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Fantasy Fantasy Highschool Life

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Shade didn't care for any blood rules so he let his mind wander. A moth then started to flutter by Shade's face and he quickly ate it, chewing it for a second or two before swallowing it. Man, that was a good moth. He didn't get too many big ones like that one to eat. Bugs and insects were his favorite dessert after all. Though, he hated them when he was in his Nightwing form.
"Rules? I suggest you keep away from ignorance is all I must tell you. And don't gt caught up with naive girls, unless you want to be another Han." Shrugging her shoukders, Layla smiled. Finally, she could allow her kindness to flow, otherwise, she would end up acting half as bad as her sibling. "Another thing, pertaining to blood. If you happen to run into Luna, don't provoke her, or she will take your blood willingly or forcefully. Anymore questions?"
Logan raised an eyebrow slightly as Shade ate the moth, each to his own he supposed. Naive girls made easy snacks but Logan had little interest in them beyond that and as for ignorance, he strove to stay informed in all matters wherever possible. The information about this Luna was useful though, he'd be sure to be careful around her although he instantly was intrigued by her.

"Noted. Although vampiric blood tastes foul, I really wouldn't recommend it unless we've literally just finished feeding" Logan chuckled softly, he didn't imagine that Luna would have much of a taste for it either.

"If there's one thing that you wish someone had told you when you first got here, what would it be?" he asked, more to see how she would answer than expecting some vital piece of information.
Shade was slowly growing bored with these questions as he really was tired. He let out a low yawn and then blinked a few times before deciding that if this conversation went on any longer then he'd just cling to the ceiling, upside down, and take a power nap.
Layla thought for a few moments. Sighing, she folded her arms under her breasts as she spoke. "I wish they would have told me, a single word is used too carelessly around here." She plastered a fake smile upon her thin lips, before pushing herself off the wall and beginning to walk down the hall, waving for them to follow. "Let's go "
Shinji woke up on the stair steps wondering were layla went shinji followed her scent and found her with other people hahahahaha sooo she is finally exposing her truth maybe i should listen Shinji hides and listens
Logan followed, staying a few steps behind her and slightly to her right-hand side. This time he took note of his surroundings, hoping that he wouldn't need to rely on other people for much longer. The blood thing was enough of a problem without needing other favours. Soon enough though his thoughts began to stray as he wondered what his life might be like if he hadn't been born a vampire, he knew nothing but the coldness and the bloodlust. He was unaware that vampires could have emotional depth because he had always assumed they were just as good, if not better, at faking it than he was. The bloodlust was something they all shared though, binding them and in the worst of times enslaving them.
Shade followed Llaya and Logan silently, taking in his surroundings and being careful to not trip over his wings. The tips of his wings almost always seemed to be dragging on the ground in front of him....
Layla froze, gritting her rows of teeth against each other. She could smell him, and the fact he was hiding made her angry. "Shinjii. Stop being an idiot." She didn't turn to face him, but kept her back faced to his direction. "Either you're here to complain, or here to kill me. Which is it this time?"
"Haaaah looks like you found me layla smart girl"Shinji then stood up from his hiding place "Well you can say i came here to kill you but not today"
Logan paused in his step as Layla came to a halt, unlike her he did turn in the direction of the hidden party. His enhanced hearing and sense of smell meant that he located him immediately, his gaze settling on the individual who soon came out of their hiding place. He remained silent as he took in Shinji, his lip curling in disgust as he openly threatened her. How distasteful. Even more so when it seemed that they had no intention of carrying out their threat in a timely manner. Logan sincerely hoped that this was not representative of most students at this school.
Shade eyed Shinji suspiciously and couldn't help but hiss at him as he felt like Shinji wasn't any better than Akira. Honestly, Shade just wanted to rest already and everyone seemed to be ready to prevent him from doing so. What was wrong with this school?
Layla blew her breath. "Because I don't feel the way you do? What a sad shame." Layla finally turned to face him, before passing through Shade and Logan, approaching Shinjii. She wasn't afraid in the slightest, but was humored. "Nows your chance. Any other time and I I'll kill you first." She tilted her head, waiting for him to harm her. In the least, he should be happy she cared enough to give him a chance at revenge.
Logan would have intervened to protect Layla if he felt that she was in any danger where she couldn't look after herself. He assumed that she could protect herself from this minor threat however and so remained where he was. Although his fangs did elongate slightly at the promise of violence, he still had plenty of self-restraint and so there shouldn't be a problem even if blood was spilt in this confrontation. Logan looked to Shade and shrugged.

