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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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"Interesting...I'll see you in class, Elizabeth." Tako said, walking away to his class. On his way, he continued to play with his hair and ponder about class and the thought of hopefully making a new friend. Only a few more minutes till class, but Tako knew he could make it in time.
Elizabeth sighs, checking her watch again. Two minutes, odd, she was starting to think that being stuck in limbo was messing with her sense of time. She shrugged, focusing instead on trying not to fall asleep.
Valkyre said:
"Nothing is wrong. I'm merely surprised that someone from my previous school is contacting me" Logan said quite honestly as he considered the text message. Why would she contact me? Logan thought to himself, not experiencing emotions himself it was difficult to understand why she would do something so stupid. His phone vibrated in his hand as another message popped up.
Shade was now curious about this and asked Logan, "Who's contacting you? A previous friend?" He was tempted to read the messages on Logan's phone, but knew that would be invading his privacy so he instead sat still while waiting for a response from Logan. Shade had never had a phone before, primarily because he used to not have hands so he couldn't use one anyway.
Logan supposed Emily could be considered a friend or at least she had thought he was. "Sort of. She was my primary Donor at my last school" Logan shrugged, still staring at the messages. He had no idea if he should reply or not. She'd been rid of him, rid of his manipulations and his lies. Did she really still not see that she had just been his prey? The decent thing to do would be to forget all about her and yet... the temptation was there to reel her back in.
Shade blinked at this and said, "So...she was your prey." Rolling his eyes, Shade added, "I bet y'all were like two peas in a pod." Shade couldn't understand how a relationship like that would work. He could never befriend someone only to take advantage of them. He didn't see relationships that way and hated the idea of just being useful to someone. There was supposed to be more than that to relationships. Then again, Shade was so introverted that he'd never had the chance to have a relationship like that. 'Oh well, one can dream, I suppose,' he thought to himself.
hayden walks around the halls"crap! im lost . " hayden walks around and walks flat into a girl so hayden jumps back then places a hand on her shoulder "hey are you ok"
Sixxx said:
Zoey falls asleep with her face on her chest her wings relaxed and spread out behind her sleeping deeply
blue opens the door wincing " hi" she groans her head pounding she looks up at him with red, bloodshot eyes

(@Han Alister & @motoemo )
- he wakes up from a nightmare and smiles then sees you and looks at you happily as his wings go back into his back he kisses the top of your forehead tying not to wake you -

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"She enjoyed my company and willingly gave her consent to be my Donor" Logan replied and shrugged. "No vampire can afford to turn down free blood, not unless they want a massacre on their hands. I certainly don't want that, it has never been my intention to take anyone's life" Logan was being truthful as he spoke. It was starting to become a bad habit, he should definitely stop doing that. He switched off his phone and stuffed it back in his pocket, he'd decide what to do about Emily later.
He giggles slightly and hugs you - your so cute in your sleep - he says happy he says it when she is asleep
Valkyre said:
"She enjoyed my company and willingly gave her consent to be my Donor" Logan replied and shrugged. "No vampire can afford to turn down free blood, not unless they want a massacre on their hands. I certainly don't want that, it has never been my intention to take anyone's life" Logan was being truthful as he spoke. It was starting to become a bad habit, he should definitely stop doing that. He switched off his phone and stuffed it back in his pocket, he'd decide what to do about Emily later.
Shade shrugged at this and said, "Well, good for you to not want to kill people. It doesn't seem like that ideal crosses many other minds here." Shade had never been in the position before to take anyone's life, but he'd had plenty of scuffles in his past. Usually he'd just show his true form and then people would run away from him in fear. This was the first place he'd been to where showing his true form might not scare people away. Then again, his true form was designed to harm demons and magical beings so people could still very well be afraid of him. Sighing, Shade guessed he didn't really have anywhere that he could show his true form and be liked for it.
Lilly walks around the school pale with red eyes as she doesn't pay attention going up to the top floor then back to the bottom. She sighs and tries screaming but no sound is made. She plops down on a bench in the hallway. She looks at her school supplies then throws them against the wall as the supplies go all over the floor braking in random spots. Her eyes tear up thinking ' Why can't I just have some friends '. She lays on the bench and just looks at the ceiling not falling asleep but closes her eyes and thinks.
Tako, still walking to class, slowly walks by and noticed Lilly, along with what she just did."U-uh...are you okay..?" Tako said nervously, wrapping his tentacle arms together. It looked like she was upset, and he didn't want to make the situation any worse. Perhaps he should just walk off? No, that'd be rude of a gentleman.
"I don't see the point in killing, it's a waste of life. I pity those that don't see value in it" Logan shrugged, leaning back so that he was propped up on his elbows. "If nothing else, why destroy a perfectly good source of sustenance? And if you aren't defending yourself or need to feed then there's no excuse" Logan blamed himself for what happened at his last school, even though he didn't care. He still blamed himself for the wasted life. @Lioness075
She shook her head no and opens her bright red eyes and plants her feet to the ground as she sighs grabbing a piece of paper from the ground and a pencil and writes ' my brother left with a girl and left my soul in a body I can't talk or do anything in.' She looks back up at you and smiles a little then scoots over and shrugs as if to say ' you can sit if you want'
(It's me, Han alister. I forgot my password for my other account so I made a new one xD )

