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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Adam grinned " persway me further " he winked at her and drank more wine going , walking towards her but passes her to go to the sink ,snickering as he passed
Haiiro didn't really understand what Adam meant, but then again there were alot of things she didn't understand. She drinks the rest of her glass of wine and sets it down on the table, trying to figure out what Adam had said and what it meant.
Asphyxiated said:
Vex didn't say anything, he was quiet except for a minute chuckle. There's that blush. He smiled and began kissing his skin, from his neck all the way down. Using Mahiro's own shirt to keep his hands together with one hand, he slipped his fingers into the side of the male's pants and began to pull them down as his lips approached his waist.
>.> ))
Yeah I Think we should fade to black before I pass out from blood loss
Mahiro breathed heavily, lying on the rooftop, no one had interrupted them, he was glad. It was sooo good, he turned on his side and snuggled up close to Vex.

"It's cold now."
"I can't be much help there." Vex smiled, looking at Mahiro. It was true, he had a low body temperature, unlike Cerin. He kissed his forehead before sitting up, chuckling,"though it would probably help if you fixed your clothes."

The grin on his face was unwavering as he thought about the previous events. he would be tired if he hadn't just fed.
"Calm down," Vex laughed before he took off his jacket and wrapped it around Mahiro. He picked Mahiro up bridal style and 'teleported' to his dorm, where he sat him down on his bed.
"Pick. Me. Up. One. More. Time." Mahiro seems to give off some aura, he was trembling with anger, whilst looking down at the ground.
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina](Yurp)
Yuu slowly turned to face him, noticing the sudden actions to hide his face. It caused her to poke at his chest, to determine whether he was asleep or not. Not that she could blantly ask him if he was awake, due to the fact she was afraid to do so anyway. Thus, she simply poked him with her index fingers, before eventually stopping. Upon stopping, she blew her breath, only to reach her hand towards his head and run her fingers through his hair.

Shade chuckled at Yuu's poking and said softly, "Do you always resolve to poke things when you can't speak?" He blushed slightly when Yuu blew her breath, as it gently touched his bare chest. He blushed even harder when she began running her hand through his hair. Blinking to keep his focus, Shade then pushed away his embarrassed feelings as he raised his hand and began gently caressing Yuu's cheek. He smiled softly at her and wondered how he'd managed to have gotten so lucky for once in his life.
Lioness075 said:
Shade chuckled at Yuu's poking and said softly, "Do you always resolve to poke things when you can't speak?" He blushed slightly when Yuu blew her breath, as it gently touched his bare chest. He blushed even harder when she began running her hand through his hair. Blinking to keep his focus, Shade then pushed away his embarrassed feelings as he raised his hand and began gently caressing Yuu's cheek. He smiled softly at her and wondered how he'd managed to have gotten so lucky for once in his life.
Yuu nodded her head in response to his question. Slowly, she stuck her tongue out playfully, only to pull it back between her lips, and shift her gaze to stare at his hair while she played with it. It wasn't as if she didn't care about his hair, she simply found it curious.
@Mashiro Shiina

Shade chuckled at Yuu's response, finding her to be rather amusing...and cute. He saw her gazing at his hair and grinned softly before saying, "What, you like my hair?" Granted it'd be very different if he was in his bat form, but then he'd most likely get hopelessly entangled in the sheets and that'd be no fun.
Yuu's irises lit up at his question. Giggling, she scooted closer, only to place both her hands at the top of his head. It was smooth, which intrigued her interest. She had never felt such a texture, which made her all the more interested in him, with him being aost completely different from herself.

Shade chuckled again at Yuu's response and then realized how much closer she'd just gotten. His face flushed slightly and then he found his eyes wander to Yuu's lips. He quickly averted his gaze, as he realized that Yuu had made no moves towards anything like that and could very well just want to cuddle with his warm body. He wanted to reapect her wishes so he said nothing and merely grinned as Yuu continued to play with his hair.
Yuu halted her time of play, only to drag her hands down the sides of his neck, tilting her head to the side. She could see his hesitant behavior, which of course sparked her interest. Yuu didnt quite understand the emotions of those in this realm, whuch brought her face closer to his to observe his facial aspects. Blinking, she stared at him, awaiting his next few words since she couldn't speak herself.

