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Fantasy Festival For The Lonesome Noble Or How I Was Tricked Into Attending A Hookup Event For Unmarried Nobles [Fantasy/Light Romance]



Cuddly enby auntcle
Plot: Getting married is important for nobility not only to produce offspring and therefore successors, but also for political reasons. A marriage can deepen relations between family or potentially merge territories. However some nobles don't want to get married, just suck at finding a partner or have "other" interests. In the worst case scenario, if they aren't the next head of their family or territory, they will be shipped off to military or bureaucratic service in some far off frontier town. But their families don't want to go that far and tricked their adult children to attend an event to meet others like themselves and eventually find a partner. The deception may be something like a promised vacation trip or visiting a big festival. But in the end, they are dropped off at some castle and cannot leave the city for the duration of the event or always have guards on them to keep tabs on them.

Setting: Start at Atreyas castle in the city of Rubinia, Kingdom of Rubin. Potentially other places later on after the initial event. It consists of multiple building along a hillside. The castle grounds are large enough that it could be it's own town. So the nobles aren't confined to a small area. Every noble gets an apartment like room with a spacious bedroom and three butlers or maids to their liking if they desire.

Time and tech: The style of culture is a mix of medieval fantasy and late 1800s, early 1900s fashion. While many carriages are still horse drawn, there are already some horseless carriages. Airships also exist and are either mana crystal powered or pulled by tamed wyverns. Some home appliances are starting to use mana crystals as a source of energy to aid those who have low mana or low magic skill. Mana powered rifles exist, but swords, staves and bows are still prevalent.

Atreyas castle:
Atreyas castle is a massive area that features the main palace and around 100 further buildings. The area has hunting grounds, four different building for guard's residences and armories, sports areas, a wizard's tower, dining areas and much more. The total amount of people living and working at Atreyas castle is around 5000. About 1% of Rubinia's population works at the castle.

Nations: (your character can be a high noble (prince or princess) of a nation or be a lesser noble with a territory within one of the nations. Territories cannot exceed the attributes of their nations)

Kingdom of Nelava - Wealth 3/5, Infrastructure 3/5, Resources 4/5, Military 2/5. Nelava is a northern kingdom consisting mostly of plains surrounded by mountains.
Empire of Silversand - Wealth 5/5, Infrastructure 3/5, Resources 3/5, Military 4/5. A central nation that encompasses about 20% of the continent. Has a very diverse landscape.
United Ostlandia - Wealth 4/5, Infrastructure 4/5, Resources 2/5, Military 2/5. A small eastern kingdom with many small islands along it's coast. Very flat terrain with fields and canals. Highest points are dunes and small hills.
Ortrania - Wealth 3/5, Infrastructure 2/5, Resources 1/5, Military 3/5. A southern nation full of woodlands, swamps and difficult terrain.
Confederated Territories of Liviania - Wealth 2/5, Infrastructure 3/5, Resources 3/5, Military 4/5. A confederated nation with a queen at it's top. Though the land is large and the landscape is diverse, it is one of the poorest nations in on the continent.
Davaland - Wealth 1/5, Infrastructure 1/5, Resources 2/5, Military 5/5. An authoritarian monarchy from the west. Despite it's small size and lack of wealth, the royal family lives in luxury while the people starve. Military service here is compulsory and it often ends at old age. Landscape is mountainous.
Kingdom of Rubin - Wealth 5/5, Infrastructure 4/5, Resources 3/5, Military 1/5. A central nation with middle size mountain ranges and steppes. The capital is near a large lake. Despite lack of decent military, Rubin is a powerful economic player.

Magic: Magic types that exist are elemental (fire, water, air, earth) [ice is water, metal is earth], light/healing, dark/necromancy, abyssal, conjuration, summoning, enchanting, enhancement/combat, illusion.

Playable species:
As higher nobility/royalty: Humans, Elves, Dwarves (Davaland royalty) and any mix of them.
As lesser nobility: Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Wolf-demihumans, Fox-demihumans
As servants: Any of the aforementioned, plus Goblins, Hobgoblins, Cat-demihumans, Lizard-demihumans


TanteRegenbogen - Queen Lilia Wyvernblood of Liviania, Princess Luciana "Lucia" Wyvernblood, Prince(ss) Endrie "Ria" Wyvernblood
Redroseknight - Isolde
Ginko The Mushishi - Prince Edwin Wellstein
Key of Stars - Duke Roland Welden
Sincerity - Prince Ezra Atkinson, Countess Ari Cantrell
Violetti - Duchess Seraphina of Ravenwood, Wren Ravenwood
Daddy Dream - Duchess Illesia Mondessa

1. No game breaking characters. That means you can't play a species that is not mentioned. Your character's territory cannot be more wealth or powerful that it's own nation. No mary sues.
2. No "foreign nations from outside of the continent" as nobility/royalty.
3. If you are going to be gone for more than three days at a time, please notify everyone else so that we arent constantly waiting on you. If you go missing and dont respond to messages, you will be skipped. If it happens again, you will be excluded from the roleplay.
4. No nsfw content. No teen moms. No incest or any such taboo subjects.
5. Otherwise have fun
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Lilia and Luciana Wyvernblood

A carriage entered the city of Rubinia where the ball was to be held. It was purple and beared the crest of the Wyvernblood family, to which the queen of Liviania belonged. In the carriage sat four people:

The first was Lilia, Queen of Liviania, disguised as a maid wearing a long black maid dress with a white laced trimmed collar, a purple tie and a white lace choker. Her long brown hair was fashioned into a braided updo with a simple flower hairpin holding her hair. Lilia's makeup was light and modest as was usual for maids.

The second was Luciana, First Princess of Liviania, successor to the throne. Luciana wore white shorts and a sleeveless lacey high-neck top buttoned to the top. The buttons of the top were a pearly white. Next to her lay a dark blue off-shoulder dress.

The other two were Jas, second degree cousin of Lilia, disguised as a butler, and Iria, military advisor to the duchy of Varkart, one of the member nations of the confederation, dressed as another maid.

"Do I have to wear it? I could just go there as I am dressed now!" Luciana protested. Lilia replied: "Your current clothing is just the bottom layer. You still need to put on the petticoat and the dress. Lucia, listen. It is only for the initial ball. Then you don't have to dress so formally. However you should still then dress somewhat modestly, meaning skirts should be at least knee-length and no cropped tops. I'd say most comfortable option would be a tunic with pants and a nice necklace or choker." "But I don't want to wear long dresses." Luciana said.

Lilia sighed before looking Lucia straight in the eyes, something Lucia felt as threatening. It always made her uneasy when Lilia locked her eyes with hers. "It's only for today. So put the dress on." Lilia said sternly. Lucia fearfully obliged. Once Lucia was dressed, Lilia complimented her: "See, it's fine. You look great in it. I could cuddle you right now!" Lilia then hugged Lucia.

Eventually, the carriage came to a halt and the door to the carriage opened. Guard stood along a red carpet and an announcer spoke: "Presenting, Her Royal Majesty, Princess Luciana Wyvernblood of Liviania!"

As Lucia exited the carriage, should could make out some of the whispers of the attending crowd. "Is that the daughter of the witch queen?" "I heard she's the niece since the witch queen has no partner." "Why is the witch queen not here then?" "It might be due to the awkward atmosphere around Davaland and Silversand royalty." The whispers irritated Lucia. She wanted to give those gossipers a piece of her mind, but was stopped by Lilia: "Maintain your composure. You don't want to ruin your impression just yet." Ignoring the gossip, Lucia continued onwards.

They were led down a long corridor to a large banquet hall. Those currently in attendance were mostly servants for the time being. The Livianian royalty were possibly one of the first ones there. They were welcome to grab a few hors d'oeuvres and drinks while they waited for the rest. Lucia started stuffing her face, but was interrupted by Lilia: "Don't eat like a pig. I showed you how to eat among other nobility." "Bite me, maid." Lucia said, being rebellious. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see Lilia with an eerie look in her eyes. It sent shivers down Luciana's spine. "Did I hear that right? You want to be so rude to your maid? Maybe your aunt should choose another successor." Lilia said.

"No! I'm sorry. Don't hurt me!" Lucia pled, frightened. She felt another hand on her other shoulder. The hands began to massage shoulders. "Why would I ever think of hurting you? You'd have to do something really bad for me to do that. So relax." Lilia said. "Now, keep an eye out for hot guys or ladies. I will look for a shorter guy for myself."

They stood there, gazing around, waiting for more to arrive.
Ezra Atkinson
A monotone carriage rumbled through the streets of Rubinia, it was pulled by two dark brown horses. Inside a man with dark skin, white hair and purple eyes sat attaching gold cufflinks to his white dress shirt. Across from him sat a maid and a butler. Ezra's hands shifted then to tighten his tie a dark red that matched the vest he wore.

"Are you ready sir?" His maid asked her voice short and polite. The prince's purple eyes shifted from the city outside to the pair sitting across from him.

"I think so." Ezra's voice was calm as he responded. This event would be the biggest international event he had ever attended, and as such he had spent days preparing. He had studied up on the other nobles likely to attend as well as making sure his etiquette would be up to par. Then he spent forever making sure everything got packed for such an event. Finally, he had only been informed of the true nature of this event once they were already halfway there, and he was still trying to wrap his head around that. As his carriage passed through the entrance gates to Atreyas castle Ezra slipped his black suit coat on over his vest and shirt. "My knife, please." He requested holding his hand out to his maid.

"Are you sure that is a good idea?" His butler interjected. In response Ezra simply nodded and shot a small glare in his direction, only retracting his hand once the knife was placed in it. Even though this would be a friendly and well guarded ball and he wasn't defenseless without a weapon, Ezra didn't like to be caught unprepared. He removed the sheath to reveal a silver blade no more than 4 inches in length before covering it right back up. He then tucked the knife into an inside pocket of his suit coat he had added for just this purpose.

"Perfect." He murmured under his breath as he smoothed his hands over his suit jacket once again, checking his tie and cuffs. The carriage soon came to a stop and Ezra stood buttoning his suit jacket as he did. He looked up checking his reflection in the window in the second before the door was swung open. "Presenting his royal majesty, Prince Ezra Atkinson of Davaland." A voice boomed and then Ezra stepped out of the carriage onto the red carpet.

The prince kept his eyes trained ahead, his steps even and his posture straight as he walked to the entrance. He could feel the stares of the onlookers on him and could hear the hushed whispers, but instead he focused on the entrance in front of him and the sounds of his steps, allowing the onlookers to fade out of focus.

