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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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An amused smile tugged at the corner of Kalena's full red lips at Colton's flirting. Rosalin's confusion and embarrassment at her friends behaviour was also amusing. Even if the subject of the flirting wasn't funny at all.

"Kalena. It's not his fault that he's acting this way" a slender finger reached out and gently brushed over Colton's cheek teasingly.

"He can't help himself" she murmured, her eyes having met his. Kalena didn't give a thought to how Tasuke might react to her being her normal self. Lazily, her fingertips brushed down Colton's neck and over his chest as she smiled seductively.

@LonelyAssassin @Azalea
LonelyAssassin said:
Toshiro followed her, she was quieter than usual which irked and worried him. He stood a couple meters behind her as she stared out the window,
"Luna-Sama, is something or someone..." He clenched his fist, "Bothering you?"

Mahiro slid down the wall and sat on the ground, "Yeah, but if you look into both out eyes you would notice out differences become one."
Vex watched him slide down the wall, a thought popping into his head that he quickly brushed off. "Hey," he him up bridal style with an odd expression,"do you want to get seen if they leave?" After saying that, they appeared on the same roof as before and he sat him down.
Luna slowly turned to face Toshiro. "No. I'm mentally bothered is all." Luna then poked at his nose, tilting hear head to the side, staring blankly at his lips.
"How can I fix that for you?" Toshiro stepped closer and looked at her, he didn't want her to feel bothered or 'mentally bothered' as she called it.
Luna stared at him for a few moments, considering his offer. "Anything? Or just something?" Luna took another step closer, straightening her posture throughout the lengthy process.
"Anything Luna-Sama" He Stood up straight in response to her posture, like a little soldier waiting for his command.
LonelyAssassin said:
"Anything Luna-Sama" He Stood up straight in response to her posture, like a little soldier waiting for his command.
Luna slowly nodded her head. She enjoyed having his loyalty, but sometimes it bored her. Giggling aloud, Luna gently planted a kiss on his cheek.

(Will respond in two hours to rp)
[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]
Luna slowly nodded her head. She enjoyed having his loyalty, but sometimes it bored her. Giggling aloud, Luna gently planted a kiss on his cheek.
(Will respond in two hours to rp)

(Okay U_U)

Toshiro's face went a slight red and his composure became more relaxed for a split second before he became stood straight again, "I-is that what you wanted?" He was slightly confused as to why she did what she did, but he did not moan about it.
Valkyre said:
An amused smile tugged at the corner of Kalena's full red lips at Colton's flirting. Rosalin's confusion and embarrassment at her friends behaviour was also amusing. Even if the subject of the flirting wasn't funny at all.
"Kalena. It's not his fault that he's acting this way" a slender finger reached out and gently brushed over Colton's cheek teasingly.

"He can't help himself" she murmured, her eyes having met his. Kalena didn't give a thought to how Tasuke might react to her being her normal self. Lazily, her fingertips brushed down Colton's neck and over his chest as she smiled seductively.

@LonelyAssassin @Azalea
Colten let out a low moan before uttering a seductive growl as Kalena's motions began to turn him on. Flashing her a wicked smile, he leaned back in a chair at the table. He gently lifted her hand admiringly, "You have a delicate touch Kalena-" following up with a formal kiss on the hand and whispering, "I hope to feel it again soon."

Rosalin stared back and forth between the two for a moment and realized, "Oh, a Vila. Of course. I should have seen it sooner.." She concluded.
Tasuke looks at Rosalin, "Very quick Deduction. Your friend here isn't very strong is he?" He wondered if the two were close, she didn't seemed phased that he was flirting back with Kalena, so she probably wasn't with with him.
Rosalin beamed at the compliment, and then answering, "Erm, he is not exactly the brightest crayon in the box,"

"Hey, that's not-" Colten protested but was swiftly cut off as Rosalin continued,

"However, his black magic skills are something to be admired. Probably his only advantage. But then again, he had an excellent teacher."

"Don't compliment yourself Rosy. It doesn't suit you. Besides, I leaned mostly on my own." Colten retaliated. "I have other qualities! One being my good looks, and another being good at mechanics, and so many others that I can't even remember right now. Damn, I am talented."

"And you say I shouldn't compliment myself?" Rosalin drawled.
Kalena loved the boy's reaction to her touch, the sounds he made were very enticing, not to mention the compliments he gave her. A part of her was already considering sleeping with him, just to enjoy and savour each response.

