Fate/Crossed Souls

Setting some money on the table, you stand up and brush off your damaged racing suit. Berserker looks up, his mouth filled to the brim with food. You've decided to call upon the Thunderbird. As you are right now, you can barely draw upon his power. Though, instead of insecurity, you can't help but feel somewhat nostalgic. Back when you first contracted the Elemental 8 years ago, you could barely draw out enough electricity to create a current between two fingers. You look around before speaking once more.

"Berserker, we're heading out. In all likelihood, we won't be seeing any combat until night falls. I'd like to be ready before then."

He grunts, swallows down his food, and nods. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he stands up and rolls a shoulder. The Servant is a head taller than you, though you have always been rather petite to start out with. His hand moves to his side instinctively, almost as if he expected that blade to be at his side. As you leave the restaurant, you catch a glimpse of a man in black peeking at you with a single eye from behind a newspaper.



Mayhunt's streets are rather busy this time of year, especially this section of the city. Oldtown, as the locals call it, looks as if a chunk of the city has been trapped in a time bubble. Its buildings are well-preserved and rather antiquated, though it has remained relevant thanks to the nearby university and the students who frequent the area. Coincidentally, the St. Joan Cathedral is also located in this area. To Magus, this part of the city is especially important as the land is also a massive junction point for leylines. You managed to find a good hotel a few days prior to the commencement of the Holy Grail War.

It's an overcast day and Berserker follows closely behind you. While the two of you get a few strange looks from the new and returning students, many simple pay no heed to you. An man with bright orange hair just across the street is being swarmed by a crowd of young women. You merely shake your head while Berserker stifles a giggle. Admittedly, it's still somewhat jarring to see the streets lined up with modern cars when the buildings themselves are at least a century-old by now.

As you round a corner, there's a small impact against your leg. Looking down, you spot a very young albino girl on the verge of tears. Her platinum blonde hair is cut short, ending at her chin. The dress she wears looks to be something purchased nearby, in fact you can still see the tag on the back. She doesn't look injured, though it does seem that she's in some other sort of distress. You look around but you don't see anyone nearby who could be her parent. Berserker scratches his head and looks away as you loom over her.

Wild Loli has appeared!

  1. Offer her a hand. "Are you alright? Did you get lost?" Give a small smile (or at least try to).
  2. Fold your arms and glare. "Watch where you're going." Check your pockets to make sure she isn't a pickpocket.
  3. [Write-In]

U U U U @White Masquerade, I still remember last time.
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3. "I'm a dangerous magician, girlie. Is there something you want?"
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You scratch your head and look around. You doubt that she's some sort of trained pickpocket orphan like one of your contingency plans usually account for, so you offer her your left hand. You attempt to give a warm and friendly smile, though what shows up on your face is enough to make Berserker start snickering with a covered mouth.

"Are you alright? Did you get lost?"

The girl continues to bawl her eyes out for a few more moments before sniffling and taking your hand. It doesn't seem like she has any sort of Command Seals on her arm. Regardless of your strange smile, she nods and responds with a 1000-volt smile of her own.

"Y-Yeah, my papa and I got separated. H-He's about this tall and h-his hair is red..."

She stands on the tips of her toes and extends her arm as far as she can, but you get the general idea. You glance about the street corner hoping to catch a flash of red hair. There's a young woman in a red hoodie, but otherwise you can't make out any tall man with that description. Suddenly, the girl scurries behind your leg as three men in trenchcoats silently push through and scan the area. Their movements are strange, but something tells you that they aren't human. Berserker looks just as confused as you are, but steps forward and tries to hide the girl.

After the strange things pass you contemplate calling the police as that tends to be standard procedure. An hour passes and the streets slowly begin to trickle down. The girl seems at least a bit more comfortable with you and Berserker, though she remains as quiet as a mouse. Finally, a young man with stark red hair tied up into a ponytail arrives. He wears a loose white shirt and a long black jacket that seems to have been made from fireproof materials. When he gazes at you, you almost feel a chill in the air. Berserker is also unnerved, looking ready to materialize his blade. He smiles warmly however when he spots the young girl at your side.

"Papa! These people helped me out!"

She rushes towards the tall man for a hug and he scoops her up with a smile. He doesn't look too much older than you, and you begin to have your suspicions. The man extends a gloved hand to you, the glove also similarly black and fireproof. You shake his hand hesitantly and notice that the warm smile that he gave his 'daughter' is gone. Though, he seems surprised by Berserker's appearance and flashes a rather nasty looking grin.

