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Ten Thousand Club

After getting her bearings, Edith noticed something -it was.. basically just floating directly before her. No matter which way she turned her head, this 'screen' followed, always staying in the center of her vision.
So it was true. This was Fire Emblem.

Stat screen and everything.

She scanned it quickly, used to seeing video-game stat displays like this.

Everything was here; strength, magic, skill, speed, luck, defense, resistance, constitution. Only 'mov' seemed to be absent.

Nyxra. That's what .. her name read as?

. Focusing, she could see, just below "Nyxra, the Shadowmoon" it said, in a tooltip that popped up, "Edith Jennings." -Her real name.

Nyxra? Who was this 'Nyxra'? She read more. The blurb and description of this 'Nyxra' person. Wow. Sounds like she was a truly hate-filled, angry person. Honestly, she kinda scared Edith.

Edith saw the Personal Skill listed:

Has two effects. Enemies struck by her magic feel lethargic, slowed, and weakened. (For a brief time). Secondly, every time she casts magic, this same negative debuff is applied in a small area around her, to all those nearby. It doesn't discriminate, ally or foe will be afflicted for a short time.

What?! That sounded terrible!

Feeling slightly disconcerted, she noticed her weapon listed in her inventory and finally the big ol' ONE under her level. Really?! Level 1??? Starting from the beginning, huh?..

She looked down at the weapon clutched in her hand.


A purple tome with a deep black orb on its cover, and black-binding. She ran her hand over it. It felt... good to hold.. That.. was weird. She wasn't sure how to feel about that. While it felt good to hold the book, Edith was a bit scared by just what that 'good' feeling meant. As she peered down at the book, a tooltip featuring all the information and relevant stats appeared, telling her everything she apparently needed to know about the tome in her hand.

A tome, huh..

Shaman. Level 1.

That's what it said on her stat screen. Speaking of stats.. She looked at the ones that were most relevant. The ones that stuck out the most... were Magic... and Resistance.. Resistance?! Seriously? She blanched. Well, if she was taking into consideration that it said 'Shaman'.. she supposed those stats added up. The worst ones were... Strength... and Skill.. that was also per usue. Con wasn't great either. But not as bad as she would've thought. Edith was not a big girl.

Wait. Were these... Were these -was all of this.. meant to be her?

It said Nyxra.. But.. she was Edith!

And yet.. it felt... so... felt right. What was this obtrusive, disconcerting feeling?

Wait. This thing -this screen -was always in her line of sight! How did she get rid of it?! As soon as she thought that, the screen disappeared, allowing her to view the world around her once more.

A grass plain, leading up to a small forest of sparse dead-looking trees. Beyond it...? She could just barely make out some large stone walls.

Suddenly something appeared over her head, instantly drawing her -and all those around her- attention. It appeared to be floating. As she strained her head up to read it, it seemed to move higher and higher, until the giant words appeared high in the sky above.

Mission: Rout and Seize
Seize Edgewood Tower.

Edgewood Tower? Was that the stone structure up ahead??

Wait. Rout. Seize?

Were they serious??? They expected her .. erm... everyone here to do that???!

PROLOGUE stuck out the most.

Tcheh. A grin spread across the hooded girl's lips. She recollected something she mused a second ago. Starting at the beginning, huh?

If this was it appeared... this was going to be a long 'playthrough'. Would she ever see home again?
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"I swear that if I get out of this,I'll never play vidrogames late at night again..." Marcus said to himself. He woke up in dome kind of weird plain...his bed replaced by a grasdy ground. There seemed to be some body of water nearby though. He did see his reflection through it. The face he saw was not his own. That of a young man same age as him(21) with messy blond hair tied in a ponytail, an handsome face and golden eyes. He was dressed in a white,yellow and orange tunic and pants,brown boots and a golden cloak.
"What's this some sort of isekai?"

The object he had in his hands was familiar.He regonised it from Fire Emblem Path of Radience and Radiant Dawn.

A Thunder tome.

The next thing that happened was even weirder.

Some kind of holographic stat screen appeared in front his eyes. "What's this? Solo Leveling?!" He did remember that anime about a guy that had some kind of stat screen like that but in real life.

Though this wasn't Solo Leveling...it was something else...familiar. He realisied it when he the the item screen.
Vulneraries. He was in a Fire Emblem game.

He read more of the screen,reading about his character( or rather...new self)
"Zack...Fulgar....Thunder mage...Level one...." He went through the background story of his "character" "What?! My character is the Fire Emblem version of Zenitsu from Demon Slayer?!" He shouts,noting a similarities,physicslly,personality wise and even in background story.

He blinked and the screen vanished. His vision was clear again. He gazed upon the grassy plains in front of him.

He moved forward only to notice giant words in the sky.

"Prologue:Confusion and Conquer."

"Mission: Rout snd seize. Seize Edgewood tower."

"Seriously?!" Marcus shouts as he noticed said tower in the horizon.
He sighed. "Let's hope I'll make it out alive. "

He headed toward the tower only to notice another figure.Unknown to him,but somewhat familiar to his new persona.
He coudn't explain why but he was scared of the girl.
Something came out of his mouth...without him wanting
to say that.
"Nyxra? What are you doing here?!"
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko

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