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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Han sat against the wall of Blue's cabin. Electricity crackled around his arm just for the heck of it. "Maybe I should have seen what's up." He muttered before shaking his head. "No. Mortals are dumb. Every last one of them." He sighed and closed his eyes. He made the white rose, wherever it was, burn into a pile of ash.
" I should go and see Layla, however I'm extremely tired. I guess I will check up on her after I awaken. "

...†Akira then went to bed, falling asleep for around an hour. He then woke up and stretched soon after, he went into a shower and got washed. Once he got out and was dry, he changed his clothes. He then disappeared in a small wisp of black smoke, reappearing on top of one of the school buildings. Due to his power leaking out, the sky turned a dark red color. He closed his eyes and focused on Layla's power and then spoke as he reopened his eyes†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/7684716611a12831727815l_zpsc563666f.jpg.7599f500e78bd1fc37358b6c602bac2d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39908" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/7684716611a12831727815l_zpsc563666f.jpg.7599f500e78bd1fc37358b6c602bac2d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

" There she is. "

...†Akira disappeared, reappearing in a wisp of black smoke in the hallway where Layla and the two males were. He then looked over to them all and spoke in a slightly more demonic tone than his last form as he leaned against the wall and folded his arms†...

" Hello, Layla. It's Akira, by the way. The whole transformation thing happened again, it's a real pain in the ass. Sorry about having to leave earlier, there was an anomaly in Hell, then I got dragged into a pointless pissing contest with this dimension's Devil. After that I gave some advice to someone who had attempted to infiltrate Heaven. So again, I apologize for leaving you earlier. On another note, who're these guys? They don't look familiar, nor do their energies feel familiar. Are they new here? "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/7684716611a12707395907l_zpsb0704d25.jpg.abdfee4f92d54afeb483573e02758ac7.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39911" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/7684716611a12707395907l_zpsb0704d25.jpg.abdfee4f92d54afeb483573e02758ac7.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


@The Dark Princess @Valkyre @Lioness075



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Shade felt an instant mix of feelings wash over him at the presence of this new man. He didn't say a word, but after hearing what the man said and taking in his appearance, Shade already didn't feel keen to get to know this man at all.
Logan turned his gaze to the male leaning against the wall, giving him a subtle once over before bowing his head slightly. Unlike Shade, Logan felt no unease regarding Akira although he probably should have. Instead he merely decided it was best not to rub him up the wrong way, that was his go to plan for everyone at the present moment. Logan wasn't one to shy away and so approached the man, stopping just short of him.

"Your observation is correct, we're both new blood" Logan smiled slightly, he seemed to be doing that a lot at the moment. How tiresome. "Logan Bates" he introduced himself and offered his hand to shake.
...†Akira looked over at the male who remained silent and spoke, his arms still folded†...

" What? "

...†At that moment, the other male approached and talked to him. Akira simply spoke as he looked down at him with his piercing silver eyes, due to him being taller than everyone here. He did this while gripping the male's hand firmly, shaking it†...

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/7684716611a12749863968l_zpse37e1eb6.jpg.d8dc1acb7848643935866a95b1b3017e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39912" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/7684716611a12749863968l_zpse37e1eb6.jpg.d8dc1acb7848643935866a95b1b3017e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

" I see. I'm Akira Fukushima, however just call me Akira. I would say I'm Layla's boyfriend, but I don't think Layla would be okay with that, so I'll say I'm her protector. "


@Lioness075 @Valkyre



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Shade raised an eyebrow at this introduction and then wondered what Layla's response was going to be to what Akira had said. Shade still didn't like Akira since he was giving Shade some really uncomfortable feelings, but he didn't say anything as he still wanted Layla to show him around the school. He still had no idea where anything was around here.
...†Akira simply smirked as he looked over at the silent male. He then spoke†...

" Let me guess, you're probably getting uncomfortable feelings because of my Demonic powers, which is a natural feeling, I suppose. Don't worry, I don't plan on attacking anyone, so ease up, will you? Layla will probably show you around the place. She's nice like that. "


Logan's cold hand gripped Akira's in return, he looked up at the man with a cool gaze.

"I am sure that Layla is in safe hands, then" Logan replied smoothly, he got the unspoken message. Layla was off limits. Ah well, he was sure that there were plenty more around for him to play with. Human females were preferable, of course, but as long as they weren't mutts he wasn't overly picky about where his next meal came from.

Logan looked back over at Shade and Layla, he could hear Shade's discomfort in his heartbeat. It was merely first impressions but Logan was sure that he could manipulate Shade any way that he wished if he took the time. Some people were predators but others were born prey.

"That's Shade, he's new too" Logan informed the Demonic being, seeing as the male had yet to introduce himself.

@Lioness075 @Fukushima Akira
Shade couldn't shake the feelings, but subtly nodded at Akira after hearing what he said. He still didn't like Akira though and really would've preferred for him to say his goodbyes and be on his merry way.

