Fate/Exitium: Stained Grail War

Well, it was an enjoyable read, so if count that as a win. Got work so I'll have to work on my post afterwards.

Something that briefly crossed my mind, I'm surprised that DrBones' characters have had any success communicating. Doubt they would take the time to learn Japanese.
annnd done I went traditional for Aura, since she probable ha the older inscriptions written down somewhere. Went with the one you guys did for Rosette, though.
[QUOTE="Xal of Lanterns Lost]Well, it was an enjoyable read, so if count that as a win. Got work so I'll have to work on my post afterwards.
Something that briefly crossed my mind, I'm surprised that DrBones' characters have had any success communicating. Doubt they would take the time to learn Japanese.

Umm magic subtitles?
[QUOTE="Xal of Lanterns Lost]
Something that briefly crossed my mind, I'm surprised that DrBones' characters have had any success communicating. Doubt they would take the time to learn Japanese.

Didn't you know? Everyone speaks Japanese in anime. Even Brazilian tribesmen living deep in the jungle with no outside contact for over a hundred years speak Japanese.
Well if Sanjay met a guy who actually selling catalysts, said guy would have been able to speak english to deal catalysts to European associations. Same with the priest guy, he traveled around as an executor so he needs to know a lot of languages I assume.

Now everyone else in this RP Sanjay might as well be speaking gibberish lol.
I would probably be able to speak English as well as German, correct?

English for getting the artifact and German since IIRC the Einzbern castle was in Germany, right?
The one thing where the light touches things or done other thing?

Regardless of how anything proceeds, I'm already thoroughly enjoying this. The characters are just excellent.
[QUOTE="Xal of Lanterns Lost]The one thing where the light touches things or done other thing?
Regardless of how anything proceeds, I'm already thoroughly enjoying this. The characters are just excellent.

The light touching at the very beginning the AAAAAAAAHYADADAYADADAHHHH

And my character was good enough? :D
I know I didn't really say one way or the other, but only Dominic is in that back room right now. Rest of the gang is out presumably doing gang-related things.

Not that it ultimately matters very much, because it's not as if the rest of the guys don't know he can do some weird magic crap.
No no no, I meant I was going to "throw up" my post onto the thread. Like post my reply to the IC, not literally throw up. xD

But I appreciate that. cx
Huntrey said:
No no no, I meant I was going to "throw up" my post onto the thread. Like post my reply to the IC, not literally throw up. xD
But I appreciate that. cx
God I feel like such an idiot sometimes cx
Odd, someone seems to be deleting my posts in the IC and OOC.

Archer, you wouldn't know anything about this, would you?
Zaskille said:
Odd, someone seems to be deleting my posts in the IC and OOC.
Archer, you wouldn't know anything about this, would you?
Oh my could the only person who can delete posts - the GM be deleting your posts?

Beats me lol.

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