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Kane smiled at that. "You have paint all over your face." A moment later the woman came out with a few plates of food. "Thank you so much."

The woman smiled. "No problem Summoner. I also brought a rag so that your friend can get the paint off of her face."
"Oh.. I-I do?" She brought a hand to her cheek and gave a some-what surprised expression, catching a reflection of herself from afar. "How did that happen.." Nobu murmured, looking down at her ink stained hand.

Her embarrassment only grew as the women who approached brought a rag. Suddenly, her stomach let out another, fierce growl. Noboru hesitated, uncertain if she should reach out for the rag or plate of food first.
Kuro snickered quietly, but said nothing, while Kane had to reign in his laughter. He would have been on the floor if that wasn't considered undignified. Being a Summoner had its perks, but it came with a lot of cons. Kane could remember the last time he wanted to laugh, his life having been void of fun for the past few years.
Her embarrassment only grew. She leaned forward and grabbed both a plate and the cloth. "Thanks for the meal" Murmured Noboru as she examined what seemed to be a chunk of bread, before bringing it to her mouth and biting into it. Sluggishly, the girl simultaneously rubbed her face with the rag as she chewed, moving the rag in slow, soft movements around her cheek. She swallowed a large gulp. "The people here.." Nobu paused a brief moment to yawn, "-really like you.." the girl rubbed her eye, exchanging glances with Kane.
Kuro growled at that. "They are idiots."

Kane noticed that no one heard the Ronso and nodded his head in agreement. "They don't care for me, they just love the fact that I am a summoner. They used to treat me like I was a monster that shouldn't exist." Kane said as he looked down, allowing his hair to cast a shadow over his eyes. "It doesn't really matter anymore though, I am going to beat Sin." Kane said before adding another sentence in his head. 'Not for them though, I will finish what you died doing dad, and kill Sin.'
Noboru, though a little surprised by Kuro's comment, chewed thoughtfully as the boy spoke, putting the rag down. Her face was clean, with the exception of a few streaks of paint she had missed. The girl swallowed hard at the mention of Sin, nearly choking on her meal. -The familiar name set shivers up her spine, and she stiffened instinctively. She set down her bread and composed herself. "Sin.. You're going to.. fight Sin?" Noboru could recall the beast vividly. She fell silent, staring down at at her food.

The girl noticed neither of the men had touched their plates, perhaps, because of the serious turn their conversation had taken. Picking up a few strands of untouched noodles with her chopsticks, she dangled it in front of Kane in an attempt to lighten up the mood. "
Open." she made a few chomping motions with her mouth. Before he had time to reply, the girl was already poking at his maw with the food. "If you don't eat. you'll starve to death, and die." she gave him a serious look, possibly jumping to conclusions a little too fast.
Kane said nothing in response to her playfulness. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate it, but thinking back to his father's death had caused him to lose his appetite. "I am going to the beach, Kuro we will be leaving Besaid tomorrow, I have everything I need to bring in a backpack. If I don't make it back in time, bring the bag to the beach please." When the Ronso nodded his head, Kane stood and walked out of the village gates.

Disappointed, Noboru gave a huff. Letting the noodles fall back onto her plate, next she placed the sticks back down, defeated. Her eyes followed Kane as he left the village. Did she upset him? Would it be alright to let him head out on his own? The girl was sure he could handle himself, however she had the slightest bit of worry. Soon, she found herself alone with the Rosno. Noboru turned her attention to Kuro, staring intensely ahead at the beast. Uncomfortable silence fell upon the two.

Slowly, she started to reach for her chopsticks. "
Do you... uh.. want some?" her small voice broke the silence abruptly.

Kuro raised an eyebrow. "I am quite capable of feeding myself." He said as he picked up his own chopsticks. After a few seconds he realized that she probably couldn't tell that he was smiling about it. "By the way, don't worry about Kane, he gets like that when Sin is brought up. His father and the last High Summoner died fighting it, and while we had a few calm years, Sin is already back."

Meanwhile Kane made it to the beach and looked outward towards the ocean. Some day he would be able to come back here and do whatever he wanted, but that was only after he killed Sin. Although he might not come back to Besaid, to many bad memories. He hated how the townspeople acted, as if they never shunned and beat him for being half-Al-bhed. Being a summoner certainly changes how people view you, luckily he had Kuro. If not for the Ronso, Kane didn't think he would ever be able to trust anyone, but his older brother, or at least that is how he viewed Kuro, helped him keep his faith in people.
Rejected twice in a row now, Noboru fumbled with her food, giving a small prominent pout as she continued to feed herself. Her frown became even more apparent as Kuro continued to speak. She grew quiet as she took a moment to think. —"I'd like leave Besaid with you both." she requested, seemingly out of the blue. "I think.. I'd have better luck remembering something if I left." Nobu spoke slowly, rubbing one of her eyes, as if not quite sure how to explain herself.
Kuro shrugged his shoulders. "I can't make you stay in Besaid, but if you wish to travel with us then you will need to talk to Kane, he is the summoner after all." Kuro said as he quickly ate his food. "Come, you can sleep in Kane's bed, he will not be returning tonight." The Ronso said as he headed towards his home.
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Noboru quickly wolfed down the remainder of her food before standing on her feet. Noboru took long strides to to keep up with the taller man's pace. "Okay." she stole a sideways glance as she answered. Kuro's tone was certain. The girl wondered what could be keeping Kane for so long. Surely, he had to sleep sometime too.

Why did Kane go to the beach?" Curious, Noboru spoke absentmindedly as she continued to watch the path in front of her, nearing the Rosno's house. "Does.. he have something to do there?" She held a hand in front of her mouth as she finished, muffling her last few words and suppressing another upcoming yawn. Tired tears burned at the corner of her eyes, she paused to wipe them, before stumbling forward in order to catch up with Kuro.
Kuro shook his head as they arrived at the house. "He went to the beach because he wanted to look out at the ocean. The last place his father took him before he joined the last summoner was that beach. Kane has went there a lot when he was thinking about his father. That beach is where he feels the most connected, that is why we found you. Kane was there asking his father to watch over him during the trials. If the Fayth reject a summoner, it isn't a pretty sight."
Noboru nonchalantly examined the surroundings around her as they entered the house. She turned to Kuro, scrunching her brows together. "Who's 'the Fayth'?" she questioned with a tilt of the head. —Aeons, summoners, fiends, try as she might, she couldn't remember. From the moment she woke up her memory was blank, apart from her recent, terrifying recollections of Sin.
"The Fayth are who grant the summoners there power. I don't know anything else about them, but I have seen summoners die when the Fayth found them unworthy." Kuro said.
She let out, yet another long yawn, falling back on what she presumed to be Kane's bed. "Unworthy?" she repeated, closing her eyes. "I'll ask Kane more about it tomorrow..."

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