Once he reached the banquet hall Ezra's eyes immediately started scanning and assessing the room. His eyes passed over the many servants and food about before he spotted a pair of women. The first was short and wearing a long blue gown, who seemed to fit the descriptions of the Livianian princess he had heard. The second woman was more peculiar, a maid nothing special about that, but her face, something about her seemed familiar. He pondered trying to turn it over in his head and remember why he felt like he had seen her before.

Ezra snapped back to reality when a servant offered him a drink, quickly averting his gaze from the women when he realized he had been watching them a few seconds too long for polite company. He quickly accepted a drink taking a small sip before walking over to get some food for himself. He finished his scan of the room and realized he was rather early, although that suited him quite nicely.

Seeing as people were still arriving Ezra figured he could hold off on socializing for a little longer, especially as the only other notable person he had seen was from Liviania if he was correct, and likely not the best candidate for polite one-on-one socialization at this time considering their nations' animosity. So, once he had collected a small plate of a few appetizers, he found himself a nice wall to stand by where he could drink and eat while watching the entrance for other new arrivals.
Countess Isolde
"I had half expected you to be in a dour mood, my lady, after being told that I would be assisting in preparing you to join other nobility for an event to gain you a suitor," the brunette maid carefully pinning her employer's red hair commented with a giggle. "Still, it makes my heart glad to see that you might be embracing the opportunity that your parents and brother have given you. You've been such a joy to work for all of these years, your highness, so it is only fair that you gain the happiness that a marriage could offer."

Laughter escaped Isolde's lips as her green eyes looked to the woman fixing her hair, the sound as genuine as the smile that had remained painted on her face that entire evening. Of course, catching Isolde in anything but a cheerful mood was generally difficult to do. Why be cross when there were boundless things to do to find enjoyment! While her life as an elf was longer than that of a human, it was still far too short to be wasted on sulking like her brother. Sometimes it was such a marvel that the two were even related!

"Oh my sweet, Catrin. Marriage is the most boring prospect I have ever heard in my life. Day in, day out, being forced into a contract binding you romantically to only one other person? Sounds awfully like a prison sentence to me. Completely stifling of everything that makes life enjoyable. But! This is a perfect opportunity for me to make acquaintances with others from other provinces. It was starting to get repetitive, poking the same nobles to make them leap for my entertainment. Now I have new people to meet. Rhodri will be able to make use of my connections and I will cease being bored." Feeling that Catrin was finished with the last piece of her hair, she turned in the chair to rise in a fluid motion to tower over her maid. She reached out her hand to tap her on the nose then winked. "And afterward I can return to you and the other wonderful, diligent maids who serve my family. There's nothing for me to truly complain about."

Catrin gave an embarrassed smile and stepped back a step to allow the countess to walk past her, knowing better than anyone to never take her flirtatious behavior to heart. That had led to many a broken a heart through the years, common and noble folk alike. Isolde was as impossible to capture as the wind, always breezing right through the fingers of those who had been so unfortunate as to fall for her charm. Silently Catrin wondered if there were going to be any more victims of her mistress's to add to the already impressive list. It was not her place to question or judge. Lady Isolde was too headstrong to listen to anyone else's counsel anyways.

The red haired noble descended the stairs to exit the estate she inhabited, noting with a smile that Arthur had already readied the horses and brought the carriage round for her. While she would have preferred to have just ridden her own horse, she was aware that she needed to make a grand entrance. As much as it made her fidget to allow someone else control of her fate, she had to make some concessions in life to have what she desired most. So she pulled her vivid green dress up enough to easily enter the carriage and settle on the seat nearest the window. At least she had been able to bring along her violin to play to keep her busy!

The playing of her instrument ceased once the carriage rolled to a stop, and Isolde took in a deep breath.

Time to feel out her surroundings and pick out the weaker, more easily influenced souls.

"Presenting Lady Isolde, Countess of Aewenys of the Kingdom of Rubin."

Isolde offered a brilliant smile to those who turned their gaze upon her, that smile not nearly as bright as the mischief shining in her cat-like green eyes. The true fun was soon to come.

"The Festival, I forgot that I was attending!" Ed hollered out as his parents had packed a carriage full of his belongings. It seemed that whatever this event must be, it was truly "important" for Edwin to attend. He had to go, and there was no way out of it. Entering the carriage, or more so being shoved into it- A butler and maid were ready to accompany him-- Ed raised his hand in protest, a kind and soothing voice emitted from the carriage door. "No, I won't be needing your services, I promise you I'll be just fine on my own." Edwin smiled at the servants, despite his efforts the persistence of the Silversand Royal Servants was of undying loyalty. Nonetheless, they conceded to their Future King. Edwin would be going alone, with no aids at his hand.

Ed's mind wandered while on the travel to Atreyas Castle, but most of his thoughts seemed to call back to his past. What he's gone through, and how much he has changed from the young boy watching admirably at his father on the pristine throne.

Ed has seen war.
Traveled the world.
Sailed the sea.
Mastered magicks.
Grown to become a fine man of 29 winters.
Yet he had never even thought of the possibility of marriage. Perhaps Edwin would never be married? What would be the point of garnering such interesting experiences and have noone to share them with? Edwin had to chuckle softly.
"Fate will lead me to my future with another soul." Ed said reassuringly to himself.
For now the Prince of Silversand will continue to build upon himself so that the one he may one day marry shall have a complete person to love. Someone who has finished figuring themselves out.

Ed wore a dark grey tunic underneath a vest with gold accents. A black light-weight coat hung over his shoulders, while he wore dark pants and boots. His hair was pulled back into a low ponytail. Considering his thoughts on the festival at hand-- he didn't need to present himself in such a way that made him look like a snobb. He did though, wear a red silk scarf with silver emblazoned upon the pattern over his shoulders. As well as the Family Crest brooch pinned to his overcoat's breast. There was a lot of commotion outside as his carriage made the eventual stop.

"Hm...A lot of people here." Ed mused, blinking as he scratched his chin in wonder.

Edwin was ushered out of his carriage, with a blank and somewhat ditzy expression plastered over his face..
"Hn...Huh...?" He muttered to himself.
This was a set-up.
Edwin had been backstabbed by his own parents.
This was no festival, as Edwin examined the surrounding area before him. He quickly found out there was no way out of this. Security was tight, and the attention to detail by each guard was even more so impressive. Ed couldn't book it even if he wanted to. The red haired elf was at a loss...Time to play the game set before him.

He sighed defeatedly to himself, and walked forward. Within the banquet hall, Ed found a quiet little alcove for himself to piece together his current predicament. Other royalty had already arrived, and so far as Ed knew... This event involved more than just fun and games, it held far more weight than that. He ran a hand through his hair. "My god.. I really should have studied the pamphlet a bit more.." He crossed his arms, and looked around the room.. Maybe a good starting point was to speak to another Royal?

Interactions: None so far, but Edwin has taken notice of the other royalty in the banquet hall.
Code by Serobliss
Roland Welden
"Ho," Roland gave a firm tug on the reins, slinging himself from the saddle onto the red carpet. It was rather unusual for a man in a full suit to ride a horse, much less to an official social function. But Roland firmly believed that carriages were a waste of time. He'd allowed one on the journey, but only for his maids and butler. They wouldn't arrive for a little while, he'd pulled ahead when they got to the capital.

He flashed the crowd a charming smile before handing a nearby attendant the reins. The announcer seemed to have gotten over his initial shock, hurriedly starting his introduction. "Presenting Duke-" Roland swiftly held up a gloved hand, silencing the announcer with a simple gesture. "At ease man, no need to strain your voice to introduce one like myself."

"Hold on," A voice called from behind. Roland didn't even have to turn to know who it was. It seemed his butler had borrowed one of his guards' horses to follow him after all. "What's the matter Allan?" The butler all but ran to his master's side, arriving slightly out of breath. "You should let yourself be introduced, it's the way things should be done." Roland nodded slowly and moved a hand to his chin. "Say Allan, you're a little tardy, no?" "Master Roland I hardly see how my tardiness at your hands is at all relevant." "At my hands?" "You rode out in front of the carriage the moment we got to the capital." "Hmm yes, I suppose I did, walk with me." He gestured for Allan to follow him before setting off down the red carpet, leaving a dumbfounded announcer behind.

"Now hold on." Allan rushed after his master, pressing a hand against Roland's chest just under his shoulder to stop the man from moving forward. Only instead of the softer feeling he'd expected, his hand hit a solid unmoving object.

"Master Roland." "Hmm?" "Did you bring your gun?" The middle-aged butler hissed, doing a commendable job at suppressing the volume of his voice. "Why of course."

"Master Roland." "Hmm?" "Why did you bring your gun?" Allan asked, an incredulous sigh slipping from the butler's lips. "Come now Allan, there is only one place more dangerous than a battlefield, and that would be a ballroom filled with nobility from all over the continent." Allan did not exactly look convinced, but dropped the subject with another sigh as they neared the building.

Roland briefly paused in front of a mirror as they walked through the long corridor leading to the banquet hall. He straightened his cravat and smoothed a few creases out of the navy blue suit he presently wore. "Have to appear presentable, no?" He offered by way of explanation. Allan only nodded, relieved enough that his master didn't also have a taste for challenging fashion standards.

They stepped into the banquet hall moments later and Roland let his eyes glide across the room. Ah, countess Isolde was in attendance, that was a welcome surprise. Not that it would do him any good in regards to the purpose of the event. The other nobility present were unfamiliar faces, hailing from different countries. A serving boy ran up to him almost immediately, holding a tray of drinks. He eyed the liquid for a moment before slowly shaking his head. "Fetch me something stronger, if you would." The serving boy nodded and walked away.

Still, an event with the express purpose of Roland finding a partner to get married to. He didn't really understand his grandmother's obsession with him finding a partner. She left Abigail well enough alone. Then again, Abigail wasn’t the heir to house Welden.

His grandmother had told him the truth about the event a few days back, apparently tired of keeping the secret. Though she had still seemed worried he would refuse to go. Unnecessary, really, an event with nobility from all sorts of countries was always worthwhile. After all, few things in life were more enjoyable than interacting with those of noble standing who didn't yet know about his reputation.
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  • Seraphina Ravenwood

    Interacting With: Lucia,Lilia, and Roland TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Key of Stars Key of Stars
    Mentioned: Edwin, Isolde, Ezra Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi redroseknight redroseknight Sincerity Sincerity

    The soft glow of candlelight flickered across Seraphina's chambers, casting dancing shadows on the half-finished canvas before her. With deft strokes, she added the final touches to a vibrant scene of forest life—a clearing bathed in dappled sunlight, with a family of deer grazing peacefully. The imagery was fresh in her mind from their journey to the castle grounds the previous night. Seraphina sighed, setting down her brush and wiping her paint-stained fingers on a nearby cloth. Her gown for the ball hung nearby, a silent reminder of the social obligations that awaited her. She gazed at it with a mixture of resignation and distaste.

