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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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((( xD )))

...†Akira soon found himself within a strange place. Darkness was swirling past him, attempting to drag him backwards. The only image that was shown was Layla curled up in a ball. Akira attempted to push against the Darkness that seemed to be dragging him back to what felt like his soul†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c16c0d776_hei-animestockscom-094.jpg.c99cd58f8eecadb2c987409b318799fe.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40994" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/57a8c16c0d776_hei-animestockscom-094.jpg.c99cd58f8eecadb2c987409b318799fe.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

...†He was soon dragged back, causing Akira to jerk up, a sharp pain shot through his body as he looked down, noticing bandages and plasters on his body. He examined his surroundings as he soon spoke†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_md19jx4wI51ruf6qeo1_500.gif.6836e822786bea2bb757ec28535ec1a4.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40995" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_md19jx4wI51ruf6qeo1_500.gif.6836e822786bea2bb757ec28535ec1a4.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

" Where.. am I? "

??: "You're in your house, Akira."

...†A familiar, female voice rang out to him. Akira looked over, soon seeing the origin of the voice†...

" Lucifer..? "

Lucifer: "You must rest, my lord. Your wounds haven't healed."

" Just leave me be. I wanted to die. "

Lucifer: "Well tough shit. I saved you. Therefore, you should quit your bitching and rest. I can only be here for fifteen more seconds before my power runs out and I am returned to Ente Isla, you're lucky I healed you and remove that stupid curse from your emotion sealing. Don't worry, the seal remains in tact. Now, is there anything I should tell the Demons back home?"

" Well that's sure convenient.. Tell them to never give up. "

Lucifer: "I'll tell them you want them to remain calm, instead."

...Lucifer soon disappeared, leaving Akira alone...

" Good riddance. "

... †Akira soon stood up and took the bandages off, noticing he had been, for the majority, healed. He slowly wandered over the bathroom and got into shower, soon coming out and getting dressed. He walked out of his apartment and over to the restaurant across the street. Once there, he began ordering food. Once he had finished eating, he placed the money on the table and left, leaving multiple stacks of bowls stacked on top of each other on the table. As he left, two customers watched him†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_mv784l7Iuj1qmkuhfo1_500.gif.1c126cbc8fbad031b68f5eb2d5f8ea3c.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="40996" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/tumblr_mv784l7Iuj1qmkuhfo1_500.gif.1c126cbc8fbad031b68f5eb2d5f8ea3c.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Layla just barely moved, using her powerless to open the door without any movement of her position. Curling up into a tighter ball, Layla grumbled for him to enter. She didn't budge in the least, hoping he would simply already know to close the door behind himself. Her head was throbbing, and she didn't feel like even looking at anything.

Logan silently walked into the room and closed the door behind him. He walked over and crouched beside Layla, watching her for a moment as he dismissed the idea of pretending to care.

"I'm going to take a wild guess. That didn't go so well then, huh?" he asked, his voice lacking emotion but he suppressed his usual coldness. "Is he really worth your tears? No offense but Akira's pretty over-bearing" not to mention insane Logan added in the relative privacy of his mind.
Shade had finally found his dorm room after spending several hours wandering aimlessly down some hallways. He took the chain off his neck that had his room key on it and unlocked the door before entering. He was very content with the layout as he'd never had such a room or the contents to himself before. He quickly realized how quiet it was though. As used to silence as he was, Shade really wanted to make some kind of a friend here. He'd made acquaintances to say the very least, but he still was struggling to do anything more than that. Sighing and running a hand through his hair, Shade exited his room before locking the door again. He leaned against the wall by his room with his hands in his pockets and his wings tucked neatly against his back, as he wondered what to do next.
Layla slowly sat up. Her tears were gone, only blood being stained on her neck and cheek. She slowly averted her blank gaze towards him, before rolling over and laying on her stomach. Eventually, she raised herself to her hands and knees, slowly crawling towards him. "Logan. Am I a bad person?" Layla tilted her head too the side. Although she had finally spoke, she felt silenced. As if nobody could hear her. Layla silently rested her head on his sqjatted knees, fixating her gaze up towards him.

(Yuu is alone in the city, settling outside the door of a small door. So she's free for whoever gets to her first.)
Shade soon decided that perhaps getting away from the school for now would be a good idea. In fact, it might not hurt to leave the school grounds in general. He hadn't made much of a first impression here and perhaps, he could get a well-needed break in the city limits. Shade exited the school and spread his bat wings before taking a small running start and jumping into the air. Flying up into the clouds, Shade soon caught sight of the city below him. Knowing that he'd terrify any humans who saw him, Shade landed just outside of the city and tucked his wings tightly against his back as well as putting his hands in his pockets before entering. He was going to need to get some kind of windbreaker or something soon in order to better hide his wings from prying eyes.
...†Akira continued walking around the city, unsure of what he would do now. He had already said goodbye, yet he didn't die like he planned. So now he had no purpose. He soon overheard two males talking about going to a bar, so Akira followed them. He heard them talk about beer. He had no idea what it tasted like, so he went to try it†...
Logan had to wonder if she was teasing him on purpose or not as she crawled towards him. Especially when she then rested her head on his knee and looked up at him like that. Without giving it any thought, he found himself absentmindedly stroking her hair with his cool fingertips as he looked down at her. He considered her question, knowing by now that she wouldn't appreciate a lie even if it was a white one.

