Fantasy Highschool Life

Name: Winter Redwood

Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral, perhaps a bit more evil than anything else.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: She doesn't know this, but she is half human, half demon.

Powers/gifts: Umbrakinesis and Pyrokinesis.

Likes: Being alone, practicing magic, fighting, books.

Dislikes: Large crowds of people, petty conflict, people in general

Personality:She usually keeps to herself, avoiding social interaction whenever possible. She seems like a cold and rude person, but in reality is just shy. If you manage to break through her shell, she is energetic and sweet. She loves books, and when reading them, the world just seems to vanish. Even loud noises cannot cause her to tear her eyes away from the pages.


Bio: Her mother is dead and she never knew her father. She lived on her own until coming to this school.

Dating/lover/crush: None/open/open

Anything else:Nope
starcatcher said:
Name: Winter Redwood
Nickname(If Applies): N/A

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Bisexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral, perhaps a bit more evil than anything else.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Freshman

What kind of being you are: She doesn't know this, but she is half human, half demon.

Powers/gifts: Umbrakinesis and Pyrokinesis.

Likes: Being alone, practicing magic, fighting, books.

Dislikes: Large crowds of people, petty conflict, people in general

Personality:She usually keeps to herself, avoiding social interaction whenever possible. She seems like a cold and rude person, but in reality is just shy. If you manage to break through her shell, she is energetic and sweet. She loves books, and when reading them, the world just seems to vanish. Even loud noises cannot cause her to tear her eyes away from the pages.


Bio: Her mother is dead and she never knew her father. She lived on her own until coming to this school.

Dating/lover/crush: None/open/open

Anything else:Nope
She is "supah hot"... But she seems pretty "Dark" (talking about your powers... If you don't get it)





Sexual Orientation:Hetero

Good or Evil or Neutral:Good

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool you're in:


What kind of being you are: Wolf-Demon

Power/gifts: Very fast,White Flames and have sword skills(and are really strong)

Likes:Fire,White things and Swords


Personality:Quiet,cold. Get in Rage when Friends were hurted


Bio:Was hunted by Angels for his whole live. Now he is feel less and cold.

Anything else: haven't got any friends

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Nickname(If Applies):

n/a right now





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

doesn't have one right now

What Year of highschool your in:

Freshman, probably.

What kind of being you are:



Power over the zodiac. Her form shifts based on which zodiac she is controlling at the moment.


+ Animals

+ clocks

+ Violetta (has heard stories)

+ Cheeseburgers


- Storms

- annoying people

- Pretentious idiots

- people who don't believe in the zodiac


A sweet girl. Her personality changes based on each zodiac.


normal appearance


Zodiac forms:



the zodiac has been around for thousands of years. But Aion only came into being when humans first began to organize it. She's been here ever since, watching over the zodiac, granting people their sign when they're born.

She's hears stories about the Goddess of Time Violetta, but had never met her, but always wanted to. And now she hears that Violetta is going to attend a high school? Of course she's going to go as well to check it out. And now she's entering a new life as a high school student.


None yet

Anything else:

She carries around a clock/zodiac wheel with her wherever she goes. It helps keep her power in check, and it also physically hurts her not to have it.

She doesn't prefer one Zodiac to another.

Her twin in her Gemini form is named Chrona. (Named after Chronos, not to be confused with Kronus.)

@Slaxt ??
Name:Heather Maples

Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live : Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:Sophomore

What kind of being you are:Ghoul

Powers/gifts: A big amount of strength

Likes:almost everything


Personality:Sweet, caring, easy going


Bio:Heathers enter family was hunted and killed for being ghouls she lives alone and tries her hardest to fit in


Anything else:Eats nothing but raw meat(rare) and only drinks coffee

Rayischo said:



Sexual Orientation:Hetero

Good or Evil or Neutral:Good

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool you're in:


What kind of being you are: Wolf-Demon

Power/gifts: Very fast,White Flames and have sword skills(and are really strong)

Likes:Fire,White things and Swords


Personality:Quiet,cold. Get in Rage when Friends were hurted


Bio:Was hunted by Angels for his whole live. Now he is feel less and cold.

