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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Shade exited the school, entering the courtyard as he wondered here Logan had run off to. Shade still didn't feel comfortable around anyone here, but Logan was probably the only one that he felt remotely comfortable around. Shade sat down on some rubble in the courtyard and let his bat wings hang loose behind his body. He sighed and rested his head on one of his hands, his elbow against one of his knees. Now that he thought about it, Shade had no idea what his class schedule was or if there even was one. Did anyone go to classes here?
Saruwatari is in the courtyard he looks over and sees shade. He looks at him for a secound then goes back to lookin gnome at the sky.
Logan had been running around the courtyard the whole time, he had gotten bored of visible speeds with Zero and decided to go at full Vampiric pelt. Soon though, that got boring too and Logan stopped just behind Shade deciding he might as well have a break - even though he had yet to break a sweat.

"You've got arms" Logan raised an eyebrow as he moved around and sat next to Shade. The last he'd seen the guy, his wings had still been attached to his arms. It looked like a functional improvement in all honesty, still what did he know? @PixelScoreMC @Lioness075
Luna blew her breath, growing entirely bored. All her fun had been stripped from her after her order to kill someone who was once a friend. Sighing to herself, Luna ran her fingers through her hair. Perhaps if she positioned herself to look as Layla, she could have her fun. Taking a moment to contemplate her decision, Luna sauntered about the courtyard with her bare feet.

(So. Because I'm bored, I shall make my own drama xD )
Youuuuuuu) saruwatari sees luna/layla remembering when he was being emotional and made a stupid idea about being loyal to her or something.
/((( TOMOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO the rp what role do you want . there is co-gm avialible but if wild born comes she auto gets. she is my best furrend))
Valkyre said:
Logan had been running around the courtyard the whole time, he had gotten bored of visible speeds with Zero and decided to go at full Vampiric pelt. Soon though, that got boring too and Logan stopped just behind Shade deciding he might as well have a break - even though he had yet to break a sweat.
"You've got arms" Logan raised an eyebrow as he moved around and sat next to Shade. The last he'd seen the guy, his wings had still been attached to his arms. It looked like a functional improvement in all honesty, still what did he know?
Shade lifted his head from his hand and looked over at Logan with a calm composure as he replied, "Akira taught me a thing or two." Looking down at one of his hands, Shade flipped it over as he looked at both the palm and the back of his hand. Now that he thought about it, he had no idea how to write since he'd never had functional hands before. Sighing, Shade put his hand back down as he looked back up at Logan, his bat wings hanging loosely behind him.
"He didn't ask for anything in return?" Logan asked, he wasn't sure what to make of Akira. Perhaps he was merely prejudiced against Demons but he was weary of the guy. Plus he'd proven himself to get insanely angry over very little provocation. He looked at Shade, considering the boy as he sighed. "What's bothering you?" he asked.
Tako wanders about the courtyard, figuring out exactly what his next class is. Confused, he simply sits down some place close in the courtyard and hopes someone will have the same class with him so he could just follow them, maybe make a friend or two. He simply plays with his hair as time passes, a nasty habit of his.
Shade instantly hid his thoughts as he shrugged and said, "No, he didn't ask for anything in return. As for what's wrong, this human form is just...new to me." It felt extremely awkward to him for his wings to be on his back now. It also was new for him to control his wings as the muscles were previously attached to his arms, but now they were separate and on his back. This meant that he now had new muscles to exercise and so flying would be something he'd have to practice now.
Helpful Demons The thought just didn't sit right with Logan. It was like vampires that claimed that they'd found a way of living without the bloodlust. Just a lie in a vain attempt to get better PR.

Logan nodded "I'm sure you'll get used to it soon enough. I mean it's a good different right?" he shrugged, he was about to say something else when his phone vibrated in his pocket. Logan pulled his phone out and swiped across the screen, staring at it in disbelief.

I miss you :(
Shade saw Logan's look of disbelief and cocked his head to the side as he asked him, "What's wrong?" Sighting the phone, Shade wondered who'd contacted him. Who could've upset the vampire so easily? Considering his major lack of feelings and emotions, Shade was surprised he was even showing as much emotion as he was currently.
Elizabeth yawns, waking up from her nap right as the bell rings to go to the next class. She walks outside to the courtyard and sits down on a bench, deciding to wait there for a little while, she had about five minutes before the next bell rang and she would be considered late.
Tako just so happened to be sitting next to Elizabeth and heard the bell ring. "Excuse me...do you know what the next class is?" Tako asked kindly, giving a stern look in her eye.
Elizabeth nodded. "Yeah, World History." She says calmly, staring up at the clouds. She hated being in class, she didn't like having to listen to the teachers drone on and on about simple topics.
"I see...I would've been in trouble if it wasn't for you, thank you." Tako extended his hand/tentacle, but quickly swiped it back and chuckled, "You probably don't wanna shake that. My name is Tako" he said, smiling.
Elizabeth smiles. "Nice to meet you Tako, My name is Elizabeth." She says before quickly checking her watch. There was three minutes left till the next bell, which was plenty of time for her, even though the classroom was on the other side of the school.
"Nothing is wrong. I'm merely surprised that someone from my previous school is contacting me" Logan said quite honestly as he considered the text message. Why would she contact me? Logan thought to himself, not experiencing emotions himself it was difficult to understand why she would do something so stupid. His phone vibrated in his hand as another message popped up.

I miss you :(
It wasn't your fault. None of us knew
"I'd better get going to class, it is on the other side of the school afterall" Tako said, getting up. "Aren't you going to walk to class also?" Tako questioned.
Elizabeth shrugs. "No need for me to head off to class at the moment, I could make it there in less than five seconds if I needed to." She says, returning to staring up at the clouds.
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