"Perhaps. My moral compass is rather broken but unless I'm reading you wrong, you feel guilt and regret when your actions harm others. Bad people don't do that" Logan replied, completely aware that this definition placed him in the category of being a bad person.
"So not bad?" Layla didn't mind him stroking at her hair in the least at all. She simply enjoyed the fact he didn't attempt to lie to her this go round. With a small, somewhat forced smile, Layla tilted he'd head to the side, pressing her cheek against his hand. "Thank you. You know, your definition of later is funny."
"Not bad" Logan nodded, then chuckled at her complaint of his earliness.

"Later: subsequently, afterwards. You should have been more specific in your timescale" Logan replied with a small smile as he cupped her cheek in his hand, his thumb brushing softly against her skin in slow lazy motions. "I can leave and come back if you'd prefer" he offered softly as he gazed down at her.
((( Not really, Akira has -Changed my mind, not gonna ruin it- severed his emotions, which, if my plan goes accordingly -Ooh, Aizen-san moment-, Layla and Logan will understand why xD Y'know, Akira isn't actually un-stable or insane, he's just haunted by his past and well, you'll find out soon about the rest. xD )))

...†Akira decided not to go the the bar and to go to another restaurant, as he was still hungry. He decided it was time to come clean. He simply sent out a telepathic message to both Layla and Logan. Akira's voice wasn't identifiable. Along with the message, he sent the location of a restaurant†...

" Come to this place and everything will be made clear about me. "

...†Akira sat in the restaurant, waiting to see if they would show up†...


@Mashiro Shiina @Valkyre
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sorry notifs being a jerk won'tupdate me on this. tag me when you want me i will just be dancing in my dorm to all songs that are girly
Layla shook her head. "No. Stay." Layla enjoyed his company in some manner. She took a moment to allow a small giggle to escape her lips before speaking again. "Is that the correct meaning?" Layla was awaiting his response until she was interrupted by a thought crossing her mind of which wasn't her own. Aje said nothing of the matter , and simply waited.
@Mashiro Shiina (Yuu)

Shade continued deeper into the city and then spotted a closed clothing shop. He flew to the top of the fire escape on the building and found a window that had been left open, which he promptly climbed through. He went down to the first floor without a sign of any humans and searched through the clothing racks until he was content to have found a black leather jacket. He carried it back outside before he flew off the fire escape and back down to the street. He then quickly put on his leather jacket and was content to find that it hid his wings from prying eyes. Stuffing his hands in his jacket's pockets, Shade continued walking down the street until he paused as he looked across the street and recognized the girl he'd met before. The one whose name he struggled to pronounce.
Logan smirked and nodded, he was fairly certain that was the correct meaning. He was about to say something else when Akira's voice invaded his mind. He looked at Layla who hadn't reacted. Was the message only to him then? Logan didn't feel any particular desire to go and see Akira anywhere, he couldn't help thinking that the Demon harbored some homicidal feelings towards him. That sort of thing wasn't much appreciated by Logan. Do I have to wear sign saying I don't eat food? Logan mused silently, everyone seemed to spend their time offering him food or wanting him to go to cafeterias and restaurants.
" Logan. It is simply to talk. Not for food. If you can, bring Layla. "

...†Akira spoke within Logan's mind, he was bored waiting for the both of them†...
Yuu blinked. She hasn't shifted her gaze in the slightest and silently shifted her feet. She had simply been sitting there for a few hours or so, having no reason to !move in the slightest. (Sorry its short xD )

Layla blinked, watching Logan. She was wondering why he went silent. Of course, there was the possibility Logan had received the same message she had. Blowing her breath, Layla allowed her eyelids to enclose her irises, remaining silent in patience.
@Mashiro Shiina

Shade checked to make sure no traffic was incoming before he crossed the street to the girl's side. He looked down at her and cocked his head before saying quietly, "Eucli...ah, sorry. I still struggle to say pronounce your name..." He trailed off as he now felt awkward for having mispronounced the girl's name. He mentally face palmed at this, but decided against physically face palming.
(Hey guys long time no see, haven't been on for awhile but I might be back now)

I was walking to school hoping nothing has changed since I have been gone for a long time. My wings were wrapped around my body, being warm-blooded was never a good thing. People said that dragons can't die from cold temperature well I can prove them that some dragons can, like me for an example, if I get to cold I will fall asleep and possibly die. I open the doors to the school and I walk inside, I also unwrapped my wings and spread them out a bit before folding them back. I walk towards the music room but I sit outside and then a guitar appeared made out of plasma or energy by what others say. I start to play the guitar and it sounded amazing nonetheless.
...†While Akira waited, he decided to order some food. Soon after, the waitress came to his table with all that he ordered and placed it onto the table. Akira began eating quickly, figuring no one was going to show up. He guessed this may happen, so he didn't speak to them telepathically again and dropped the message while he continued to eat†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/1588717-20702___darker_than_black_eating_food_gif_hei_solo.gif.35c0871bb32fd075fd801ea598c3decc.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="41002" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/1588717-20702___darker_than_black_eating_food_gif_hei_solo.gif.35c0871bb32fd075fd801ea598c3decc.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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