Favorite/Main Champ in League of Legends?

Lux has always been my favorite champion. I love her personality and skillset. Even though it seems like the mid meta has been assassins for a while, I'll always love playing Lux despite assassins being able to counter her so easily.
I tend to float between lane preferences to be honest. There are times when I love to support and times when I hate it. However I do have preferred champs in each lane. Support is my most played role though followed by Top.

Top: Malph, Singed, Aatrox, Trundle, Caitlyn, Garen would be my most played. Used to be Darius also before juggernaut.

Mid: Caitlyn, Orianna, Heimerdinger

Jungle: Hecarim, Nocturne, Maokai

ADC: Caitlyn, Ashe, Jinx

Support: Bard (Most played champ and probs my strongest as a Support), Blitz, Leona, Sona, Taric, Nautilus, Thresh

Yes, don't be fooled. Caitlyn top and Mid. Surprisingly VERY viable in both of those lanes. Bard and Caitlyn are my two most favorite champs.
Phayne said:
Yes, don't be fooled. Caitlyn top and Mid. Surprisingly VERY viable in both of those lanes. Bard and Caitlyn are my two most favorite champs.
Wouldn't you get buttraped by the best champs in the solo lanes when you play Cait, ie vs Ekko/ Zed though?
XiaoWeiXiao said:
Wouldn't you get buttraped by the best champs in the solo lanes when you play Cait, ie vs Ekko/ Zed though?
Depends on the skill level of both the Caitlyn and the Zed/Ekko ^0^
Well of course I dont pick Caitlyn 100% of the time, I do consider their picks. I only play Draft pick.

Caitlyn if played right has a lot of counter ganking capabilities. Her traps and her net for example. Many mid lane champs are squishy so timing Cait's passive, her Q and even her E can secure a lot of damage in a few seconds or even get a kill. Mid allows her to roam top or bot and snipe a kill if they escape. With warding, she can even snipe a low HP jungler trying to kill drake, buffs.

Never had trouble with Ekko tbh. Zed is a nightmare.

Trust me, if you play caitlyn a lot and understand her mechanics, you would find top and Mid Really addicting. I prefer her over Vayne and quinn tops and Varus/Ez Midlanes.
Well, guess that explains it. I thought of Ekko since if he gets IBG/Sunfire he'd be unkillable in lane while doing the damages. The way you described how it works makes me want to play her mid now though, even if I only played Cait for like, 3 times this season lol.
I used to like playing ADC as, say, Caitlyn. But I've been pure sup. as Soraka for the past little while and I love it. Can't count how many times I've helped save a teammate.

Sona is awesome too. I always tune into her "radio" whenever someone picks her.

My main champion is Rengar, but design-wise, I love Snowstorm Sivir.

Too bad I suck at ADCs. ; u ;
Alistar has been my main for the past 2.5 seasons and I love him to death. However my true pride and joy and by far my most proficient champion is Malphite. He was my first champion I ever owned back in Season 1 and he's my default solo lane pick to this day. Close third I would have to say is Aurelion Sol, just because he is such a unique champion with an absolutely amazing character design (personality, appearance, background, etc.).
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Ziggs was probably the first champion that I truly fell for as I loved everything about him; his manic tendencies, his kit, his design, all with the exception of the almost-forced lore. I had started playing 2 months prior to his release, so before then, I was just fumbling through the free rotations.

Even though Ziggs is still my downright favorite, I ended up replacing him from the list of my mains and switched to Vel'Koz. Post patch 6.9, I'm not sure how I feel about his new update. It's nice to melt tanks with a laser of pure unadulterated true damage, but I much preferred having bursts of true damage with the R proccing his passive on multiple targets, multiple times.

Either or, my favorite top laner would probably be Renekton, with jungle being Rengar. Other notable mid laners are Annie, Anivia, and Fizz, though I'm absolutely horrible with him. Bottom lane I usually go Caitlyn, Jhin, or Twitch. Support is usually reserved for Vel'Koz regardless of team comp, but Nami is also a favorite.
I really dig Mordekaiser.

Vlad Swain and Viktor are all awesome as well^^
My favourite champ in Squeeg is a difficult answer because I always gravitate towards the design, then the kit. Rek'Sai is wicked but so is Kha'Zix. I've always like creatures more, however because I'm a metalhead Mordekaiser has always been a strong favourite of mine.
Kindred has been my favorite champion since release. I have a tattoo of the duo, just something about their design really spoke out to me. I love the meaning.

Anyways, before they stole the thunder, Eggnivia was my hero.
My favourite champion would have to be Sona. <3 I mean really, DJ Sona is just amazing and I guess it's been my main ever since I started, quit, and restarted later that year. Apart from that, Lux and Kindred would be close because their design is just great!
Ashe is definitely my most favorite champion. She was the first champion I started with, the first I got to level 5 and the first I owned a skin of (two in the mean time xD ). She is my bae. I get so mad when someone else plays her :') Someone else having the same problem? :P

I also love Katarina, Quinn, Miss Fortune, Jinx, Sejuani and Vayne.
Proud to say I haven't played this video game equivalent to crack-cocaine in over 2 years, but Shyvana was my girl from day one to the end. I dearly miss dragon-ing into crowds of unsuspecting enemies.
Attained Lvl 6 Leona and lvl 7 blitz yesterday and today. Support is definetily my best position.
Haven't played this game in years! Well, 'played' is a long shot; used to play on my 7 year old laptop on my bed with no mouse and get annoyed when the ping was 800+. Anyone else feel?

But I have had a new computer built and shall be playing (hopefully a lot better, haha) my beloved Malzahar soon!
ScreamSheets said:
Kindred has been my favorite champion since release. I have a tattoo of the duo, just something about their design really spoke out to me. I love the meaning.
Anyways, before they stole the thunder, Eggnivia was my hero.
I couldn't agree more. When I read that story of the actress and Kindred before their release, I wanted for Riot to delve even deeper somehow with additional stories. The concept of Kindred is possibly the best that they've come up with in terms of creativity, though the only thing I'm not fond of is that it feels a bit silly to get "killed" as Death.

Either or, I just wish I didn't suck with Kindred. And the sad thing is that she's constantly getting nerfed because of her versatility in pro play, so it's not making my life any easier on that end lol.

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