    "Another night of pretty lies and painted smiles," she murmured to herself, turning back to her artwork. The honesty of nature captured on her canvas seemed to mock the artifice she would soon have to don. As she began to clean her brushes, a line from a beloved novel came to mind. Seraphina quoted softly, "'In nature we see where we belong; in society we see what we wish we could be.' How fitting."

    The duchess shook her head, a wry smile playing on her lips. She couldn't shake the feeling that this evening would bring more than the usual tedium of court life. There was a tension in the air, a sense of impending chaos that she couldn't quite place. "At least it won't be dull," Seraphina mused, casting one last longing look at her painting before reluctantly moving to prepare for the ball. Her maid, Alissa, made an effort to assist, waved off by Seraphina's hand. Any other day she would be dressing herself (albeit she normally donned more casual attire than this). Therefore, she wouldn't stray today. With practiced movements, she began to transform herself into the poised and confident Duchess the world expected to see, all the while wondering what storms might be brewing beneath the calm surface of the evening's festivities.

    ---Later at the ball---


    The grand ballroom doors swung open, revealing a scene of opulence and splendor. Duchess Seraphina glided in, her gown shimmering under the warm glow of crystal chandeliers. At her side, her younger sister Wren followed, her steps less assured.

    "Her Grace, Duchess Seraphina of Ravenwood, of the Kingdom of Ostlandia, and Lady Wren of Ravenwood, of the Kingdom of Ostlandia."

    As the sisters were announced, Wren's eyes widened as she took in the gathering. Everywhere she looked, she saw beauty incarnate—women with smooth skin and dazzling smiles, men cut from marble with chiseled jaws and broad shoulders. The sea of silk, satin, and jewels seemed to sparkle with an otherworldly radiance.

    "Oh, Phina," Wren whispered, unconsciously shrinking closer to her sister. "Everyone looks so...perfect. I feel like a sparrow among peacocks."

    Seraphina's lips curved into a subtle smile as she acknowledged the room with a graceful nod. Her posture exuded an air of quiet confidence that drew admiring glances from those nearby. "Nonsense, dear sister," Seraphina murmured, her voice low and assured. "You shine as brightly as any star in this firmament. Now, shall we?"

    With a gentle squeeze of Wren's hand, Seraphina led them further into the room, her poise unshaken by the swirling tides of society around them. Without pointing, her eyes delicately gestured toward a blue gown. "Princess Luciana Wyvernblood of Liviania." Seraphina whispered to Wren, before eyes flickering to a man with hair as fair as the first snow. "Prince Ezra Atkinson of Davaland." Seraphina's eyes then glided over to a beautiful woman with locks of flame, "Lady Isolde, Countess of Aewenys of the Kingdom of Rubin." Then dawning on a nearby crimson haired man, "Prince Edwin Wellstein." Her sister didn't have to speak for her to know half of that was lost on her. She had kept her sister rather sheltered from society in the past, catering to her whims. Now, she might be reaping the horrors to come.

    Before fading into the distance, she thought it best to greet everyone, starting with the family she'd hate to incur the wraith of. Nudging her sister along, they appeared before Luciana and her maid. Bowing slightly, "Your royal highness. We've not met before, but it is a fine pleasure. Duchess Seraphina of Ravenwood, and this is Lady Wren of Ravenwood, my dearest sister. If you happen to visit Ostlandia, we would love to show you around our grand vineyards. The view of the sunset is rather breathtaking."

    Wren curtsied following her sister, then chimed, "Yes, you really must, you and the witch queen."

    Seraphina continued to smile, but she screamed internally. The silence that came afterward was suffocating. "Hahahaha. You must excuse my sister. She's not well versed in societal banter. It is my fault for sheltering her so."

    Not long after her mistake, Wren had made a run for it. "Excuse me, your majesty. Wren, wait!" Seraphina's voice faded behind her as she weaved through the crowd. Seraphina's heart raced as she scanned the sea of faces, searching for her sister. "Wren!" she called, but her voice was lost in the din of the ball. As she turned, she collided with a solid form. Looking up, she found herself face-to-face with a man with dark hair.

    "I... forgive me." Seraphina stammered, uncharacteristically flustered. "I'm afraid I have a bird to catch." She glanced around once more, realizing Wren was nowhere in sight. "Or had..."

    Alissa, one of their maids, appeared at Seraphina's elbow. "My lady," Alissa said softly, "Do not fret. I'll find Lady Wren and comfort her. I'll bring her back when she's ready." Seraphina hesitated, then nodded. "You're right, Alissa. Thank you." As the maid hurried away, Seraphina thought to herself, perhaps it's best to give her space. What good my coddling did her...

    Suddenly remembering her company, Seraphina turned back to the tall man with a start. "I do hope I haven't ruined your evening with my clumsiness."

    She offered a curtsy, inwardly cursing the flush she felt creeping up her neck. Pull yourself together, Seraphina, she chided herself. You've faced far worse than a handsome...wait. Just who is this man???? Seraphina's mind raced as she stared at the unfamiliar face before her. A cold sweat broke out on her brow. Who the heck is he? I don't recognize him at all!
    Her thoughts spiraled into panic. But I spent weeks memorizing every noble face, every title, every insignia. My intelligence network is flawless. How could I have missed someone?

    She scrutinized him, her eyes darting from his perfectly coiffed hair to his impeccably tailored suit. Let's see...with a hairstyle like that, must be from the western provinces. Those cufflinks, possibly allied with....but that nose! Slightly too aquiline for old money. Perhaps a newly minted baron? No, no, the cut of his suit is far too fine.
    Suddenly, it hit her like a bolt of lightning. Wait a moment. I never make mistakes like this. I'm Duchess Seraphina, for heaven's sake! I once memorized the entire royal lineage backwards while drunk on elderberry wine!

    Her eyes narrowed as the pieces fell into place. He's not in my dossiers because he doesn't belong here at all. He's an imposter! Seraphina's posture straightened, a cool smile playing on her lips as she met his gaze. "Your Grace," she purred, her voice dripping with false honey, "I must commend you on your exquisite taste in attire. It almost had me fooled."
    She leaned in closer, her voice dropping to a whisper. "But you see, your stature might scream nobility, and your manners might whisper blue blood, but I know every face that should be at this ball. And yours, my dear sir, is not among them."

    With eyes glittered dangerously, "Now, I won't pretend to know if you're here to swipe the crown jewels or perhaps something more... nefarious. Assassination, perhaps? But let me assure you, your secret is safe with me... provided, of course, that you spare me and pay our encounter no mind. After all, we wouldn't want to cause a scene, would we?"

    Seraphina stepped back, her smile never wavering. "I do hope you're not planning anything too messy. Blood is so difficult to wash out of silk."

As Lilia and Luciana waited around for people to arrive, Lilia eventually spotted two faces she had encountered in the past. The first was Prince Ezra Atkinson of Davaland, a man she had encountered during battle and had almost captured. She expected him to bear animosity towards her, just like most Davalandians did. Though her hopes were that the prince is a more reasonable person than his father. When he glanced over to them, she gave him a smile.

"See that man over there, Lucia? That is Prince Ezra Atkinson of Davaland. If he talks to you, do your best not to mock him for his nation losing the war against us. They have been humiliated enough as is. Instead try to find some common ground with him." Lilia whispered to Luciana. Lucia then asked her aunt: "Didn't you hate the Davalandians? Why do you want me to be nice to one of them?" Lilia sighed and replied: "Of course I hate the Davalandian nobility. However in events like these, you should try to be polite. And a son doesn't necessarily need to be like his father."

The next person who arrived was Lady Isolde. Lilia motioned towards her and whispered to Lucia: "That there seems to be someone of Rubinian nobility. However I am unfamiliar with her." Lucia just nodded in acknowledgement.

Thereafter, someone who Lilia knew of arrived. It was Prince Edwin Wellstein of Silversand, another person Lilia had encountered in the theater of war. Though she never felt that he bore any of the animosity the Davalandians held towards her. "Look. It's the prince of Silversand. Edwin is his name. He seemed impressionable last time I encountered him. Maybe you'll like him." Lilia whispered. Lucia glanced back at Lilia and said: "I don't really want to find a partner though. I thought you mainly wanted to come here." "I did, but a future queen should find a partner by her side." Lilia joked. Lucia rolled her eyes.

When Duke Welden entered, Lilia didn't really what to make of him as she was mostly only aware of the royals of each nation and the nobility of her own country. "More Rubinian nobility I suppose. I could be wrong though." Lilia whispered.

Eventually, two women decided to break the ice and came over to Luciana and Lilia. They introduced themselves as Duchess Seraphina of Ravenwood and Lady Wren of Ravenwood. The older of the two expressed her desire for Luciana to visit the vineyards in Ostlandia should she come to visit. Then the younger of the two added that Luciana and "the witch queen" are welcome. Suddenly, the two seemed to grow awkward, much to Lilia's amusement. She wasn't terribly offended by the term "witch queen". It was just a little rude. Meanwhile, the words "excuse me?" escaped the mouth of Lucia. Seraphina seemed to apologize and then run after her sister.

Lucia sought to maybe speak to one of the other guests and ended up approaching the prince of Silversand. Completely forgetting etiquette, Lucia just stood in front of the prince while twirling her hair. "Some party, huh?" She said casually before continuing. "The name's Luciana. I suppose I am the princess of Liviania despite the queen being my aunt."

Meanwhile Lilia was screaming internally. Lucia had forgotten to bow and curtsy to the prince. On top of that she just spoke casually and informally. She would have to work on that with Lucia.
Countess Isolde

It hadn't taken much time at all for Isolde to begin gleaning small bits of information from the various guests gathered that night, the woman making the decision to speak with the more obscure and insignificant nobles first in order to amass information that might be useful when speaking to those with more weight behind their titles. The better she knew her target, the more accurately she could either flatter to their egos or prod them in a direction to start a scene. Not that Isolde always did so for a nefarious purpose. She simply enjoyed the theater of squabbles between others of her class. If no one was truly physically harmed then there was no issue...and that one time she had incited a duel, well, both men had been absolutely abhorrent so she was doing everyone a favor by pushing them to eliminate each other. No one had perished that night, but it had not been due to any intercession by Isolde, that was for certain.

So far no one was striking Isolde in any meaningful way, and that was almost worse than if she developed a loathing for them! For all the opulence and color used in the room, every conversation she had been enduring was an awful beige. Completely inexcusable in Isolde's opinion. Carefully she extricated herself from her current company once she had seen a familiar face. Well, at least she could count on her friend Roland to provide some interesting conversation! Just as she was beginning to cross the room to speak to him, something absolutely magical occurred. A rather pretty young woman speaking to Princess Luciana just turned tail and fled. Fled! Who would ever leave a conversation with royalty without at least coming up with a decent excuse for their swift exit?

