Fate/Exitium: Stained Grail War

Well, people can always join in the middle if they'd like. I'd imagine we'd find a way to shoehorn them in some way or another.

So, I'd say start it now.
Start now then?

Alright, well alright. The church mediator won't have a CS though, but let's begin. About this though, should the other servants and masters have their intros detailed or just assumed?
ill agree with this. are we starting with the summoning then?

are you also randomizing our servant master pairings? Just wondering. We should prolly get that info
Also I'm going in reverse order guys. Register first then summon,assume seals have already formed. That way the confusing stuff will be done first.
Aha! I knew we'd get another!

Ditto on Valkyrie's question.

Will post in the morning.
I cleaned up Aura's character sheet, making it look nice and messing with the history to reflect more on Kana's involvement, since i wrote that before hand. Nothing was changedd besides that. I also went into detail on the whole bullet enhancing thing.

Ill clean up Nimue's in a bit, and actually add a personality since i just realize i forgot to do that.

should i go more into explanation of Caster's magic while Im at it? I said she was a strong magus, but i didn't really quite go into detail, did i?
Yeah priest bro will just need to know that your joining by looking at your command seals. Then he goes back to sitting in his church and doing nothing.
Unless something really, really bad happens. Usually something that threatens the general populace like Casterthulu in Fate/Zero.
Or he decides to start a hobby. Like feeding children to servants or something.
[QUOTE="Xal of Lanterns Lost]Or he decides to start a hobby. Like feeding children to servants or something.

Now, who would do something like that?
CrimsonEclipse said:
Who's paired with whom?
We can get to that after everyone registers because we haven't done any pairing up yet lol.

Which brings me to the fact that we need to start agreeing on pairs now...
Well, I've no registering to do, so my part is tba. I'm okay with being paired with whoever.
Of all servants besides Nimue, Aura would have the highest chance of Summoning Elpis.

For the simple reason that Aura is betting everything for her hopeof making a better life, a better crest, better everything. She is very 'hope' minde in that since.
oh, an as far as Mqsters go with Nimue, i would say Isaviel (i prolly misspelled the crap out of that) She could provide all the mana Nimue needs and more... and well, The einzberns were the one to fine Avalon in Fate/Zero. I dont know, perhaps instea of finding th scbbard, in this au, they found something able to summon Nimue What do you think, @JusticeSword

edit: im stupi. i forgot you amde gawain to go with her forget i said anything

I'll be cleaning up Nimue's character sheet shortly.
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Okay. cleaned up Nimue's chara and gave clarity on her magical heritage (since those who dont know fate wouldn't know that Merlin was capable of Great magic and the like) , and removed double mentioning (i had two sections detailing Excalibur for whatever reason) Added stuff to the noble phantasm instead of saying 'it's a lake) , because that really did nothing byt make Nimue seem like she was going fishing or something. I changed nothing about it, just went into better detail about stat enchancing and the like.

I also cleaned u that annoying triple spacing thing. My word processor has been acting really weird as of late and did that on it's own.

and souns like a plan!
ValkyrieRose said:
oh, an as far as Mqsters go with Nimue, i would say Isaviel (i prolly misspelled the crap out of that) She could provide all the mana Nimue needs and more... and well, The einzberns were the one to fine Avalon in Fate/Zero. I dont know, perhaps instea of finding th scbbard, in this au, they found something able to summon Nimue What do you think, @JusticeSword
edit: im stupi. i forgot you amde gawain to go with her forget i said anything

I'll be cleaning up Nimue's character sheet shortly.
No foul incubus of a man will dare come near her and sully her with his hands D< For Sir Gawain is here to protect her from all that is evil DX

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