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Fandom FE: Redemption OCC

Update: Prince's Group post is up. Just as a side note, Demo is basically rooted in place. Consider him like an "other" player.

Edit: Oh also remember BEXP is a thing, so maybe killing the boss will grant you some. ;)
Oh and another note. The armor becoming reduced part, is a temporary def -1 for each battle the thieves engage.
The Barbarian boss cannot be seen in the dark. One has to find where he is hidden or wait for him to come out. I redirected Esme's attack at the thief because the barbarian wasn't supposed to be targetable and only the left and right spaces were able to be explored.
The Barbarian boss cannot be seen in the dark. One has to find where he is hidden or wait for him to come out. I redirected Esme's attack at the thief because the barbarian wasn't supposed to be targetable and only the left and right spaces were able to be explored.
OHHH i dont think you specified that? XD if you did, my mistake, whoops

but thats okay, she can attack a thief then :P
OHHH i dont think you specified that? XD if you did, my mistake, whoops

but thats okay, she can attack a thief then :P

Thank you for your cooperation. Whilst I did say that the barbarian did disappear into the shadows, I didn't explicitly say that he could not be seen. I should have emphasized more that this was a fog of war. I will try harder to be clearer next time.

Turn 3 is coming up, Dante Verren Dante Verren and Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon have yet to post for the prince's group. I shall extend the deadline another 24 hours.

Also, I know that you guys must be waiting for more Lucinarch posts, as well as Abyssylgian posts. Lucinarch posts will resume after turn 4. Abyssylgian post will resume one the Prince's group makes it out of the fight one way or the other.
Lucinarch post has been posted. ( CaseyCascade CaseyCascade , Dante Verren Dante Verren )
Prince's group post a response. ( Dante Verren Dante Verren , Scrubnoppon Scrubnoppon , Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko )
Also Elekta Kount Elekta Kount your captain of the outskirts of Lucinarch is coming up soon, so respond if you are still interested in playing with that character.

Finally couple of info for the Prince's Group:
Grimly's stats can be found on the stats page that is at the first post of this occ.
Grimly is not untargetable now, so if you dare, you can attack him.
Death in FE:R will result in penalties depending on the situation one has died in (This penalty may vary from deduction of EXP gained to sitting out for the next fight). When HP reaches 0, one must make a retreat quote, and sit out for the rest of the fight. However, there will be no permadeath, unless it was planned out in the OCC, so characters that have technically died can fight again in later battles.
wait you can die, but then fight later?? um, hows that work?

also sorry bout my absence, ive been busy lately <3

Ever play Casual mode on Fire Emblem Awakening, Thallia_Neko? I think it's like that. When your HP goes down and hits 0, your character says a little retreat quote, and then they are out for the rest of that battle.
Ever play Casual mode on Fire Emblem Awakening, Thallia_Neko? I think it's like that. When your HP goes down and hits 0, your character says a little retreat quote, and then they are out for the rest of that battle.
yeah but this is rp... if our characters cant die, then whats the point? :P

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