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Fandom Fate/Stay Night: Broken Boundaries

The Green Scar

Junior Member
The fate of the Fifth Holy Grail War has been altered in this alternate take on the Fate/Stay Night universe. The general rules of the war are the same. Seven Servants, seven Masters, only one winner. The setting is in Fuyuki City as standard. In this AU, an entirely new host of Servants make their appearance (not limited to only OC characters, but just not the participants of the original 5th Holy Grail War), along with a different set of Masters to command them. Use any available methods to secure victory, including teamwork, backstabbing, bribing, trickery, or whatever comes to mind.
Aldrecht gazed lazily out of the plane's window towards the open East China Sea. "Fuyuki City, oh how I've been dreading our reunion." It had been years since he'd last been outside the Atlas Academy. After leaving the castle with quite the sour taste in his mouth, he had swore he would never set foot in Japan or see another Einzbern again. This though had changed due to recent events. One day, Aldrecht had received a letter from Old Man-Acht imploring him to come home to participate in the Heaven's Fell ritual, as after once again failing in the Fourth War to obtain the grail, the man was getting desperate. Although he'd originally intended to decline, especially since he as an Einzbern was already aware of the corruption of the Grail, but after some reconsideration and reflection, found himself more and more intrigued with the idea. While he knew that, should he win, the grail would corrupt his wish and could only grant wishes while unleashing destruction; Aldrecht was sure that he would be able to outwit the grail and make his wish a reality. Aldrecht resolved that he would win this war, and so found someone to temporarily fill his position at the Atlas Academy while he set out to return to the home he'd both shunned and likewise been outcast from.

As the plane landed and Aldrecht began to depart, he noticed something that he hadn't really thought of until now. Due to his Einzbern blood, his years spent in Egypt hadn't darkened his silky skin and hair. Although a highly trivial thing in reality, he was feeling very indulgent in small things lately; he had to be in order to be dealing with someone as small and simple minded as Old Man-Acht. "I wonder which poor homunculus's entire existence is going to be revealed to be a cup" he mused to himself once again as he considered the events of the last war (he'd done quite the extensive research in preparation for this war).

The limo he'd requested had finally arrived after being delayed due to excessive traffic. He sat down and ordered the driver to take him to the temporary property he'd purchased in order to avoid staying at the dreaded mansion. Despite his agreement to participate in the ritual in the name of the Einzbern family, Aldrecht still loathed anything to do with the man or the family, and intended to minimize his contact as much as possible. He had requested the catalyst the old man had secured for him be sent there, and for no more to be done on his behalf. As the ride went on, he pulled out his files on potential Master's he'd calculated had the highest likelihood of participating in the upcoming war and began to review his assessments on the potential opposition. He had particular interest in Kerala Vellucci as he'd heard she'd already came into possesion of a catalyst an appreciable ago, but had yet to be seen in Fuyuki for unknown reasons, and Kenshirou Fraga, as he was going to be the most fun to try and plan around due to his magical potential and that damned family heirloom Fragarach. "Oh my sweets," Aldrecht smiled to himself as he spoke, "the games have yet to begin and I can already feel the momentum building in the air." And with that he set himself to the mental task of finding a solution for Fragarach.
Kerala drank in her surroundings as she maintained a slow, but methodical gait. Her movements were jarred but precise, exuding an unnatural feel to them, as if she was some sort of animatronic. It was night, and not a soul stirred at the slightest. That may have been because of the time of day, but most likely that was due to the fact that she was now traveling through church territory. A church placed on a looming hill and surrounded by gloomy flora and dusky atmosphere.

Although Kerala understood that it was a magecraft induced boundary field that prevented common people from intruding on the church during the time of the holy grail war, she could not help but wonder whether any people actually came here in the first place. The atmosphere was awfully overbearing, and the sullen stillness surrounding the church and its environment was unbearably dreary.

She was no master in this grail war. After all, her catalyst had been lost. Or more accurately, stolen. This was another reason she had ventured into this silly ritual. That abomination of a vampire would have to pay her debts somehow. The official reason, though, was of course to see that the ritual did not spiral into disaster. The overseer already tended to that matter, but the Association would also be assured that one of their own was on the case too.

