Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

Kitten could team up I guess, it could be like go 'Lok fight him!' And when he is about to loose Kitten will come save the day with Allerick. 
Also Killi, what happened to your buddy VainRochester?
I have Fainaaaaaa

Hmmm I'm not sure. I'd have to study up @__@ and I'm not as good a writer as Vain anyhow...
No Techie '-', and Killi from what I've seen your just as good :) . I don't expect perfection, I mean I am not that good myself :P
@Der Kojote where have you been? I missed you ;(.
Notif's are weird O.o they don't show up. for a while Kili and I had thought this had stalled. Also, Keshal kinda is out with a gut wound that he quasi healed with Nosferatu. he's probably in the back of the formation.
Maybe we should save it for something more dramatic, tho. Like have her die later on, more plot-relevant and character-driving.

Like ultimate villian kinda thing.
All right, just imagine Rosso is there :3. I have a couple of others I could kill as well, like that Nakamura guy who disappeared. 
Oh crap that Doomer guy is banned too ;(, so many people on my rp getting banned.

This RP must be cursed, who'll be next D:.

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