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Fantasy ◙ Fate of Steel | Sheet/OOC ◙

Sounds good! You can both make a mark on where you want to start off, unless you want me to make it random.
nao_2018_by_mleth_dc7sw37-fullview.jpg◙ CHARACTER SHEET ◙
NAME: Álainnblath O'Deargsaileach
AGE: ???
SEX: Female

PERSONALITY: Kind Alainn is a wise leader for her people, willing to work the land with even the dirtiest farmer. Do not mistake her gentleness for cowardice however as, when it is time for war, she is a fierce warrior who is not afraid to get blood on her hands.

HISTORY: Little is known about the Archdruidess. Some claim that her family has guarded the sacred tree Deargsaileach for untold generations. Some believe her to be Sidhe Draoi, the spirit of the tree itself. Others still believe her to be a goddess in mortal form. If asked which was true Alainn would simply laugh and ask which one you believed, but would never give a straight answer. What is clear however is that she is a powerful druid and has a great attachment to the Deargsaileach, so much so that when the Bolds sought to slay her she simply took the tree and left, seeking a new home.

- Cair O'Gardacrann
The oldest Druid in the clan and second in command, Cair is probably the only person alive who knows Alainn's secrets.

The Deargsaileach
The sacred tree of the Gardacrann. Legend tells of a goddess that once fell in love with a man and gifted him a spear of red wood. This man would go on to accomplish many deeds with this spear but would eventualy lose his life slaying a wicked dragon. The goddess cried for his parting and when her tears fell upon the spear it grew into a great tree. The goddess then blessed the tree so that the man's decedents would forever find safety beneath its branches.

The tree has several properties. Its leaves can heal wounds, its sap cures illnesses, its branches when burned never go out, and when animals approach the tree they lose all hostility and fear towards man.

Faction Name: Gardacrann

Faction History:
It started with one, a single woman guarding a tree. Then there were two, when a man and his wife came seeking a home. Others followed and soon it became a small village. Time passed and the village grew to a thriving town and then a city. For generations the people celebrated peace, with the lord (under advisory of the druids) discouraging human sacrifices and instead encouraging sacrifices of valuables and livestock.

But then the Bolds attacked, not caring if they were peaceful or not, only that they were heretics. They slew the lord of the city, slaughtered the people, and tried to cut down the sacred tree. But a lone druidess stood in their way, using the very forces of nature to fight them back. And once they were gone she looked upon the ruined city, took the tree and left, and what people remained followed.

Colours: Red and Green
Heraldry: A simple green flag with a red tree

Officer Titles:
Archdruidess - Ruler and Head Priest
Druids - Priests
Knights - Military Commanders
Berserkers - Elite Warriors

Military Ordinances:
Not truly a military force, the Gardacrann militia is mostly made up of hunters and farmers wielding bows and spears. Then there are a handful of berserkers and an even smaller number of knights. The true fighting force of the militia comes from the druids in the backline, using their magic to have nature itself fight with them, from wild beast to the trees themselves.
View attachment 992201◙ CHARACTER SHEET ◙
NAME: Álainnblath O'Deargsaileach
AGE: ???
SEX: Female

PERSONALITY: Kind Alainn is a wise leader for her people, willing to work the land with even the dirtiest farmer. Do not mistake her gentleness for cowardice however as, when it is time for war, she is a fierce warrior who is not afraid to get blood on her hands.

HISTORY: Little is known about the Archdruidess. Some claim that her family has guarded the sacred tree Deargsaileach for untold generations. Some believe her to be Sidhe Draoi, the spirit of the tree itself. Others still believe her to be a goddess in mortal form. If asked which was true Alainn would simply laugh and ask which one you believed, but would never give a straight answer. What is clear however is that she is a powerful druid and has a great attachment to the Deargsaileach, so much so that when the Bolds sought to slay her she simply took the tree and left, seeking a new home.

- Cair O'Gardacrann
The oldest Druid in the clan and second in command, Cair is probably the only person alive who knows Alainn's secrets.

The Deargsaileach
The sacred tree of the Gardacrann. Legend tells of a goddess that once fell in love with a man and gifted him a spear of red wood. This man would go on to accomplish many deeds with this spear but would eventualy lose his life slaying a wicked dragon. The goddess cried for his parting and when her tears fell upon the spear it grew into a great tree. The goddess then blessed the tree so that the man's decedents would forever find safety beneath its branches.

The tree has several properties. Its leaves can heal wounds, its sap cures illnesses, its branches when burned never go out, and when animals approach the tree they lose all hostility and fear towards man.

Faction Name: Gardacrann

Faction History:
It started with one, a single woman guarding a tree. Then there were two, when a man and his wife came seeking a home. Others followed and soon it became a small village. Time passed and the village grew to a thriving town and then a city. For generations the people celebrated peace, with the lord (under advisory of the druids) discouraging human sacrifices and instead encouraging sacrifices of valuables and livestock.

But then the Bolds attacked, not caring if they were peaceful or not, only that they were heretics. They slew the lord of the city, slaughtered the people, and tried to cut down the sacred tree. But a lone druidess stood in their way, using the very forces of nature to fight them back. And once they were gone she looked upon the ruined city, took the tree and left, and what people remained followed.

Colours: Red and Green
Heraldry: A simple green flag with a red tree

Officer Titles:
Archdruidess - Ruler and Head Priest
Druids - Priests
Knights - Military Commanders
Berserkers - Elite Warriors

Military Ordinances:
Not truly a military force, the Gardacrann militia is mostly made up of hunters and farmers wielding bows and spears. Then there are a handful of berserkers and an even smaller number of knights. The true fighting force of the militia comes from the druids in the backline, using their magic to have nature itself fight with them, from wild beast to the trees themselves.
Accepted. Do you want to be in the west or eastern map? Also, can you name your main stronghold, as well as 3-4 extra settlements? Indicate who rules them as well
Accepted. Do you want to be in the west or eastern map? Also, can you name your main stronghold, as well as 3-4 extra settlements? Indicate who rules them as well
Oh boy, this may be larger scale than I was anticipating...

Let's see... The west seems to have more forests so I guess I'll set up shop there.

As far as the stronghold, do I have to choose an existing town? If not then the stronghold will be named after the faction, Gardacrann.
Settlements will be...

- Redhaven
Led by Cair O'Gardacrann

- Gilramore
Led by Gala O'Gardacrann, a druidess who specializes in weather manipulation

Led by Dahb O'Gardacrann, a druid who specializes in shapeshifting into beasts

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