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Realistic or Modern Farveyl High [Mature][WIP]

Bhlow said:
Thea Grace Malone - WIP
Name: Thea Grace Malone

Age: 18

Grade: Senior - Grade 12

Gender: Female

Height: 5"5

Hair Color: Platinum blonde

Eye Color: Murky Green when's she upset, sea green when's she's content or happy.
Popularity Level: She's practically royalty in the high school

Personality: Thea is a reckless and impulsive person. She enjoys partying, drinking and boys, often getting herself and others into trouble just for fun. She considers herself a novelty, as she is always pulling off crazy stunts and makes the wise crack for entertainment. Thea can be very sarcastic and sharp-tongued at times. She always has a smart ass comment ready whenever someone says something antagonistic to her, and always bites back with a witty insult. She doesn't hesitate to speak her mind, and can be extremely stubborn in her opinions. Although Thea is not necessarily conceited, she is very aware of the fact that she is beautiful. She is rather proud of her body. Despite her sarcastic nature, Thea remains a social creature. She's adored by many and looked up to, and she has a Queen Bee status in the school, which she would do anything to keep. She could be friendly, warm, not shying away from meeting new people, and has considerable skill in social interactions. Thea also is shown to be adept of using her feminine wiles. She has shown an ability to seduce men and sweet talk them into giving her what she wants.

Background/History: WIP
Likes: WIP

Dislikes WIP

Loves WIP


QueenOfDisaster said:
Female wip
Male wip (if thats okay to have two... I want to make them twins ^^ Plus, so far you just have females so... :) ))
Mariam said:
Female Wip
Atsuko said:


i opened my eyes to the light to see that i was blinded by it so i then again concealed myself into the darkness



Age: 18

Grade: Senior

Popularity Level: Part of the higher-up group but is more of a wanderer



Identical said:


Name: Min-Jae "Jay, MJ" Park

Age: 17 (soon to be 18)

Grade: 12

Popularity Level: On a scale from 1 to 10, MJ would rate himself a 7 or 8.

Height: 177cm

Weight: 66kg

Hair Colour: Auburn but slightly darker (dyed)

Eye Colour: Dark brown



Likes: Reading, Playing video games, Various sports, drawing/doodling, rainy weather

Dislikes: itchy sweaters, people who are quick to judge, coffee(though he still drinks it), loud people/noises.

Hates: Interruption, waiting, being compared to others, spiders, being alone

Loves: Painting, Horse riding, animals, music


Jun-Woo Park(Father): Heart surgeon turned businessman, then became one of the worlds most successful entrepreneur. He owns a company that grows and sells organic fruits and vegetables.

Genevieve Louise Park(Mother): She was raised by her grandparents on a farm, became a model at the age of 16, met Jun-Woo when she was 24 and they've been together ever since.

Caleb Ji-Min Park(Oldest brother): He was born at a rough time for Jun-Woo and Genevieve as they were struggling financially, so Caleb often gets annoyed by how spoilt his two younger brothers are. He works under his father as a part of the board of directors and is engaged.

Ji-Hu(second oldest):

I can't with these BBcodes...

ambiguities said:


View attachment 275962


Full Name: Mason Antonio Avana

Age: 18

Grade: 12

Popularity Level: He's one of the people that are on the top of the social hierarchy pyramid.

Height: 6'2

Personality: Mason is quite the charmer, using his attractive demeanor to charm his way out of compromising situations. His attitude while he's not putting up a smile to woo the human race is somewhat surprising. He's typically a blunt individual, lacking the skill of being able to sugarcoat at times.








Karaleigh said:
Female WIP, will be back to fill this out in a few hours.
LastRomeo said:

male wip

fc - Jaeho Kim

Hey! It would be helpful you guys could hur up and finish your sheets, thanks <3

Hopefully mine will be done later tonight or tomorrow morning. Quick question though, is it alright if I add some extra categories for some written description of my character's appearance. Things like weight, height, etc.
@Ecstasyia - is it okay if my character had an eating disorder? I know some people don't like mental health on their RP's which is perfectly fine, just wanted to check. And just to clarify, it's an 'old' eating disorder (3+ years ago). It's a big part of my character's personality so it would be good to mention in her history and it's a part of her mother's history too. But if not, that's perfectly okay! :)
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@Karaleigh FUCKING FINALLY. I wanted to do a mental disorder on my character but I didn't know how to portray it right. Kudos to you for having the courage. Finally, someone with diversity... In case I didn't make it clear, it is perfectly fine!
@Ecstasyia - Haha! That made me smile. <3

You should go for it, if it works with your character and you research it properly, it can work really well and can make for a really interesting and emotional personality/backstory. Obviously, being respectful to mental health (I have one) and not romanticising it or anything. It does work well.

It's so hard to word anything without it coming across as mental health works awesome for a story.. which makes me sound like I'm encouraging people to make their characters 'interesting' by using mental health. Gosh. Such a taboo topic. I hope I don't upset anyone!
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Thanks for the encouragement; I might make Octavia have an anxiety disorder, start of with something semi-simple to portray, right? @Karaleigh
@Ecstasyia - Yes, I have one. :) If you need any advice, feel free to message me. I'm happy to talk in depth about it if you need it. But if you google panic attacks it's super easy to portray in writing.
Woo! Got my CS up. The BBCode is a bit buggy with the tabs but it took me like a billon embarrassing hours to do and I'm proud. ;-;

Edit: In my CS, in the likes/dislikes section, I didn't include the "Hates & Loves" bits. I hope that's alright, it didn't fit in my little boxes. >_> @Ecstasyia
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First off I want to say happy Mother's Day to everyone!

Second off, I'm so sorry I haven't finished my two characters yet. I'm gonna be quite busy today so I don't think I could make them until I get back home. Please forgive me. Right when I get back home I shall complete them...

They might come a bit late to the party ✌️
Ecstasyia said:
*impatiently waiting for people to reply*
@Koala @Identical
Will have mine up in the next hour or two, currently at my great-grandmothers and will be going home soon so I'll do it as soon as I have a few minutes to sit down. :)

Great first post though.
@Ecstaysia Not sure if this has been said or not yet, but is it the start of the school year? So late August/September time?

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