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Fandom Fate F/F OOC

I'd hope it's the FGO Musashi, but I guess we'll have to wait and see to know anything for sure.

Oh, and for Jake being stabbed, did Saber cut through his femur or was the blade oriented to miss the bone?
Let's say it missed the bone.
Alright, will do a short post during lunch break tomorrow. With what just happened to Jake, I don't think a longer one is needed
Sorry, was a bit more delayed than I preferred, but its up. Anywho, I saw the trailer for the Fate/Strange Fake anime special; this is one of the best years for us Fate fans imo.
Yo, sorry for the delay on my end, had to replace my computer and kind of forgot my password. I'll have a post up by tomorrow at the latest.
Yeah, sorry for the late reply. I ended up getting covid for the third time and felt like crap. I'll have a post up soon, probably tomorrow
No worries, I've been slacking off on my end. At this point I'm pretty sure Jake is just hunkering down somewhere to take care of his wound and think over things. He'll try to find people after a bit

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