This had to be a gift straight from the deities above themselves. Unable to resist, she began following in the wake of the young woman while carefully avoiding those who might have attempted to gain her attention. Like a wolf tracking her quarry, she was not going to be distracted from the trail. She did, however, lose the scent once she entered the gardens. Where, oh where, would a fleeing noble woman run off to? Perhaps she had made a different turn, Isolde considered, after hearing a maiden calling for someone.

Lady Wren, hm? The name was unfamiliar to Isolde, but she was sure that this was the name of the woman she was pursuing. No one else had fled so swiftly, at least none that Isolde had met. Surely any ladies sobbing from a broken heart due to Isolde's flightiness would be delayed by another night or two. Just as she turned on her heel to begin walking back inside, she heard it.

Oh. Gracious. The girl's voice was as sweet as honey and as enticing as a babbling brook while she spoke to no one that Isolde could possibly see. It didn't take the woman terribly long to piece together that Wren was indeed not speaking to any royalty or nobility. Or human for that matter. Silently sidling closer to where the voice was coming from, Isolde stepped around a large flowering bush to watch Wren interact with a small rabbit. How fitting that innocent prey seemed to find equally as innocent prey.

"I never thought that rabbits were particularly wonderful conversationalists. Oh, sure, they are more witty than an oak, but that is an awfully low bar to exceed." Her mezzo-soprano voice had a playful lilt that her Rubin accent didn't diminish. While some liked to feign timidity, that was one facade that Isolde never donned. She didn't have to trade away her confident exterior to exude a friendly air, in her opinion, so she simply wasn't going to do so. "Oak tend to be more bark than bite, after all."

She stood to her full height and dared to step closer, a red brow arching as her cat like green eyes swept over Wren's beautiful features and gown. It was such a lovely white color for such an innocent soul...or that was what she wanted others to think. Perhaps this was all a ruse to lure others into a false sense of security. If that was the case then Isolde was going to have to give her high marks for a convincing performance and perhaps ask her to give her lessons! Still, that dress was going to be a pain to clean from the dirt bound to be getting on it from her position. Not that Isolde was a pristine woman; she just found it baffling to see someone of such clear affluence with such little regard for dirtying her dress.

"Forgive me, I fear that I must have been otherwise engaged when the herald announced your arrival. Never would I be remiss in memorizing the title and name of a lady of your caliber and beauty," she teased with a flash of a brighter smile. While what she said was true, Isolde was just seeing what her reaction would be. Would she become flustered, or would she be so accustomed to flattery that she brushed it aside?
Roland Welden

Interactions: Seraphina Violetti Violetti
Roland stood near one of the various tables in the hall, taking a small sip of his drink before spinning the glass between his fingers, making the green liquid inside swirl. The boy he'd sent to fetch him something stronger had returned with a glass of absinthe. Perhaps the boy had thought the drink went well with his eyes, or perhaps there had not been any thought behind it at all. It was all the same to him, he much preferred the drink over wine.

At the moment, Roland stood alone. He'd sent Allan away to check up on his belongings with orders to take his time returning. The butler would hardly listen to that, he'd return the moment he'd fulfilled his task. Still, with how out of the way the residence he'd be occupying for the event was, it would take Allan a while to return. Of course, that had been the intent.

As he was about to take another sip, someone spun around and bumped into him. A rather inconsequential collision, so much so that he wasn't even worried about dropping his drink. And yet he knew nobles who would still consider it a duel worthy offense. Roland just smiled. The woman offered a quick apology though she didn't pay him much mind, too occupied with catching a 'bird'. A bird he was pretty sure he'd seen leaving the hall in rather poorly hidden distress.

He watched her interact with her maid with more interest than the conversation realistically warranted. Then again, he wasn't watching the conversation, he was watching her. She moved with the grace one would expect from nobility. That grace that enough nobles lacked despite trying so very hard. That grace that Roland often pretended he lacked himself. He hadn't seen her before, he would have remembered those eyes if he'd seen them before.

She turned to him as the maid rushed off, making a more proper apology. "Oh it's quite alright. Evening's such as this can get quite dull without the occasional surprise. Please, safe the curtsying for someone who demands it. I believe the respect is quite well wasted on me." He smiled as he spoke, he always did, but they weren't always genuine like now.

The woman didn't respond. It would hardly be the first time that his lack of propriety would turn someone away, though they usually left in a huff. Well, until they had need of him again, of course, people often came crawling back. Neither seemed to apply to the noblewoman standing before him. Instead, she silently seized him up. When she did finally speak again, her tone had shifted rather dramatically. Quite the actor.

He quietly listened to what she had to say, slowly spinning his glass between his fingers. Only after she took a step back did he open his mouth, and immediately burst out laughing. A genuine laugh filled with mirth. Now this, this would be fun. "Do forgive me for laughing, it's just, I've scarcely heard something quite so ridiculous." He said with a wide smile before leaning in closer. "Well, you've caught me." He whispered, wiping the smile off his face.

"Spare you? Very well, it would be remiss of me to simply ignore a beautiful lady's words. But I cannot possibly pay this encounter no mind my lady." He moved a gloved hand through his hair, pushing back a few loose strands. "I'd like to avoid any messes just as you, yet it would again be remiss of me to not mention that the color red looks quite striking on you my lady. Now on me? A horrible color. No, I'm not one for blood." He took a sip of his drink, bringing the liquid closer to his eyes. "I rather favor a good drink of liquor."

Roland took a step back, the corner of his lips tugging back up into a smile. "Perhaps in return for granting your request, you'll hear one of mine? I'm rather limited in my movements you see, lest someone less magnanimous sees through my shallow disguise." He gestured around the hall with his free hand. "I would very much like to meet with and hear from you again. I do hope you'll consider accepting when you receive an invitation from R."

Ezra Atkinson

Interactions: Lucia, Edwin

Ezra carefully watched as every new guest entered the ball. As he observed he ate the appetizers on his plate taking small bites each time. As he watched he tried cataloguing each noble as to who might be the opportune to talk to, but quickly remembered the real reasoning because this event. He still wasn't comfortable with the whole matchmaking event idea and he silently cursed his father for sending him to such a thing.

Slowly the room started to fill with chatter as more and more guests arrived, Ezra's mind drifted as he scanned the crowd trying to see if there was anyone he recognized as more than just a face he had studied in preparation for this event. As he scanned he noticed someone running through the crowd and heard a faint shout although he didn't get quite a good glance at them. It seemed rather unusual for there to already be some sort of commotion so early in the night. Yet it also served as a harsh reminder that most of the guest had arrived and were already socializing when he had yet to say a single word.

The prince handed his now empty plate off to a servant before he stepped away from his wall and started making a trail through the crowd. He took a sip from his mostly full glass. As he wandered he noticed many of the other nobility seemed to already be rather caught up in their conversations and he wasn't one to interrupt. As he weaved his way towards the food hoping to perhaps find some more approachable people there, he found himself near the Princess of Liviania talking a man that he was certain was the Prince of Silversand.

Seeing as they were a few of the other royals at this ball he figured perhaps it wouldn't hurt to say hello at least, regardless of the animosity between Davaland and Liviania. Although as he considered it maybe it was better to break any awkwardness regarding that early, after all they were spending a week here and he knew very well expecting to completely avoid the Livianian for a week would be wholly impossible.

"Princess Lucia, Prince Edwin." He spoke greeting them both with a slight bow as he approached them. He also gave Lucia's maid a small nod of greeting out of respect finding it hard to completely ignore a person, especially when he couldn't get that itching feeling that she reminded him of someone out of his mind.

"How are you two finding the festivities this evening?" Ezra's tone was very formal as he spoke, and his body language remained stiff and trained, although it didn't seem overly awkward or unnatural, even as he took another sip of his drink.

For the most part, Edwin had observed the nobility around him. Some were preoccupied with having servants fetch them something, and others were hobbling around groups they were comfortable with. It began to show Edwin he might just be...In a class of his own. It alienated him, made him feel somewhat alone in the grander scheme of things. Edwin had built himself up rather differently than nobility is accounted for. There was no welcoming hand to those who boss servants around for Edwin, and nor was there any group he found a warm fire to joke with and talk to.

"Healing Magic? What use would that be for a Prince? A King to be?" Edwin remembered the words of the High Magus of his Empire. Edwin wanted to learn healing magic after he had finished with Abyssal Magic. In his defense, he felt a King could restore just as much as they could destroy. A balance of both is worth investing in.

"Retreat?! We've already taken Livanian land! We could beat down this rebellion and conquer Livania as a whole!" A general argued with Edwin once, and Edwin fought back. A war was being fought, but that did not mean that the Empire should stoop to such a low level as to steal unoccupied lands as a revolution raged on. Edwin put stock in honor and pride over decorated war medals.

"Cooking and baking? Silly Prince, that should be our job. Why dirty those princely hands of yours?" A maid would joke with a young Edwin. His insatiable desire to learn and improve and experience new things caused him to find a relaxing hobby in culinary arts. The boy was unable to join the servants; but he observed them thoroughly. Teaching himself in his spare time gave him patience and control over his decisions. A leader should know the effort put into the fruits of labor, before they reap it.

Edwin had found himself wandering into a conversation, consisting of what it seemed to be the two sisters of Ostlandia, and the young Princess Lucia. He caught the tail-end of it so to speak. Only snapping into reality as Wren Ravenwood made a comment of the "Witch Queen"- A name Edwin was not very interested in using himself when he heard of the title. An awkward silence poisoned the air, and Edwin almost compelled himself to cut through the fog of awkwardness until the Young Lady Wren ran off. Edwin watched, a bit stupified at the events occuring. The young lady seemed terribly shaken up, and Edwin was close to excusing himself to follow.

Although as if the gears of fate played a cruel joke on Edwin he was addressed directly. It brought him to look towards Princess Lucia of Livania.
Edwin himself didn't seem to notice the lack of etiquette from the princess- her forwardness actually made him smile for one!

"It is indeed quite a party my lady. I hope you have been enjoying what this event has to offer at least?" He asked at first. Before he nodded with a soft smile, she was Princess Luciana of Livania. He glanced over to her maid for a few short seconds. For some odd reason he felt that he had seen the maid from somewhere before--- perhaps during his travels?

"Ah but where are my manners" Edwin laughed at his own clumsiness. "Prince Edwin, of Silversand." He delivered to her a deep bow, presenting his respect to her as a person.