"...Thank you for taking care of Aine, stranger. This won't be the last time we meet."

As he takes a step forward, you give him a wide berth. The strange man seems to whisper into Berserker's ear as he passes by that leaves your Servant with a grimace. After noting that, the two of your continue on your way to the hotel. It's a uneventful walk, though you do see a few more of those strange coated men lurking about. Pushing that to the back of your mind, you finally arrive at the hotel.



You pass the front desk and Berserker scares the receptionist half to death with a glare. This particular hotel is rather tidy and still remains popular among travellers for its antique atmosphere and excellent service. Not to mention the leyline running under it. You and Berserker begin to climb the stairs when he suddenly turns to you. His eyes narrow as he begins to speak.

"That guy from before. He's a Servant. Called me 'Holy Sword Wielder' before he left with that Aine girl. It's more than likely she was his Master, maybe her Command Seals were hidden under that dress. Sheila, are you willing to kill a little girl if it means winning the Holy Grail War?"

His sharp gaze is focused on you without any hint of hesitation. As the two of you ascend, you begin to question yourself as you struggle to come up with a response. Is winning the Holy Grail War really worth killing a child over?

You say:

  1. "Absolutely. I must obtain the power of the Holy Grail. I... don't want my father's life to have been entirely invalidated."
  2. "...I just can't. I'm not that kind of Magus who can callously slay others in the pursuit of power. There has to be another way of settling this."
  3. "..."

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2. How about Berserker do his job as a Servant and kill the other one first. Servants are just tools to use am I right?
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]2. How about Berserker do his job as a Servant and kill the other one first. Servants are just tools to use am I right?

I'll switch to 2 if we can get White's comment as a write in.
[QUOTE="White Masquerade]2. How about Berserker do his job as a Servant and kill the other one first. Servants are just tools to use am I right?

I will switch to this version of 2 if possible.
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"How about you do your job as a Servant and kill the other one first? Servants are just tools to use, aren't they?"

Berserker stops in his tracks and glances up at you with a disgusted glare. It didn't seem as if he had any objection to the first part, but it seems like you've really set him off now. He grits his teeth and makes a 180 degree turn. A strange, black vapor begins to flow out of his armor as he mutters something under his breath.

"Che. If that's how you're going to be, I'll win this damn war myself then. Try not to die till I'm done.."

He spits out those words with a growl and a temper befitting his class as he stomps down the stairs. You narrow your eyes, but ultimately you decide it isn't worth pursuing. Berserkers tended to be the strongest Servant regardless of whether or not they received support from their Master. For second, however, you were worried that Berserker might have cut you down where you stood. You continue walking up to the second floor by yourself.

The hotel room you've checked into is rather bare, though its rustic simplicity is one of the mundane reasons you chose this particular hotel. While somewhat pricey, you still have a sizable chunk of your war funds left. You've kept the room as clean as you can without relying on room service. Really, the only noteworthy item you've brought along was a photo frame with your mother and father. As you prepare to contact the Thunderbird, however, you lay the photo down.

The ritual for calling upon the Thunderbird comes slowly to you, but you soon figure out where you placed all your necessary ingredients. You inscribe the circle from memory and slice a finer open to drop blood into the designated area. You can feel a lingering presence behind you that remains just as unfamiliar as ever. Still you refuse to turn around and acknowledge them. You begin the Salishan chant and soon the circle begins to glow, drawing power from the leyline running underneath the hotel.

Instinctively, you cover your ears with your hands as a deafening boom and a brilliant white light fills the room. The air crackles with energy as a young man clad in a strange white uniform suddenly appears in the middle of your circle. Bolts of blue race down his limbs and the static in the air causes his scarf to float behind him. You bow your head down as the man takes a deep breath.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Thunderbird.jpg.8382cf9adc58ff116375765e942dcb5b.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="149258" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_08/Thunderbird.jpg.8382cf9adc58ff116375765e942dcb5b.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Ruler of the Sky

"...Twain. Strange, you're the last person I expected to call upon me."

You tilt your head slightly, confused by his words. As far as you know, you're the only Magus to have ever made a contract with the Elemental. He keeps his eyes closed as he continues to speak.

"Whatever the case, it seems that those whispers in the wind were merely just rumors. Still, it is rather odd."

"What do you mean?"

"For one reason or another, it seems that contract forged between us was temporarily severed for a short period of time. I assume that's why you called upon me?"

"Somewhat, that would explain why I've been having trouble tapping into our connection. In any case, is there anything you can do to bring me back up to speed?"

