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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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(Sorry. My mother forced me to help her xD )

Layla tilted her head. "Do you? What am I not surprised?" She didn't budge, but simply released a small yawn before shifting her gaze towards the floor. It was a surprisingly comfortable spot, judging by the carpet. Contemplating his statement, Layla shrugged her shoulders. "Aren't all guys happy when a female does such?"
I wouldn't personally class sexual attraction as being an emotion but whatever lol)

"You poor thing! So you can't have fun?" Kalena pouted, she thought it horrible that someone couldn't enjoy life properly like she did. As far as she was concerned, enjoying oneself was the sole point of being alive. Kalena didn't particularly mind him being able to read her thoughts, providing he was honest with her. She didn't like liars one bit.

She glanced back at the teacher who promptly had to excuse himself, she sighed and rolled her eyes. Apparently she wasn't going to be learning anything today. Not that she went to lessons to learn. Socialising was far more important to her. That and attention, of which she was getting plenty.

"I wouldn't know. I'm not all men" Logan shrugged, as far as he was aware men generally had emotions. Although for some reason it was taboo to show any of the negative ones unless they were angry. "You should probably get some sleep, you know. Unlike some of us, you're not dead" he commented after a moments pause. Had he not fed, he'd probably be struggling to function too now that it was morning. @Mashiro Shiina
ChubbyPenguin said:
(Thinking of a way to jump in. O.o )
(((Come into the Math class xD Sexual attraction is basically chemicals within your brain telling you who's a suitable partner for intercourse, the same chemicals are also used to determine what emotions you feel. Akira's physically attracted to her, but not emotionally attracted xD )))

" Fun? I've experienced fun before, but my emotions just got in the way, so I discarded them. The negatives outweigh the positives. "

...†Akira sighed as he watched the teacher leave. He then spoke as he stood up, putting the books into his bag. He looked at the female as he finished his sentence†...

" Looks like class is over. How troublesome. Do we have the same class next? I have Science. "

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Jax looked up and watched the teacher as he left. He shrugged and was planning on returning to drawing the pattern on his desk, but it had disappeared. He frowned and started drawing a different pattern in midair using shadows. He was sort of glad that the teacher had left, it meant he could do whatever he wanted without getting in trouble.
Layla shook her head. "If I sleep, you'll leave, right?" Layla took a moment, before poking at the hand of which he had placed on her cheek just moments earlier. "You're the only one I can talk to. Or rather, you know." Giggling quietly to herself, she rolled her eyes playfully. Even so, she was more focused on the fact that she didn't want to be alone just yet. Until she was interrupted by the ringing of the school bell. Shifting her gaze to the window, Layla raised her brow. "Class?"
(MUAHAHAHAHAHA! > :D ) Jax's shadows faded away and he stood up, his class schedule appearing in his hand as he walked out of the classroom. He was a bit angry that he had to actually try and find his next class. If it wasnt for that fight that he had started earlier the bottom half of his schedule wouldnt have caught fire and burnt away.
Yuki walked from the office with a small grin plastered on his face. It was nice to be away from home finally. Most of his belongings were already put into the dorm room assigned to him, so, he didn't worry too much about finding the room. Instead, Yuki focused on finding his classes for now, starting with the first one: math.

The bag containing the rest of his things was slung over his shoulder, rustling quietly with each step he took. Using the map he grabbed from the office, Yuki found the class pretty easily. However, when he peeked his head inside, the teacher was no where to be seen. A soft sigh left his lips as two fingers pushed the big glasses on his face back into place before they could fall.

"Nevermind then," Yuki said to himself whilst removing his head from the doorway. He looked down at the schedule in his right hand for the next class he needed to find: history.
"I don't know, I tried getting a timetable once but the guy at the office was too busy declaring his love for me. He was having a bad day, I think his wife had just filed for divorce" Kalena shrugged, then shook her head. This was getting depressing and that wouldn't do at all. She wanted to have some fun, of course she had the entire room of men to choose from if she wanted that kind of fun but for now she just felt like flirting and teasing.

"So sure, Science sounds fun" she shrugged, wondering if that teacher was male. She wasn't entirely sure if she wanted them to be or not. She could literally get away with murder if they were, but class almost always fell apart.

