Fire Embelm: The Closed Book

mhms i'll get that after I finish this hour and a half post... ughhhh. All the imagination of a fandom that I don't know much about.... jeez... I got my hands full 
Percy jackson seemed easy to write about but oh my god... It's soooo hard to try to get things right... and then by the time I write something, people already kinda mess with it so I have to tweak it.... It bothers me....
Jeez you're quite tough, they are pretty though :3. Anyways, Joshua is my swordmaster and Marisa is my assassin.
Joshua always must be sword master, and always must be with Natasha. there is no other path, and no other ship.
.... you two.... Marisa was my swordsmaster and so was Joshua. They both cleared maps by themselves.
Keshal in 7 years. 
These are the sword users I use, Colm, Marisa and Joshua. The physically untouchable team.
yeah after we've retaken the kingdom, defeated the big bad (unrevealed yet) and Allerick and Rosso have been shipped apperantly.
look this has become the shout box for fire emblem... I fear how many notification i will awake to in 6 hours...
I don't have any finals until late June > :)
Also, playing the fire emblem with Roy, who is better Wade or Lot? I never use two warriors.
I like using warriors... :( I use everyone... I leave NO ONE OUT! other than that one paladin that was useless so I forgot his name...
Ahh I see your sig tech, Amelia was great as a general...then I gave her the swift soles to increase her speed. She became the energizer bunny of doom. just kept going...
*realizes innuendo... and the fantasies just gets better* 
Does anyone know if they still have the fire emblem titles on 3ds estore?

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