As a result, Kerala wanted to seek out the cooperation of the church overseer. They had the same underlying goal of regulating the war, though Kerala had suspicions that perhaps he had an ulterior motive. She had little information on the overseer, but she instinctively did not trust members of the church.

Kerala found herself at her destination: in front of the church's door. She knocked.
Kenshirou set to work summoning his servant as he already had the relic just need to make the summoning circle and speak the chant. He had arrived in Fuyuki because the Fraga coastline village is in Japan so it wasn't as long of a journey as most would think. He also met his relic here which he had ordered from the Association to meet him here in Fuyuki. So upon his arrival he got his relic and then went to the outreaches of town to perform a summoning. He considered doing this at the hotel but he figured it would be a little too noticeable.

Now he carved out the summoning circle and the marks within using his sword, despite its size he was doing so with great precision and speed. He then set the relic upon the altar removing the top of the box that contained it. Inside was a seemingly ancient but oddly preserved monkey's tail, what he requested was Sun Wukong's tail. Kenshirou stepped back and began reciting the chant as the summoning circle glowed with magic power and the winds stirred all around. His hand began to glow as he chanted but he kept on chanting anyway.



At the end of the chant the circle lit up even brighter and basically exploded releasing a cloud of dust. Kenshirou stood still peering in at the figure silhouetted in the cloud of dust.

Fuyuki’s airport was crowded. Here, people were either coming, leaving or waiting. But seeking a new beginning, Kyosuke Matou was one of them. Just a boy who had lost his uncle recently, left everything behind to make a daring return to his homeland. It was hard to distinguish from the crowd an average young man, casual clothes, a hanging headphone, a mid-size luggage and a goodness smile. It’s hard if you couldn’t read people’s mind. If you could, you might be able to tell something was off about him. Because of all things, his mind was unique.

'A fine city, don’t you think, Shuu?' A fragment of his soul opened its thought, asking himself. 'It’s weird, I told you, I haven’t recalled any feeling regard to this place'. But the answer was silent. And then, slowly and lazily, another voice called out in his mind. 'Too badddd… My dear Kyou, I would enjoy seeing you suffering from these bizarre memories... which really happened here'. Kyou somewhat ignored his companion’s aggressive tone as always. 'As if you wouldn’t be affected too... Speaking of which, we don’t have to get involved with them, like, completely unrelated'. Then he moved on, stopped before a large city map outside the airport. 'Why not?' Shuu raised his voice again, this time with more excitement. 'I say we should make revenge. Burn them, impale them, murder their newborn, throw eggs at…' 'I think uncle’s old apartment was somewhere on the other side of the river'. Having found the nearest bus stop, Kyousuke left the airport and headed to his new home. 'And I don’t want anything to do with the Matou or their stupid magic ritual again'.


A rather uneasy looked filled May's lips as the 5'2 tall teen struggled to keep up holding the dozens of bags now dangling from her arms. Her glasses had slightly slipped down her nose, her blue orbs glancing out rather uneasy trying to follow in step with her 'shopping partner'. Her red dress shirt held to her body being very well kept. Her white hat sat snuggly on her head slightly tilted back having been unable to have a chance to fix it up completely with her arms being decorated with the bags of clothes as her white gloves hands clutched at the handles. Her black skirt clung down her legs reaching down just past her knees. How did I end up in such a place? She though uneasily to herself keeping in toe with her servant.

It had been several days since she had met him. She had absolutely no knowledge of magic or anything, it had all been a complete fluke. Venturing into some abandoned building as a dare, she had come upon the strange circle on a ground that ultimately started to glow and summoned the man. There was no ritual or item as far as she knew, her books falling forward seeming to set it off without a ritual. It wouldn't of mattered even if she had unintentionally acted upon some ritual as the girl would of been just as lost as to what had occurred. She had quickly fumbled to grab her books and run away in fear soon after only to have Rider follow her and start what seemed as if some surreal dream, one she wished more and more was just some elaborate dream as he seemed to show no end to his shopping spree.

