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Fandom fight for the earth (mew mew power/tokyo mew mew rp also has romance)

Her face got redder and she smiled a little at his compliment in a way. "The cute one? I guess I can live with it..." Ayumi giggled and glanced back at Itaru then Ritsuka, wondering if he always treats her that way. She then giggled once again and smoothed down her hair, feeling self-conscious all of a sudden.
Hatashi was pulling her skirt down trying to make it longer. "Whoa, this is, uhhhh, a little short for my taste..."

Isha looked at the bright blue maid outfit that was handed to her... "....." She looked up at Kyle, then took it and wandered off to change. Kuudere, the cold harsh one...
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Ayumi released her skirt after a few tugs since she was getting frustrated with it. She would love to leave the cafe and go to sleep for the whole day if she really could, but, being the way she is, she isn't going to say no at this point. Her rose a bit like usual but she was used to it and didn't really care. Well, she cared, but not enough to be constantly pulling it down.
(They all got some uniforms, and are gonna work at cafe mew mew. Kyle and elliot already told them about the animal dna they have and about the aliens.)

Yuki & Shuiro were both completely silent through the entire explanation and were just shocked, wow who knew all of this for a Café? so they were protectors now huh?, at least they had a place to go now. The brothers looked at each other and then their new uniforms and got changed into suits. Shuiro walked in with a small red book (Right) and Yuki looked in the mirror and did a waiter/butler pose, (Left) he kind of liked it, he'd only wore a suit once before at his father and step-mother's wedding and it just felt natural. But Shuiro's eyepatch looked rather off in the uniform, he hoped nobody would comment about it... he chuckled at the girls uniform "I think it looks fine that way" he commented with a smile.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Kuroko.Tetsuya.600.1180288.jpg.9a70184ec0123460e1fc755a0496a475.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13618" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Kuroko.Tetsuya.600.1180288.jpg.9a70184ec0123460e1fc755a0496a475.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Akashi.Seijuurou.600.1180289.jpg.0fd95640dd1bb5c6b5a47d22c7525142.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13619" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/Akashi.Seijuurou.600.1180289.jpg.0fd95640dd1bb5c6b5a47d22c7525142.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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After changing, Isha stepped back to the group, running her hands over the fabric, looking kind of critical. "....Whatever. This place is just starting, so theres no way we'll be that busy."

"You sure there's not a longer skirt?"
(*sighs dreamily* I just had to, Ah Sebby) 
Shuiro nodded, "Yeah it's not like people flood here anyways, I'm sure things will run relatively smooth here." Yuki smiled "I'm glad I don't have to wear that..." he wondered why they were so short too, maybe someone had a weird fetish or something? he walked over and went on his knees at skirt level and at first looked like he was doing something inappropriate but he found a flap in the skirt and when he gave it a tug it fell making the skirt almost knee- level. "I knew it..."
Hatashi flinched when Yuki walked and started to do what looked like looking up her skirt, but instead he pulled the inner layer out so it was longer. Heedless to say she found her face red from an embarrassed blush. "W-what are you... doing?"
"Fixing your little issue, what else would I be doing?" Yuki questioned and his brother couldn't stop laughing "Hahaha!, Oh my gosh you are way too innocent aren't you?" Yuki looked confused for awhile but after seeing Hatashi's face he understood what it looked like. "W-what!? N-no no!, it's not like that! You have a perverted mind that's all!" He was as red as she was now, Shuiro just kept laughing.
Hatashi shook her head and covered her face.

Isha watched this, and the two with red faces, and found herself giggling, with a hand over her mouth..

"H-Hey! Stop laughing!"
Nichole giggled a bit at the scene and kyle went to change the sign to open. People came in and Nichole gulped walking over to some and went to seat them. She got her notepad and tray. "Excuse me my name is Nichole and I'll be your waitress. What would you like to order?" After giving them their menus.
"Oh crap, there are people? Crap." She grabbed whatever she need and started waiting tables..

Hatashi shook her head some more then rushed off to start waiting tables.
Shuiro just laughed harder at his brother's embarassment and ended up falling over and landed on Isha "S-sorry!" now the roles were reversed and Yuki giggled "Haha! serves you right!" his brother blushed "S-Shut up!" he quickly noticed there were people and ran off to wait tables with the others and his brother took a table. "Hello, I'll be your waiter today how may I serve you?"
Isha made a sound like a bird then turned and glared, then realised the people she was waiting on were looking at her. "Ah-ha-ha! H-How can I help you? Oh I already got your orders? Alright, see ya..." She walked off to place the orders.
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Ayumi snapped out of her small daze and realized she was alone. "Jerks..." She walked upstairs and noticed there were people in the cafe now. Elliot shoved her a little roughly towards and table and she stumbled but caught herself. "I-I'll be your waitress f-for the time being. What would you like?" Her eye twitched when she could see out of the corner of her eye, a guy staring at her skirt. I knew it was too high! Ayumi quickly wrote down the orders and slapped them hard on the counter to get done. "Grr...."
Hatashi was hopping around taking orders, balancing cakes and slices of pie on her arms and back, with the biggest smile that she could muster. "Your food!"

Isha dumped the food ordered on the customers table. "Your food." She said coldly, then walked away.
(When i dont check it everyone comments xD when i constantly check, no one does)

Itaru looked at everyone,"Good everyones at work..." His straight face came back. He looked around at the place, people already coming in. The place hasnt been in use much from what he could tell,"Ritsuka!"

"H-hai?" She came prancing over in her uniform.

"Can you clean the front windows, we want people to actually see into the place."

She nodded and went to the back for cleaning supplies. She came back out with a rag and a spray bottle for window cleaning. She went to the front windows and begun to clean. She put all her effort into it, making sure it was crystal clean. Glittering deep blue eyes, focused...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.63008f1f09ecb38f0e7cb529c15c648c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13637" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.63008f1f09ecb38f0e7cb529c15c648c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Itaru saw a few people coming in,"The tables need to be cleaned off too...." He said to no one in particular. He went to the back and changed as well.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.5e8389792fd1657319cd1ab32f36214c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="13638" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/image.jpg.5e8389792fd1657319cd1ab32f36214c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Of course it was still a little sloppy but it matched his personality. He stood at the front and greeted people when they came in. He seated them to their tables.



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She looked at Itaru, then wandered off to a nearby table and started wiping it down, silently, then she piped up with a simple sentence.

"I never caught your name."
Itaru watched Ritsuka clean as a feminine voice asked for his name,"Usually a person presents their name,out of politeness, before asking for one of the other person...." His deep voice was stern. He finally turned and peered over at her from his side,"Its Itaru....just Itaru.." His stone face as usual. He watched her clean as silence fell again. He broke it,"Whats yours? If i may ask..."
"Pardon. I figured you already knew my name, as I mentioned it earlier. To repeat it I found would be tedious. Ishamori Makoto, you can call me Isha if you wish. You don't have a last name?" She looked at Itaru, an eyebrow edged upward.
"I do, but i figured since we're all friends here, you didnt need to know..." He turned and begun to walk away but stopped in his tracks and looked at her once more,"Thank you for cleaning the tables by the way..." He ran his fingers through his hair and finally walked off. He went back to his spot at the cafe entrance.
She didn't answer him, as he was already gone. She didn't mind, it felt nice cleaning, having something to do. At home she had people waiting on her, cleaning up after her, and honestly, while it was nice and she knew not all kids had this pleasure, it bothered her sometimes, that she had nothing to do. Everything was done for her. This felt... nice.

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