"It's not like it's an active decision not to find pleasure with girls, I just don't find them sexually attractive" Kalena shrugged, finding his phrasing a little strange but brushing it off.

"Besides, I get more than enough pleasure from men" she leaned in close as she murmured this, her lips brushing against his ear. She nibbled playfully on his earlobe for a few moments before pulling away with a smile. @LonelyAssassin
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Yuu halted her time of play, only to drag her hands down the sides of his neck, tilting her head to the side. She could see his hesitant behavior, which of course sparked her interest. Yuu didnt quite understand the emotions of those in this realm, whuch brought her face closer to his to observe his facial aspects. Blinking, she stared at him, awaiting his next few words since she couldn't speak herself.

Shade frowned slightly at Yuu's behavior, as she seemed curious and perhaps oblivious to his reasoning for being hesitant. He then mentally face palmed as he recalled her origin. Of course she wouldn't understand his feelings. He let out a low sigh and then said softly, "Yuu, do you know what a kiss means to humans, or beings of this realm in a sense?" He wondered just how well she understood everything happening here.
Lioness075 said:
Shade frowned slightly at Yuu's behavior, as she seemed curious and perhaps oblivious to his reasoning for being hesitant. He then mentally face palmed as he recalled her origin. Of course she wouldn't understand his feelings. He let out a low sigh and then said softly, "Yuu, do you know what a kiss means to humans, or beings of this realm in a sense?" He wondered just how well she understood everything happening here.
Yuu stared at him for a few minutes. She was considering his question, contemplating the facts she did know. Yuu finally shifted her gaze back to him, slowly clinging to him. Shaking her head, Yuu removed her hands from him, before grabbing her notepad. Jotting down a few words, she showed him her message. 'Teach me?' Yuu waited for his response, carefully staring him down. She didn't want to have to burden him at all, and truly wanted to understand his kind.
Shade blushed at Yuu's lack of understanding and then he sheepishly grinned before putting one of his hands behind his head. "Erm, well, for humans, kissing is a way of expressing either love towards someone or that you deeply care about them. It's a strong way of expressing such emotions and people generally do it when they want to share their feelings for someone, but words aren't enough to explain it." Minor details that Shade wasn't even a human, but he was still at least partially a human and that was good enough for him.
Yuu stared at him while he explained. Processing his words, Yuu scooted closer to him. She didn't know how or what a kiss was. Tilting her head to the side, Yuu poked his nose, before finally speaking to him after a long period of time. "Kiss?" She poked him again, before straightening her head. She slowly crawled closer, settling her notepad to sit in her lap silently, while waiting.
Valkyre said:
"It's not like it's an active decision not to find pleasure with girls, I just don't find them sexually attractive" Kalena shrugged, finding his phrasing a little strange but brushing it off.
"Besides, I get more than enough pleasure from men" she leaned in close as she murmured this, her lips brushing against his ear. She nibbled playfully on his earlobe for a few moments before pulling away with a smile. @LonelyAssassin
As she pulled away, Tasuke leaned in her direction slightly unintentionally, but he swayed back to where he was. "Are you finished eating?" He said with a grin on his face. he didn't want to be here much longer.
"Yep" Kalena nodded, the steak had been good but she was full now. She felt much better for having eaten, flirted and generally been the centre of attention because of her looks. It felt more normal, even if things had gone pretty weird for her in the last couple of days since meeting Tasuke.
Tasuke nodded and stack their plates and put the used cutlery on top, he took out his Cash and slipped it under a saucer, ready for collection. He looks at Kalena.

"Added it up beforehand."
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