So far it seemed as if Edwin was interested by the conversation with Lucia.

"No matter who may be in charge of a Kingdom, everyone has their part to play. I believe your role as princess is just as important as the noble Queen herself. The day you find yourself leading it, I can tell already you'll be bringing your Kingdom to an even greater standing." Edwin noticed Lucia had a stronger sense of self- not satisfied with playing along to the tune of stiffening nobility. She would make a great leader one day..

"How are you two finding the festivities this evening?"

Ezra Atkinson. Prince of Davaland. Edwin had not met him in person during the war, but he had heard of him.

"Ah..Prince Ezra." Ed gave a curt bow to the nobility before him. "I have just started to find myself in the festival." Ed answered with a smile.
"With a festival as big as this one it would be unwise of us to not deepen our understanding of ourselves, just as much as we do finding a star-crossed love." He chuckled softly.
Edwin's eyes continued to peer down the hall that Wren Ravenwood had scurried off towards- and his growing anxiety for the young nobility only vanquished after he spotted a woman of blazing hair find interest in following her. With a small nod to confirm his anxieties were taken care of, Edwin returned himself to the conversation at hand. "What of you, Prince Ezra?"

Interactions: TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Sincerity Sincerity Violetti Violetti (Mentions)
Code by Serobliss
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  • Seraphina Ravenwood

    Interacting With: The mysterious "R" Key of Stars Key of Stars
    Mentioned: N/A

    Seraphina's heart raced as she processed the man's words, her mind spinning with a mix of relief, confusion, and a strange excitement she couldn't quite place. His laughter had caught her off guard, and now his playful agreement to her request only deepened the mystery surrounding him. She felt her cheeks flush, thankful for the dim lighting of the ballroom that hopefully concealed her reaction.

    "'I am not afraid of storms, for I am learning how to sail my ship,'" she quoted from Louisa May Alcott's Little Women, her voice barely above a whisper. The words felt apt; she was indeed navigating uncharted waters with this enigmatic man. "I do hope you don't charm every lady you meet quite so effortlessly," Seraphina said, her tone light but with a hint of genuine curiosity. "It would be rather unfair to the rest of those here, wouldn't it?" She allowed a small, playful smile to touch her lips. "After all, a man with your particular... talents might find it all too easy to make a woman fall for him. That could be quite dangerous, couldn't it?"

    She held his gaze for a long moment, searching for any hint of deceit. Something in his eyes, a warmth perhaps, or a glimmer of genuine amusement, told her that despite the danger he might represent, he wouldn't harm her. At least, not yet. But perhaps he's just THAT good at what he does? Years of court intrigue had taught her never to take things at face value.

    "Well, I'm not one to negotiate with criminals," Seraphina finally replied to his notion of seeing her again, a hint of amusement in her tone, "but I suppose I can make an exception just this once. You strike me as a man of considerable determination. I imagine when you set your mind to something, you pursue it with unwavering focus." She paused, tilting her head slightly as she studied him. "The question is, what does a man in your... line of work truly wish for in this world?" She paused, allowing her words to hang in the air for a moment as her mind raced with possibilities. Money? Power? Revenge? Or perhaps something more intangible - the thrill of the game, the satisfaction of outwitting others? She found herself genuinely curious about his motivations, a dangerous curiosity that both thrilled and terrified her. The strong scent of liquor from his glass wafted towards her, far more potent than the wine circulating the room. Whatever his intentions, she felt certain he was playing the long game. This was no impulsive thief or common criminal; this was a man with plans, with strategy!!

    "But perhaps that's a question for another time. I wouldn't want to pry into matters you might prefer to keep close to the vest. Instead, might I ask what you think of the intentions behind this event?" she continued, gesturing around them with a subtle smirk. Her fan fluttered gently, a practiced movement that drew attention to her graceful wrist while simultaneously providing a momentary shield for her expressions. "It's rather ironic, isn't it? Nobles join a matchmaking event with the intent of finding genuine love, yet most here have ulterior motives. Perhaps you needn't worry too much about your disguise... after all, everyone here is wearing a mask of some sort. Emerson once wrote, 'Every man alone is sincere. At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins.' In a room full of masks and hidden agendas, are we all merely playing parts, or might some truths slip through tonight?"

    As she spoke, Seraphina couldn't deny the allure of this mysterious man, despite the potential danger he represented. Her curiosity was piqued, and she found herself both wary and intrigued by the prospect of receiving an invitation from this so called 'R'. She briefly considered revealing her name to him. But no, she decided against it. If he was as skilled as she suspected, he'd have ways to discover it anyway. Why make it easy for him?

    "Ah, you'll have to forgive me if I don't introduce myself properly," she said with a coy smile. "I think I'll leave that as a little challenge for you. After all, a man of your talents surely enjoys a bit of mystery, doesn't he?"

As Edwin replied and asked whether Lucia was enjoying the party so far, Lucia answered: "You mean the food? The food at this party is great. It is almost as good as the stuff aunt Lilia makes." Lucia was a little of a glutton it seemed as she mostly had food on her mind when it come to the party. Sure meeting people was her mission and was supposed to be on her mind, but she prioritized other things.

Then the prince formally introduced himself as Prince Edwin of Silversand. Lucia give him a curtsy and said: "It is a pleasure to meet you prince Edwin. Luciana Wyvernblood of Liviania and this is... er... my maid. Right, aunt Li..." She almost blurted out her aunt's name, but it is possible she said too much already. Lilia looked a bit distraught and was already screaming even more internally.

"Silly princess. Out of habit she sometimes calls other women aunt." Lilia said trying to save Lucia. Worse was that the prince of Davaland joined them, greeted them and then asked out they felt about the festivities so far.

Lucia came with basically the same answer she gave Edwin: "So far the food here is great. Only my aunt cooks better. I just got to talking with Edwin here." Lilia again was concerned about Lucia's casualness and she kept slipping up already. At this rate, Lilia's cover will be blown in no time. Then Lucia blurted out the next mistake:

"I have been told you are the Prince of Davaland. You lost land to us, right? The war is over. Why do your people still bear animosity towards us?" Suddenly, the maid pull Lucia to her. "You idiot! What are you doing? Are you intentionally trying to blow my cover?" Lilia scolded Lucia, trying to keep her voice down. Lucia's eyes wallowed up in tears as she realized that she keeps messing up. "I am sowwy, auntie! I am just a little nervous. Pwease don't punish me!" Lucia sobbed. Lilia hushed her: "Keep your tone down. I wont punish you. But try to avoid more mistakes!"

It was uncertain how much Edwin or Ezra heard what they said.

Lilia turned to Ezra: "I apologize on behalf of my lady. She worded that wrongly. She meant what is in the past is in the past and she would like to get on better terms with your people." Lucia turned to Ezra with still tears in her eyes, her eyes dilated from the liquid in her eyes and her nose running: "I am so sowwy. I wasn't my intention to offend you. It is all a misunderstanding."

Interacting with: Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi , Sincerity Sincerity

Ezra Atkinson

Interactions: Lucia, Lilia, Edwin

Ezra smiled lightly to their responses. The prince was additionally intrigued by Edwin's words on using this festival to better understand oneself, he had never considered such a thing before. He was about to respond when Lucia blurted out those words, those cursed words.

"You lost land to us, right? The war is over. Why do your people still bear animosity towards us?"

His face hardened a frown replacing his smile. He bit back to temptation to yell at the young princess. "She's just a foolish girl." He grumbled under his breath as a reminder to himself. The fingers of his free hand curled into his palm pressing hard into his skin, forming a tight fist.

"You lost" those words swirled around and around his head. His vision lost focus as his thoughts drifted back to the war.

"This is your responsibility, as prince, as my son, as commander. We must win this war." His father's words, he was young, unprepared, and thrust into command of an army his brother had abandoned.

"You've failed, we lost, look at everything we lost." The pain of his wounds still reminded him of the battles as his father walked him through the wreck of the frontlines, the wounded and dying after they had been forced to surrender. Ezra became bitter he blamed his family and himself, but more so than anything it was just so easy to blame the Livianians. They had killed so many of his soldiers and friends, men that were older than him and had helped guide him when he was lost, people that had died for him, faces that he'd sit and laugh with over food. The Livianian army was the one who pushed beyond the border, forcing the Davalandians to retreat, a decision Ezra had never understood as to why they only took Davaland's territory and never Nelava's or Silversand's. Ezra had gotten over his anger about the war much more than many of his people, his position having demanded it, but he couldn't help but be reminded of the sharp bite of his loss, his failure.

He forced himself to refocus, back to the ball, back to the three people in front of him. He forced his anger back, once again reminding himself that the princess clearly knew nothing of war. He quickly downed the rest of his drink trying to distract himself and force his anger and bitterness to reside. He had only vaguely heard the scolding and sobbing tones of the ladies conversation when Lucia's maid turned to apologize to him. He took a deep breath feeling his anger settle into resentment.

Both of the women's apologies seemed fairly genuine although they did little to sway his feelings. Ezra simply nodded in acknowledgement. "I must excuse myself." His words were short and sharp, and addressed more towards Edwin as a formality rather than Lucia or her maid. Ezra wasn't sure he quite trusted himself to be able to continue a polite conversation in his current state.

The prince's steps were fast and sure as he turned away and headed outside handing his empty glass off as he did so. He soon found himself in the garden where he walked past a few other party goers finding a secluded bench. He sat down and took his knife out of his pocket, unsheathing the small blade. Ezra had quickly lost hope for this event, the first people he talks to and he already found himself holding a grudge against someone and reminded of his least favorite part of his life. He twirled his knife around on his finger for a second before turning and using it to slice a small piece of a nearby plant off. He set the knife next to him and holding the cutting he let his magic flow through him letting fire singe and burn the plant.
Roland Welden

Interactions: Seraphina Violetti Violetti
Roland didn't quite catch the woman's whisper, it had sounded rather like a quote of sorts. He pushed it to the back of his mind as she continued speaking, receiving her words with a smile from behind his glass. "I wouldn't dare, my lady. It would be unfair to you first and foremost, after all, you deserve my every effort." He responded, eyes twinkling. "Be that as it may, you might want to be careful with your words my lady, if you give me a reason to believe my efforts might be rewarded it shall only serve to give me undue confidence." He took a small sip of his drink. Some of this was an act, of course it was, he wasn't one to be smitten with a woman at the very first glance. Yet, he found himself more intrigued with every word she spoke. Of course, that would all likely end the moment she figured out who he was.

