they can fire at an enemy from one cell away, but not up close.
  • Slave Driver: A passive skill. When the Transporter is not participating in battle, they will double the amount of resources received from sending Prisoners out to gather materials.

2nd Classes

¤ 2nd Classes ¤


¤ Blacksmith ¤

Blacksmiths make weapons. End of story. Jk. Blacksmiths are completely average when it comes to the big 4 stats. Their health is kinda high though, and so is their movement. In truth, they shouldn’t be too hard to take out, anyone has an equal chance to whoop a Blacksmith’s ass, especially if they’re wielding an Axe. Just sick a swordie on them. But what makes the Blacksmith special is their ability to craft weapons and make use of those old weapons dropped by the people they’ve killed.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +10% EVA increased to +15%
  • +15% BLOK increased to +20%
  • +15% ASS remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Top Chef: Remains the same.
  • Live To Serve: Remains the same.
  • Smithing: A crafting skill that allows the Blacksmith to make weapons. Cannot be used in the heat of battle and requires various Smithing materials. Weapons crafted by the Blacksmith do +10 damage.
  • Salvage: An offensive die skill that grants the Blacksmith with a 25% chance of getting the ore of the equipped weapon of defeated opponents.

¤ Apothecary ¤

Apothecaries are super helpful to have around. They can craft extra potent potions for those special moments when a healer isn’t around or is too busy, and extra potent toxins for when you want the bad guys to go night night or fall in love with you. They’ve got some epicly high resistance, and their high magic makes them excellent healers themselves or excellent choices for magic weapons. If you wanna kill one, just wreck these bitches with any asshole who’s competent with a physical weapon.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • +10% EVA
  • +15% BLOK increased to +20%
  • +15% ASS increased to +20%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Top Chef: Remains the same.
  • Live To Serve: Remains the same.
  • Concoction: A crafting skill that allows the Apothecary to make toxins and healing salves using herbs. Potions and Toxins made by the Apothecary are doubly effective.
  • Gather: A non-combative passive die skill. Whenever the Apothecary ends their turn there is a 25% chance they’ll find a herb. Use the Lottery to figure out what herb it is.
Smuggler (New!!)

¤ Smuggler ¤

Smugglers are smooth motherfuckers. Merchants who want to focus their energy on maximizing their profits can become Smugglers, and sell the types of products that keep the customers comin' back whether they want to or not. Smugglers get up to all kindsa crazy shit. They use their connections to get some product and their smooth talking skills to overcharge for whatever the fuck they may be selling. Shit can get kinda dangerous living on the wrong side of the law, so Smugglers have become better suited for combat. They'll get the rest of their stats when I get around to doing the stats for the rest of the 2nd classes, which will be never.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 0
  • Defense: 0
  • Magic: 0
  • Resistance: 0
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • +10% CRIT is enhanced to 20%
  • +15% BLOK stays the same
  • +15% ACC stays the same
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Cart: Remains the same.
  • Bargain: Enhanced upon promotion. Smugglers can sell drugs and alcohol for triple the price.
  • Inside Man: Passive/Die Skill. Smugglers get a random drug item whenever they visit a village. Lottery coming soon.
  • Con Artist: Die skill. 15% chance to sell items for 4 times as much when entering a store.

¤ Engineer ¤

Merchants are smart. They rely on their intelligence to make a living. So they got real smart and learned some magical engineering. Now they’re Engineers. You know what kind of guy people don't wanna rob? A guy with a cart full of bombs. Engineers aren't spectacular at any one of the big 4, but they've at least got some nice movement and they aren’t too bad at anything either. These guys are real dangerous when they've got their carts, but they're great dudes to capture. They tend to carry some good stuff on them.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 3
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 3
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • +10% CRIT remains the same.
  • +15% BLOK remains the same.
  • +15% ACC remains the same.
  • +10% EVA
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Cart: Remains the same.
  • Bargain: Remains the same.
  • Can We Build It!?: A crafting skill that allows the Engineer to craft explosives, vehicles, and to attach siege weapons to the War Carriage.
  • Exploding Cart: An active skill that allows the Engineer to fill the five spots in their cart with explosives and push it into enemy lines, setting off up to five bombs at once. Can be used once per battle and nullifies the +5 to Inventory granted by Cart. Because the bloody Cart is gone mate. Six cell range.