He then inwardly sighed as Logan introduced him, yet again. Could he not stay unknown, if he wanted to, with this guy around? Whatever, it wasn't too big of a deal if people knew his name. He was in a school after all, which meant he was supposed to make friends. Though, Shade generally sucked at doing that.

@Valkyre @Fukushima Akira
" Nice to meet you both. A Vampire and a Nightwing, huh?. What an odd pair. "

...†Akira then looked over to Shade†...

" Nightwings are hard to come by nowadays. How'd you end up here? "

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/7684716611a12707395938l_zps367e4cfb.jpg.2c87aca81b582c6f23214d30c216972d.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="39913" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_01/7684716611a12707395938l_zps367e4cfb.jpg.2c87aca81b582c6f23214d30c216972d.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


@Valkyre @Lioness075

((( I'm gonna go off for a while, I'm insanely busy right now. )))



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Shade shuffled his wings a bit, pulling them closer to his chest, before responding quietly, "Chance, I guess." It wasn't like he had much of a back story to share, being an orphan and all. He had no idea what his origins were, and honestly at this point, he no longer cared.

@Fukushima Akira
Logan too turned his attention to Shade. A Nightwing, huh? Shade was becoming more interesting to him now that he knew his species, he could become very useful to him indeed.

"He could ask the same of you or are Demons common in this corner of Hell?" Logan asked with a small smirk, glancing over as Akira. If nothing else he was trying to deflect attention from Shade who was clearly uncomfortable. Hopefully he would be grateful, it wasn't a huge loss however if he were not.
Shade was a tad grateful for Logan's deflecting question. Although, he wondered why his bat-humanoid appearance didn't seem to faze anyone, but the minute he's a Nightwing, everyone is fascinated. What an odd world he'd entered....
Layla couldn't help but constantly shift her gaze back and forth between the three males around her. Sufdently, the word 'boyfriend' escaped Akira's lips as his introduction, and in turn, caused her cheeks to light up ever so slightly. Blowing her breath to regain her composure, she spoke in a hushed tone. "What? So you're my knight in shining armor now?" Giggling quietly to herself, she shifted her attention back over to Shade and Logan. "I'm surprised neither of you have asked for my species, which quite frankly is a relief." Layla nodded to herself, before leaning her back up against the wall behind herself. "As for other toys for you to play with Logan, you wouldn't have had much of a chance with me anyway. Besides, the rest of the girls at this school are captivated by one !ale student, Han. Luna, my sister on the other hand, would most likely get you before you get her. And Christopher, isn't around that much."
Logan cussed silently, he really did need to guard his thoughts more carefully. He bowed to Layla and looked up at her before straightening once more.

"My apologises, Miss Layla, I mean you no offense I assure you. I'm afraid that my thoughts run away with themselves sometimes when I have not fed in a while. Vampire instincts are quite vulgar as bloodlust increases, I'm sure you understand that I mean no one any harm. I only feed on the consensual and would not have it any other way" he said smoothly, his apology sounding natural and genuine even though it really wasn't. He'd had a lot of practice.
Shade rolled his eyes at Logan's act. He may not be much of a strong fighter, but he was great at sensing feelings and seeing through lies, which he guessed came from his Nightwing genes. As for girlfriends, that was the last thing on Shade's mind and he already knew that he'd most likely have no luck with any girls here. He knew he was way too shy and reserved to get any girls interested in him.
(Two new guys are lost and clueless about where anything is, and Layla is going to help show them around, but this was all interrupted by the sudden appearance of Akira)
Layla scoffed before making a 'tsk' sound. She hated liars, and Logan was clearly one of those. Shaking her head in disapproval, she found it humorous just how much he thought he would get by with such lies. "Don't. Lie to me. I should kill you where you stand for that." Blowing her breath, Layla regained her calm composure. "Now I am quite sure you both need some rest, so should we get going?"
Shade felt his mixed feelings flare up again when Layla got irritated. He inwardly sighed as he realized this was a much more dangerous school than he'd planned on going to. Listening to Layla though, he nodded in agreement when she asked if they should get going. Hopefully that Akira guy wouldn't follow them so at least some of Shade's nerves could relax.
Han stood up from his seated position against the cabin. The lightning disappeared from around his arm as he looked around. "I guess mortals make the world more interesting." He shrugged and appeared in his dorm room, wearing a white shirt with white pants. He nodded and walked outside.
Logan wasn't lying as such other than the apology not really being sincere. He didn't bother protesting, however, if anything he rather liked Layla for calling him out even if it wasn't wholly accurate. "Yes, thank you again for offering your assistance" Logan smiled, now that he was prepared to discount her as prey his manner would soon become less fake and charming. He would have to be careful that his natural coldness didn't take too much of a central stage, however, even if constantly faking emotions was draining. "Are there any rules I should know about? Particularly anything pertaining to blood"
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