The girl stumbled forward noticing the man seemed to have no signs of slowing down. Her timid nature had kept her quiet as more and more cash was racked up much to the girls dismay. She had offered to get him some clothing but she had never imagined she would see every ounce of her savings so quickly fly away before her eyes. The girl pouted a bit venturing up as she gained the courage to finally speak up.
"Is... isn't this m... more then enough? I... I mean...I don't have that much money... I... did not th... think it would be all this..." The timid nerdy girl spoke up at the rather charming man before her. The two of them seemed so night and day from one another, the girls timid expression looking up at him, gently clutching her hand tightly that bore the mark hidden away under the glove.

Proxy said:
Kerala drank in her surroundings as she maintained a slow, but methodical gait. Her movements were jarred but precise, exuding an unnatural feel to them, as if she was some sort of animatronic. It was night, and not a soul stirred at the slightest. That may have been because of the time of day, but most likely that was due to the fact that she was now traveling through church territory. A church placed on a looming hill and surrounded by gloomy flora and dusky atmosphere.
Although Kerala understood that it was a magecraft induced boundary field that prevented common people from intruding on the church during the time of the holy grail war, she could not help but wonder whether any people actually came here in the first place. The atmosphere was awfully overbearing, and the sullen stillness surrounding the church and its environment was unbearably dreary.

She was no master in this grail war. After all, her catalyst had been lost. Or more accurately, stolen. This was another reason she had ventured into this silly ritual. That abomination of a vampire would have to pay her debts somehow. The official reason, though, was of course to see that the ritual did not spiral into disaster. The overseer already tended to that matter, but the Association would also be assured that one of their own was on the case too.

As a result, Kerala wanted to seek out the cooperation of the church overseer. They had the same underlying goal of regulating the war, though Kerala had suspicions that perhaps he had an ulterior motive. She had little information on the overseer, but she instinctively did not trust members of the church.

Kerala found herself at her destination: in front of the church's door. She knocked.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92ebf586_FujikawaMegumiBanner.png.8189e3816c28d0a8eed6be5fbe81fb63.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118750" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/57a8c92ebf586_FujikawaMegumiBanner.png.8189e3816c28d0a8eed6be5fbe81fb63.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Fuyuki Cathedral

Megumi Fujikawa was filling out the various paperwork associated with the Cathedral. He sat at his desk, quietly reading form after form, surrounded by the stillness of the Church. As he worked, he couldn’t help but think on the Grail War. He knew that most of the servants had been summoned, and he also knew that it was his duty as the overseer to make sure that events transpired according to plan. Well, as close to the plan as he could manage. He hadn’t sought out the role of overseer, nor had he shied away from it. His new role allowed him the perfect opportunity to observe the impending conflict, an opportunity which he intended to take advantage of. When he heard a knock he turned to look in the direction of the large oak doors situated at the entrance to the cathedral. He stood up and walked slowly towards the entryway, taking care not to disturb the various candles that were lit around the sanctuary of the cathedral. He opened the doors, taking a moment to observe the person standing before him. “
I must say my dear, I am expecting a few people to call upon me, but you are certainly not any of them. However, I invite you to come inside; the house of God welcomes all,” He gestured for the other to come join him inside the cathedral. His face showed no hint of emotion, save for his usual enigmatic smile.



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For the elements, silver and iron.

For the foundation, stone and the Archduke of Contracts.

For the ancestor, my great master, Brunestud.

A wall to block the falling wind.

Close the gates of the four cardinal directions.

Come forth from the crown, and follow the forked road leading to the kingdom.

A silver haired girl with red eyes stood in the middle of run down shack, her hand extended above a circle of blood drawn on the floor. In the center of the circle lay a single piece of white wood. As she chanted, the circle began to glow. Taking out a small knife, the girl cut her palm and let five drops of blood fall.

Fill, fill, fill, fill, fill.

Repeat five times, but destroy when filled.


With each drop of blood the circle glowed brighter and filled with more and more power, till the entire shack shook from the energy.

Heed my words.

My will creates your body and your sword creates my destiny.

If you heed the grail's call and obey my will and reason,

Then answer me.

I hereby swear,

That I will be all the good in the world;

That I shall defeat all evil in the world.

You seven heavens, clad in three great words of power,

Come forth from the circle of binding,

Guardian of the Scales!

The ritual complete, the circle exploded, filling the small room with light and dust. The girl grinned, revealing a small set of fangs, as the dust settled and revealed a young man standing in the center of the circle.