¤ Enchanter/Enchantress ¤

Enchanters make some bomb ass charms, yo. That’s their whole M.O. Their old charms have increased potency, and they can now make some epicly awesome charms that increase them relative systems. At the end of the day, they kinda suck at combat. They have some epic resistance, but everything else they’re just alright at. They’re pretty fast but not really. Have an accurate guy take them out dude.

  • Health: 55/55
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% LUCK is increased to +20%
  • +10% ASS remains the same.
  • +15% EVA is increased to +20%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Lucky Charms: Enhanced upon promotion. Charms now raise them rolling values by 25%.
  • Reverse Charm: Enhanced upon promotion. Reversing charms now lowers the charm’s rolling value by 25% and reverses the effect of Power Charms as well.
  • Power Charms: A crafting skill that allows the Enchanter to create charms that raise Attack, Defense, Magic, or Resistance by one level up the scale.
  • Resourceful: A non-combative passive skill. Whenever the Enchanter/Enchantress completes an action, there is a 15% chance that they will find a random charm crafting material.

¤ Scribe ¤

Oh boy look out for the Scribe, y’all. These guys are pretty badass. They’ve expanded their magical knowledge beyond charm making to straight up writing magical tomes. It’s pretty badass because just like the Blacksmith, their tomes are more effective than the shit you buy at the store. They’ve got both High resistance and magic, average health, and they use all forms of offensive magic. Their defense is dumb low though, and they aren’t that fast. So get a super accurate physical asshole to just come through and wreck these guys.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 1
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +15% LUCK increased to +20%
  • +10% ASS increased to +15%
  • +15% EVA remains the same.
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Lucky Charms: Remains the same.
  • Reverse Charm: Remains the same.
  • Tome Writing: A crafting skill that allows the scribe to create magical tomes granted that they have the proper materials. Tomes crafted by the Scribe receive +10 damage.
  • Arcane Critic: A defensive die skill. 25% chance that incoming magical damage will be halved.

¤ Armorer ¤

Armorers again have one of those titles that just describes exactly what the fuck they do. They make sure everyone’s armor and shit is all gravy. Their main focus is making sure everyone’s defense is on point, so naturally their defense is pretty on point as well. They also specialize in breaking the defense of their opponents. However, they’re easily conquered by magic.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 2
  • Resistance: 2
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • +20% ACC remains the same.
  • +20% LUCK remains the same.
  • +10% BLOK
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Snip Snip: Enhanced upon promotion. ARMOR units are no longer immune.
  • Sewing: Remains the same.
  • Tempering: A crafting skill that allows the Armorer to strengthen the Defense of an allied unit before battle using a Tempering Kit.
  • Armor Buster: An offensive die skill. When attacking any unit whose Defense is higher than their resistance, there’s a 25% chance to lower their Defense by one level when attacking. Does not stack and lasts for the remainder of the battle unless reversed by the Sewing skill.

¤ Seamster/Seamstress ¤

Seamsters are pretty much the equivalent of an armor, but for magic. Except they don’t actually use magic so their magic isn’t exactly on point. It’s aight. Not bad. But it’s cool. Doesn’t matter cause they can’t use magic anyway. Their resistance is pretty on point though. These guys are all about resistance actually man. They buff the resistance of other units and decrease the resistance of enemy units. It’s pretty raw. They don’t have any obvious weaknesses other than their absolutely shitty health and their low ass defense.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 3
  • Defense: 2
  • Magic: 3
  • Resistance: 4
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • +20% ACC increased to +25%
  • +20% LUCK increased to 25%
  • Second Chance: Remains the same.
  • Capture: Remains the same.
  • Snip Snip: Enhanced upon promotion. Chances to Strip increased to 66%
  • Sewing: Remains the same.
  • Arcane Fortification: A crafting skill that allows the Seamster to strengthen the Resistance of an allied unit before battle using an Arcane Thread.
  • Rip & Tear: A passive offensive skill. When attacking any unit whose Resistance is higher than their defense, there’s a 25% chance to lower their Resistance by one level when attacking. Does not stack and lasts for the remainder of the battle unless reversed by the Sewing skill.

