Fire and Leonhart 1x1 Forest Castle Fight school.

Kal smirked back as the scene behind him began to unfold. Typical of Nick, he thought. And how Deathwish protected him.. He only wanted him to stay out of trouble. But what was stressing Flower? He glanced nervously at her, then back at Nick and Faye, which then he laughed to himself softly. With a swift stand, Kal pushed his chair behind him before walking next to Flower. "Well at least he's got a date, doesn't he?" Kal said sarcastic, smiling over to her.
Flower looks at Kal and then smiled. "If she doesn't burn him first." She said and then looked up at him. "I have to admit...Deathwish's tolerance is very high." She chuckled and then looked around. She looked back at Kal and then smiled. "But I guess even if she turns him down..." She points at a few girls jealously staring at Nick and Faye. "He's got options."
(Oh sorry I meant fyra....I role play with a quite a few role players and one of them has a character named faye....sorry I get them confused. It's made worse by the fact I use Flower, Nick and deathwish a lot.)
(Its okay. I was just curious. ^^)

Fyra glanced up at Nick, and blushed as he asked her name. She slowly stood, and held out her hand. "I'm.. I'm Fyra. Hi."

Kal began to watch the two get to know each other. Did Fyra know how he was? Sure, he was a charmer... Kal began to wonder if he really only could move from one girl to the next. Kal took a small eye to the girls behind them, watching with digust as he flirted with Fyra. "I suppose... He's one lucky guy." Kal smiled back at Flower.
Nick looks at her and then grabs her hand kissing it politely. He chuckles and then smiles at her tilting his hand. “Nice to meet you Ms. Fyra.” He said and then looks at her. “May I ask if you’re busy tomorrow night?” He asked and then continued to smile.

Flower shrugs. “I wouldn’t be so sure.” She said and then push her hair behind her shoulder. She started heading out. “I do hope he doesn’t do anything stupid.” She said and then rubs her head slightly.
"You said it, Flower." Kal walked himself out, behind Flower, his long silver hair flowing behind him.

Fyra gasped as Nick kissed her hand. "I uh.. no, I'm- I'm free." She wondered about what he was doing, and this was all too sudden for her. Boys notice her often, but never flirt with her as hard as he did. She allowed it this time, but she still didn't know too much about him.
Nick nods and then looks at her. "Maybe you would consider at least going to that meter shower with me? You don't even have to consider it a date if you wish...but I would like to." He said and then stood up straight and tall with his arms crossed like Deathwish behind him. "Deathwish might he is shadowing me right now." He said sending a slight glare at his brother but nothing to nasty. He pushed his hand through his bangs a bit pushing them off to the side.

Flower looked at him and then smiled lightly. She continued to the next class and then paused for a moment. A few of the classmate were whispering….nothing to unusual but the odd look they were giving Flower made her wonder what it could be now. She swore if it was Zero again she would throw him to the girls as fast as she could drop him off a cliff. She glanced at Kal. “Well the gossip seems strong…maybe I’ll ask Kira what’s up later.”
Fyra glanced from left to right, as there was no one or nothing to back her up. She supposed this guy wouldn't be too bad. Maybe it might end up being a happy and new experience. On the inside, she was scared, but willing to try, as long as she got to know him well. "Oh.. Uhm.. Sure, why not? Heh..." She played with her hair silently.

Kal's eyes bounced around the room, as the rumors circulated them among the students. He merely went to sit down in his seat, as he was never used to this before. He decided to shrug it off until it got worse.
Nick smiled charmingly and then nodded. "Ah good!" He said and then got up grabbing her chin. "I will have to pick out a spot then. However I think I know one that would be just perfect." He smiled, however at such close range she could probably see his vampiric like fangs. He looked at her. --- Flower sighed a bit and then looked at Kal. She leaned back pushing her hair out over her seat back so she wasn't leaning on it.
Kal looked at her back, shugging.

Fyra glanced up at him, and gasped. She was taken in by a boy so easily. She glanced upon his smile, and saw his fangs, which gleamed in the light of the room. She was growing dizzy. " Oh.. Okay.."
Nick closed his mouth. "Um...are you ok Fyra?" He asked looking at her noticing something was different suddenly. He wondered if it was his fangs. He looked as Deathwish stepped in. "We are late for class." Deathwish said and Nick nodded slowly backing off from Fyra.

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