"Unfortunately, it will take some time for you to regain your standard range of abilities, though you should be back up to speed in about a week."

The Thunderbird raises an arm and a bolt of lightning flies from his hand and straight for your heart. Rather than a burning pain however, you feel yourself being revitalized by just a fraction of the ancient being's power. Your Magic Circuits also seem to shift, slowly returning to the Lichtenberg fractal pattern that they have been for the last 8 years of your life. He opens his eyes and looks you over.

"With that, you should have regained your ability to move as swiftly as lightning itself. I advise you not to try and over-exert yourself, your body is still re-acclimating to my power."

You stand up now and give the Nature Spirit a deep bow as he nods and disappears just as quickly as he appeared. You've regained the speed you originally possessed, at the very least you can close the distance between you and your opponents and avoid projectiles like those flaming arrows. You turn around, almost expecting the shadow to have been watching the entire time. There's nobody there.

"Hmph, this is what passes for entertainment these days? How unsightly."

And as soon as you've turned your head back, the man wrapped in darkness itself is standing in the middle of the room flipping through channels on the anachronistic television installed into a cupboard. As you sit on your bed and try to ignore his presence as you get to work on repairing the minor damage to your Mystic Code, he speaks up once more after a few minutes of silence.

"I see you've driven your Servant away. Do you truly only see him as a means to end? Either way, you are proving to be more entertaining than this."

He shuts off the television with a click as he folds his arms and moves to lean up against the wall. You don't answer as you continue to stitch up the racing suit you're wearing. It's become something of a second skin for you, it's been reinforced to endure the stress that comes from your high-speed movements and use of lightning.

Hours pass and day soon gives way to night. You've set up a Bounded Field around your room and booby-trapped the door. The strange shadow has in the meantime been fiddling with that equally bizarre black stone of his. Berserker still hasn't returned yet.

It's nighttime.

  1. Head out and look for Berserker.
  2. Remain in your room, Berserker said that he'd do this by himself anyways.



  • Thunderbird.jpg
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Walking around in the middle of the night doesn't seem like the best idea, but bahzahkah will probably manage help out if we're getting our ass beat anyway...

...And I want to win a vote already >_>

So, 1.
Well the vote is unanimously 1, so I guess 1 it is. 
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Perhaps letting the mad warrior try and fight his own battles was a bit of a tactical error. The man in black folds his arms with a rather smug look on his face as you strap on your riding gloves. Your only response is to shake your head and exit the hotel room. When you gaze back for a brief moment, he’s already gone.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]As you leave the hotel, you take in the crisp night air. At first, you consider hailing a cab when a memory suddenly resurfaces. You make your way down the street and within five minutes you’re near another one of Oldtown’s anachronisms: the public parking complex. You root through the pockets of your Mystic Code and find an old ticket that you soon validate at a nearby machine.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Moonlight seeps through the concrete structure’s gaps as you slowly retrace your steps. Eventually, you find yourself standing in front of a rather strange looking motorcycle. A custom job, though it suits your purposes rather well. You retrieve the helmet hanging off the bike’s seat and run your hand across the silver surface. Prior to the Holy Grail War, you already charged the motorcycle’s electric motor. You start the engine and hop on, ready to ride out into the night in search of your stray servant.[/SIZE]




As Swift As Lightning

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The roads are empty tonight thankfully and you soon make your way out of the rustic Oldtown and into the typical cityscape. Aside from a few strange figures moving about in the shadowed streets, the area is as still and silent as a corpse. A perfect example of a calm before the storm. You draw upon the tenuous connection you share with Berserker as you maneuver down the streets at high-speeds.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]You stop at the entrance of an alley much like the one you first awoke at. You remove your helmet and glance down at your Command Seals as you enter the narrow path with extreme caution. Stepping over scattered trash, you follow the path that eventually opens up into a parking lot for an apartment.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]There, illuminated by the dim lights of the area, Berserker remains still. And oddly enough he’s smiling, his mouth moves but you can’t hear what he’s saying. On all sides, the Servant is surrounded by shadowy figures. Someone clad in a black cloak approaches him, it seems like he’s hiding something behind his back.[/SIZE]


  1. [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Continue to observe the situation.[/SIZE]

  2. [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Call out to Berserker.[/SIZE]

  3. [SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Call out Berserker’s True Name. [Write-In Guess][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The previous scene’s Option 2 would have led to the first Bad End.[/SIZE]
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Ooooo mmm as much as I want to trust Berserker let the shady exchange finish. More of the truth can come out once it's done.


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