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ᴕ Transforming Branch ᴕ
Terrestrial Laguz
Cats, Jaguars, Tigers, Panthers, Lions, Rabbits, Raccoons, Bears, Foxes, Wolves, Hounds, Wolfssegner
Aerial Laguz
Hawks, Ravens, Herons, Parrots, Bats
Fire Dragons, Ice Dragons, Wind Dragons, Thunder Dragons, Ivory Dragons, Ebony Dragons​


Every member of the transforming branch is either a Manakete or a Laguz. These guys are like half man half animal dudes when in their human form, but then they use their special stones to turn into full animals and wreck shop. This is an irregular branch with a lot of classes. What makes it irregular you ask? Well, Laguz don’t promote, but I’ll give them a promotion bonus and promoted skills once we’ve started doing promotions and whatnot. Also, they get more rolling percentage bonuses (50 instead of 40) due to not receiving any bonuses from wielding a weapon. You’ll find that Laguz and Manaketes are most useful for their varied skills and that their stats and roles mimic other classes. Relating these guys to other classes will help you figure out how to best use them strategically.​

Terrestrial Laguz

ᴕ Terrestrial Laguz ᴕ


Kittie cats are a lot like Ninjas. They’re built for two things: Speed and Attack. Granted their attack isn’t that high, but their speed should allow them to attack most enemies twice. In addition to that, their special skill is to hide AKA turn invisible. They can chill in a cell, wait for someone to pass by, and then they fuck ‘em up with teeth and claws. Their movement is also pretty high. They’re flimsy as fuck though, so anyone with an inkling of accuracy is comin’ for ya.

  • Health:45/45
  • Attack: 8
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 10
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • BEAST Attribute
  • +30% EVA
  • +10% ACC
  • + 10% CRIT
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Eagle Eye: Passive skill that gives the Cat increased visibility in the dark or fog.
  • Tricky Kitty: An active skill that allows the Cat to hide on the cell they’re standing on. When an enemy unit walks next to this cell they will cease their movement and be attacked by the cat for double damage. This attack cannot miss. The Cat will reappear afterwards.

Jaguars are all about the critical attack. They’re slower than cats but their CRITs are pretty bomb. Not to mention, they’re a lot less flimsy. Their skills are all about boosting their rolling values and their opportunity to land CRIT on a bitch. Their health isn’t very high and though their defense and resistance is average, they should be easy to fuck up for anyone granted that they have the accuracy.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 9
  • Defense: 7
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 8
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • BEAST attribute
  • +20% EVA
  • +15% CRIT
  • +15% ACC
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Cutthroat: A passive skill. When Jaguars land a critical hit on their first attack, their next attack is guaranteed to be a critical hit as well.
  • Extreme Speed: An offensive die skill with a 30% chance of activating. When the Jaguar attacks an opponent, they may receive a +20% EVA boost during the opposing side’s phase.

Tigers are sort of like Fighters. They boast a lot of health and a lot of attack. They also have some pretty cool defense, so they’re excellent for going up against physical opponents. Their low ass resistance makes them easy targets for mages, but other than that, you need to be real careful with these guys. Cause they’re sorta fast too. Their skills are dedicated toward one thing and one thing only: attackin’ dudes. These guys are all about rippin’ dudes to pieces.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 13
  • Defense: 10
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 6
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • BEAST Attribute
  • +15% EVA
  • +15% LUCK
  • +20% ASS
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Eye of the Tiger: A passive skill. Attack is increased by +4 when the Tiger is at or below 50% of their Health.
  • Maul: An offensive Die skill with a 15% of activating but only when the target is at full health. If triggered when attacking, the target will be tackled and mauled until they reach 5% of their Health, regardless of whether or not the attack landed according to ACC values.

