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Fandom Fate/No Order OOC

Awesome Sauce. I'll join the IC thread when Rider is summoned. For anyone that doesn't know Rider is based off of a YuGiOh card.
Anybody can Summon Rider
We already have like 3-4 female Servants... that's already plenty. Syvvaris Syvvaris how many do you need...
Ariel Ariel Not necessarily; you could play as just a master if you'd like, or make a servant character to go along with your master. Otherwise, you can ask one of the other servants if they'd like you to be their master.
Ah okay. Well I'm looking to make a Master character around somebodys already made servant if they'll have me
Oh man, the feels. I can feel the sadness already.
Him protecting the little girl, not wanting to get her involved in the war, and trying to get her to quit.
It'll be like Daizaemon Kaze and Takeshi Koumoto from Gantz.
MocaPoka MocaPoka Ariel Ariel BlightGiver BlightGiver
I do not wish harm upon my master, but knowing how the Nasuverse works. I am excited to get to know Sophia. Gaia wants to win the war to put an end to all wars. He could have also been summoned as a Berserker (he is a sane Berserker, more sane than Berserker of Black), but Rider is his true class.

Speaking of which I love Cu Chulainn as Caster.

Ariel Ariel have you thought of how Sophia would get caught in the CSO?

MocaPoka MocaPoka I still haven't got caught up with my research of Fate GO yet, I forgot about Lev Lainur Flauros.
It definitely would have been an outside source since she is very impressionable. Her family would have been a big influence when her own father disappeared who would have been the obvious candidate for the next war. She however has no wish in mind if she were to win the war as she is a happy and content child. But that doesn't mean her family doesn't.

Sorry I haven't finished the sheet yet, I've been fairly occupied recently. I'll probably have it done today or tomorrow.
Ariel Ariel
That is understandable I wasn't able to get on yesterday at all.
Does Sophia have any other family members, a mother, siblings, uncles/aunts?
It sounds like her family wants to use her.

Gaia would like to win the grail but he will do his best to find her father first.
MocaPoka MocaPoka Ariel Ariel BlightGiver BlightGiver
I do not wish harm upon my master, but knowing how the Nasuverse works. I am excited to get to know Sophia. Gaia wants to win the war to put an end to all wars. He could have also been summoned as a Berserker (he is a sane Berserker, more sane than Berserker of Black), but Rider is his true class.

Speaking of which I love Cu Chulainn as Caster.

Ariel Ariel have you thought of how Sophia would get caught in the CSO?

MocaPoka MocaPoka I still haven't got caught up with my research of Fate GO yet, I forgot about Lev Lainur Flauros.
Luckily I don't think the little details in the past plot line will matter too much in this as BlightGiver BlightGiver seems to be taking the story in their own direction. The big overall concepts are likely more important, such as Rayshift, the Guardian Heroic Spirit Summoning System "FATE", what actually makes up a Servant and Master, Dr Roman and Leonardo.
Luckily I don't think the little details in the past plot line will matter too much in this as BlightGiver BlightGiver seems to be taking the story in their own direction. The big overall concepts are likely more important, such as Rayshift, the Guardian Heroic Spirit Summoning System "FATE", what actually makes up a Servant and Master, Dr Roman and Leonardo.

You took the words right out of my mouth. lol
I follow now.
I just got caught up with the story thus far. An Orange light in the UK,

BlightGiver BlightGiver Ariel Ariel
It may be good to get summoned mid mission where my character summons a servant subconsciously almost like Shirou from the first Fate Stay Night, but Ariel Ariel Sophia has knowledge about grail wars. Either way the cataclysmic event that takes place Gaia will manifest, and heed Sophia's call.

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