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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Yoshino looked at John. She was still in quite a bit of pain, though she was no longer coughing up blood. Her body looked extremely fragile, like a single tap on the shoulder could break her body, or possibly even do worse that that.
"My name?" Cade sighs to herself. As she gets up and holds her hand out to Elizabeth. "Cade Van Fen'rir."
"It is a boring place. At least I think so." She looked at him,"There are plenty of quiet places. And make sure you don't get caught, alright? The most interesting person here getting expelled? Yup, it'd get even more boring then it already is." She sighs,"Follow me." She took him to the tree in the middle of the school. There were benches around the tree and the hallways surrounded the tree. @Sinister Slytherin
The necklace around Elizabeth's neck glowed lightly, though only Elizabeth could see it. Nanami talked into Elizabeth's mind once more. "Nanami wishes to say hello to people. Can Nanami come out, Elizabeth?"
He smirked "right!" he said smirking and followed her to the tree and sat down on one of the benches there and looked around "well this is a nice place" he looked at the girl and raised an eyebrow "aren't you going to sit?" he asked her looking at her. @Miss Fallen Matrix
"Eh... I usually sit or sleep in the tree, but Yeah I guess I'll sit with you." She said with a kind voice and a light smile. "So, what brings you to our school? I mean, not to be noses or anything, but just wondering..." @Sinister Slytherin
Kimura hangs down from the tree behind , her feet on the bottom of the branch. She was currently in spirit form, making for her to seem a little transparent, as well as made her talking unable to be heard by any without direct connection to the wind itself.

@Miss Fallen Matrix @Sinister Slytherin
Nevaeh felt Kimura's presence and looks at the wisp like figure. "Hello. I'm Nevaeh, who are you?" She asked smiling towards the almost transparent vessel. @Miyuki
Kimura slowly began moving her mouth, though no words were coming out. A light mist began surrounding her, her presence now completely gone. In less than a second, she was standing in front of Nevah. She was no longer transparent, her words able to be heard. "I am Kimura. A pleasure to meet you." There was this emotionless, but caring tone to her voice, which also gave off this feeling of somebody from the far past, as though the young looking girl were over three hundred years old or something.

Nanami appeared out next to Elizabeth in blade form. She slowly morphed to her human self, holding lightly onto Elizabeth's arm, like a little child who was unsure what to do next, though Elizabeth knew it was just so Nanami could stay a little close to her.
"Nice to meet you as well." She said with an kind tone,"So, what were you doing just now?" She asked tilting her head.
"I am a spirit, accustomed to living in a forest. As that is the only tree I have found to be near, I have been sleeping in it the past few weeks."
Elizabeth smiled and decided to introduce Cade and Nanami to each other. "Nanami, this is Cade," Elizabeth says, using her free arm to gesture to Cade, "Cade, this is Nanami."
"If you wish, you can refer to me as Mizukōrikami, though it makes me feel weird being referred to the name given upon me as a god..." She bowed lightly in respect, her shirt slipping off of her again.
Tao left the park, confused but somewhat happy at what just happened. Sh skipped her way to school and walked through the front doors.
Inside of the front of the building was Mai, looking as though staring off into space. She seemed to space out so much, even the most innocent of people would be tempted to try and punch her in the stomach to see if she's even still in the same world.
Cade nodded and introduced herself. "I think we should get to school. I can transport use quite swiftly."
Nanami looked at Cade. "You seem calm for somebody who has just met a god... For that, I am happy. It makes me glad to be treated like a normal person by so many people." Her voice was still distant, like she meant the words, but kept the emotion withdrawn. She climbed up on Elizabeth's back, looking like a sleepy child who forgot to sleep. Within seconds, she fell asleep, still hanging on lightly.
Tao sat down bumping her knees together. She was waiting for Elizabeth to arrive patiently. She looked around the school with a grin knowing Elizabeth wouldn't forget.
Mai sat next to Tao, a tiny smile upon her face. "My name is Mai... I am Nanami's master... She's told me all about you and Elizabeth... I rarely get to see her so... happy... For that, I am grateful..." (Let's say this happened before they arrived? She can be ignored though, just want her to have already been there.)

(Hey, Nanami's the god of water and ice, so she definitely will get along with Cade~)
Mai kept an emotionless expression and voice up the entire time. "I dislike being hugged without warning... I'll allow it though..." She hugged her back, Mai's body surprisingly warm for supposedly being made of ice and water. (Supposedly as in she turned into ice and water, then reformed when she had that weird scene with Elizabeth and Tao.)
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