Kalena stood up, tugging the hem of her skirt down a tad, it having ridden up slightly. She was already showing enough off without showing more. She'd only get told off by some stuck up prude woman, even though her species generally walked around naked.
Jax sighed, setting the rest of his schedule on fire and letting it burn to ashes. Oddly enough the fire alarms had beem removed last week, but he knew why, it was partially his fault. He walked to the front office and got another copy of his schedule before starting to walk to his next class, history.
Logan chuckled "I don't have to leave" he pointed out, it didn't bother him if she slept and he stayed. He was sure she was just as attractive when asleep as she was when awake. he was mildly amused by her surprise at the school bell.

"I believe they generally start in the mornings" he smirked, teasing her softly. He didn't mind bunking off in the slightest, especially not with Layla
" I see. What class are you in? It says at the top of this little sheet that I'm in 2b, so if you're in the same class, we'll have the same timetable. "

...†Akira spoke as he began walking out of the class. He wore a standard white shirt and black trousers, as those were his favorite combination†...
Kalena followed Akira, much to the disappointment of the other males in the class, easily keeping up with him. She flicker her red hair over one shoulder, her fingertips trailing down along her curves before settling on her waist.

"2b sounds vaguely familiar? I really don't know, I've always just turned up to random classes when I feel like it" Kalena admitted, if the teacher was male they never objected unless they were gay. Female teachers would generally kick her out if she was in the wrong class, although leaving often caused a lot of guys to follow her out.

"What sort of science is it anyway? Is it the fun kind with lab coats and fire or the boring writing things kind?" she asked
"History, hm?" Yuki eyed the paper in his hand for a moment before pushing it back behind the map. Unknowingly he bit his tongue as he began to walk in the directions provided, not really paying attention to where he was stepping, but rather where he was heading.
" Dunno. Math was my first ever class that I've attended. I already know everything that this school teaches, so I generally stayed away. However I decided to return and actually attend classes. It got boring being alone and wandering the streets. "

...†Akira continued walking, putting the timetable in his pocket. He soon came to a stop just outside of a class room labeled 'Physics'. Akira entered, noticing they were the first ones to arrive. He spoke as he saw white lab coats slumped over the various chairs and beakers on the tables†...

" It looks like it's the
'fun' kind. I never did catch your name, by the way.. "


"Most people don't" Kalena replied and brushed past him into the classroom. She helped herself to a lab coat which she draped over her shoulders, not bothering to do it up, swiftly arranging her hair to fall over it freely. With a smile she turned to look back at Akira.

"How do I look then, mister emotionless?" Kalena asked, hopping up so that she was sitting elegantly on the nearest table. She knew she looked attractive, that was a given with her species, but she enjoyed other people's reactions.
Jax walks into history class and punches the teacher in the face because he had spaced out. The teacher snapped out of it and thanked Jax. Jax was the first person in the classroom.
" Good, I suppose. The coat suits you. "

...†Akira spoke as his expression remained unchanged. He walked into the class room and sat on the table that was closer to the window. He pulled out another book, this time it was about the second World War. He quietly began reading, slowly reaching the end of the book in mere minutes. He sighed as he then spoke while looking at at the female†...

" You never gave me your name, you know.. "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c16db3346_hei-animestockscom-007.jpg.49b21c246a369a55790b38fe4ed8c209.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41049" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c16db3346_hei-animestockscom-007.jpg.49b21c246a369a55790b38fe4ed8c209.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Kalena smiled at the compliment, it was hardly the best she'd heard but it was one not based on her Allure for once. That made a nice change, although she was sure she'd quickly tire of it.

"You didn't give me yours either, mister" Kalena replied teasingly, glancing over her shoulder at him.
" My name is Akira Fukushima. And yours? "

...†Akira replied as he looked at her. He hadn't really felt anything when he looked at her, so he could on say the first thing that came to his min. Upon closer inspection, he did think the coat suited her. But then again, lab coats suited pretty much anyone under the right circumstances†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c16db6ca7_hei-animestockscom-051.jpg.51330131b3c06929a198e820d9b0dadc.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41050" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c16db6ca7_hei-animestockscom-051.jpg.51330131b3c06929a198e820d9b0dadc.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Yuki entered the class once he made it there and went straight to the teacher. After talking with him about the class he took a seat near the door and waited quietly.
"Kalena Cicero" Kalena told him after a moments consideration. She heard the door open but ignored it, although she felt the eyes on her. A male classmate had frozen in the doorway as he caught sight of her. She should probably spend more time in school so that her Allure had a less shocking effect to the poor dears.
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