"I don't know about you but my last school was rather more laidback" he chuckled.
Shade looked at Logan evenly and said quietly, "This is my first school." He then looked back at Layla and Shinji, curious to see how things would unfold.
"I have to say I don't think you've been missing out on much" Logan smirked, he didn't press to find out why Shade hadn't previously attended a school. That was his business and Logan wasn't much into prying, if he wanted to offer the information then that was up to him. "I've been to quite a few, Vampires are never popular. The whole feeding on people thing gets people paranoid, I can't say I blame them, we've gotten ourselves a very poor reputation" he sighed softly, it was a constant struggle to feed as a result which was why he made it such a priority. Logan never wanted to be in a position where he lost control and killed anyone.
Ebony continued to walk the halls, stopping when ever she came to one of hers, or Kuro's, classes. Scribbling down the names of the teachers as well as what subject they are, she had a hard time dodging some of the random students. At times, the cat on her shoulder would lean in the direction that she needed to use to avoid running into anyone.

Kuro wasn't amused. He hated being around so many people in an enclosed space. Even so, he maintained his spot on her shoulder to keep the klutz from hitting anybody. Especially since she had her face downward, looking at the paper, rather than focused on where she was going. He let out a deep meow as she almost ran into someone, causing Ebony to spin around them and continue on. "My bad!" Was all she said to the person as Kuro placed a paw on her face as if to say 'apologize.' Ebony only stared at the cat with a stubborn expression.
Now a bit intrigued about vampires and their feeding, Shade asked Logan, "Who all are you allowed to feed off of, just normal humans?" He knew very little about any other monsters and he certainly didn't know any other Nightwings so he'd lived a rather lonely life before coming here. Hence why he wasn't that great at socializing in general.
Layla simply blew her breath. Seeing as though he wasn't going to act, Layla made her way back over to Logan and Shade. "Let's go, before I have to do something I try to avoid." Layla didn't wait for their reply, but simply went on ahead down the hall, attempting to unfold her balled up fists in the process.
Layla neither winced nor showed any sense of pain whatsoever. Allowing crimson red blood to flow from the wound he created, Layla sighed. She shook her head in disapproval, turning to face Shinjii. Immediately, in that one turn, her right hand was wrapped around his neck, and his body was forced to be perched high off the ground with his back against the wall. Her once calmly lit crystal shaded irises were now a darkened crimson red shade. A first flame taking place of her pupils. "You have a death wish then?"
Shade went rigid when Shinji attacked Layla, but before he could react, she had reversed the positions and now it looked like Shinji was on the losing side. Instead of butting in, Shade simply stood still and watched everything unfold.
Logan followed Layla once more, a part of him disappointed that he wouldn't get to witness her in a fight. He was sure that wouldn't last though, he'd see her fight eventually. "There aren't really any rules regarding feeding. Some advocate synthetic plasma, others substitute with animal blood, others keep humans as blood bags or simply hunt and kill to feed. My personal rules are that feeding should only be done on the consensual, unless not feeding will cause a regrettable incident that could cost others their lives. The problem with plasma and animal blood is that it doesn't stop the bloodlust, it only dulls it and you need a more constant supply..." Logan trailed off as Layla was stabbed and subsequently her blood spilt. For a long moment, his gaze became transfixed on the crimson liquid before he composed him self once more. It would seem that the bloodlust was stronger than he had anticipated, although it was not yet a problem. At least it looked like the fight was going ahead after all. He pulled Shade with him, out of the way of the two as he seemed to have frozen.

"Good luck with that, I may be mistaken but I believe you will need it" Logan replied to Shinji.
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