Fate/Exitium: Stained Grail War

Alright, I don't think Archer's coming back. If he does, it's likely going to be on how he's cancelling this whole thing due to one issue or another.

I think we should just bypass the Tohsaka manor thing for now, maybe retcon it to before the time it was planned, or perhaps just skip ahead to the aftermath, whatever we'd decide it being. I'd like to get back into this, and I think we've all given him enough time.
I can't address the Tohsaka manner side, but I can speak for everyone fighting at the lake. That was a bombshell. If y'all want to continue on with everyone dispersing or come back before it happened maybe.
I kinda agree as well. But we actually have more issues than just the manor with Archers apparent disappearance like the pairs of his characters and Ruler as well. Justice was fighting him in the fotest I believe.
How about this. We can simply have Ruler disappear until we need him again, if we need him again. Not sure what were gonna do about Tohsaka Manor. Unless someone wants to take over Kana?
I'm here and still interested

If this becomes an issue we can always restart. I was actually considering making a Fate RP if this continued without activity

i mean, it would take a bit of restarting, but would this be an option you gus would consider?
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Good to hear, Valkyrie.

It might be best to reboot it, honestly. With no GM, or whatever Archer qualified as we could run into issues and rebooting would set everybody in the right place again. An obvious set back, but if it gets things going again, it's worth considering.
How about this. We keep our character profiles and make a new thread. We could even keep all events up to Tohsaka manor for the most part really.
I think that's what they were implying, Kuru.

If we're going to do a fresh start, I think we need to have like, 2-3 people who know a lot about Fate try and moderate it, just in case someone disappears, we won't be left crippled like this. Also, Archer let a lot of stuff slide that he probably shouldn't have, which is the entire reason we got... invaded? Is invaded even the right word? I think we need to try and enforce some rules, at least.
while that sounds like a good idea, without Archer im down a servant.

How about we're all free to come up with characters or stick with the same onesm if you want to change you're free too. Also, we didn't know what Archer had in mind, so we should all gather together and come up with something.

I know a bit about Fate, so i can create/ moderate it. Does anyone want to assist with this?
Only person I know of that has about as much knowledge. Is Justice. I have a moderate amount, but I'm no expert
I consider myself to be fairly well versed in it, but it's been a while since I've actually played through the main route and watched Zero so I'm somewhat rusty.
Well since we got that out of the way,we need to come up with ideas as to the story now. we dont have much to go on besides ruler going nuts
Aye. Are we keeping the setup of the Heaven's Feel route where everyone ends up uniting to fight off a greater common enemy?

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