She had done it. She had summoned a Heroic Spirit.


Long luscious hair bounced as the boy they were attached to jumped around while throwing clothes at the girl following him. He was on a shopping spree , something he loved at the moment. Pretty narrow eyes twinkled happily until he caught a glance at the girl behind him after hearing what the rather small young girl behind him said.

" Oh sorry about that. " He said , pushing his bangs out of his face. His weight shifted to his left leg as his right arm crossed across his chest as he watched the girl. His eyes narrowed as he remembered her stutter , mentally noting he had to make her braver. When he was first summoned by the girl he was rather disappointed and only further annoyed him when she ran away , only following because he had to. But in the short space of time they were partners he grew slightly attached to her , feeling as if she was something of a little sister you would want to protect.

" You know , if you are afraid to talk to your own servant how do you think you'll deal with other servants who are out to kill us. " He asked, his head cocking slightly to the side as he folded his arms.​
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He stood there, firm and straight, still comfortable as if he had stood there for a while. He was not short and even if he was, his pointed hat would have made up for it, but something, some kind of aura emitting from him made him seem shorter, smaller. He wore a long gray robe, the color of the morning mist, the simple yet mysterious color. Such clothes couldn't be more out of context in these modern days, but as if it was magic itself, he was so fit in the rest of the room or wherever he is, he was anything but stand out. His aura told that he was neither proud nor confident, the way he casually looked around the room with slight interest was of an ordinary person, the way he was born with and the way a normal person was meant to be: plain simple, approved of, not extraordinary.

The man raised one hand to brush off the dust on his clothes, on his other hand was a staff. If anything, his staff was the most exceptional bit, it probably not a generic, regular modern one since it was very scabrous and the tip of the staff was like a half-bloomed wood flower. He had finished brushing his clothes, his eyes were sticking on the girl before him with interest all the while. He smirked and asked, his tone made an impression that he was making a funny comment rather than a question: "Are you my master?"

@Ian Temero


May looked towards Rider hearing his apology. She looked to him through her glasses still holding onto the bags tight. He came off completely opposite of her in so many ways. He reminded her in some ways of her friend Karin with the amount of Charisma he seemed to radiate. She had a beauty behind her with a personality that made it easier for people to fall behind her. She had to admit he was far more into the shopping deal then Karin and even more so seemed to relish in his own beauty, though it was hard to tell if he was doing so consciously or not. Well... he says he does come from another time, guess it would be a lot different then dealing with school. I wonder how Karin would of been in the same position?

She looked to Rider as he spoke up seeming a little uneasy at his words. She smiled haphazardly, attempting to feign her unease. "Ah... s... sorry." She stuttered much to her own dismay making her bite her bottom lip. "I don't mean to be. Its still just weird. I don't even understand how I ended up getting into all this servant, master stuff." She finally added with a more stabilized tone to her voice. She let out a soft sigh. Truthfully she wasn't certain of the whole idea, his words didn't help. Still, she didn't want to simply drop out... at least she would try and learn more about this whole thing. She had been told to come to the church so she could learn more about this War thingy.

"We should try and finish up here soon, we need to head to the church soon." She spoke, her hands quite full not being able to peek at her phone to check the time for certain. She was generally rather good about keeping track about time. It was her job in student council to keep order and make sure things were organized. It only made her feel that much more lost with everything she had found herself into.

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As Aldrecht continued to ponder his multiple conundrums, the limo cruised along silently, with only an occasional bump in the road felt. Taking a sip from the regrettably over-steeped tea, he felt the familiar "ping" in his mind that usually signified that he had reached a conclusion (probably just his subconscious having some fun) to his issue. With the information he had at hand, Aldrecht had come to a solution of acceptable success probability in regards to dealing with Fragarach, but wasn't satisfied with the answers he'd obtained for Kerala Vellucci as the fact that she hadn't been reported to have appeared in Japan yet, let alone summoned her servant caused Aldrecht undue discomfort.

"What is that woman thinking? How inconsiderate of her to pose as an unknown variable."

As the driver neared the temporary property, Aldrecht's phone, which he'd written the encryption software himself, vibrated in his pocket. Only a select few had access to directly message him, so he checked it with appropriate urgency.

