Fantasy Highschool Life

Heartbreakvibes said:

Name:Saddien Roses

Nickname: Saddy


Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: bi

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Little house not to far from the school

What Year of high school you're in: Sophomore

What kind of being you are:Neckomimi

Powers:Great : acrobat abilities

Likes: Fun, Being happy,food,games

Dislikes: Unknown

Personality:Sweet at time lazy laid back and has a short temper
@Kalin Scarlet[/URL] Sorry...)
Name: Yura Terumeki

Nickname: The Dark Bullet

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Good or Evil: Evil

Where you live: Normally a mansion.

What year of highschool: Senior

What kind of being: Dark Lord

Powers: He has a blade for a arm, and he can phase through objects. He can fly. He also is particularly a genius with dark machinery.

Likes: Watching people suffer.

Dislikes: Happiness, Love, A vast majority of the school.

Personality: Yura is calm, smart, and collected. He can find a opponents weakness and exploit it. Yura doesn't care about making friends, he MAKES them with the majority of money he has.


Bio: Unknown.

Anything else: He is particularly interested in taking the symbol on Tyler's arm off.
Name: Laura-CE 000

Nickname(If Applies): Black Rabbit, CE

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: Nowhere

What Year of highschool your in: Junior

What kind of being you are: Chaos Engine

Powers/gifts: Can summon a partial form of her CE armor, constantly analyzes and absorbs abilities from others while they are under her golden eye's gaze. Has super strength and speed, as well as enhanced durability



Personality: Reserved, Loyal, somewhat naive to things like love and friendship.


Human form

Chaos Engine form:

Bio: Laura is an amnesiac Chaos Engine, who has lost a portion of her full power. She is searching for a way to get back to normal.

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: Has a cracked necklace, with its center missing.


Sexual orientation: Straight

Good or evil: Good

Where s

Hobbies: Drawing, Listening to music, Playing intruments, sleeping, training.

Weakness: Annoying people

Status: Single

Specie: Vampire

Bio: Her mother wand father are both vampires... Just one night, When Ella was 17, On her birthday, A tragic happened. Her house was set on fire, causing her mother to panic and save her instead of herself. Her mother died, and her father blames Ella for everything. Ella's father left her all alone and made Ella homeless for a while. But the secret she was hiding was that she was a hunter.

Likes: Blood, Peace and Music

Dislikes: Annoying people and noise

Year: Sophomore

Personality: Quiet, Shy , cold at first but sweet if you know her

Type of man: Bad boy
Lol, nice to see people getting along ^_^ ...that is getting along, right?


[QUOTE="Ella Paras]No problem! So?.. I dunno what to do

just wait to get accepted ^_^ Someone will do it, soon I hope. I have a character to be accepted, as well.

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