"Negotiate and criminal are such strong words, id much prefer to say we are exchanging favors as friendly acquaintances." He readily shot back, broadening his smile as gave him an affirmative response. "You really are magnanimous my lady, I was afraid I'd have to persistently send you invites to get the chance to converse with you again." He added, confirming her statement in a roundabout way. What did a man of his line of work wish for in the world. An interesting question, worth having a good discussion about, be it that his line of work was likely much the same as her own. But she didn't know that, and the man she did assume him to be had little to gain from answering such a question sincerely.

So, he just sipped his drink, smiling as she brushed the question aside herself. "I could not have said it better myself. Perhaps we can discuss that question another time, I suspect the answer is hardly as straightforward as one might think."

He followed her gesture around the room with his eyes before settling back on her. "The nobility are a miserable little pile of secrets, always hiding their true feelings behind a mask. Perhaps the peasantry would do the same if it was afforded to them, but it is easier to hide behind a facade made of fancy clothing and a respectful demeanor than it is to hide it behind a facade of manure." He chuckled lightly. "Though I suspect manure might be more effective at hiding one's natural odor than most expensive perfumes." He paused, finishing his drink. "Respect, it strikes me, is much like that manure. Use the correct amount, and you'll find things flourish. Use too much, and all you're left with is a particularly foul smelling mess. Of course, I'm sure a well-read lady like yourself has her own opinions on the matter."

"I am, in fact, rather fond of a particular set of sentences from that same passage. 'I knew a man who under a certain religious frenzy cast off this drapery, and omitting all compliment and commonplace, spoke to the conscience of every person he encountered, and that with great insight and beauty. At first he was resisted, and all men agreed he was mad. But persisting-- as indeed he could not help doing--for some time in this course, he attained to the advantage of bringing every man of his acquaintance into true relations with him.'"
He quoted from a little further into the passage of the essay she had spoken of. "It makes one wonder if such a thing is possible in our day and age. I would very much like to believe it is. Though you know I am deceiving you and am wearing a mask, surely as this glass is empty. I do hope you'll find I have been sincere in most of what I've said." He offered, placing his glass on a nearby table.

"Ah but that is enough philosophical talk from my mouth for the evening, this is hardly the environment for it and I am hardly the correct person for it. You'll find most conversations with me to be like a broken sword. Sharp, but lacking a point." He straightened one of his sleeves. "I am indeed quite fond of mysteries. I shall make sure to address my invitation to the correct person my lady. Please do expect it."

Lady Isolde


Her lips maintained their upward trajectory as the noble spoke so absently to Isolde without looking at her, her response so reflexive that it was refreshing for Isolde. She loved intricate conversations where both parties were dancing around a knife point, to be certain, but Isolde had become weary of always knowing exactly which way her opponent was going to move. Needling other nobles lost its entertainment when they were so predictable. This girl, though. She was a complete novelty for Isolde, and her amusement at her behavior only grew once Wren spun around to face Isolde. She had a beautiful face, for certain, but it was that innocent wonder in her eyes that really intrigued Isolde. Was that just something she had been born missing? Or had she lost it somewhere along the way along with her inability to truly appreciate close emotional bonds?

Her innocence just continued to make itself known as she spoke directly to Isolde, and the redhead was surprised when Wren grasped her hands in such a familiar gesture. Not that she was offended, oh heavens no! It was just so precious how Wren became so flustered. There was no way that this behavior was an act from Wren. Every gesture and expression was quick without the hesitance that planned actions always had. Even when others thought that they were appearing completely uncalculated, Isolde had learned to look for little tells in certain muscles.

Who let this sweet little kitten be alone among all of these ravenous wolves? She was lucky that it was Isolde who found her rather than someone who had genuine malicious intent!

"Practicing lines? My lady, you do insult me to imply that I must have a pre-conceived script to follow when interacting with others! Though I suppose you must be used to such a thing. People are bound to become addled and find words difficult to formulate when faced with such beauty as yourself. So, this once, I suppose I can be convinced to let the slight slide," she teased with a laugh, unable to force a serious tone when faced with such unmitigated genuine excitement. Wren's request for Isolde to be her instructor in manners of the heart and charm managed to catch the elven noble off guard. Oh this poor girl. She had such a romantic view of life and love. While it was true that Isolde could certainly teach Wren how to charm any man or woman that she saw fit, genuine romantic pursuits were beyond her ken simply because Isolde didn't know the first thing about genuine love. Lust and admiration, sure, but love? Isolde didn't believe it actually existed.

"While others might be inclined to wish to distance themselves, I will admit that I am far from offended by anything you have said or done. I did see that small interaction you had with her highness, but I am afraid that I missed the reason for your flight from the banquet hall due to being trapped in an exceptionally dull conversation with a Baron. Perhaps you could inform me of what you think you did to earn her ire, and I can walk you through all the ways that you could both repair that interpretation from her highness as well as endear you to her. You have your youth and innocent appeal to work with, and others would be willing to grant you infinite concessions based on those things."

She dipped into a graceful curtsy, their joined hands being raised so that she could place a kiss on the back of her hand since she was now fully aware that Wren was not about to protest such an action. Her earnest expression and eagerness to learn from Isolde was like catnip to the impish woman, so she couldn't help but push the boundary just a little further. "It seems that I was the one lapsing in etiquette. My deepest apologies, Lady Wren, for having not introduced myself and saved you from some concern. I am no princess nor anyone of great importance, so you shouldn't worry your pretty head about my standing or opinions. I am simply Isolde, though if you were to ask my brother then he would inform you that I am the Countess of Aewenys. But there is no need for formality between friends, hm? And if you're particularly persuasive, I might even let you call me Izzy," Isolde added with a playful wink.

"I highly doubt that you would ever be in the predicament of being bereft of your choice of suitors, Lady Wren. You have your beauty and your title to ensure that there will always be interested parties nipping at your heels, and your candid turn of phrase has a charm of its own. I suppose it will only matter on what you wish to gain as to what I can teach you. If you wish to learn how to read people, to gain their trust and to draw them in...I can certainly do that. If you have your eye on someone and want my assistance in securing that attraction, then that is also something I can do. I will confess that if it is love that you're looking for..I cannot assist in that endeavor. While I've had my share of paramours, something I'm sure will not surprise or scandalize you, emotional attachment is..elusive."

Edwin smiled at both Lucia and the maid, they both seemed to be very close to one another. Lucia had barely even left the maid's side since he arrived. Hearing Lucia's interest in the food at the party was nothing short of a blissful innocence. Edwin sure wished he could only ever judge a party on such parameters. Lucia seemed to slip up after introducing herself; thogh her maid's name never reached his ears. He simply smiled and looked over to the maid who had corrected her.

"The fact she finds a personal trust in you to call you such an endearing title is still worthy of praise." Ed mentioned to the Maid.

Though like clockwork, another tragedy seemed to befall the group.

You lost land to us, right? The war is over. Why do your people still bear animosity towards us?"

Edwin's eyes widened at such a bold statement. The disrespect Ezra must have felt in that moment.. Edwin could practically feel the anger seething out of Ezra. Apologies were made, but would that be enough to stifle the raging flames? Edwin had to observe the next step between the two nobilities. The anger swelling inside Ezra died down into the embers of resentment. Edwin raised his hand, about to speak and offer comfort towards Ezra...

"I must excuse myself."

Ezra left quicker than he had arrived. Leaving Edwin with a sorrowful expression. It was an honest mistake made by a young lady whom for better or worse; was new to all of this. Not unlike Lady Wren Ravenwood... A twinge of regret pulled at Edwin for not being able to help Wren when the time called for it, but he would not let it happen again. Though one may have left, there was still one more person worth comforting. One that needed dire attention, with a hopeful smile yet again- Edwin turned to face Lucia. He pulled off his scarf, neverminding the sentiment of such a prized possession bearing the family colors. He offered the scarf down to Lucia in an attempt to help clean her face up.

"Do not give up. A mistake is a mistake, and though sometimes they can hurt people a great deal- there is always a chance we can fix them in time. I have come to terms with the war a long time ago.. Perhaps Prince Ezra needs time to come to terms with the very same thing. It's no easy task, and sometimes it can even blow up in your face." Edwin dabbed Lucia's eyes and nose for her, not to be taken as he saw her incapable of doing so- or even that she was to be treated as such. Only that he wanted to do it out of the kindness of his own heart, and as a measure of getting her mind off the situation at hand, he smiled at her.

"You seem to have taken a bit more time with the cuisine at this event. Might I ask you to show me around the best this party has to offer?" Ed asked Lucia, hoping to get her to guide him. He then tilted his head to look towards the maid.
"I hope that would be alright with you, my lady?"

Interactions: TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Sincerity Sincerity Violetti Violetti (Mentions)
Code by Serobliss
***Wren's post continues in Seraphina's***

  • Wren Ravenwood

    Interacting With: The love master, Isolde redroseknight redroseknight , Seraphina, and the unlucky Prince Ezra Sincerity Sincerity
    Mentioned: Lilia technically

    Wren's face lit up with unbridled joy at Isolde's agreement to enlighten her. "Oh, bless!" she exclaimed, practically bouncing on her toes. Her cheeks flushed at Isolde's teasing about her beauty, a mix of flattery and embarrassment coloring her features.
    She let out a soft, self-deprecating laugh, shaking her head.

    "Oh, nonsense!" Wren exclaimed, her eyes wide with disbelief. "Me, causing others to become addled with my beauty?" She gestured vaguely towards Isolde, her hand fluttering in the air. "If anyone's beauty is causing others to lose their wits, it's surely yours!" Wren's gaze swept over Isolde's form, taking in her striking red hair, cat-like green eyes, and confident poise. She glanced down at her own gown, now slightly rumpled from her earlier adventures, and brushed at it self-consciously. "I fear I'm more likely to trip over my own feet than to sweep anyone off theirs. But perhaps, with your guidance, I might one day achieve even a fraction of your poise and allure!"

    Wren's excitement dimmed slightly at the mention of her encounter with the princess. "Ah, yes... that," Wren said, her smile faltering. "Well, you see, I... I accidentally called her aunt the 'witch queen'." She wrung her hands nervously. "It wasn't my intention at all! I was just repeating what I'd overheard some nobles whispering nearby. My nerves got the better of me, and it just... slipped out."

    Wren's brow furrowed as she continued, "Although, now that I think about it, perhaps I'm overthinking the whole situation. I do tend to do that sometimes. Or..." Her eyes widened dramatically. "What if she was deeply offended and I'll find my head on a stake come morning? Oh dear, what if word gets back to this... 'witch queen'? Is she called that for a reason?" She paused, looking sheepish. "I should probably recall the queen's name first, shouldn't I? I'm terribly awful with names. But eyes! I remember people's eyes."