Panthers all about protection and shit. When they hunt, they come through and hunt the fuck out of everything with extreme accuracy, and they’re particularly good with hunting other beast units. They’re sturdy as fuck and they’re even good with resistance. They aren’t as fast as the other feline classes, so have some magic dudes come through and fuck them up.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 7
  • Defense: 12
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 11
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • BEAST attribute
  • +25% ACC
  • +15% BLOK
  • +10% EVA
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Valor: Passive skill that grants the Panther with +15% BLOK when their partners are under 50% of their health.
  • Territory: Establishes a stationary 3x3 area around the Panther's current cell for the remainder of the battle. All allies within the Panther’s territory will receive +15% ASS and all enemies will receive -15% BLOK.

Lions are the rarest among feline Laguz. They are the typically royalty or just big cheeses in general among the feline community due to their rarity and history as leaders and public figures. Lions have high defense and attack, so that makes them excellent dudes to have around when it comes to taking on physical opponents. Their resistance is pretty low, so sick magic dudes on them. In truth though, Lion are all about buffing their other dudes. Just having them around makes allies work better as a team and makes enemies run in fear.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 15
  • Defense: 13
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • BEAST Attribute.
  • +20% ASS
  • +20% BLOK
  • +10% CRIT
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • King of the Jungle: Active skill. The Lion roars a mighty roar, and all allies within a two cell radius receive a raise of +4 in either Magic or Attack (whichever is appropriate for the currently equipped weapon). All enemies within two cells will contract the Fear status effect for one turn.
  • Regal Aura: A passive skill. All allies within two spaces of the Lion receive +10% ASS.

These rabbits aren’t like your typical singing forest animals. Rabbit Laguz turn into big scary rabbit monsters and hop around hella fast and shit. They’re all about movement and speed. Their other shit is average, save for their resistance. Their resistance is pretty shit. So you know the drill. Set that bunny on fuckin’ fire.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 10
  • Defense: 9
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 7
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • BEAST Attribute
  • +15% ACC
  • +20% EVA
  • + 15% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Rabbit’s Foot: All allies adjacent to the Rabbit will receive +10% LUCK.
  • Bunny Bash: An active skill. The Rabbit kicks the target so hard with their hind legs they fly back 4 cells, or the nearest cell in four cells if the fourth cell is occupied. Armored units will fly backward 2 cells. Mounted units will receive the Dismounted effect.

Much like Rabbits, Raccoon Laguz appear far more monstrous than their animal counterparts. They’re big ol bastards who specialize in attack. They’re speedy and precise so be careful. They also boast some reasonable resistance. Good news is their defense is pretty SHITE as is their health so sick an accurate guy on them and take them down. Be careful though. These guys go wherever the fuck they want. Your defensive front line means jackshit to them.

  • Health: 55/55
  • Attack: 12
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • BEAST Attribute
  • +25% EVA
  • +25% ACC
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Pass: A passive skill that allows the Raccoon to move through cells even if they’re occupied by enemy units.
  • Scavenger: An offensive die skill with a 25% chance of activating. If the Raccoon or the Raccoon’s partner defeats their opponent, they may snatch up the weapon they were wielding.

Much like Lions, Bears are big ol’ badasses. If there’s anything Bears have it’s fucking strength out their bear assholes. They’ve got decent defense and resistance, and their health is high as fuck. However, they have low movement, and they’re also kinda slow. They’ve only got base Luck so get some critical guys to team up on them and Bears should go down pretty easily.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 16
  • Defense: 9
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 8
  • Movement: 4 cells
  • BEAST Attribute
  • +10% CRIT
  • +15% ACC
  • +25% BLOK
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Tear Asunder: An offensive die skill with a 25% chance of activating. When fighting mounted units, Bears may inflict the Dismounted effect on their ass.
  • Wrath: A passive skill where ACC and CRIT increase by 5% when the Bear sustains Damage. ACC caps at 50 and CRIT caps at 25.

Foxes are sneaky speedy little bastards. They’re known for their hella high resistance, mages hate these guys. They’re also extremely lucky, so good luck crittin’ these fools. Aside from their movement though, these guys got low everything else. That’s not really the point though, nahmsayin’? These are stealth characters, they should be goin’ around stealin’ shit. The only units they should be facing are magic dudes, don’t put them in a position where a physical guy can get at ‘em.

