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Fantasy Fantasy school

Aislinn went to reading and sat down. She was so bored. Maybe a little mischief would make her day. But, she thought to herself, she would have to be careful. She got a calculating look on her face as she thought about how she could make trouble without getting caught.
Hitsugya finally had a free moment for lunch. At this point he was sweating heavily "When is the other school going to be made? If I keep having to wear my shirt in combat class I'll be drowning in my own sweat" he muttured to himself, loud enough for only him to hear "Now where's a place to eat?..." he looked around wondering which direction was the cafeteria or wondered if they were allowed to go anywhere.

@Anyone, please I haven't had interaction with anyone…I am so lonely....
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[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]Hitsugya finally had a free moment for lunch. At this point he was sweating heavily "When is the other school going to be made? If I keep having to wear my shirt in combat class I'll be drowning in my own sweat" he muttured to himself, loud enough for only him to hear "Now where's a place to eat?..." he looked around wondering which direction was the cafeteria or wondered if they were allowed to go anywhere.
@Anyone, please I haven't had interaction with anyone…I am so lonely....

(Lunch isn't till after fourth)
Park looked down at her schedule and sighed. "Literature." she thought flipping through a book she dug out of her bag. She was behind on her studies. Skipping school until her elder had caught her roaming one of the MC villages. With that she had to be escorted to and from school by one of the elders sons and lucky for her it's the one she hated the most. Ever since she turned this boy had made it his personal mission to make her life a living hell. Arriving at the gates she waved him off which made him cackle before he ran off into the shadows, leaving her alone in front of the school. She sighed, balling up her schedule and stuffed it in her pocket before walking up to the school.
Aki made her way to her next class a bit boredly. She wasn't expecting this experience to be so.....dull. Her long arms glides against her torso until her hands found her pockets. Her eyes were closed as she walked straight ahead into the doors of her combat class. This was a class that could potentially be fun. Something that could get her moving. She lurked in the back of the room with her bright blue eyes staring at the instructor.
ForgottenSky9272 said:
Aki made her way to her next class a bit boredly. She wasn't expecting this experience to be so.....dull. Her long arms glides against her torso until her hands found her pockets. Her eyes were closed as she walked straight ahead into the doors of her combat class. This was a class that could potentially be fun. Something that could get her moving. She lurked in the back of the room with her bright blue eyes staring at the instructor.
Peeking into a class Hitsugya thought about trying another fighting class. He walked in, hoping to be unnoticed, and made his way to the back so no one would notice, not like they cared. While looking around, his amber eyes glanced at a girl who was also in the back. "Hey, know what class this is?"

Aki's gaze traveled over to a male who seemed to be speaking to her, "Combat Training," she said rather quietly as her hair pushed itself into her face. Her prying, curious eyes were locked onto his amber eyes. She was kind of staring him down. Aki's nose smelt angel.....no.....something close.. All of her encounters today were with the supernatural, yet nothing really interesting occurred. She hoped that it would soon change.

@Veyd Sahvoz
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When entering the school Park poked her head in and out of various classrooms, walking along the halls. She was unaware of where she was supposed to go, walking aimlessly around the school. Watching others go to and from their classes making her smile slightly before it disappeared seeing one of the teachers walk down the halls. She knew she would get in trouble and it being her first actual day here she didn't want to take any chances. She ducked into the nearest classroom shutting the door behind her before she looked up to see the class staring back at her. "Well, there goes my chance." She mumbled she didn't know what this class was nor did she care. Waving off their stares, her glowing white eyes dimming slightly to make them less noticeable. She didn't see others like her which made her relaxed, one less thing she would have to deal with. She walked back to the classroom and sat looking out the window as she listened to the two beside her, chatting away.

@ForgottenSky9272 @Veyd Sahvoz
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ForgottenSky9272 said:
Aki's gaze traveled over to a male who seemed to be speaking to her, "Combat Training," she said rather quietly as her hair pushed itself into her face. Her prying, curious eyes were locked onto his amber eyes. She was kind of staring him down. Aki's nose smelt angel.....no.....something close.. All of her encounters today were with the supernatural, yet nothing really interesting occurred. She hoped that it would soon change.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Hitsugya looked at her a bit before speaking "Looks like you got a friend behind you" he stated, glancing over to the lady behind her, thinking they were friends.

@ForgottenSky9272 @Aio
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Aki gave out a couple blinks as she was being examined by the stranger, "Friend?" she questioned as she turned her head at the other supernatural. She was like an MC magnet. The female didn't seem interested in what them seeing how she was simply staring out a window. A shade. she thought. One who manipulates shadows. That was one species she recognized. Uninetended words slipped out of the lock upon her sealed lips, "Hi," She was a bit surprised at the sudden want to speak, but kept the emotionless-like-expression up for a bit longer.

@Veyd Sahvoz @Aio

(Sorry for late replies. I tend to get busy on holidays :P )
Park tensed looking over to the girl that addressed her, her white eyes glowing mainly due to the girl even talking to her. "Hello." her voice uncertain as she spoke, it was soft barely audible. She cursed in her head how ridiculous she probably seemed. Rubbing her thumb in the palm of her hand, it was a habit of hers. She always did this when she got nervous and even after constant nagging by her elder she was never able to get rid of it.

@ForgottenSky9272 @Veyd Sahvoz
ForgottenSky9272 said:
Aki gave out a couple blinks as she was being examined by the stranger, "Friend?" she questioned as she turned her head at the other supernatural. She was like an MC magnet. The female didn't seem interested in what them seeing how she was simply staring out a window. A shade. she thought. One who manipulates shadows. That was one species she recognized. Uninetended words slipped out of the lock upon her sealed lips, "Hi," She was a bit surprised at the sudden want to speak, but kept the emotionless-like-expression up for a bit longer.
@Veyd Sahvoz @Aio

(Sorry for late replies. I tend to get busy on holidays :P )
Aio said:
Park tensed looking over to the girl that addressed her, her white eyes glowing mainly due to the girl even talking to her. "Hello." her voice uncertain as she spoke, it was soft barely audible. She cursed in her head how ridiculous she probably seemed. Rubbing her thumb in the palm of her hand, it was a habit of hers. She always did this when she got nervous and even after constant nagging by her elder she was never able to get rid of it.
@ForgottenSky9272 @Veyd Sahvoz
"Looks like you two are well acquainted" Said Hitsugya, keeping his voice down so he didn't arouse suspicion.

@ForgottenSky9272 @Aio
Park laughed at his comment quietly " I just got to this school not even a moment ago. I haven't had much time to be acquainted with anyone." She would shrug and purse her lips, she still didn't know what class this was, though it was obvious she was not in Literature.

@ForgottenSky9272 @Veyd Sahvoz
Xmon smiled as his friend started talking to him "H-Hello, errr. Oh yea! Itsuki, t-that's your name r-right?" He asked, hoping not to get it wrong.

@Ldybug123 (*squeals*)
Xmon grow happy with hearing how he got the name right "Y-Yay! H-How are you n-now?" he asked due to not speaking to him after awhile, he hoped he was having a good day with no bullies.

@Ldybug123 (I just thought this rp died, no notifications ;- ;)

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