Send New Email
New Email Received
Agent 32

Vellucci Report

A new development has occurred. Vellucci has been reported to be in Fuyuki City, and she was last seen entering the church. Will continue to monitor and deliver updates.

"As barebones as ever Agent 32" he mused to himself.

This was very intriguing information though, and would certainly be factored into his plans for her. The limo finally arrived at the property; it was fairly sizable, but not so much that it'd draw undue attention. Aldrecht already had prearranged for all of his supplies to be delivered here beforehand, so everything should be waiting for him to get to work. As he entered, the crisp air told him that the air conditioner was working well. Heading directly to the basement, he smiled when he saw the unmarked crate sitting on top of the table, undoubtedly it contained the catalyst the Old Man had secured for him. Aldrecht would get to it in time, but first he set himself to taking inventory of his other possessions.



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"Do you find something humorous?" Rini asked, frowning a little, then rolled her eyes and waved her hand dismissively. "Of course you do. A being of immeasurable power in life, bound to the will of a single girl in death. If that isn't irony I don't know what is."

"Since I'm the one that summoned you, that would make me your master, yes." She answered, "And you are Caster. My soldier for this war." As she looked him up and down, she had to admit that she was a little underwhelmed. He didn't appear to be anything special, though there was an air of mysticism about him. Still, this man wasn't at all how Rini pictured the most powerful wizard in legend. In fact, as she thought about it there were several things that didn't add up. His unremarkablity, the fact that his staff didn't match the piece she summoned him with, even the fact that he was a young man.

"You are the Heroic Spirit Merlin, yes?"

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.15bd79d9d89252c55fb68e373c7adce0.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="118791" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.15bd79d9d89252c55fb68e373c7adce0.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Matthias had set himself up pretty well for just arriving a week ago. Just outside the city limits, near a rocky beach, he had come a across a delightfully abandoned little cabin. It reminded him a great deal of the cabin he had up in the mountains of Europe. Perhaps a little more decrepit, it had a stone floor though, and a caved-in roof, but that was work that could be done after he had summoned the servant. The blood for the sigil had come from his own personal stock of bodily fluids. Each quadrant of the circle was drawn in the blood of an animal who corresponded to the given cardinal direction, it would hopefully boost the power of his summoning. It hadn't been easy smuggling that much blood into the country. The matter of the Cataylst was another matter entirely. Three years of searching had turned up no artifacts from his ancestors which had any ties to anyone important, if he was to summon a powerful hero he would need a serious catalyst, but alas, there was nothing to be found. Matthias had read somewhere that simply having an extremely old item could link a Mage to the more powerful ancient spirits. This had been fortuitous, he collected items from shipwrecks, which were easy to get to when you could manipulate water. He had placed his gamble on a miraculously unrusted sword he had found in a longboat. When he took it to be appraised it turned out the blade was iron from a meteorite. A sword forged from fire that fell from the heavens, surely that would summon a powerful spirit.

Matthias had the sigil set before him, the blade in the center. The tide was high, the full moon at its zenith. He knelt on the edge of the circle, placing his middle and forefinger on the lines before beginning the incantation.

For the elements; silver and iron...

For the foundation; stone and the Archduke of contracts...

For the ancestor; my great master Brunestud...

A wall to block the falling wind...

Close the gates of the four cardinal directions...

Come forth from The Crown and follow the forked road that leads to the kingdom...

A thick mist drew itself up and around the circle, swirling with the energies, dancing silver in the moonlight. Matthias held up his palms and slashed them both, letting his own blood pool in his hands as he walked to the center of the circle. He let the warm liquid fall onto the blade and the heart of the magic seal. The circle began to paint the mist bright red as the new blood mingled with that of the circle.

Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill...

Repeat five times but destroy when each is filled...


Heed my words...

My will creates your body...

And your sword creates my destiny...

If you heed the grail's call and obey my will and reason answer me...

I swear that I will be all the good in the world...

I swear that I will defeat all evil in the world...

You seven heavens clad in three great words of power...

Appear from the circle of binding...

Guardian of the scales!

