Fantasy Highschool Life

[QUOTE="Right okay then]Hi I'm new do you think I could join?

Just make a character! ^-^
Timmy Turner] [URL=" said:
Name: Siri / Tiffany ( Split personality )

Nickname(If Applies):Siriana for Siri ; Tiffany is " Endless "

Age: 18 for both

Gender: Feminine Male.

Sexual Orientation: Straight / Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good / Neutral ( Bystanders, barely interfere. )

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Orphanage.

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: Human / Supreme Being ( It's daughter...)

Powers/gifts: Omnipresence, Ultipotence, Absolute Defense , Meta Summoning and Meta Teleportation, but prefers to never use his powers. / Ultipotence, Absolute Attack, and Omni Magic.

Likes: Nice people, pure things, puppies , etc. / Violence, showing no emotion, etc

Dislikes: People whom love to hurt others, other impure things / People who treat Siri bad.

Personality: Siri is a kind soul, whom never tries to do no wrong. He is very shy, prefering to keep silent. Tiffany is a emotionless being whoms emotion appears in the form of eyes and mouths in her hair.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Siri :


Bio: Siri's true memories are sealed within Tiffany, the personification of her great power. Just know that they are there father is a supreme being, but Siri's human.

Dating/lover/crush: Kaeko. ( Very close friend, but not a lover. Most likely a crush. Located in the second link for Siri. )

Anything else: His mother is known as a Great Goddess. He was actually born inside a human's womb. He stalks people sometimes, but not always.
Rydia said:
Name: Adeline Jones
Nickname(If Applies): Addy

Age: 16 (turning 17 soon)

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bi

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm (is new to the town and stuff OwO)

What Year of highschool your in: Junior (11th)

What kind of being you are: Adeline is a shadow walker.

Powers/gifts: She can control and manipulate shadows. An example, she can use shadows of inanimate objects to cloak herself, or porotect herself. If she tried, she could step on your shadow and you wouldn't be able to walk forward/backward. If she were to write something on your shadow (like in the dirt where your shadow was) she can make you do what she writes, but only for a limited amount of time. This takes a lot of her energy, and because she doesn't like manipulating people she tries not to use it very often.

Likes: She likes Pizza, video games, manga, and anime.

Dislikes: Most vegetables, annoying people, and preppy people.

Personality: She has a cold shell,, and doesn't talk much but once you get to know her she is actually sweet and kind hearted, despite her explosive temper.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Adeline was raised by her uncle. Both of her parents were human, and despised her for her abilities. They said she was a monster. Her uncle, whoh had similar abilities, took her in and helped her learn how to control them. She was homeschooled until she finally was able to control it. Her uncle enrolled her into this school

Dating/lover/crush: No one yet OwO

Anything else: She has a charm bracelet that she never takes off. If you take it from won't be pretty. She has a petite build and is a very fast runner.

(I'm helping Aria with accepting btw.)
Name: Rylar

Nickname(If Applies): Ry

Age: 15

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): I live in a modified caravan

What Year of highschool your in: Freshmen

What kind of being you are: Dragon humanoid

Powers/gifts: I can morph between human and 1/4 human 3/4 dragon. can also breath fire

Likes: hot areas, family, friends and being alone

Dislikes: Doppelgangers

Personality: Quite if I don't know people but after that im outgoing and inappropriate

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


When human


When Dragon

Bio: I don't remember my family, they left me in the woods when I was 3 because in my race if you cant survive you die. simple. Its like that because my race matures faster then humans, by the time I was 4 I had the brain power of a 16 year old. I struggled to survive but I managed to by crafting a axe out of a stick, two stones and some flax. I now use a axe that was crafted for my by a master blacksmith who found me when I was 11 and is the reason im going to school.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A
Name: Kili

Age: 16/32,000(And still looking good...wait, did I say that?)

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): N/A

What Year of highschool your in: Sophmore

What kind of being you are: Demon Slayer/Demon Lord

Powers/gifts: Can absorb and manipulate Demonic essence and control and command demons short of the Devil(Out of respect for demon hierarchy) Dark energy, etc. , a gifted magus, supernatural strength and speed, World Xross(Universal travel), Immunity from transcendent interference (Erasure, Depowering, etc.)

Likes: Death, Destruction(No I don't!), Girls(W-well, yeah, obviously...), Panty shots(Okay, that's enough!), Fighting for justice.

