Fighting the Beast Within - A Mixed DNA RP

(Well what exackly were you planing with Kreg?)

Ginger was fighting the feeling to sleep as people dragged her along. She looked up at them still trying to fight. SHe was bairly able to move. "She's strong." One said and Ginger tried more to keep fighting. She couldn't close her eyes. No....stay awake. She looked at Kreg. Great...just great. What am I going to do? Her tail felt like it was a thousand pounds.
[[ Well, I had planned on Kreg being back to the facility and going from there. ]]

Still unconscious, Kreg was drug to a nearby van and thrown in. He was strapped down, and when the other men had corralled Ginger into the van, they took off quickly, too fast for anything without wheels to follow. They twisted and turned through curves and eventually came upon the facility in which the group was spliced with animal DNA. Kreg was roughly drug out of the truck and thrown into an all too familiar cage, which was securely locked and bolted shut. After some time, Kreg slowly awoke. He was still groggy, but he knew well enough what was going on.

"Hey...Hey! What the hell?!" Kreg asked as he shakily stood and swaggered around the cage drunkenly.
Ginger was in another cage facing the back. She held her knees while her tail wagged, and for a cat that means she was seriously annoyed. She sighed deeply, she looked at Kreg seeing he was up. She sighed and then looked back at the back of her cage and set her head on her knees. "We are back where we started." She said.
Kreg snapped his head towards the sound of Ginger, wherein he was partly relieved to see her, but mostly pissed. He was happy to see her because he didn't want to be stuck in that hell alone, but he mostly didn't want her stuck in that hell with him. He slammed his fist into the cage, making it shake violently. He tried the lock, but found it was way more secure than before to his dismay. He sat in the cage and looked over to Ginger, then looked down, never feeling this defeated before.

"I'm sorry, Ginger...I never meant for you to be captured..." He said as he placed his hand on his face.
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"Hmmm...Where are they? Sure offered a lot of money for them safe." Ghost said them himself as he searched for the cages containing Kreg and Ginger. Ghost was fused with the DNA of a Chameleon, giving him the ability to have active camouflage and walk on any surface. He arrives are Ginger's cage. He picks the lock without revealing his self. His scales return to the color of human flesh. Ghost says to Ginger, "Luckily someone wants you all safe" as he opens her cage. "I'm Ghost, a mercenary, I'll be escorting out of this lovely facility." He goes over to Kreg's cage and picks the lock as well. "Don't worry, the cameras are jammed." He says with a wink. He adjusts the straps on his blades and make's sure the clip of his .357 Magnum is fully loaded. (( I hope this rp isn't dead, btw many of you may know me as Descedent of the rose from gaia ;]))
Ginger looks at him and then gets out. She flicks her tiger ears at him. She was fused with white tiger DNA, giving her a tiger tail, eyes, sense of smell and hearing, she was also covered in white fur with black stripes. She looks at Kreg and then walks over. "Think you can walk." She said seeing as he was still fighting the medicine off. She must have had a higher tollerence to the stuff.
Startled by the sight of the man, Kreg snapped his head towards him, immediately seeing his firearm and blades. However, he was surprised seeing him unlock Ginger's cage, then his own. Ginger seemed fine by the way she walked, which flustered Kreg a bit, seeing as how he was still dazed. He shakily stood and leaned against the cage for support, his legs wobbly and his stomach turning. Ginger asked if he was able to walk, which he silently answered by stumbling forward and grabbing the cage for support. His breathing was labored. Maybe his lung was still punctured from the explosion that had happened earlier. He didn't know. However, he focused on the task at hand, and that was getting Ginger to safety. Kreg looked at the man with a questioning look and decided to ask the question.

"Thanks for freeing us, but...Who the hell are you?" Kreg asked, reaching for Ginger for support.
Ginger looked at kreg. He must have had a larger dose then her. She watched him barely get around and then moved in when he reatched to get support. She grabbed his arm and put it over his shoulders. Even though it hurt her she would help him walk. Her ribs were slowly healing, not as fast as Kreg of course, it would take much longer to fully recover and the pain was unbearable but still she refused to give in. She pulled away from the cage forcing him to and held him up. She looked at Ghost. "He said his name was Ghost." she looked up at Kreg with a small pretty weak smile.
(( I didn't give it up! D: ))