    Wren's rambling thoughts were interrupted as Isolde kissed the back of her hand. She felt a tingle in her heart, her gaze fixed on Isolde's lips for a moment, trailing onto other thoughts before the word 'friends' registered. "Friends!" she exclaimed, her eyes brightening. "My first noble friend here! Well, of course, I have noble friends back home, but you're my first foreign noble friend!"

    When Isolde mentioned she couldn't assist with love itself, Wren shook her head vigorously. "Fear not, for Love shall find us, I'm sure of it. But having such an experienced person on my side? Oh, it's more than I could have hoped for!" Her eyes began to mist over with emotion. "And you're right, I don't find your mention of paramours scandalous at all. In fact, it only proves how much wisdom you must have to share."

    Recalling Isolde's earlier words, Wren leaned in, her voice dropping to a near-whisper. "You mentioned I'd have to be persuasive to call you Izzy. How... how might one be persuasive?" The innocent question hung in the air, unintentionally deepening the moment between them. Wren's eyes, full of wonder and curiosity, searched Isolde's face for answers.

    Suddenly, a familiar voice called out nearby, breaking the spell. Wren's head snapped up, her eyes widening in recognition. "Phina?"


It seemed that Lucia made a bigger mistake than anticipated. Ezra may have nodded in acknowledgement but Lilia definitely felt that something was off, especially after Ezra excused himself. Lilia felt like she was only mending issues that Lucia had been causing. Though frustrating, she couldn't be too mad about it since Lucia just recently started learning about etiquette and was still at the beginning of her training.

Lilia went after Ezra, only to find him taking his anger out on a plant. Soon Lady Seraphina emerged, angered by Ezra hurting a plant and unloaded 42 florets of broccoli onto him as an act of retribution. Then Wren came and offered to heal the plant. She seemed to try to heal the plant but failed in doing so. "I guess she was a little overconfident." Lilia muttered. She approached Ezra and bowed. "Your highness. I understand your frustration and I believe the words of my n... lady have hurt you to a degree that even an apology cannot mend. While damaging plants might be an inadequate way of letting out your anger, it has certainly drawn the ire of others since they do not know what preceded your actions." Lilia said. She had ideas for alternatives: "Prince Ezra, may I offer you alternatives to vent your anger? Why don't you spar with me? I am one of the strongest of Liviania, second only to our queen. So you may go full out with me. Or if fighting is not your thing, how about play a game of your liking?"

Lilia turned to Seraphina: "Lady Seraphina, please forgive the prince. He had been angered by princess Lucia's lack of tact. While vandalism might not be a correct way of venting, I request that you please be lenient with him."

Looking over to Wren, Lilia soon approached. She tilted her head and said: "Mayhaps you just don't have enough mana to heal the plant? I could offer you some of my mana if you are certain you can heal the plant." Lilia would rather offer up her mana, than reveal her magical abilities. She was supposed to act as a maid and a bodyguard while concealing the fact that she is the witch queen. Her healing and earth magic capabilities were good enough to heal a plant, but she hoped Wren knew what she was doing.


Still sobbing, Lucia looked up to the handsome Edwin as he offered her words of comfort and encouragement. As Edwin dabbed the tears from the eyes and cheeks of Lucia, she slowly stopped crying. She began to blush as much as her eyelids were red. Lucia felt something as she looked up at Edwin. Was she becoming attracted to him? He WAS attractive though. Then his voice broke her trance, stating that she seems to have a thing for the cuisine at the evening and if she could show him around.

Lucia's expression and eyes lit up. "Of course, I would love to show you the yummy stuff they have here. My favorite so far are the bread slices with the spicy vegetable paste on them. But they also have little pastries with nut filling!" Lucia said as she went into a frenzy of talking about food. "Sir Edwin. What kind of food do you like?" She said as she assertively locked her arms around his left arm.

Talking to Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi Sincerity Sincerity Violetti Violetti

Also present: Key of Stars Key of Stars and redroseknight redroseknight

When her tears had finally dried up, and his words soothed her terrible distress, Edwin could finally see that genuine smile laid bare upon the young lady's face. For a moment, Edwin's movements had stalled. His scarf still pressed gently to her cheek that had begun to burn red, and in this moment Edwin's mind forced a thought into his own head that confirmed he made the right choice all those years ago.
"She is just a young woman.. A young woman who would have had her entire life turned upside down had I taken it all so seriously back then. I could have destroyed Livania without a second thought; played the part of the insatiable beast and proved the unrelenting strength of my Empire. Laid waste to her lands, and never looked back. I could have ended the war with a swift and merciless hand. But I did not. I pulled back, I stood for what was right.. damned the consequences thereafter. Now I stand here and wipe the cheek of the very princess who will bring Livania to a golden age.. Here and now, it all starts with an illuminating smile from a young, unsuspecting woman: Of which is not aware of the burdens she will one day face. But with that illuminating smile paving the way forward, she will surely....No. She WILL change the world. Staying my blade, it gave the world a chance to look upon this smile..."
"What kind of food do I like?" Edwin blinked, realizing he had been staring down at the young woman for far longer than what was considered acceptable. He straightened back into place, and thought on the matter for a moment before answering. "Well...I like anything really. I've tried so much food before, that I can honestly say my range of enjoyment is spread pretty far and wide. I actually really like mocktails, or drinks with no alcohol. Sometimes you just want all the flavor and none of the intoxication." He laughed alongside Lucia while he spoke.

"I also cook, and bake on my own. So sometimes when I'm really hungry, I will actually make food for myself and my servants as a gift for their incredible perseverance and loyalty. They deserve so much more, but they will not let me offer them more than that. I can barely tell them to enjoy their days without getting a stone-cold stare ." A truth for Edwin to offer the young lady who seemed so enamored by the idea of "food" itself. That was something they both could connect on, how coincidental that it was the princess of Livania.
Edwin felt the grip around his arm, and could only muster a sheepish, silent groan of shock and pain. The young woman's strength was comparable to a gorilla! How could a small thing like her have such a tightened grip??! His arm felt like it was already losing circulation. Alas, Edwin would endure for the sake of Lucia.

Interactions: TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen
Code by Serobliss
Last edited:
Lady Isolde

Isolde had been told often of her own beauty and charm, and she had no shortage of confidence regarding those facts. Only a fool didn't know their own worth and how to leverage those natural talents granted to them. Her brother was a handsome man in that he had a square jaw and a tall frame with broad shoulders. She had heard plenty of men and women fawn over his appearance, yet those compliments ceased at his appearance and handling of estate affairs. He was dull and incapable of social graces, only seeing things in a binary manner. Some of that blame could be laid at their parents' feet since they had only harped on Rhodri that he should be a strong, stalwart leader who gave no quarter on manners of estate. He was intelligent, to be certain, but what good was knowing the ins and outs of books if it could never be applied? It truly was fortunate for him that his younger sister was so much more socially savvy, though he did have to do his fair share of negotiating with other houses when his sister's indiscretions caused some ill-will.

Wren was none of the things that she attributed to her brother nor herself, and so her remarks regarding Isolde's beauty and wit had a note of truth to them. It was rare to receive genuine compliments that didn't have to be evaluated for an angle, so Isolde felt flattered from the young woman's praise. Wren seemed to be taking Isolde's personality at face value and even holding in esteem her penchant for dalliances. If only others were so charitable when it came to Isolde's capricious nature!

"Experience will give you confidence, little rabbit. As for the remarks regarding the queen, those are easily amended. If she wasn't cross enough to have words with you at the moment then you can easily smooth over later. Your youth does lend you a great breadth of leniency, and honestly you could turn the term 'witch-queen' into a compliment! It strikes a notion of a ruler who is both poised to act in defense of her kingdom and one who could heal it in times of turmoil. It is all about how you word it, Lady Wren. I could accompany you the next time you attempt to speak to Princess Luciana."

There was a subtle shift in the atmosphere between the two of them as the lady leaned in a bit closer, her voice so soft that Isolde needed her more acute hearing to pick up the dulcet tones. The question was posed with such innocence. It would have been taken as an invitation by Isolde to press the boundaries even further and escalate the flirtation between them if said by practically any other woman. Not that there wasn't such an impulse in that moment for Isolde. Wren was an exceptionally beautiful woman with features so fair that an artist would weep to be unable to recreate such beauty. Her eyes, especially, were quite captivating. Their ocean blue hue only added to their depth when coupled with that wide-eyed innocence that was so foreign to a socialite like Isolde. Rubin courtly affairs were notoriously brutal, so she had never witnessed someone so...genuine. Someone so untainted by the cut-throat sphere that had left many a soul, like Isolde, bereft of such an unfettered sense of enthusiasm for the world.

Ugh, what was that feeling? It was uncomfortable, that was what it was! Isolde would have ordinarily pounced upon such a proposition being made, yet something foreign was holding her back. Something twinged in her chest at the thought of taking advantage of someone so clearly unused to flirtation. She could have easily swept Wren off her feet, she had no doubt. It would have been so easy to take advantage of the situation, to woo the girl for herself. Yet she just couldn't do it! What was wrong with her? Was she falling ill? Was this some sort of sorcery? The redhead was tongue-tied for the first time in her twenty six years of existence, and that was long enough for the moment to be shattered.

Others were now in the garden, and Wren was now focused on some other woman that she called Phina. Rather than remaining where she was, Isolde followed Wren a short pace in order to properly view the chaos that was unfolding. It wasn't hard to see the family resemblance between the two sisters, and Isolde did take a moment to appreciate Seraphina's beauty as well as her poise. It seemed her reputation was well deserved! She wasn't sure exactly what had happened prior to the imposition of herself and Wren, but there were fleurets of broccoli on the ground and in Prince Ezra's hair that gave rise to the suspicion that Lady Seraphina had done something in retaliation for the prince having harmed the plant in question.

Well. Wren's heart had been in the right place even if her words were...lacking. Perhaps some would view her long-winded explanation of her compliment to be endearing, she supposed, unable to help her own laughter at the absurdity of it all. She was earnest, she had to give her credit where it was due! Part of Isolde thought to dissuade Wren from thinking that this had been a particularly suave attempt at gaining Ezra's favor, but the other part was just too amused by the situation to wish to do so. So the countess had an impish smile on her face as she gave a discreet nod of approval to Wren, her hand rising subtly to give her a thumbs-up motion.

Then another entered the fray, and Isolde's sharp green eyes focused upon the more unassuming woman. She was dressed in all of the finery one would expect of a simple servant, but there were subtle things about her that alerted Isolde's senses. She had too nice of posture, for one. The other was her formal speaking pattern; it differed greatly from the various maids that Isolde had befriended and romanced through the years. There was a confidence to her that was lacking in any other servant that Isolde had encountered. Who spoke to a prince and noble lady with almost an air of authority? It was fascinating to the countess, and the redhead strode forward.

