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Fantasy Faray High OOC chat

Okay its like 4:56 pm in the rp

Ok so we know what time it is, but what latitude are we? An equally important question.

Unrelated I just remembered that fidget spinners are a thing that exists. Michael will now always carry a fidget spinner in his pocket, because he is cool like that. (As well as a spinny top which I had already planned)
I somehow stopped getting notifications for this rp until now, super sorry everyone :(
I am going through a meds change atm, so im easily scatterbrained.
That would be greatly appreciated :)

I highly recommend reading all of Spencypoo Spencypoo 's posts, as that has all the things that affect everyone. I also recommend Neo Alice Neo Alice 's post until the formalities end, as they seem to be setting up a possible plot as well as organising the welcome. Of course try to read all the starting posts for the characters. The rest is mostly conversation and things, some are quite dramatic, some mellow, I do not remember all of them, so I think people may want to point out ones they were a part of?

My character Michael made acquaintances with Enyu and Akuji then evacuated the cold theatre and that's about it. I think Enyu gained confidence to meet others from Michael, Akuji was just confused by him like he is by everyone lol.
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That would be greatly appreciated :)

Note that unless your character is there to witness the individual conversations, your character won't be affected. Also I should tl;dr the general plot. People went to transportation building. Then people went to the winter decorated theatre room, listened to a welcoming, got handed papers with a map and dorm allocations, got free food. Many people headed out to go to their dorms to unpack, a new optional class was announced inviting students to sign up at a classroom, only a few people have gone so far.
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I edited my post to reflect the tough punk chick that would keep him on his toes more like I envisioned, you caught me on an emotional day and I ended up writing like that and not like Circe

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