  • Health: 45/45
  • Attack: 7
  • Defense: 5
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 14
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • BEAST Attribute.
  • +20% EVA
  • +10% ACC
  • +20% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Deception: An active skill that prevents the Fox from being attacked on the opponent’s phase? How? Well that’s up to the Fox. Have them disguise themselves, have them play dead, have them hide. Doesn’t matter. Get creative!
  • Steal: An active skill that allows the Fox to steal anything that isn't a weapon from another unit.

Wolves are loyal assholes found all over the world, from the forests of Komodo to the deserts of Dinne. They’re historically looked to for leadership among canine Laguz, much like Lions. They’ve got some above decent Health, some really cool attack, and their defense isn’t complete shite. And neither is their resistance. Surround them and do your best to isolate them from their allies. When they are partnered up, go for them before their partners.

  • Health: 70/70
  • Attack: 14
  • Defense: 7
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • BEAST Attribute.
  • +15% ACC
  • +10% CRIT
  • +15% EVA
  • +10% ASS
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Loyalty: If the Wolf’s partner was hit during the opposing phase, the Wolf is guaranteed an assist on their phase so long as they stay partnered up with the homie that got hit.
  • Howl of the Hunt: When wolves howl, all allies within a two cell radius will receive +2 cells of movement for one turn. If the Wolf howls on a dark map at night, this effect will last the rest of the battle (unstackable).

One word: Scouts. Hounds make for excellent scouts, especially if there’s a fuckton of physical dudes running around cause they take a lickin’ and keep on tickin’. Magic dudes will fuck ‘em up though their resistance is shit. But other than that, their epic perception allows them to sense hidden dudes and traps. So whenever you see a bunch of trappers ninjas… or fucking CATS out on the field, these guys will help out greatly.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 9
  • Defense: 13
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 6
  • Movement: 6 Cells
  • +10% EVA
  • +10% ACC
  • +15% ASS
  • +15% BLOK
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Canine Perception: Passive skill. All traps and invisible opponents will become visible when they’re within three cells of the Hound.
  • Man’s Best Friend: A passive defensive skill. Hound will always block an opponent’s second attack for their partner if their partner is at or under 50% of their health.

ᴕ Wolfssegner
The Wolfssegner is quite the interesting Laguz. They look a bit like a mix between a yeti and a wolf. They're great big fuckers who come through to wreck shop. A Wolfssegner's intimidating size allows them to put their paws on other units and either throw 'em or pin 'em down. These guys have excellent attack and make for good partners, but their low defense can be easily manipulated.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 13
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 14
  • Movement: 5 Cells
  • +15% CRIT
  • +15% ASS
  • +20% BLOK
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Manhandle: Active skill. Allows Wolfssegner to tackle an opponent to the ground and pin them down, allowing them to be captured with a 100% chance so long as they are captured within their allies' phase. Mounted units will be Dismounted instead.
  • Toss: The Wolfssegner can pick up an allied or enemy infantry unit and throw them 4 cells in any cardinal direction. Units with the Armor attribute will be thrown two cells.

Aerial Laguz

ᴕ Aerial Laguz ᴕ


You hear that? That mighty screech is the sound of a hawk comin’ down from the sky to poke yo got damn eye out. Hawks are known for their epic accuracy and defense. They’re the sturdiest birdies you’ll find. Their resistance is pretty cool too. Not bad at all. Their health is pretty high too. But guess what. They got wings so fuck ‘em up with an archer. It’s that simple. Be careful with your other air units around these guys. They rule the skies.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 10
  • Defense: 13
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • AIR Attribute
  • BEAST Attribute
  • +30% ACC
  • + 10% EVA
  • +10% CRIT
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Screeching Dive: An offensive die skill with a 25% chance of activating. The Hawk dives from the sky and ignores a portion of the targets defense (-8).
  • Air Superiority: A passive skill. Hawk’s CRIT doubles when fighting units with the AIR Attribute.

