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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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[QUOTE="Fukushima Akira]
“ He's correct. I am here for him. I am not blinded. I am simply doing what must be done. ”
...ΨKenji's red aura continued to flow around him. He spoke as he observed TasukeΨ...

“ Are you prepared to accept your judgement? ”


Tasuke let out a sigh, "I just said... oh my..." He looks at Luna like he needs some help smacking sense into this guy, "Didn't I just say I don't need judgement?"
(Akira. I swear. Imma beat you.)

Luna blew her breath. "Kenji, let's go. Let it go. It's was months ago. Almost a year." Luna glared back towards Tasuke. "Shut up. I'll make you pay for trying to seduce me." Luna then rolled her gaze again, before shoving Kenji backwards.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Kaname stared at Mio. She had grown, cuter. Coughing slightly to hide his urge to blush, Kaname raised his right hand over his forehead and smiled, speaking as he did so. "Just growing up and exploring."

Mio smiled upon seeing his smile and clasped her hands behind her back.


"That's good! I must say, I'm surprised you grew so fast."

She paused after that was said, bringing a finger up to scratch her cheek nervously,"ah, not that that is a bad thing- ah- I mean you grew up well!"
((( I wasn't planning on having Kenji fight. I don't wanna reveal his powers yet xD )))

Tsch. Fine. ”

...ΨKenji's red aura soon vanished and he turned around and began walking away. He stood still and spoke as he closed his eyes. A white fox made of smoke began swirling around his head in the shape of a lowered halo, shortly before vanishingΨ...

“ You've been spared for now, Tasuke. Let's go, we need to find Kaname and his girlfriend. ”

Tasuke waved at Kenji as he walked away, he then addressed Luna, "Hey. I didn't seduce you, that was all you. Hehe." He winked at her, "You sure you want to leave?"
Luna coughed. "Let's go~" Luna stopped once again as soon as Tasuke spoke. "Yes...For if I stay any longer, ill stain my clothes with more blood of yours."

Shizuya looked between the two as they interacted; obviously a third wheel. He remained quiet, watching them.
...ΨKenji vanished in a blaze of red fire, reappearing just behind Kaname and the others in his regular form, smilingΨ...

“ Hey, lovebirds~♪ ”

"W-well?" Kaname was growing flustered. She was pretty, dangerously pretty. And he couldn't help but want her for his own. Coughing off his desires, Kaname leaned against the wall, well up until his thoughts processed what his uncle said. With widened eyes, Kaname leaned forward. "Wait...lovebirds?"

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Luna coughed. "Let's go~" Luna stopped once again as soon as Tasuke spoke. "Yes...For if I stay any longer, ill stain my clothes with more blood of yours."

Tasuke pouted, "Awww, nuthin wong wiv dat." He blew her a kiss to her, "Until next time."


Mio got a little flustered from Kenji's words, looking away at the wall. She blinked a few times, her mouth slightly open as she tried to calm.

Shizuya chuckled when he saw both of their reactions to the persons words. His blue eyes darting between them all as he settled into a position where he could see everyone.
“ Did I say something wrong? You both are dating, right? ”

...ΨKenji laughed as he looked between the two, noticing their reactions. They seemed to like each other, and Kenji was gonna help them realise itΨ...

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Kaname didn't know what to say. Mio had went silent, and thus he felt he shouldn't say anything regardless, in hopes of not offending Mio. But of course, his lips parted, only for nothing to escape and his hand cover over his mouth while his cheeks darkened in shade and his brows furrowed.


(Gtg. Will post before school in the morning)
Ahnyn walks into the nurse's office. The nurse looks up from her laptop. "Ah, Ahnyn. Please, have a seat." Ahnyn sits down in the seat on the other side of the nurse's desk. "What seems to be the matter?", the nurse asks. "I've been having painful abdominal cramps and I've puked a few times.", Ahnyn replies. The nurse contemplated her response. "Have you eaten anything that might have upset your stomach recently?" The only thing I can think of that could cause this is the quesadilla I had earlier today, but I've eaten that kind of quesadilla before, and I've never been nauseous from it." The nurse thinks for a minute. "Have you had any sexual activity lately?" Ahnyn contemplated how she should answer. If she tells the truth, the nurse could notify the principal, who could call her parents. If she said no, whatever problem she might have could get significantly worse. She decides to tell the truth. "Yes." "The nurse rummages through her bag of stuff, eventually pulling out a small box of pregnancy testers, and hands the box to Ahnyn. Ahnyn is shocked. "No, you can't possibly think-" "It's the most reasonable option. Nausea and abdominal cramps are telltale signs of pregnancy." "But I've been fucked dozens of times before, and I never got pregnant then!" "There's always a time to start." Ahnyn sighs. "Fine." She takes the box and walks out of the nurses office to go back to her own dorm.
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