"Perhaps you shall" she purred softly, gently pulling her hand away, her eyes lingering on him for several moments before she looked away. her attention now on the girl who had identified her species. Few did, they weren't exactly many Vila out there as far as she knew. Kalena had actually never met another, they didn't date and there were only females as they were all human women once - not that they could recall that life.

"I have to agree with him on his good looks" Kalena smiled, her gaze returning to Colten. She was teasing him, seeing how he would respond.
Rosalin face-palmed at Kalena's compliment, "Why would you encourage him...?" she grumbled."

"Beautiful, soft hands, and great taste-" Colten cooed, letting his eyes glance at her breasts for a second. "Ohhhh yeahh." his inner voice thought before continuing, "Love, you really are the whole package."
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Kalena noticed his glance at her breasts, she didn't mind. In fact she rather enjoyed it when men admired her body, lusted over it even. She was used to the attention and she loved it, always using it to her advantage.

"Oh, sugar. You have no idea" Kalena smiled suggestively whilst absentmindedly playing with the collar of Tasuke's shirt that she was still wearing, toying with the buttons she had left undone.
Luna stared at his blushed cheeks for a few moments, before taking another step forward, finally pressing her thinned lips against his own, disregarding his comment/question. She was hungry, not for food, but for lust. It had been quite awhile since she last had any sexual oriantation, and with having a male before her, why wouldnt she react.
Valkyre said:
Kalena noticed his glance at her breasts, she didn't mind. In fact she rather enjoyed it when men admired her body, lusted over it even. She was used to the attention and she loved it, always using it to her advantage.
"Oh, sugar. You have no idea" Kalena smiled suggestively whilst absentmindedly playing with the collar of Tasuke's shirt that she was still wearing, toying with the buttons she had left undone.
Tasuke smiled at Rosalin before turning attention back to Kalena, "If you're thinking of having sex with him, I don't mind having a threesome." He added his own tease, he mainly wanted to see how Kalena would respond.

[QUOTE="Mashiro Shiina]Luna stared at his blushed cheeks for a few moments, before taking another step forward, finally pressing her thinned lips against his own, disregarding his comment/question. She was hungry, not for food, but for lust. It had been quite awhile since she last had any sexual oriantation, and with having a male before her, why wouldnt she react.

Toshiro was surpised, his eyes went wide, but then he relaxed and kissed her back. He kinda wanted this, she was basically his world at the moment. He placed both of his hands on either side of her face gently, deepening the kiss and pushes her back against the window.
Luna hadn't been left with the option to pull away, as always, which of course brought an entertained smile to play at her lips. She could feel herself being pushes back until she hit the windowsill, which only gave her the opportunity to settle down inside if it and wrap her legs around his waist whilst her arms went upward to drape around his neck.
...†Akira watched the classroom and soon sighed. He walked to the opposite side of the wall and stared out of the window, looking directly at the large courtyard. He spoke as he brown eyes focused on the trees that were slowly swaying from the breeze†...

" Are all classrooms like this..? "

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Toshiro was completely overtaken with lust, he broke the kiss and buried his head into her neck. He placed kisses in different parts of it, gradually getting lower until he reached her chest and he looked at her, his eyes gleaming, "Do you want this?"
"Why ask me?" Layka shrugged her shoulders. Sighing, Layla took her seat, allowing her utensils to be placed on the table before her, whilst she eventually shifted her gaze to look towards Akira. "Not like I would know."

Luna bit her bottom lip. For a few moments, she spaced out, enjoying the touch of his lips against her skin. She was brought back to reality once Toshiro stopped to speak. With a playful giggle, Luna brought his face up towards her own, pressing her lips firmly against his once more. Luna figured actions spoke louder than words, and with the increasing amount of intensity between them, she knew it would do the trick.
" It's just annoying, that is all. Every class I've been in has been like this, but then again, this is my third class I've actually attended. "

...†Akira sighed slightly as he sat in his chair that was positioned at the back, directly beside an open window. He stared blankly outside as a Hell butterfly flew out of the window and the gentle breeze caused the thin white curtains to blow inside the classroom slightly†...

Toshiro kisses back, he slides his tongue into her mouth and presses against her lips, his hands go below for a 'moment' and then they come back up, both his hands press against the window as he pushes his 'waist' against hers, letting out a little moan of pleasure beneath the kiss. I'll allow you to react to that and fade to black I guess, unless you're good with subtleness -wink-.
Layla groaned. She had to admit she was quite bored. Blowing her breath, Layla stood up abruptly from her seat and left the room. She found it pointless to be where she had promised to, considering she didn't want to be. Slightly rolling her irises, Layla settled yo rest just outside the door of the classroom, awaiting Akira to retreat from the state of boredom as well.
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