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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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|| it is if you are busy. ||

Soren ignored Cerin and sat on one of the benches outside to wait on the other two. It had been a long travel to get back here, and now that he was here he just wanted to watch everything. "But that is boring..." he muttered to himself, letting his head rest against the back of the bench while he slid lower. Violet eyes were fixated on the sky, their gaze unwavering even as light hit them. "why did I come back?"
LunaCrosby said:
(Story i missed a lot had a bunch of crap to do)
((( It's all good. It's the lunch break right now and Akira is in the cafeteria if you want to talk to him? )))
Yuki looked up as the Teacher reacted, and looked around the room for the person who threw it. It was hard to tell seeing as many of the students were mad at the teacher, But he took a guess at the one who said something. though it called for little effort to stick up for the adult, Yuki was also upset that he had spent his time daydreaming. So, he decided to leave it be. When the bell rang for the class to end, Yuki picked his bag back up from the ground and left the room. a free hand came up and pushed blonde bangs from obstructing his view, and proceeded to walk outside. It was apparently time for people to eat, But he had already eaten before getting to the school and didn't wish to be in such a crowded space. Instead, he ventured out to the courtyard and sat on the steps to wait out the Lunch break.
Luna briskly walked into the lunchroom and looked for a place to sit, she sees the boy she saw on the roof and decides to sit next to him figuring hed have no problem with of.
Tasuke got off his chair and walked over to the desk, picking up his book from it's surface, not even glancing at the Teacher before swiftly leaving. He decided the follow the blonde boy to the courtyard, when he sits down, Tasuke throws the book at the back of Yuki's head with a smirk on his face.

You're such a downer sometimes. Stoppp. @SorenDarrah ))

"That's a good question~ why did you come back?" Vex had appeared next to his brother, Soren, with a poke to his face. He rested his elbow onto the bench's back and propped his chin onto his wrist. "Was it because you missed us~?"
I'm fine I just need pain now and then - he sots down on his bed his bones showing through his hand and stomach he puts his face in his hands biting his hand - don't worry about me Zoey
...†Akira covered his mouth as he spoke, not being quite done with what he was eating†...

" Hello there. It's nice to see you again. I didn't catch your name before. I'm Akira. "
Soren shifted his gaze to Vex from the corner of his eye, not bothering to look at him completely as he muttered,"I hate you." he crossed his arms along his chest loosely and continued to wait.
Yuki blinked when something hit his head, causing his glasses to fall from his face. He turned to look at the attacker as he rubbed his head, "what's your problem?"
" dont bite your self please " she says taking his hand kissing it before laying on the other side of the bed her hand on her back she the knot got harder she looked at her tiny bump and smiled

(literally my life right there, getting stressed and getting a knot in my back )
Tasuke let out a little laugh, before walking over to Yuki. Looking down Tasuke's red eyes shone down at him.

"The back of your head was asking for it."
@Mashiro Shiina

Shade blushed slightly at the girl's laughter and then asked her, "Would you mind if I called you, Yuu? I have a hard enough time pronouncing your name as it is..." He looked down at his feet after saying this and lightly kicked one of his feet around with his hands in his jacket's pockets. He still felt a bit bad that he couldn't pronounce the Yuu's name properly, but at least she didn't seem too concerned about it.
"I love you, too~" Vex smirked, and propped his head fully against his arms. He was restless, not wanting to sit still for anything or anyone. "Cerin should be out with a snack or two in a minute."

Cerin stepped out of the the lunch room holding a small bag in his hands. It contained he and Vex's snack. He was about to walk to his brothers when he noticed what happened on the steps. A puff of smoke emitted as he stepped behind the teen with a god complex and kicked him in the butt. This would possibly knock him down the stairs, over the blonde, depending on the strangers reactions. "I'm sorry, your ass was asking for it."

@SorenDarrah @ChubbyPenguin @LonelyAssassin
Yuu slowly nodded her head. She didn't mind in the least. He see!d odd, and brought curiosity to her heart. That would be a problem. Immediately, Yuu's gaze went blank once again. Slowly, she wrote a message on her notepad, before revealing its contents. Although, this time, it took multiple pages, thus she flipped the page every few seconds. 'Don't do that' Yuu then flipped the page. 'ever again.' Yuu flipped the page once again. 'It brings bad.'
LT Stands Up and Looks around and the Guitar vanishes from his hands, He Played for a while But gave up after awhile. He walks to the cafeteria and Walked over to the Lunch line and grabs some food. He then walked over to one of the empty tables and sat down, He wanted to be alone for the most part. LT Looked at his arms and tried to cover up a New scar that was newly healed up from him Accidentally Getting his arm Cut with a shard of Glass from him trying to fix one of his windows that Broke some how in a strange way. He Grabbed one of his Steaks And comped down on the piece of meat, He Ate the Whole steak Pretty fast.
Jax appears on the roof of the school, decidin to wait out the lunchbreak there. He sees Elizabeth and walks over to her, mumbling under his breath, "I have to do this, it's for your own good."
Soren was just going to ignore Vex when he heard Cerin's voice coming from the stairs. a brow raised as he watched the white-haired teen. "did you piss him off or something? he's been a little out of character today.."
He bites his other hand more scars appearing on him he stops biting his hand gets up walks to the bathroom grabbing the bag of blood drinking it getting stronger all of his scars disappearing and he finishes the whole thing quickly throwing the bag away cleaning his teeth with his tongue as he lays next to you - I love you
Tasuke spins around, his left palm clashing with Cerin's foot. His eyes dart around, looking all over Cerin, then his mouth curls up becomes a smirk once more.

"Ow." He said, removing his hand from the foot, shaking the pain away, "That hurt."
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