Dislikes: Demons(If they're not girls(Hey, how'd you do that!?)), Being called a pervert(Hehehe(Shaddup!)), Evil, Heroes(What? I do not(Yes, you do(Ughh...)))

Personality: When in control of himself, Kili is generally kind and well mannered, polite, and somewhat shy. When possessed by Killia, however, he becomes smug, prideful, and perverted, and rude, though he swears that these are simply Kili's inner desires taking advantage of his fragile mental state.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: On another world, in another time, Killia was the leader of the last great demon invasion of the human world, and Kili was the hero that killed him... Or, at least, that's what everyone was told. In reality, Upon meeting each other, Kili and Killia realized they were doppelgangers, clones of each other dispersed across time and space. Upon meeting, all of Killia power fused with the kind hearted soul of Kili, and the husk of a being that was left behind from the transfer disappeared. Kili, now with the powers of a demon lord, left his home to find a way to undo the fusion, while Killia was content with the knowledge that he would continue to live, for the time being. This is the 10th version of the universe they've visited together...

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: Killia had a demon follower he was fond of, whom had gotten lost at some point on their travels. He's tried calling out to her, but he hasn't yet managed to call her to his side again.
Then, if you have a character, you can come right back. Otherwise, make a new one. I think...
Name: Masao Hellsinger

Nickname(If Applies): Mao, Hellsinger, Vocal

Age: 16

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in: sophmore

What kind of being you are: demon

Powers/gifts: can sing at a deadly/harmful pitch that only his opponent can hear.

can use his voice to cause hallucinations

Likes: pizza, music, food, ice cream, sleep

Dislikes: assholes, hot heads, studying, math

Personality: masao is very close minded and tends to keep to himself. he does not interact with people much, because when he does he tends to get hostile and demanding. he is trying to be nicer to people at the high school.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Masao was thrown into jail at the age of four because he 'accidentally' caused the crowd at a concert to commit suicide using hallucinations. the jail system could not handle masao anymore so they found a high school for 'gifted' teenagers like him.

Dating/lover/crush: will develop later

Anything else: he has this weird condition that lets you know his emotions by the color of his eye's.
Name: Tyler Grayson

Nickname: Ty

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live: A small house with his father.

Year of high school: Sophomore

Kind of being: Half human, half mutant

Powers/gifts: Tyler can force his body to alarming rates of speed, faster than a jet. He can also detect what your going to do before you do it.

Likes: Pizza, making friends, video games, and music.

Dislikes: Fighting, anger between his friends.

Personality: A extremely outgoing boy. Friendly the moment he see's you. He tends to be very goofy though and not a lot of people like him because of this. He gets bullied during lunch.

Appearance: Something like this:


Bio: His mother died at a young age. His father has the exact same power to predict what people will do. Tyler gained his ability of speed in a accident at his dads local research facility. Ever since he started school people pick on him for being puny and weak, as well as being too silly. He tries to ignore it though. He seems very satisfied with his high school life too.

Crush/Lover/Dating: Sena

Anything else: Nothing I can think of right now...
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Rroda said:
Name: Rylar
Nickname(If Applies): Ry

Age: 15

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): I live in a modified caravan

What Year of highschool your in: Freshmen

What kind of being you are: Dragon humanoid

Powers/gifts: I can morph between human and 1/4 human 3/4 dragon. can also breath fire

Likes: hot areas, family, friends and being alone

Dislikes: Doppelgangers

Personality: Quite if I don't know people but after that im outgoing and inappropriate

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)


When human


When Dragon

Bio: I don't remember my family, they left me in the woods when I was 3 because in my race if you cant survive you die. simple. Its like that because my race matures faster then humans, by the time I was 4 I had the brain power of a 16 year old. I struggled to survive but I managed to by crafting a axe out of a stick, two stones and some flax. I now use a axe that was crafted for my by a master blacksmith who found me when I was 11 and is the reason im going to school.

Dating/lover/crush: N/A[/URL]

Bio: On another world, in another time, Killia was the leader of the last great demon invasion of the human world, and Kili was the hero that killed him... Or, at least, that's what everyone was told. In reality, Upon meeting each other, Kili and Killia realized they were doppelgangers, clones of each other dispersed across time and space. Upon meeting, all of Killia power fused with the kind hearted soul of Kili, and the husk of a being that was left behind from the transfer disappeared. Kili, now with the powers of a demon lord, left his home to find a way to undo the fusion, while Killia was content with the knowledge that he would continue to live, for the time being. This is the 10th version of the universe they've visited together...

