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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

Akio continued to sketch, unaware of the cafe staff's murmuring about him. He looked up when the waitress came back with his food thanking her meekly. Chewing slightly on one of the snakebites on his lower lip Aki wondered if he should get a tongue piercing too. They looked really cool and it would also hide some weird birthmark he'd recently developed on his tongue that he was self conscious about. On the other hand it would hurt like hell and he was a bit of a weenie. Deciding not to worry about it now, be picked up his fork and took a bite of cake.
After the guys that Ritsuka was serving left, she didnt have anything to do. She stood at the front in place of Itaru since he was...busy...

"Hello~" shed bow and greet those that walked in with a shy smile, twinkling deep sapphire eyes concave, and snow white hair would bow and hang with her.

The girl that Itaru was serving was just about leaving. He kissed her hand and she giggled with a blush. She left the building and was picked up by a guy that hugged and kissed her. Itaru sulked "Why do i even try....i hate girls...they always lead guys on..."

Ritsuka giggled, her voice chimed and was sweet,"No, youre just a flirt and youre a heart breaker yourself you forget..." She teased.

He pouted and stormed off.
(I don't check for a day and I come back to this x.x)

Ayumi huffed and fell into a chair, barely noticing the new waiter. She tugged on her ponytail and let it loose with a sigh of relief. Her face crumpled and she sounded like a little kid. "We have to do that every day?" She rubbed her legs and arms, hoping to ease the stiffness away from them. Ayumi looked around the cafe and noted all the people that were there, marking off a list in her head. She felt like passing out right then and there but held herself back from doing so. Her body felt heavy and was pulsating everywhere with each heartbeat which made the aching feeling worse.
Ritsuka's head turned to Ayumi,"Aww, cmon now its not that bad~ its actually kinda fun!"

"Thats because you never go out..." Itaru quickly retorted and looked at her from the corner of his eye.

Ritsuka gasped and didnt know what to say but just stuck her tongue out at him.

"What?" He shrugged,"You know its true..."

"But but but," she stuttered,"th-thats because...im...shy..." She trailed off into a mumble and looked at the floor.

"Youre just a little uke arent you~" he ruffled her hair.

"mmm!!" She groaned and fixed her hair while glaring and pouting at him. Alas it didnt work, it just made her look cuter, and Itaru chuckled.
Ayumi groaned at her response and nodded at Itaru. "Is it okay if I bring out my ears and tail, I would feel so much better if I did." She rubbed her head and it was true. Her head was throbbing and having the powers of a wolf would wake her up a bit and help her be more active. She pulled down her skirt for the last time before getting annoyed once again. It didn't bother her that much but she didn't like skirts being that high all that much.
"Well..." Itaru rubbed his chin,"i guess it wouldnt be bad, some people like it! Its actually quite trendy, you can always say its fake." He said.

Ritsuka rubbed the top of her head, where ears would be and frowned,"I-I wish i could do that...." Her little voice had sadness as it whined.

"Heh heh, dont worry theyll come!" He grinned.

She looked up at him, crystal eyes glossy and shiny with forming tears.

"Aw, no no NO! Dont give me that--look...theyll come, i cant help in anyway!" He panicked and squat to her level.

She sniffled,"okay...."

He stood back up,"Good!" He sighed with relief,"I hate how much of a cry baby you are..." He didnt say it in a mean way, he meant that he didnt like to see her upset but sometimes he cant express himself quite right and it comes off as harsh.

"Im sorry...." She mumbled and fiddled with the hemming of her skirt.
By now John had forgotten the commotion and entered what would later be self-termed 'drone mode' that he only thinks about work in. He was going to say he has a strange mark on his shoulder , until he went into drone mode. In any case , he was doing everything he wasn't supposed to do like clean dishes , mop the floor and other such things.
The twins worked like a matched pair, they took turns taking orders and bringing the customers there orders, helping eachother out like they always did. Yuki looked around the cafe and noticed Ayumi and the other's conversation. "Well we can always say that it's just part of a theme."
Ayumi perked up and smiled. She didn't wait for anyone to say anything else before shaking her head, shaking out her ears and tail. Her ears wiggled for a bit before flattening against her head. The tail was harder to cover up so she just let it sway slowly behind her. She glanced over at Ritsuka and got an idea. "Do you want to feel my ears, just so you know what they'll feel like once you get them."
Isha sighed and sat on the floor, going over the past hour in her head. Mew mews? People with animal DNA? She was one of them, not only that, a bird? She'd at least guessed it was a bird.
John kept doing everything , shoving people aside as he did it , as if these tasks were his all consuming desire. Little did they know , this was part of his mew and that soon he would go full mew. He even hit a guy. He stopped himself , however , before he did so much he dropped. "What happened?"
"Whatever do you mean?"

Hatashi was laying across several chairs, staring at the ceiling. Soon her eyes closed and she was napping in the light of the cafe.
Ritsuka's eyes lit up and she nodded. She tip-toed her way up to feel the soft fluffyness. She sughed with content and squeezed them gently. Her cheeks turned pink as the texture tickled ger palms. She giggled a little.

Itaru smiled at the twins' idea,"Thats perfect! It will be the theme!" His own ears and tail popped out aswell.

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After finishing his cake Akio stood wiping his mouth with his sleeve and left his money on the table. Looking at the time he decided it was about time to go, but might come back again another time since the food here was yummy.
Ayumi crouched down and set her knees gently on the floor, allowing Ritsuka to reach them easier. She hummed lightly at the feeling and nudged into her hand a bit. Her tail swished behind her in content as the happiness brushed its way into her hands and feet. She glanced at Itaru and saw his half transformation, making her giggle at seeing like that and so happy for once.
Ritsuka released the ears and smiled at Ayumi in thanks. Her attention was grabbed by Nichole offering sweets,"Ahh~!" She smiled and was ready to take off running, when Itaru quickly grabbed the collar on the back of Ritsuka's outfit, holding her back,"Not so fast missy...."

"Mmm..." She made a little growling noise,"What???"

"You know how much you can eat sweets, let everyone else go first..." He let go of her.

"Fine..." She quietly pouted to herself.
Ayumi felt her ears perk up and she stood up fully, accepting her slice of cake. She licked at some frosting that had gotten on her finger and hummed. "Delicious!" Her tail curled on her side and she took a small bite out of the cake, smiling after it hit her tongue. She swayed slightly with each bite and thanked Nichole after swallowing.

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