The edgiest of the birbs, quite literally Ravens have high ass attack so when they come through you better get ready to get fucked up. To make matters worse, rumor has it wherever they go they bring bad luck, and even death. They’re pretty spread out stat wise, but they have some low ass defense so you should fuck them up with like a bow or some shit.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 11
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 1
  • Resistance: 13
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • AIR Attribute
  • BEAST Attribute
  • +15% CRIT
  • +10% ACC
  • +10% EVA
  • +15% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • In Shadows: Passive skill. On dark maps, Ravens don’t come into sight until they attack OR if they’re spotted by a scouting skill such as True Sight or Canine Perception.
  • Omen: An offensive die skill that has a 25% chance to inflict a random magical status effect on a target when the Raven attacks. See the Lottery section for getting your random magical status effect.

At first glance Herons look like pussies. Like all birbs when they attack they attack physically, but look at that attack! It’s low as fuck! Well that’s because Herons are support bros! See that magic? It’s high as fuck because Herons rely heavily on their skill Heron’s Blessing, which lets them heal motherfuckers. So just keep ‘em safe and they’ll keep you safe.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 4
  • Defense: 5
  • Magic: 13
  • Resistance: 15
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • AIR Attribute
  • BEAST Attribute
  • + 20% EVA
  • +30% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Heron's Blessing: An active skill that allows the Heron to both heal an ally and remove any status effects or addictions on a selected target. Heal strength is equivalent to Magic times 3.
  • Guardian Wings: A passive skill. All allies within a two cell radius of the Heron will receive -10 damage from incoming attacks.

Parrot is just a blanket term for the tropical bird Laguz. Parrots have a unique connection to magic that allows them to channel magical energy through their Avianstones as opposed to through a tome, allowing them to attack both physically and magically. Unfortunately, they’ve got shitty defense and resistance.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 10
  • Defense: 5
  • Magic: 12
  • Resistance: 7
  • Movement: 8 cells
  • AIR Attribute
  • BEAST Attribute
  • +15% ACC
  • +10% LUCK
  • +25% EVA
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Gaia’s Gift: A passive skill that allows the Parrot to use Anima magic so long as they have a single elemental tome in their inventory. The weapon rank of the tome is overruled by the weapon rank of the Parrot’s Stone. Anima magic cast takes on the attributes of the tome.
  • Wild Dance: A passive skill that grants the Parrot and their partner with +15% EVA when both of them are below their maximum amount of health.

Bats are pretty beefy bastards and make for powerful nuisances on the battlefield. They’ve got epic Health, epic Resistance, and even some decent Defense. They aren’t very powerful but their ability to suck blood makes them pretty useful as tanks.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 7
  • Defense: 10
  • Magic: 4
  • Resistance: 13
  • Movement: 7 Cells
  • AIR Attribute
  • BEAST Attribute
  • +20% ACC
  • +10% CRIT
  • +20% EVA
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Echolocation: A passive skill. Bats are immune to the Blind status effect.
  • Blood Sucker: Passive skill. Half of the Damage inflicted by the Bat is restored to the Bat.


ᴕ Manaketes ᴕ

Fire Dragon

Fire Dragon
Fire Dragons are big red dragons. They've been known to wage war and participate in wars readily, especially in Yuba. When attacking from a distance (AKA usin’ their breath) they shoot big ol’ balls of magical Fire energy. When attacking up close… well… they get a little bitey. And that’s their specialty. Attack. They’re weak to magic… just not Fire Magic, so don’t be caught slippin’.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 14
  • Defense: 10
  • Magic: 9
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • DRAGON Attribute
  • +10% ACC
  • +20% CRIT
  • +10% EVA
  • +10% ASS
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Warmonger: Passive skill. All allies within two cells of the Fire Dragon will get +2 Attack.
  • Blazing Soul: Passive skill. Fire Dragons take no damage from Fire Magic.
Thunder Dragon

Thunder Dragon
THUNDER, THUNDER, THUNDER! Sorry, I just… alright yeah just sorry. So of the dragons, these guys are the speed demons. They stay zipping all around the battlefield man, they’re speedy as fuck. When they get in close, they like to scratch ya, but their breath is more powerful than their physicality. They shoot a great big ball of electric energy out their motherfuckin’ mouths. Aside from being speedy though, they don’t have much else going for them. An accurate archer should be able to do the trick with these guys.