Matthias kept an even tone until the very last verse, he could feel the magic flowing so fervently, and the waves of the high tide pounded with such ferocity, he couldn't help but shout it out. This shout was followed by a cry of pain as he was thrown against the wall of the cabin. Thankfully, in this old fisherman's shack there would be none to hear. The floor of the cabin had split along the quadrants of the circle, and he could feel the mist moving across his face. Except, it wasn't mist, it was steam. A cloud of steam shrouded the fruits of his labors, thick and hot, as though all the water in the space had become superheated in an instant. He pushed at the steam with his magic, clearing it from the room, trying to glimpse his servant.

@Raikou Kaminari



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@Raikou Kaminari[/URL]

Inside the cloud of steam the small ray of light could be seen emanating from something within it. As the steam clear the servant inside became more visible, he had the appearance of blond haired young man. He was dressed in robe like clothing on his bottom half and no real clothing on his upper half with his anything that wasn't the odd robe resembled flames. But the larger focus would the large sword held by the young man as it was completely black with a symbol glowing on it's hilt, the symbol must have been the source of light from earlier. Pretty much everything about the boy screamed heat or fire.

As the boy let the sword hang in one hand at his side as he took in his surroundings, he turned one foot taking in the other half of the cabin. Then he scanned again his eye falling upon a person who was against. The young man shook his head as if shaking off sleep and then looked at the person. He asked one question. "Are you my master?"
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.7dc0cbca87cf5dcad71fc5586e19736c.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="119153" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/image.jpeg.7dc0cbca87cf5dcad71fc5586e19736c.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Matthias stared at the blonde as he struggled to right himself, he had never seen anything quite like him. He seemed to exude power in waves, his gaze was intense, and his clothing strange. As Matthias tried to push himself up, he cried out in pain, his palms were still cut, blood still flowed and clotted along the wound. With a whim, tendrils of a pale blue liquid came forth from the pockets of his jacket, shirt, and pants. The enchanted water scrubbed over the wound, the skin tightened and the flow of blood abated. It was no healing magic, but the ability to simply close a wound was better than nothing. The tendrils retracted back into his pockets, there was almost a level of sentience to each pocket of water, that had been a warning against reusing magic water, but having a magical tool with a personality was tempting enough to experiment.

Now that he had managed to stand, Matthias extended his hand to shake.

"Well, I'm the Mage who summoned you. Whether or not you consider me your 'Master' is really up to you." He smiled at the strange young man. "I am Matthias Corvinus of the Hunnic Corvinus, and you are?"



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"Yes, my young lady, I did find something humorous" He bowed his head a little "But I mean no ill will, rather, I find no shame nor unworthy in the task I received which is to follow your orders".

"I was known by men in many names. But none that I recalled relates to which you mentioned." He looked up at her, reverted to his straight stance, finding no discomfort in her judging look. Instead, he caught her gaze mid-air, if he was trying to analyze her and did find something in her tone, his face wasn't betraying any impression "I'm no Merlin but your servant, a caster. I admit I may not the servant you expected nor did I got the power you desired". He continued, this time with more confidence in his voice "Of course, I ask of you to bear with my lack of power with your own. But I assure you I'm no mere caster, wizard of tricks in your tongue, men called me Gandalf the Grey, which you may or may not heard of. When it comes down to it, my power is yours to wield and yours to judge if it's worthy or not"
Amber looked around the room before crouching and picking up a piece of chalk before beginning to draw a rather large intricate looking circle on the ground. He let out a soft sigh before he grabbed the medium he needed , a large axe and a lot of books. " I better get what I want. " He muttered darkly as he remembered the struggle he had to go through just to get that stupid axe.

He grabbed the gems he had ready and walked into the centre of the large circle and took a deep breath before closing his eyes and beginning to chant.

For the elements; silver and iron...

For the foundation; stone and the Archduke of contracts...

For the ancestor; my great master Brunestud...

A wall to block the falling wind...

Close the gates of the four cardinal directions...

Come forth from The Crown and follow the forked road that leads to the kingdom...

Amber kept his eyes closed as the liquid that was once gems in his hand started to drip into the circle.

Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill, Fill...

Repeat five times but destroy when each is filled...


Heed my words...

My will creates your body...

And your sword creates my destiny...