Anything else: haven't got any friends

(The picture isn't showing...)
Heartbreakvibes said:
Name:Heather Maples
Nickname(If Applies):



Sexual Orientation:Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live : Dorm

What Year of highschool your in:Sophomore

What kind of being you are:Ghoul

Powers/gifts: A big amount of strength

Likes:almost everything


Personality:Sweet, caring, easy going


Bio:Heathers enter family was hunted and killed for being ghouls she lives alone and tries her hardest to fit in


Anything else:Eats nothing but raw meat(rare) and only drinks coffee

Lumina said:

Nickname(If Applies):

n/a right now





Sexual Orientation:


Good or Evil or Neutral:


Where you live (House, dorm, etc.)

doesn't have one right now

What Year of highschool your in:

Freshman, probably.

What kind of being you are:



Power over the zodiac. Her form shifts based on which zodiac she is controlling at the moment.


+ Animals

+ clocks

+ Violetta (has heard stories)

+ Cheeseburgers


- Storms

- annoying people

- Pretentious idiots

- people who don't believe in the zodiac


A sweet girl. Her personality changes based on each zodiac.


normal appearance


Zodiac forms:



the zodiac has been around for thousands of years. But Aion only came into being when humans first began to organize it. She's been here ever since, watching over the zodiac, granting people their sign when they're born.

She's hears stories about the Goddess of Time Violetta, but had never met her, but always wanted to. And now she hears that Violetta is going to attend a high school? Of course she's going to go as well to check it out. And now she's entering a new life as a high school student.


None yet

Anything else:

She carries around a clock/zodiac wheel with her wherever she goes. It helps keep her power in check, and it also physically hurts her not to have it.

She doesn't prefer one Zodiac to another.

Her twin in her Gemini form is named Chrona. (Named after Chronos, not to be confused with Kronus.)

@Slaxt ??
Rayischo said:



Sexual Orientation:Hetero

Good or Evil or Neutral:Good

Where you live: Dorm

What Year of highschool you're in:


What kind of being you are: Wolf-Demon

Power/gifts: Very fast,White Flames and have sword skills(and are really strong)

Likes:Fire,White things and Swords


Personality:Quiet,cold. Get in Rage when Friends were hurted


Bio:Was hunted by Angels for his whole live. Now he is feel less and cold.

Anything else: haven't got any friends

Name: Katriona Dunsh

Nickname(If Applies): Kat D.

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral, but leans towards good.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Fallen Angel


• Ability of Flight

• Ability to possess humans

• Ability to look like a normal angel

* Ability of all powers a normal angel has)


- people

- loud music

- punk music

- baseball

- studyin

- theatre

- biology

- chemistry

- stupid and demonic books

- tattoos

- piercings


- bullies

- flys

- other bugs

- vampires

- bats

- fire

- ultra uv lights


Kat can be a bit cunning and rude, but she has her best interests at heart. Being a fallen angle means that she literally fell from heaven and got possessed by satan... That can do something to a person.

Though fallen angels are known for being rude, crude and uncaring, Kat actually does care about others, at all. Also, Kat is the type of girl who would get bullied or labeled for being 'gothic' or 'emo', yet she could care less. Shes dead. Or, at least, partially dead. She's very hardcore and rude to people who annoy her, but, if you get past that one layer of her, she turns out to be a really nice person.


Bio: [to be announed]

Dating/lover/crush: N/A At the moment

Other: Dies her hair very often, had three tattoos, stretchers, and snake bites.
Name: Astrid Gunnarson


Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Second (Transfer Student)

What kind of being you are: Half-Human/Half-Vanir


- Healing - Astrid is able to soothe the pains and ailments of others vvia touch but doing so is quite costly so this gift is used sparingly. Her healing ability is potent enough to bring a being back from thr brink of death but doing so would render her comatose for an extended period of time.

- Foresight - Foresight typically grants her sporatic visions of future events, most commonly in the forms of dreams and at times during her waking hours. She may voluntarily glimpse the future but only while in a deep trance.

- Green Magic - Green Magic gives her an affinity with plants. With this gift her very presence inspires plants to grow bigger noticably faster as well as healthier. Due to this she is also able to unlock the full magical potential that it might posess for use in potions, poultices, medicine bags, and even ordinary cooking.