"And who might this be? Clearly someone was withholding a precious gem from the rest of us if one capable of excellent negotiation skills and mana to spare is coupled with such radiant beauty," the redhead teased with a cavalier smile.

Ezra Atkinson

Interactions: Seraphina, Wren, Lilia

Ezra was twirling the singed plant around in his hand when he suddenly heard someone shout his name. He quickly stood up turning around when he heard her voice, fury evident in his words. It took him a second to register what she said but it seemed her anger was over the plant in his hand. It was so strange to him, he could never imagine being so mad over a small plant, yet her words worried the prince. He must 'face her fury?', he puzzled over the words unsure what to think.

It all quickly became clear as her hands started to glow that she intended to attack him. Ezra quickly grabbed his knife assuming a defensive fighting position. Seeing the glow of her magic Ezra became concerned and his arms began to lightly glow with a slight blue aura as he fueled his magic into lightly enhancing his skin's durability to try and make up for his lack of armor in such a situation. He sharply analyzed his opponent trying to figure out how she'd attack when suddenly the portal opened over his head. He didn't have enough time to react before something fell on his head. It took him a minute to realize it was broccoli, it didn't make any sense. "What is this?" He asked to almost no one his voice filled with confusion and lightly tinged with frustration.

The prince refocused back on the woman in front of him, registering her latest question. "Umm...." He tried to think of something that might avoid further broccoli, but he was utterly dumbfounded as to how to respond he had never been in a situation like this before and wasn't sure what to do. His mind having put his previous thoughts aside trying to focus on defending himself from the attack that turned out to be just broccoli. His stance lightened a little the blue glow fading away as he let his magic dissipate. "It's a little bothersome." He mumbled to himself although it's possible his words were heard. He shook his hair out watching bits of broccoli fall to the ground. He had decided that broccoli didn't quite seem like a fighting offense, but he still wasn't quite sure what to do. Having taken another second to evaluate his would-be opponent he figured that she was Duchess Seraphina of Ostlandia.

As he was trying to think it over another voice drifted over, a young woman offering to heal the plant who rushed over to his side. He noticed she looked similar to the Duchess perhaps a sister or some other relative of hers. He watched, trying to discretely tuck his knife away again as he did foolishly hoping no one really noticed or would comment on it, as she tried to heal the plant, he had no knowledge of healing magic and couldn't do anything to help. When she said that she couldn't do it Ezra didn't really care too much, he still had not been able to find any logic in the Duchess' vengeance for plants. However, when the young woman started to compliment his eyes, Ezra found himself very caught off guard and he felt his face flush ever so slightly. The lady's words quickly turned into a bit of a ramble on a completely random fact, to which Ezra listened to rather intently. "That's peculiar." He responded his words quiet and reserved. "Thank you." He nodded politely to her.

It was then that Lucia's maid entered the scene, apologizing once again on behalf of Lady Lucia. He smiled a little at her offer to spar, which he did love to do but he still figured a party was certainly not the place for that. The utterly bizarreness of the situation with the broccoli, seemed to have mostly distracted him from his previous situation. He no longer felt such a desire to fight or punch something like he had before. "Thank you for the offer miss, but I am quite alright." He spoke politely, finding it a lot easier to train his mannerisms and words back into perfect politeness again.
Roland Welden

Interactions: None
Mentions: Technically everyone but mostly Violetti Violetti (Seraphina & Wren) Sincerity Sincerity (Ezra) redroseknight redroseknight (Isolde) and TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen (Lilia)
A plant in distress Roland might have laughed, if not for the intensity and urgency behind those words. "Very well," He told her with a smile. "I look forward to seeing you again, my lady." He watched her go with a grin. That had been quite enjoyable, and it seemed this unknown lady was proving to be an even more colorful character than he had assumed. those who can simply play at being noble for a time Now if only that were true.

He quickly scanned the hall, eyes lingering on a particular pair of nobles for a moment, before making his decision. He set out for the door at a leisurely pace, nimbly snatching a glass of deep red wine from a tray held by a passing server. The rhythm of his steps changed as he left the banquet hall's floor and stepped onto the tiles of the roofed walkway surrounding the garden. He rounded the corner and leaned on the stone baluster separating the grass from the tiles right in time to see his mysterious conversation partner dump a mountain of broccoli on a man sitting on a bench. A man he recognized as prince Ezra of Davaland and a man who was likely responsible for the plant in distress.

Roland chuckled to himself, taking a sip of his new glass. He held it up appreciatively, perhaps red suited him better than he'd thought. He reached into his suit as the scene unfolded and Isolde and the girl he only knew as the distressed 'bird' joined the confrontation. He pulled his hand back moments later, fingers closed around the grip of his gun. You could never know when things might turn nasty. A shot to the leg wouldn't kill, but it would certainly hurt.

He spun the weapon in his hand as he watched the confrontation, placing it on the baluster when it seemed the prince had no intention of turning this gathering into a bloodbath and a maid joined the conversation. An odd quintet that, a prince, a countess, two mysterious noblewomen and a maid.

He was about to take another sip when a familiar voice stopped him. "Master Roland." He spun, regarding the well dressed man in front of him with a smile. "Ah, Allan, back so soon?" Allan's eyes immediately gravitated to the gun on the baluster. "Why is that there?" Roland shrugged. "Insurance." "What did you do master Roland?" "Me? Nothing of note, really." Allan seemed more than a little skeptical but he dropped the subject. "At least put it away."

For once, Roland obliged, storing the weapon back in the underarm holster. "Allan," "Yes, master Roland?" "Draft a letter to Abigail." Allan regarded him quizzically. "Lady Abigail? Whatever for?" Roland chuckled lightly, pointing into the garden. "I'd like my dear sister to figure out who that is for me." Allan followed his finger, frowning. "Master Roland, I don't know what you did in my absence but I'll ask you to reconsider anyway."

"Now now, all I did was socialize. That was the point of this gathering, no? Now, that letter is not going to write itself." Allan sighed, turning on his heel and walking away. "Oh and Allan?" The butler stopped, looking over his shoulder. "Yes?" "Do tell my sister not to hurt anyone, I want this information the regular, clean, way."

  • Wren Ravenwood

    Interacting With: Lilia TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen , Izzy redroseknight redroseknight , Seraphina, and Prince Ezra Sincerity Sincerity
    Mentioned: Princess Lucia and Prince Edwin TanteRegenbogen TanteRegenbogen Ginko The Mushishi Ginko The Mushishi

    As Wren finished her rambling compliment, the man flushed slightly and managed a bewildered "Thank you," before falling silent, clearly at a loss for words. Isolde, meanwhile, gave Wren a subtle nod of approval, causing a surge of pride within Wren. She'd managed to impress her new teacher! Eager for her first official lesson in flirtation but recognizing this wasn't the time, Wren simply returned a smile to the white-haired man.

    Her attention was quickly drawn to a maid approaching to offer assistance with healing the plant. Wren's blood ran cold as she recognized her as Princess Lucia's attendant. Unable to refuse, she nodded excessively, accepting the help with forced graciousness.
    As they began the healing process, Wren felt a surge of unfamiliar energy. The maid's mana coursed through her, invigorating and potent. It felt different - higher quality somehow. To Wren's amazement and delight, the Lunarian Moonbloom sprang back to life, not just healed but flourishing beyond its original state, sprouting several new blooms. Oblivious to the plant's unusual vitality, Wren beamed with pride at her perceived success.

    Her elation was short-lived as the reality of the situation sank in. The maid had addressed the white-haired man as Prince Ezra. A prince! Her first attempt at flirting had been with royalty! Before she could process this further, Izzy approached the maid, showcasing her impeccable social skills. Wren watched in awe, drinking in every nuance of Izzy's technique, until she felt a hand on her wrist. Seraphina pulled her aside, eyes searching Wren's face with barely concealed concern.

    "Wren," Seraphina whispered, her tone gentle but leaving no room for argument, "you ran off without trying any of the banquet's fine cuisine. Why don't you find Alissa by the entrance, freshen up a bit, and have her show you around the buffet?"
    Recognizing her sister's 'detective mode', Wren nodded, knowing better than to protest. With a curtsy, she excused herself and made her way to where Alissa waited, worry giving way to relief at the sight of her charge.

    Now in the washroom, Alissa fussed over Wren's disheveled appearance. "My lady, all sorts of dangers lurk in the night! And how did your dress end up in this state?" she chided gently while attempting to salvage Wren's attire. As Alissa worked, she asked in a lighter tone, "What have you been up to, my lady?"

    Wren's eyes lit up. "Oh, Alissa! I've met the most wonderful woman - a countess! And she's agreed to be my love master!"
    "Your... what?" Alissa blinked in confusion.
    "And I've complimented my first prince!" Wren continued, oblivious to Alissa's bewilderment.
    As Wren rambled on, Alissa's expression softened further. She'd heard such fanciful tales from her lady before and assumed this was another product of Wren's vivid imagination.

    Once Wren was presentable again, they made their way to the dining hall. Wren's eyes widened at the array of delicacies, her stomach rumbling in anticipation. As she reached for a pastry, she noticed Princess Lucia engaged in animated conversation with a red-haired man who bore a striking resemblance to Izzy.
    "Prince Edwin of Silversand, my Lady," Alissa whispered. "I've heard nothing but good things about him from the other maids. He is a kind man."
    Wren nodded, hoping her earlier faux pas would fade from Princess Lucia's memory in Prince Edwin's company. The princess certainly looked happy. As Wren bit into her pastry, she imagined the conversation between the two royals:

    Princess Lucia (in Wren's imagination): "Prince Edwin! Your hair is as vibrant as the setting sun over the Western Sea. Did you know that sailors use the color of the sunset to predict tomorrow's weather?"

    Prince Edwin (also in Wren's imagination): "Fascinating, Princess Lucia! Speaking of predictions, I've been studying ancient star charts. Did you know that if you connect the right constellations, they form a map leading to a hidden valley where unicorns are said to roam?"

    Princess Lucia: "Unicorns! How marvelous! We simply must organize an expedition. We could ride on the backs of giant butterflies and use enchanted compasses that always point towards adventure!"

    Prince Edwin: "What a splendid idea! We'll need to pack special fairy-sugar cubes to feed the unicorns. Oh, and don't forget our formal wear - one never knows when one might encounter a fairy ball in an enchanted glade!"

    As Wren's imagination ran wild with this whimsical dialogue, she couldn't help but smile, completely unaware of how far her fanciful thoughts had strayed from reality. But what was reality, was her staring a little too dreamily at the couple. Hopefully it wouldn't be perceived in an entirely different way.


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