If you heed the grail's call and obey my will and reason answer me...

I swear that I will be all the good in the world...

I swear that I will defeat all evil in the world...

You seven heavens clad in three great words of power...

Appear from the circle of binding...

Guardian of the scales!

Amber yelled out the part of the chant as the circle glowed intensely , its colour changing to blood red before a powerful burst of energy occurred sending Amber flying back into the books gathered behind him. " Ow , that hurt like hell. " He muttered under his breath as he sat up , smoothing out his long white hair. Slowly he looked at his hand and saw three markings on his hand. In a uncharacteristic burst of joy Amber cheered and jumped around before he remembered something. " Where is my servant. " He thought

Rider nodded but studied the small girl for a few more moments before turning around. " Okay lady lead the way. " He said in a strong voice as pulled his hair over his shoulder and tapped his leg impatiently as he waited for the girl to start walking , a slightly frown revealing it self. ' Yep , I'm really going to have make this girl braver if I hope to keep her alive and win the grail. " He thought before his mind warded off. " Caesar " He muttered softly.

(Please excuse the short post , I don't know what to write because Rider doesn't know where the church is.)
[QUOTE="Cunning Commander]

Matthias stared at the blonde as he struggled to right himself, he had never seen anything quite like him. He seemed to exude power in waves, his gaze was intense, and his clothing strange. As Matthias tried to push himself up, he cried out in pain, his palms were still cut, blood still flowed and clotted along the wound. With a whim, tendrils of a pale blue liquid came forth from the pockets of his jacket, shirt, and pants. The enchanted water scrubbed over the wound, the skin tightened and the flow of blood abated. It was no healing magic, but the ability to simply close a wound was better than nothing. The tendrils retracted back into his pockets, there was almost a level of sentience to each pocket of water, that had been a warning against reusing magic water, but having a magical tool with a personality was tempting enough to experiment.

Now that he had managed to stand, Matthias extended his hand to shake.

"Well, I'm the Mage who summoned you. Whether or not you consider me your 'Master' is really up to you." He smiled at the strange young man. "I am Matthias Corvinus of the Hunnic Corvinus, and you are?"

Saber's eyebrow went up at the sight of Matthias using a form of water magic, as a user of fire based fighter this could spell trouble. Then the person introduced himself as the guy who summoned him, leaving a false sense of freedom of choice. But this couldn't be all bad maybe his master did believe that servants have a choice to just walk away, they technically do but most end with a command seal being used or death of some sort. Saber replied "I guess you are my master then. Though I may not look like it. I am Surtr the Jotunn of Fire, though being I am guessing something about all this stops me from being a giant likely its my class according to the knowledge granted by the grail. Anyway you shall refer to me as Saber as I have been summoned in the Saber class."
A hulking form stirred within the gloom and stepped forward to examine prancing mage.

"Maaa...Masterrr." The man ground out the word with great effort and leaned down to get a better look revealing his heavyset features and wild hair which both lent to a fearsome appearance but most intimidating was the way his sharp blue eyes darted to and fro in a near frenzied pattern.

Huffing out a breath the Berserker paused to scrape together a sentence through the maddening haze.

"What is..your name?" After a pause to gather his thoughts once more he stood tall and proud and rumbled out a more confident phrase. "I..am the King of Berserkers."

Taking another look over his master Berserker narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"Master....are you a man or....?" He trailed off and elected to give up on finishing since the point seemed clear.



May looked to Rider giving a light nod. She glanced at the bags with a nervous smile on her lips. "Ah... I guess it would be good to carry this back to my place first... we can stop by its not that far off from the direction of the church." She spoke seeming to still be a bit uneasy as she carried what was nearly all her saving in the servant's clothing. She walked forward letting out a light sigh as she took the lead.

She glanced over hearing him suddenly mumble something, blinking as she wasn't certain what it was. She continued on looking down looking in thought. She bit her bottom lip lingering in thought. Truthfully she knew so little of Rider... of this entire war thing. He had helped to tell her a bit about the war... about this graal though she wanted to know a lot more. She wasn't a mage... she didn't know any little bit about it. It seemed like it was just a bunch of fair tales she heard of in the past.