- Charming Aura - Astrid radiates an aura that causes those around her to think on and react to her favorably. This ability works best on those who would find her attractive. This gift often times makes her an excellent mediator as very few people actively seek to upset her.


- Gardening

- Dancing

- Singing

- Reading

- Art

- Cooking


- Mean People

- Overly Forward Guys

- Pollution

- Chewing Gum

- Smoking

- Waste


- Kind

- Gentle

- Caring

- Feisty

- Friendly

Appearance (Anime Picture Perferred):

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c27978db7_AstridGunnarson.jpg.2f7e4e2d551566711815dc83b597930e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="52789" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_05/57a8c27978db7_AstridGunnarson.jpg.2f7e4e2d551566711815dc83b597930e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Astrid had alwayd been different, but it wasn't until she was ten that the greatest of those differences made it's presence known. It was time for recess and, unlike the other children, Astrid preferred to spend her time not playing tag or taking turns on the swings but in the small copse of trees bordering the playground. On this fateful day as she rummaged through the thicket she came across a small robin laying pitifully at the trunk of one of the larger trees. Upon taking a closer look she noticed that one of its wings was twisted unnaturally under its small body.

Picking up the small creature Astrid was overwhelmed with pity and from that compassion came her gift for healing others. With a flash of warmth the small bird cradled in her hands flexed its wings and took flight as she fell to thr ground, everything fading to black.

Dating/lover/crush: Thats a secret.



  • Astrid Gunnarson.jpg
    Astrid Gunnarson.jpg
    50.1 KB · Views: 29
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Name:Rubin Sands

Nickname(If Applies):ruby



Sexual Orientation:straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live dorm

What Year of highschool your in:Sophomore

What kind of being you are:Shapeshifter

Powers/gifts:Change different form/figure

Likes:Food , Sports, Pranking , Lounging around


Personality:A slight attitude sneaky always in a good mood short temper


Bio:Rubin was raised by her grandmother who was herself a shapeshifter her parents wernt wich made it hard to understand her struggles she was home schooled and when they heard about the highschool they sent her on her way

Dating/lover/crush:None yet

Anything else:
xoloveox said:
Name: Katriona Dunsh
Nickname(If Applies): Kat D.

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral, but leans towards good.

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.) Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Fallen Angel


• Ability of Flight

• Ability to possess humans

• Ability to look like a normal angel

* Ability of all powers a normal angel has)


- people

- loud music

- punk music

- baseball

- studyin

- theatre

- biology

- chemistry

- stupid and demonic books

- tattoos

- piercings


- bullies

- flys

- other bugs

- vampires

- bats

- fire

- ultra uv lights


Kat can be a bit cunning and rude, but she has her best interests at heart. Being a fallen angle means that she literally fell from heaven and got possessed by satan... That can do something to a person.

Though fallen angels are known for being rude, crude and uncaring, Kat actually does care about others, at all. Also, Kat is the type of girl who would get bullied or labeled for being 'gothic' or 'emo', yet she could care less. Shes dead. Or, at least, partially dead. She's very hardcore and rude to people who annoy her, but, if you get past that one layer of her, she turns out to be a really nice person.


Bio: [to be announed]

Dating/lover/crush: N/A At the moment

Other: Dies her hair very often, had three tattoos, stretchers, and snake bites.
If you don't possess other people's characters then you're good.
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OriginalDaydreamer said:
Name: Astrid Gunnarson

Age: 15

Gender: Female

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Good or Evil or Neutral: Good

Where you live (House, dorm, etc.): Dorm

What Year of highschool your in: Second

What kind of being you are: Half-Human/Half-Vanir


- Healing - Astrid is able to soothe the pains and ailments of others vvia touch but doing so is quite costly so this gift is used sparingly. Her healing ability is potent enough to bring a being back from thr brink of death but doing so would render her comatose for an extended period of time.

- Foresight - Foresight typically grants her sporatic visions of future events, most commonly in the forms of dreams and at times during her waking hours. She may voluntarily glimpse the future but only while in a deep trance.

