White Masquerade's Blue Oni
Wait, would Garm recognize the soul bond thingy from Saber's NP QuirkyAngel ?
He may or he may not. Up to you^^
I feel like I've fallen so out of touch with this RP. Is anybody waiting for me to post? The order of events is a bit fuzzy for me right now.
Post when the urge to write hits you. When you know what you want Archer to do.
I know what I want to write, but deciding how to write it (and from which character's POV) is the hard part.
Either we create some sort of universal paradox so powerful (such as Garm and Zerker's Reality Marbles colliding) that we all get thrown into an alternate spinoff universe, or at the end of the war, in some far alternative timeline, Garm makes his wish last and his wish is: "I wish no negate everyone else's wishes' and so all the stored up magical energy in the Grail just like, explodes, and somehow the arcane explosions give servants sufficient mana to exist indefinitely, and all the damage just gets magiced, and ded people rez.
And that's how we have the comedy spinoff happen.