Han sat down on his couch. He sighed and wondered where Elizabeth went. "She disappears more often than I do." He chuckled to himself and lied down, staring at the ceiling. He began to think about how he was going to train Blue with a knife.

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Zoey curls up closer to him she woke up slightly and smiled making a small sleepy moan , hugging him a bit graping at his shirt
Valkyre said:
"I don't see the point in killing, it's a waste of life. I pity those that don't see value in it" Logan shrugged, leaning back so that he was propped up on his elbows. "If nothing else, why destroy a perfectly good source of sustenance? And if you aren't defending yourself or need to feed then there's no excuse" Logan blamed himself for what happened at his last school, even though he didn't care. He still blamed himself for the wasted life. @Lioness075
Shade nodded in agreement and then said, "For a vampire who majorly lacks in feelings, you're surprisingly really good on the inside." Muttering under his breath, Shade added, "Perhaps you do have some feelings hidden under that tough exterior of yours." Shade wondered if it was possible to have feelings, but not know you actually have them. Can someone suppress their feelings so much so as to forget they even exist? It seemed that in this world, anything was possible to Shade.
Tako had a shocked look on his face and slowly sat down next to the girl. "What horrible news! How do you communicate with others then..?" Tako asked, giving a curious look to her.
Blue wakes up from her nap and smiles her head didnt hurt , she tryied to use her power and it worked flawlessly
"Vampires don't have feelings, we're born dead. I don't think that's an excuse to make others to be as dead as we feel" Logan said, firmly believing that all other vampires were like him. He had no idea that this wasn't the case and that he was, for the most part, alone in his void. Lying hadn't been getting him anywhere, Shade had clearly seen through it and so continuing to lie would not benefit him. At least in the case of the bat guy.
I use pen and paper' she writes on the paper as she looks into your eyes a little confused then writes ' do you know how to help me? '

Kevin: hey sleepy head! - he giggles and smiles cutely looking into your eyes -
"No, I'm...not sure. Sounds like you got a tough case on your hands, but I'm willing to help!" Tako said, with a determined look in his eyes. "I never caught your name...my name is Tako" Tako said, extending his tentacle arm. He was nervous as to what she would think of him being half squid, but I'm sure she noticed at this point, his tentacle legs revealing as he was walking to class. If he was going to work together with her and possibly be a friend, she'd need to accept him for who he is.
- she smiled and wrote 'my name is Lilly' she sort of giggled and hugged him then wrote ' i like hugs ' and smiled
Tako blushed and returned the hug, one of his first hugs ever since he last saw his parents back in Atlantis. "N-nice to meet you, Lilly" He said, smiling as well. "I can help out as much as I can! But first..where do we start?" Tako asked, scratching his head.
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