"S... so Rider..." She spoke after keeping quiet for several minutes, having built up her resolve to question him. It still felt strange calling someone by such a name. "What exactly are you looking to get out of this... um... thing?" She spoke fumbling with her words less out being shy and much more not wanting to talk out too loud about it. Even if she didn't know much about it, she was told enough by her 'servant' to know just how dangerous it was suppose to be. She had to be careful with what she said publicly to avoid being overheard.

Hanarei said:


May looked to Rider giving a light nod. She glanced at the bags with a nervous smile on her lips. "Ah... I guess it would be good to carry this back to my place first... we can stop by its not that far off from the direction of the church." She spoke seeming to still be a bit uneasy as she carried what was nearly all her saving in the servant's clothing. She walked forward letting out a light sigh as she took the lead.

She glanced over hearing him suddenly mumble something, blinking as she wasn't certain what it was. She continued on looking down looking in thought. She bit her bottom lip lingering in thought. Truthfully she knew so little of Rider... of this entire war thing. He had helped to tell her a bit about the war... about this graal though she wanted to know a lot more. She wasn't a mage... she didn't know any little bit about it. It seemed like it was just a bunch of fair tales she heard of in the past.

"S... so Rider..." She spoke after keeping quiet for several minutes, having built up her resolve to question him. It still felt strange calling someone by such a name. "What exactly are you looking to get out of this... um... thing?" She spoke fumbling with her words less out being shy and much more not wanting to talk out too loud about it. Even if she didn't know much about it, she was told enough by her 'servant' to know just how dangerous it was suppose to be. She had to be careful with what she said publicly to avoid being overheard.

Rider followed after the girl arms folded as he look ahead. He stayed silent , perfectly content with the silence as they walked. When the girl spoke Rider looked at her with a rised eyebrow before the girl asked a question. Rider stayed silent for few minutes , his eyes casted off to the side before he leaned over to the girl's ear. " Think about , I'm Cleopatra so what could I possibly want. Its obvious in my opinion , anyone who knows about my history. " He whispered.

He pulled away and looked ahead. " Anyway , I'm glad you are talking to me with more confidence for which I'm thankful. But I must ask , what do you desire. " He asked as he glanced at the girl , sharp eyes studying her every move. Je wondered what such a innocent girl want. ' Probably wants love or happiness. ' He thought.
IG42 said:
A hulking form stirred within the gloom and stepped forward to examine prancing mage.
"Maaa...Masterrr." The man ground out the word with great effort and leaned down to get a better look revealing his heavyset features and wild hair which both lent to a fearsome appearance but most intimidating was the way his sharp blue eyes darted to and fro in a near frenzied pattern.

Huffing out a breath the Berserker paused to scrape together a sentence through the maddening haze.

"What is..your name?" After a pause to gather his thoughts once more he stood tall and proud and rumbled out a more confident phrase. "I..am the King of Berserkers."

Taking another look over his master Berserker narrowed his eyes in confusion.

"Master....are you a man or....?" He trailed off and elected to give up on finishing since the point seemed clear.

Amber stood still and watched Berserker , his arms folding against his chest not the least bit intimidated as he looked at the giant of a man. " Yes I am your master , I'm Amber Lia Einzbern. " He said with a small polite bow. He opened his mouth to talk again until he heard his servants question. He let out a embarrassed squeak as he stuttered. " Ex.... Excuse mme , I am a man. " He yelled as he turned away.

He had also looked like a female but no one had ever asked him if he was one so he was beyond embarrassed. A few calming breaths later , Amber turned to Berserker. " I'm a man anyway you said you are the king of the Berserker , what is your true identity. " He asked
Grunting neutrally as Amber confirmed his gender Berserker chose to nod slightly in reply to the Master's bow deciding that he seemed respectful enough unlike most mages he had encountered.

Carefully mustering up the words he spoke clearly. "My name is Harald Sigurdsson...King of Norway." He stopped once more to compose. "Named as 'Hardrada' in the great sagas."

Huffing out a long breath Harald looked over the rapier at Amber's side appraisingly.

"Now...what..do you....wish of..the Grail?"

He felt that knowing his Master's wish would help get the measure of the man, whether his wish was something petty like riches or simple and naive like world peace.


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