  • Health: 50/50
  • Attack: 7
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 10
  • Resistance: 9
  • Movement: 7 cells
  • DRAGON Attribute.
  • +30% EVA
  • +10% LUCK
  • +10% ASS
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Speed Demon: Passive skill. When facing opponents with over 60% EVA, the Thunder Dragon receives +20% ACC.
  • Electric Soul: Passive skill. Thunder Dragons take no damage from Thunder Magic.
Ice Dragon

Ice Dragon
Meet the Ice Dragon, the rarest of them all. Much like Thunder Dragons their attack isn’t great but their magic is pretty cool. Defense is their strongest suit though. However, they’re slow as fuck and their HP ain’t that great. It’s cool, but it’s nothing special.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 6
  • Defense: 14
  • Magic: 9
  • Resistance: 11
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • DRAGON Attribute.
  • +15% CRIT
  • +15% BLOK
  • +20% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Ice Wall: An active skill. Ice Dragon breathes a wall of ice three cells long. Ice Walls last for two turns.
  • Freezing Soul: Passive skill. Ice Dragons take no damage from Ice Magic.
Wind Dragon

Wind Dragon
Wind Dragons are defensive little bastards. Their scales are lightweight but tough, allowing for a little bit of speed and a whole lot of resistance. They tend to physically attack with their tails. Beware their powerful gusts of wind, they can potentially put you in a situation you really don’t wanna be. Grab a Dragon slaying weapon and go to town on these assholes.

  • Health: 60/60
  • Attack: 6
  • Defense: 10
  • Magic: 8
  • Resistance: 13
  • Movement: 6 cells
  • DRAGON Attribute.
  • +15% EVA
  • +15% LUCK
  • +20% BLOK
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Blowhard: An active skill that pushes a target backward with a strong gust of wind by a maximum distance of 4 cells for most units. 6 cells for units with the AIR Attribute. 2 cells for units with the ARMOR Attribute. Mounted units will become Dismounted.
  • Gusty Soul: Passive skill. Wind Dragons take no damage from Wind Magic.
Ivory Dragon

Ivory Dragon
Ahhh the Ivory Dragon. Ivory Dragons embody light magic, which means their breath contains the holy attribute. These guys are real crucial if you’re into not dying, because they can raise the maximum HP of their allies! They’re fast and swole both offensively and defensively with magic. However, their Defense is fucking pathetic and so is their health.

  • Health: 45/45
  • Attack: 5
  • Defense: 4
  • Magic: 13
  • Resistance: 14
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • DRAGON Attribute
  • +30% EVA
  • +10% LUCK
  • +10% BLOK
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • White Warmth: An active skill that raises the Maximum Health of an ally by 20 points for the remainder of the battle. Unstackable.
  • Shining Soul: Passive skill. Ivory Dragons take no damage from Light Magic.
Ebony Dragon

Ebony Dragon
Ebony Dragons are highly romanticized on both continents for their great power, and them legends ain’t lyin. Look at that MAGIC. Look at that ATTACK! Look at that HEALTH! Whether they’re attacking you up close or from a distance with their dark breath, these black scaled bastards pack a punch. Luckily they lack the constitution to stand up to both physical and magical attacks.

  • Health: 80/80
  • Attack: 13
  • Defense: 6
  • Magic: 12
  • Resistance: 5
  • Movement: 5 cells
  • DRAGON Attribute
  • + 10% CRIT
  • +10% ACC
  • +15% EVA
  • +15% LUCK
  • Second Chance: Basic skill. The first time their HP reaches 0, they will merely flee the fight, and they may return for the next chapter. Can only be used once until it’s refilled.
  • Capture: Basic Skill. Allows the unit to capture opponents in place of killing them. Requires Ropes and Chains.
  • Soul Eater: An offensive die skill that has a 50% chance of healing the Ebony Dragon for as much Damage as they inflict on their enemy.
  • Shadow Soul: Passive skill. Ebony Dragons take no damage from Dark Magic.

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