- Green Magic - Green Magic gives her an affinity with plants. With this gift her very presence inspires plants to grow bigger noticably faster as well as healthier. Due to this she is also able to unlock the full magical potential that it might posess for use in potions, poultices, medicine bags, and even ordinary cooking.

- Charming Aura - Astrid radiates an aura that causes those around her to think on and react to her favorably. This ability works best on those who would find her attractive. This gift often times makes her an excellent mediator as very few people actively seek to upset her.


- Gardening

- Dancing

- Singing

- Reading

- Art

- Cooking


- Mean People

- Overly Forward Guys

- Pollution

- Chewing Gum

- Smoking

- Waste


- Kind

- Gentle

- Caring

- Feisty

- Friendly

Appearance (Anime Picture Perferred):

View attachment 120809


Astrid had alwayd been different, but it wasn't until she was ten that the greatest of those differences made it's presence known. It was time for recess and, unlike the other children, Astrid preferred to spend her time not playing tag or taking turns on the swings but in the small copse of trees bordering the playground. On this fateful day as she rummaged through the thicket she came across a small robin laying pitifully at the trunk of one of the larger trees. Upon taking a closer look she noticed that one of its wings was twisted unnaturally under its small body.

Picking up the small creature Astrid was overwhelmed with pity and from that compassion came her gift for healing others. With a flash of warmth the small bird cradled in her hands flexed its wings and took flight as she fell to thr ground, everything fading to black.

Dating/lover/crush: Thats a secret.
Heartbreakvibes said:
Name:Rubin Sands
Nickname(If Applies):ruby



Sexual Orientation:straight

Good or Evil or Neutral:Neutral

Where you live dorm

What Year of highschool your in:Sophomore

What kind of being you are:Shapeshifter

Powers/gifts:Change different form/figure

Likes:Food , Sports, Pranking , Lounging around


Personality:A slight attitude sneaky always in a good mood short temper


Bio:Rubin was raised by her grandmother who was herself a shapeshifter her parents wernt wich made it hard to understand her struggles she was home schooled and when they heard about the highschool they sent her on her way

Dating/lover/crush:None yet

Anything else:
Name: Rhamiel Lien

Nickname(If Applies): Rham

Age: Immortal

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: House

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Fallen Angel

Powers/gifts: Empathy, Psionic manipulation, Healing ability, remembers everything.

Likes: People, Music, Books, Food


Personality: Cool headed, calm, Understanding.


Bio: Rham has wandered the earth after the fall of heaven, making a body for himself to contain his angelic form. He arrived at the school with no where else to go.

Dating/lover/crush: None/None/None

Anything else:
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Name: Rhamiel Lien
Nickname(If Applies): Rham

Age: Immortal

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: House

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Fallen Angel

Powers/gifts: Empathy, Psionic manipulation, Healing ability, remembers everything.

Likes: People, Music, Books, Food


Personality: Cool headed, calm, Understanding.


Bio: Rham has wandered the earth after the fall of heaven, making a body for himself to contain his angelic form. He arrived at the school with no where else to go.

Dating/lover/crush: None/None/None

Anything else:

[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet]Name: Rhamiel Lien
Nickname(If Applies): Rham

Age: Immortal

Gender: Male

Sexual Orientation: Pansexual

Good or Evil or Neutral: Neutral

Where you live: House

What Year of highschool your in: Senior

What kind of being you are: Fallen Angel

Powers/gifts: Empathy, Psionic manipulation, Healing ability, remembers everything.

Likes: People, Music, Books, Food


Personality: Cool headed, calm, Understanding.


Bio: Rham has wandered the earth after the fall of heaven, making a body for himself to contain his angelic form. He arrived at the school with no where else to go.

Dating/lover/crush: None/None/None

Anything else:

Accepted, make sure you don't use that power to possess other characters without permission... (Pretty OP imo....)
Slaxt said:
Accepted, make sure you don't use that power to possess other characters without permission... (Pretty OP imo... Omnikinesis.)
(There are characters that can /literally/ do whatever they want...)
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](There are characters that can /literally/ do whatever they want...)

(But they keep it in the rules don't they?...)
[QUOTE="Kalin Scarlet](Well obviously, I'm going to keep it in the rules.)

(Alright... Now I must go back to napping... I'm seriously posting half-asleep.)

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