Dating/lover/crush: None

Anything else: Killia had a demon follower he was fond of, whom had gotten lost at some point on their travels. He's tried calling out to her, but he hasn't yet managed to call her to his side again.
jakobtatee said:
Name: Masao Hellsinger
Nickname(If Applies): Mao, Hellsinger, Vocal

Age: 16

Gender: male

Sexual Orientation: pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: neutral

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) dorm

What Year of highschool your in: sophmore

What kind of being you are: demon

Powers/gifts: can sing at a deadly/harmful pitch that only his opponent can hear.

can use his voice to cause hallucinations

Likes: pizza, music, food, ice cream, sleep

Dislikes: assholes, hot heads, studying, math

Personality: masao is very close minded and tends to keep to himself. he does not interact with people much, because when he does he tends to get hostile and demanding. he is trying to be nicer to people at the high school.

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred)

Bio: Masao was thrown into jail at the age of four because he 'accidentally' caused the crowd at a concert to commit suicide using hallucinations. the jail system could not handle masao anymore so they found a high school for 'gifted' teenagers like him.

Dating/lover/crush: will develop later

Anything else: he has this weird condition that lets you know his emotions by the color of his eye's.
TheRebelliousDragon said:
Name: Tyler Grayson
Nickname: Ty

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live: A small house with his father.

Year of high school: Sophomore

Kind of being: Half human, half mutant

Powers/gifts: Tyler can force his body to alarming rates of speed, faster than a jet. He can also detect what your going to do before you do it.

Likes: Pizza, making friends, video games, and music.

Dislikes: Fighting, anger between his friends.

Personality: A extremely outgoing boy. Friendly the moment he see's you. He tends to be very goofy though and not a lot of people like him because of this. He gets bullied during lunch.

Appearance: Something like this:


Bio: His mother died at a young age. His father has the exact same power to predict what people will do. Tyler gained his ability of speed in a accident at his dads local research facility. Ever since he started school people pick on him for being puny and weak, as well as being too silly. He tries to ignore it though. He seems very satisfied with his high school life too.

Crush/Lover/Dating: ???

Anything else: Nothing I can think of right now...

Nickname(If Applies):Thel



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):My own realm

What Year of highschool your in:Freshman

What kind of being you are:God Of Terror

Powers/gifts:Can cause insane terror,Is insanely powerful,Can summon anything made of terror



Personality:He is a complete asshole who loves to torture people

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) <p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c26b84900_TimeGap.jpg.5fa1a5fe7f90acc93faaf1c8860e271d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52162" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c26b84900_TimeGap.jpg.5fa1a5fe7f90acc93faaf1c8860e271d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Bio:Was made along with the universe


Anything else:TERROR!!!!!!!!!!!



  • Time Gap.jpg
    Time Gap.jpg
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shortyshot8 said:
Nickname(If Applies):Thel



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Evil

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.):My own realm

What Year of highschool your in:Freshman

What kind of being you are:God Of Terror

Powers/gifts:Can cause insane terror,Is insanely powerful,Can summon anything made of terror



Personality:He is a complete asshole who loves to torture people

Appearance: (Anime Picture Perferred) View attachment 119563

Bio:Was made along with the universe


Anything else:TERROR!!!!!!!!!!!
Soooo.....Ansom made him??
shortyshot8 said:
True very true hey at least you and me can both go and beat the fuck out of Al for our own pleasure xD
(Ansom doesn't fight for pleasure. He only fights when provoked.)
AsongOfIceandFire said:
(Ansom doesn't fight for pleasure. He only fights when provoked.)
xD Eh I could make Al think you are trying to attack him and then you could beat him up xD Oh BTW In case you could not tell I have some fucking insane plot twist ideas for Al
shortyshot8 said:
xD Eh I could make Al think you are trying to attack him and then you could beat him up xD Oh BTW In case you could not tell I have some fucking insane plot twist ideas for Al
(Mkay. Cannot wait to ruin them :P
AsongOfIceandFire said:
(Mkay. Cannot wait to ruin them :P
xD Well the idea is that the Dragon Soul inside of Al will eventually awaken when he loses a loved one such as Hina Shira or William

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