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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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She turned her back to him. "Our difference is simple...I'm who she was and still is, she's a result of an incident that took place some time ago. Got it? Its not hard. I'm the part of her of which her parents attempted to use and manipulate. I don't want that happening again....be good to her, or you'll have to answer to me." With that, Luna's essence disappeared, being replaced with Layla once again.
John: "Hey. I told you no- god damn it. Everyone, they no you are here, just show your self. We might get things under control."
Even when Layla is back, he looks confused. "Layla... Never mind, Let's find out where the dorms are so you can get some sleep. it's probably been a long day for you."
The Watcher drops down from the ceiling, doing a theatrical bow. Elizabeth had been in plain sight the whole time, hugging Midori and staying silent.
"Listen everyone, we can get along just fine. We do not need anymore blood spilled, no matter what. I know I have made mistakes, but I wish to fix them. That means, for no one to kill anymore, unless they really deserve it, agreed?" John is standing, with authority. He cannot hurt anyone in this room, but he still stands.
Alexis sighed and turned to him shifting back into a half-blood her ears up and her tails peacock style " Sup " she told him and leaned on a tree
"And you." He turns to the watcher. "I understand what it is like having this bloodlust. Ask the innocents that died. But you have to control it, because you might hurt someone you love."
"I'm...odd I know...but I trust you...so ask anything." She turned her gaze elsewhere, uncomfortable with the current situation.
He turns to the soldiers. "Veterans. You need to hide. There are others looking for you, and they want you dead. Find somewhere, and check back here every week or month. Maybe a year."
Zero grasps her into a hug, and then whispers in her ear "What was so terrible that happened in your past?" He sounded so sincere, truly wanting to know and try to help.
"Go ahead. Do what you want." John doesn't turn around. "All my life I have been deceived by people like you. But not anymore. Elizabeth. I am sorry for what I did, and..." John just trails off.
"That's the terrible thing that happened?" Zero sighs a sigh of relief. "I'm glad you got it off your chest." Zero would kiss her head, in the middle between both her ears, then continue talking. "As for me, I simply wanted to know about the differences of you and luna... However she kind've answered that. One thing though...." He paused, and looked straight at her, "She claimed that she was the you from /before/ the incident... What's that all about?"
Elizabeth shook her head. "It's alright John, you were different then. You've become a better person, and I love you. I will always love you, no matter what happens, what you do."
She nodded. "She's the me before I killed my parents. The girl my parents raised to take over the kingdom of darkness. That me was oblivious to the fact that I was being used only for my strength and potential. My parents being all that I had, and being the reason for their death, I was instantly afraid of myself, of my power. Thus, the present me came to be. I locked my natural born side away, and raised myself as my present self.
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