Kreg leaned against Ginger, cursing himself for his weakness. However, he had heard the one called 'Ghost' name himself. But that wasn't his question...Who WAS he? Why had he freed them? What did he want? The way he looked made Kreg think that he wasn't military, but he could be dead wrong. They may be safer with the doctor and the experiments...Nevertheless, he remained silent and merely watched Ghost with his piercing hawk-like eyes.
Ginger looks at Kreg and then blinks. She wonders what he was thinking about. She looked at Ghost and then smiles just happy to be released. However there wasn't much time to stand around. They had to move now. It wasn't like the guards to stay away for to long. She looked at Kreg. "As much as I would to stand here and have you lean on me....I think we need to start moving." She looks down and then back at Kreg. She also wanted to move because her side was hurting a lot.
Kreg listened to Ginger then nodded. He took a few deep breaths and stopped leaning against her, managing to stand on his own. He took a shaky step forward, then another, then another, until he was to the door. Kreg stretched his wings and looked at Ginger and Ghost. He still didn't trust Ghost, not by a long shot. But, if he was going to help them escape, then he would see what this guy had to offer. If all else failed, Kreg was sure that he and Ginger both could probably take him down. Then, a thought ran through Kreg's mind. The failsafe...This guy had been mixed with animal DNA, probably that of a chameleon. If that was the case, then he was created in this lab. If he was created in this lab, then he may still have the chip in the back of his neck like everyone else did. If he had the chip, Kreg could cripple him with a pheromone burst. It was worth a shot if the time came to use it. However, until then, he focused on Ginger.

"All right...Let's get out of here." Kreg said as he placed his hand on the door.
Ginger smiled as Kreg was able to walk. It slightly helpped with the pain of her side. She walked and then looked at Kreg waiting for him to open the door. Her tail raised high and only twitching a little. She looked at Ghost. He had helpped them but it was clear the Kreg didn't trust him. Of course Ginger had her doubts but she was the trusting kind. She had trusted Kreg after all. He turned out to be of much help. Ghost did free them from the cage, why would he do that unless he wanted to help. Maybe Ginger was a little to trusting but she wasn't fully trusting Ghost at least.
"Let's get out of here, quickly. The cameras aren't going to stay jammed forever." Ghost says to the two. "I'll scout out ahead." Ghost's scales reanimate to imitate his surroundings. His suit was design to enhance his abilities and allow his suit to mimic his abilities as well. Walking out the containment cells, Ghost spot two men standing guard. He walks up the wall onto the ceiling and positions himself above the men. Dropping from the ceiling, Ghost stabs one in the back, and quickly recovering from the fall decapitates the other. The two men dead, Ghost drags their bodies into the containment cell room and throws them into a cage. "Coast is clear, lets move" He says to Ginger and Kerg.
Ginger looks at Kreg and then smiles a bit. She walks out following Ghost. She tries to ignore the smell of blood although it made her fur stand on end. She tried not to sigh or make a sound. She looks at Ghost and then looks around sniffing the air. She quietly continues on.
This guy was impressive, Kreg noted, as the man named Ghost took out the two guards. In his condition, Kreg couldn't have done that. He limped forward, hand on his side, following Ginger. He cursed himself every step of the way. How had he managed to be so weak? He shook his head, trying to clear away the negative thoughts that kept clouding his mind. However, they were persistent, but Kreg just continued to ignore them. However, a new thought crossed his mind, which caused him to put a hand on Ginger's shoulder and whisper into her ear.

"The doctor that did this...Do you think he's here? Do you think he could change us and everyone else back?" Kreg whispered, keeping his voice low so no one but Ginger could hear.
Ginger looked at Kreg. If he was, she could sniff him out. However remembering his scent might be the issue here. She may have a Tiger's sense of smell but could she remember it? She looked at Ghost Kreg apparently didn't want him to know. She leaned up to his ear. "I think he might. It's worth a shot, I could check the scents around here but I am no bloodhound. I may not be able to sniff out the right scent." she whispered back and then thought about changing back. Did she really want to? Sh may have fur all over her body but she was stronger this way. Yet, she would never fit in with others again. "Changing us back will have to be an issue when we find him."She whispered again.
Ghost heard the two whispering, but could not decipher what they were saying. He turns around and asks "Did you say something?", just to see if they would tell him what they were conversing about. Ghost continues down the hall and approaches a stairwell. 'We could use the underground levels to get out of here undetected' he thought himself.

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